Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Feb 1920, p. 8

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9L gin-n hy the At the recent lmnqu and Local Assncintinn (if 'I‘hm'nhill Richmond Hill it was again nhly put befmc tho Inouling by Mr. ll 0. Hum- mund, Pi-nvincinl Sx-crvlsny. and Utllt'l' Speakol-s, unLl plOVt'd lwyuml n (lnnhl, that. {he Scnnl mun-mom \vnslln- lH'st, the world nvm fur “'l‘ln‘ Buy." fur lhu leilsun than it Innkt-s hiln Inunly, self. reliunl. und lmlpful in H” lhnsH whom he enmes in cunlnclwilh. Fm llIS'illll‘l'. it touches lhv hny tn lw 5! might. Olli‘ll- lent, and pure- lhrunuh the \nrimm chdnnels whirh lu- passesâ€"lvaining to swim; iii-st illtl In lln- inijl; Ihv use Of the gun: hnw Lusipnnl; l-y unlisthrnâ€" iC exercises ln (levelup [he hudy: by his 1“sz nlld mnin lifo (IliSt’l'VHlllIll, the judging of distant o. huw Lu ('m k. hle to light it fin- Ulldt'l' :ill circnnisIum-oe, VVhHl, butter mou-nwnt (-nuld tln'rv be for the (lt‘Velupmvnl of the lnuy ? The Ypres 'l‘n op has maintained its stand and :u-rnniplished much gum] Work in lhecln-nm-lsuhm 0 nirntinned. The SCUIIL Mush-r :lpplvciulvs very much the gt nrl will and vncnniugv- ment which he has I‘Htf'lVl‘d flUlll limo to time fur lhe- “'nik \Vllll'll ln- and his assistant, Mr. Ruheit Munslnidgv. nu- carrying on, \vilh lho CU-Opt‘l‘nlloll (.f the following nmn: lh'l‘Vt‘ 'l‘re-nvh. ’I‘homns Mean-mick. F. W. Curler, RPV. Mr. McNeill, J. A. Greene. T. F. McMahon and Rev. T. R. Hnughlnn. nnl [new and his family. We mng At the recent hump Local Assm-intinn Hf Richmond Hill It was befme tho moulng hy Iunnd. Prhvincinl Sx-cr Speakers, and move-d I that. {he Scnul mun-m: the world nvm fur "'1‘ xensun than it Innkt-s I reliant und holpful tn he enmesincnnlnclwil it touches tho lmy tn l» ient, and pure- lhnuu chdnnels whirh hl' pus swim; first aid In [hr of the gun: hnw [Insign ic exercises ln deVPlupl 1“sz and camp lifv ( judging of dla‘lzlllt v. ht to light :1 fire Undu- ul VVhHL better mun-mm for the dm‘elupnwnl U1 one OI our mu who..-" MV ill. and lrust. lhal. Hwy and all lhc others. will soon he ahouL again, This movement could he made :L greater success in Thornhill and Rich- mond Hill with lhc hearty co-opera- Lion of the parents and fliends in our midst. The Scoulsare not allcwed to ask for funds. hut, are encouraged to 9am their-own; but anyone desiiingto make a donation could send a cheque to Mr. F. W. Carter. and we will see that thu amount is placed to the Scout, account in the Standaxd Bank of Canada. The Scouts have a hockey team and have distinguished themselves by win- ning a game at, Oak Ridges. Saturday. Feb. 7. the Scnuts will leave for Toronto on the 12.36 car, in charge of Ass'l Scout Master Roht. Mansbridge. to join in Treasure Hunt, which meets (orncr St. Clair and Balhurst. Scout Master will Inert Scouts “I, Stop 3. _ n.a I Hens and 5 Plfllets. MISS M. DRE\\'. Brookside Road (West End) Elgin Mills. Met. Stop 515. The Stunt Mu much the w or] went whivh he h to time for thv \assistant, Mr. 1h ilclllzlhm) und Rev. T. R. l‘lnughlnn. Col. lugs and his family. we IPgIPL to learn. are at pvt-sent ill with (hp “Flu.” We ulsn Ioglvt 10 hear that one of our old Scouts. Gen, Lusln-r. is ill. and lrust. 11ml Hwy and all lhl‘ others, will snnn ho nlu-uL again, In LA mull” .. The Scouts are for funds. but, are theirnwn; but any a donation could s F. W. Caner. and If. R OI'SE \VANTED â€" Advertiser wants to buym- rent .1 good- sized house. with all conveniences. and some ground. at Richmond Hill. State full particulars l‘t‘glll'dimg same. also price and terms. \Vould like posses- sion beginning of May. Nu agents. 71 Millbmnk Crescent. Toronto. 30 4 F meg to so mun-h sicknms in the Villagv. the anontim- Umnivul under the nuspicos of thv \illngt- Cnuncil, to he held in thv link this mening. has been pnslpum-d until Thursday. Fel- l'uuz'y 19. L. T0\V NSEN D. Carpenter and A . anitul-e Repairer, has for sale. Chest of Druwexs. \Vush Stands. Dressing Chests, etc. 3 doors south of Public school. 