Subscriptions also taken for weeklies : Send your subscriptions to The Liberal Office and we will do the rest. Subscribers to The Liberal will receive Toronto Daily newspapers at the following rates : ’ Messrs. R. Thnmus and \V. 0. Mc- Dnnald nf MleIP. real (‘itille “gems, last, week closed [119 mle of Mr. James A. Unmomn's 20†acre- farm. lwinszlots 31 and 32. 41h concession Vaughan, near Testnn. A handsome price was paid fur this excellvnt. funâ€. and the purchaser was Mr. James Pattnn. drover. nf Laskaty. Mr. p.1va- M i I Is. the hl hopvs short, Mixnnd Mrs. ViLtm- Pugslvy with theirsnn Cull \Villinm. "tun-0d In the \th Frh. 7. after spI-nding nvvr lwonmnths with rulntiuis in Rich- mond Hill. I Owing to >0 murh Sit village, lln- Medlcul “ml ordered lhv [mink-5:111- étlld next “(u-k. A mv-lting r-f Richmond Pust G. A. U. nu'mlmrs will he hvhl m the Council Chamber l“vhruury 191mm. 8 pm. All members are n-qursted to 1w preavnt. The Thrn'nhill will mom, on- Thu: the home, “1' Mn. Thonlhill and Richmond Hill cm h-r plude n clt|5(‘g;llx1(' (-11 Saturday. ll) wruwr winning by 2 points. Mr. hust Mth-uu 'l. director “1' Ihv m bhuw to he hold in '1 ing summer. Come and get your Pastry Flour, the old price $12 per barrel. Bread Flour, Pulity, $14.20 a barrel. Rolled Oats $5.25 per bag, while they last. Corn Syrup 60C. 21 5 lb. pail. Also a few more bags of sugar. These are good buying as the price has advanced. All kinds of Canned Goods in stock. COME OR PHONE YOUR ORDER. Farmers’ Sun (twice a week) $1.50 Family Herald, Montreal! 1.50 F armer’s Advocate 1.50 Canadian Farm 1.00 So whenever _\ou want So c_ome in and give us :1 chance. Q‘W'e can sell them the same price as sold any- where in Canada. ‘ 913%ng Rates His Master’s Vuice Records are' known the world over and ploduccd in ev-Jy tongue imagin- able. Come in and let us make )ou want to dance, or sing or may be laugh till your sides are sore, and sometimes ifyou feel like-it, will let you cry. We make you do all these things with a liberal applica- tion of Daily Globe $3.50 Daily Mail & Empire 3.50 Daily World - 3.50 Daily Star 2.75 J. S. $119,)11Pld. puinlm' nnd hunger. has reuunml lo Elgiu in thehnuw cliI-eclly nm-lh of ucksmilhshup. Mr. Slwplwrd to lune u phnne installed in n time. Phone 852--â€"Mapie Bakery “His Master’s Voice†Music We. are always pleased to wait on you Maple Bakery for Bargains THE RECH \Vumvu sdny Fe ‘m'uulu lh Mï¬ND HILL HARDWARE CO. 5'11 knt's; in 11w 1h Ufï¬L-l-r has :1 (:Ensud [his Instituu Au (-mmIn-uging IPDOIt was I‘(‘('(‘i\‘9d frnmj Mr. Rngms. lnspvctm; who ICC- mnmonded u. fuul‘th teacher for the high srhnul. Th0 Board decidvd to moot in the hign Rchlml ï¬rst \Vednosduy evening of much mnmh. the in}; hmr's. Rev. E. Kelly. \V. A. \inght. Mr. “'4 H. Pugaley \vns eloclvd a member uf the Public Lihrmy Bnnld. and Mr. E. H. Thm'pu an Associutt' Emmiu‘cr f: r Entrance Exams. The (‘StlllHllPS fur the year won- st‘l luck as follows: Public school, $7000; High school. $2000. A mum in tlwiiasoment was granted the Y. M. C. A. every Saturday even- lhl‘ (ml lluuugh Lln- Hvlinnu- Gm ed in the Hahinsnn Man :llmutiï¬) Women and gill gngml with :Ihmlt 30 s--\\‘i of varinus kinds. Th sewn In enjoy thvir \\'m Lurnir-g out lune ummh’l The Rirh held in I!) lll )me new Records, imd [In r'nllld mp.1ny nru-rt ) Lln- h Board of Education hnumrl Hill Sued F he Lmnv Hull. 5: the following murmng U sawing Thu 1' “'1†k. unntilivs (mecnllm sng was lll‘ lhu sax-v llunllnu-g ncmnr Unwne 7 was shown nm-nts Lilllil- i. \V(‘ found ls husin or.- ing mm-hines w vmplnyt‘t's 1k. 