30 2 00D SAXVING dom‘ by the cord ‘01- by the hour; O RENTâ€"le suuth store. in the Grand Central Building. former- ly used by the Standard Bank. Vault in rear of building. Apply J. A. GREENE. Richmond Hill. ~61“); Will sbend Friday Mrs. Alan Annsuung’s at 0R SALEâ€"Frame 6-1-0011) H nuse, nearly new. Furnace. hard and soft. \vulm'. Lot 48 x 168; hen house, Cherry" plum. apple and pour noes. A nice. tidy hume, on Center street East. 20 tf Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. ‘ OR SALEâ€" Fresh nnlchcnw. with calf by side; ulsn :1 springer. and a nine-umnths old heifer. A, L. PHIPPS. Richmond Hill. t. f. “OR SALEâ€"A gund young cow, due to culw. L. B. STONG, Rich- mond Hill. ORSALEâ€"Threo pul v [)1 (-d Short- hmn hulls, 1011mmth nld. Ap- ply Jos. GEE, Lot 21, Gun. 3. Malk- ham. Gurmley R. R. 2. 31 2 4 0R SALEâ€"1 Cream Separator. 1 Daisv Churn. 1 set of Light Dnuhlo Hurnesa lsetnf Light Single flatness, new. 1 Stock Ruck. \V. MIDDLETON. 31 2 Stop 50, Richmond Hill. \l {ANTEDâ€"“HI. want some good farm and small properties fur quick sale. Olivm~&(7urter. 50-tf 0 FRESH COW“ and some forward a.., :.\,_.__..\ 2.”. In 0R7 SALEâ€"10 Pure \V. “'yandotte '30 2 CSTâ€"Silver Persian Cat mun , Buster. Ruwmd. HARRY D. NEWTON. 31 2 Richmnnd Hill OR SALEâ€"A quantity ‘ of goose wheat for seed. GEO. BAKER, {. 2. Maple. 30 4 312 Springors for sale. \V. J. LAWRENCE. 31 2 Richmund Hill Skating Carnival Postponed VVant Ads. Re Ypres Troop Friday evening at ng’s at 7.30. H. HAMMOND. pm}: brf-d Short- Oat name-d Notice is lH‘l'f-‘lly given that MARY IRELAND, of the oily nf Toronto. in [he Unuuly «If Ymk, and Pruvince of Ontnlin, will uppr to the Parliament of Canada. at the nextsvsflun thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. ALEXANDER IRELAND. of the Said City of Toronto, Baker, on the ground of adultery. Datnd N}, Tomntn. Provinee of On- tariu. this Thirtielh Day 0f October. 1919. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice 15 hereby given that Jennie \Vright,nffl19 City of ’l‘m'nnto, in the Cuunty (If York. in the Prm'incv of On- tm-in, urn-lied woman. will apply tn the Parliament, of Gdnudn, at the next session thereof. for a. Bill of Divorce from her husband. George Henry \Vtight, of the said City nf Toronto, in the Ununty of Ymk. Shipper. on [be ground? of adultva and desu'tiun. 100 :um-s Ii mih-s frmn Ynnge Slreet. 2nd con. \Vhilchulch. Bunk hm u 45 x (55. water in stable-s. Stone house, 7 rooms. 9511015 workable. full plnw- ingall dmw. Sui] cluy lmnn. 8 nm-(‘S full wheat. 20 acres mmdun’. PHCL‘ $8500 flu quick side. We have :\ large- list (If olhvx- farms fm snie in York Uuunly. Notice of Application for Divorce u Dat9d at menté, Pruvince of Ont- ario, this 'l‘wany-Lhird Day of Decem- ber, 1911). PHONE 82 19 11 Sulh‘itnl‘ \Vright . Notice of Application for Divorce Dated at Tnano, this T\VENTY- SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER A.D. 1919. ELLA MACDE GEE, WEDNESDAY EVENINGS â€" Admission IO and )5 cents, SATURDAY EVESINGS â€" Admission 15 cents. The Rink will be open nn \Vednes- days from 4 to 5 p.111. free to children under ten year of age. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE ROY STANLEY GEE. of :he City of Toronto, an the gmundnf adultery and desertion. Notice- is limehy givvn that OLIVE ANNIE \VORDEN of the. City of annnto in the Gummy of York and Province (If Ontario. married woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session [hm-90f for :1 Bill of Divmce from hm- hnsb'md. Alvndo Austin \anden. of the said City of Turnntn, Optician. on the ground of adultery. Dated at Tmunto. in the Province of Ontario. [his twentyâ€"eighth 0f Janu- ary, 192.0. 01 Dated at. Toronto the 30th day of January, 1920. HUGHES & AGAR 72 Queen St. \Vest. Toronto. Sulicilms fur the applicant. Olive Annie \Vm-den, 31 4! Notice of Application for Divorce Notice 15 lwxohy giver. llmflVILLIAM JOHN STE\\'ART. uf the City of 'l‘m-un- to. in the Cuunty uf Ym-k. and Prov- ince of Ontario. Sheet Metal Wm-ker. Will apply to the Parliament of Unna- da at, llw nan, Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Olive Stewart of the Town of Pa ris, in Lhe County of Brant. 0n the gruund of adulteI-v. Open for Skaters on Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Yungeand Charles Sts.. Ton-unto, is noted lhruughuut Canada fol high grade twining. Our graduates are in great dvnmml. Get, our (mt,- zlloguo. rend mu H‘Culd. then decide. \V. J. ELLI()'1Vr,Principal Richmond Hill Skating Rink \Vilh your eyes \\'i1 Busim ss Ct-llvges an Band Saturday Evenings Farm For Sale OLIVER 8; CARTER on, 8-2 RICHMOND HILL 31-45 26 13 HUGHES & AGAR, 72 Queen Street. \VPst. Tin-unto, Ontario ‘1‘ for the Applicant, SELECT A SC'iOOL CURRY & \VA LLAOE, ELLIOTT T. HERBERT LENNOX. 808 Lulnsden Building. [3 Toronto, Ontario J. A. MONKMAN. Chan-mun of Cummittee BIGGS & BIGGS Solicitors for the Applicant. By her solicitor 7.30 to 10 p. m Sulicflol's fm- Applicanl TICKEI‘S vide open. 1 are not “like '26-lb Annie All DECOR ATOR, PA PER-H ANG ER GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Plume 2449 Maple' The Map]? Sand. Gravel and Brick )nmpanv. Lt’d. haw on hand for sale. ()emenL drain lile, 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. lulu-rt tilp 1:3. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in lt-ngth) Also Cement, Brick. Sand 01‘ vael sold by the in car lots. WHITE BRAN and SHORTS Barley Meal Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour Monarch Pastry Salt, Cement 24-511. & 48-in. Dry Hard Wood Newton Brook communin church Methodist Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Pastorâ€"REV. P. A. JOURDAN Sunday, February lst Egg, Nut and Pea Coal on hand; also Cannel at the Elevator Public Notice ! I. D. RAMER The pasta ' at both son ices . S. SHEPHERD Evmylmdy \Volconw A good supply of A car load of (Late of Maple) Come in and let us demonstrate these Grafonolas and learn how easy it is to own one. You have a long winter of enjoyment ahead of youâ€"begin early. You Couldn’t Ask for an Easier Way Only$10Down in small weekly amounts while you are getting your enjoyment from it. It is a superb instrument, having all the good features to be found in phonograpbs costing two and three times the price, such as threespring drive motor. large sound chamber, tone control leaves, patented start and stop device. graduated speed control and best Columbia reproducer. Cabinet has space for seventy-live records. Take for example this: “'0 can sell you a handsome floor model (,‘ziliinet Grafonola similar to i1»- lustration, in either mahogany finish 01‘ fumed oak, for When it will be delivered to your home, and you can pay us balance of purchase price T. COUSINS. on hand. Wright Bros. Agents, Richmond Hill res. and Ma nagor Maple. the load ()I‘ Cor. YONGE & CENTRE Sts. PHONE 87 Furnace and Stovepipes on hand. The Tinsmith EAVETROUGHING and all kinds of Tinsmithing dunc. NWWOOWW”NOWO¢W 0 Hardware Richmond Hill 1 wmwwummoww TINSMITHING Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. FULL LINE OF Farmers’ Supplies Pumps \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham Wagon on hand. SEE F. Teetzefl (luilyfm' qualified recruits. A course in mm of Shaw's Svhunls will qualify you in SllorLOndor. \VriLe for catalogue and pm vf (.f demand for our gradu-atsm. Atlllwss: P. McIntosh, Chief Principal. Yunge and Gerrard Sls., Toronto. ' STOVES REPAIRED up’Lu-unbr: \JHULI: Ill DLHUK‘ Illlilllulll)‘ ‘â€" GRANIÂ¥EKVAHE, TINWARE, WHITE ENAMEL, GALVAN [ZED TUBS AND PAILS. BROOMS. BRUSHES. ETC. The New Hardware Store BUSINESS CALLS ONLY THREE LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. Take advantage now as this line has advanced 10 per cent. GOOD LINE OF SKATES, PUCKS, AND STICKS Full line Qf_Up;@:date Gnods in Stuck. including ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS DOHERTY STEEL RANGES C. N. COOPER ELECTRIC WASHERS HOCKEY GOODS Trench Block Ladders \Vheellmrmws Sculpers Iron Posts, Gates Hydrated Lime Rout Pulpers Ruhb er Roofing. always on hand. Bank, for the past 45 years, has done its share in the development of the business of the Do- minion. Our experience and equipment are at the service of every customer. ’93 SERVICEâ€"This STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH J. R. HERRINGTON, M'xNAGER THE

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