'lhry me time (1f ladit's' illfl‘llllt'd us up with the I'M†be Ill ants 0f the regular mm of Feb. last llut very la growing. for nwmhm met-ling, “1' date to 588m Hill and xic that the G. gunizution l the snv. eve It is will) gI-Put pleasure I an) writ- ing you these few lines (2n behalf of my cmumdes. At our meeting held in the Cl-uncil Chamber on the evenâ€" ing of Feb. 5th. We had the good for~ tune to hem- Ilmt yuu would be will- ing to publish a liille w: in: up on our meetings, held hex-n wher a new pow of the G.A.U. has been opened for the welfare of the annuities and depend- ants of the :31 out, war. As our ï¬rst 1-0gul-1r1nwting was held on the 5th of Feb. last our pust here although nut very lurgv to start, is gradually growing. A number of applications for nwmbH-ship are in fan our next meeting, nndl hope at some future date to see, every \‘otémn 01' Richmond Hill and xiciuiry with us. I may say Sir icinity will tune meeti Savage. Room â€"F. McNeil, E. Harding. Room VIâ€"G. Grant, R. Gullld. Romn V Sr. IIIâ€"Vulda Stnng. OliveTnyinr, Margaret Mitchell. Q. Smith. Elmore Harding, Edward Robinson. Mun-inn Rainer, Joan Lush- ('I'. Genrng Bulkmu j!" IIIâ€"John Hurt. Francs-s Batty, Lewis Sims. Margaret Stirling. Frnn~ (:vs Dulny, Ric-haul Saunders, George Patton, Howard Atkinson, Dux'uthy Atkinson, Evelyn Gl'nhzun, Margaret Dix<m.l\'y Fnden. Ivy Smith. Eva Maynaul. Alfxed Gminger. Bruce Innvs. Lon-nine Dunlap, Frank Mc- Neil, Ben-L Hammond. M:ui:1n Grain- ger, Dean lnnvs. \ViHiu Mylks. Aileen Atkinson. Rnswl Lynett. Eleanor Hay, Lillian Rumble. Tum Ual'lt'r. Muhcl Rand, Bvrtrmn Grainâ€" gm', Fwd Keilh. ' Seer Room IIIâ€"H. Shmpless, M. Dun can. M. Patton, 0.8.111]. B. Kemper Rumn IV~â€"l). Hick. U. Manson. R Saul. U. DIOI‘LSOD. I. Blnlu'hznfl p Late-s ff‘l' last \vook. Room I~A. Norman. D. Duncan. N. Davis, G. vansend.S. Denhy. F. Palmer, J. Graham, G. Townsend. \V. Savage, F. Puluwr. S. Denhy, A. Moi-Lsnn. Rnom llâ€"L. Page, H. Stanford. B. laldwell. B. Caldwell. Room IIIâ€"H. Shmnlpss. M hum- SurinIâ€"Mrs, R Thompson. Pljize List, Thompson. st. H Atkinson. mxhlhitionâ€"Mr. N. Sim-Hie. M. T Ivisnn. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. \Vilcucks, Mrs Style. A resolution was pflFSPd by the di- rectors that this Society wife-r In each church in the village twenty dullaxs’ Worth of trees and shrubs fur thy dot-- m-atiun of the church grounds. Each chulch wishing to take advantage of this offer mmtnpply to the Sncipty nut; later than February 11. The fol- lowing committees \verp appointed: Programâ€"Mrs. Lungstnfl’. Mrs. R. Simpson, Mr. J. E. Francis. Prize List, and Printingâ€"Mrs. A. rm nnnnnnnn "7 n .. _- H At my monthly met-ting of tho Hur- ticnltural Suciety. the Rev. BIL-Dung- all Hay spoke upon some uf the gloat social problems of the day. AL the close- of the meeting :1 resolmiun of thanks was passed to Mr. Hay for hisuddress and ful his interest in the S()giety. V (uCt'ln'mrl Snnduv fun-11mm. cvivvd «'IS :I‘ shook by many 1' und fl-ivnds. Dom-used was seiz an attack nf pneumonia. and away uftvr a few days’ illnpss. u smvlcc at the l'vsidt'nr‘e 'l afternoon, cnndmtmd by RM: McNeil]. \Vt’“\\'( nd, Mchs- :m the funm-al trunk place to [In mnnd Hill Cemetery. Damn survived by his widow, (\vn su three dnughu-n Lute-s for last woek EXhilmjï¬ionâ€"Mr. N 1nd I‘lu The news of tlw (lvalh ( uu'nsumn. Mr. DilYid ’1‘. 5 ICCln'J‘d t‘unduv fnwnn Th Ur. A. U. is not a one‘mnn on 1101' can one man have everything is open for 's to deuide ume to (\i COM 13' G. A. w ( ‘mm mun ln-r Grand Army of Canada â€"F. McNeil, E. Harding. VIâ€"G. Grant, R. quld. V Sr. IIIâ€"Vulda Stnng. yinr, Margaret Mitchell. Q. Elmore Harding, Edward Public School Notes Mon-[son , I; Death of Mr. Sloan L. KNE ESHA\\', Teacher. accounts \\'(‘l‘(' nunuil :Idjmu'r THURNHILL Village Council wx nd. Mchs- and an, rmk place tn the Rich- ‘omvtory. Docenlsod is s widow, twn sums and ) remain, all, Mr. Mo'yiéf'm; Simpson, Mrs .C. WALDER. Richmond Hi1 nlt'llmbn. v by many 1m Pd “‘lls seiz; fled from \md L. B. 81 ('HI inu‘e I]: from My of our ft-Ilmv Slmm. \vhivh [a kc] W ('l'Pk s. VAfter Tuesday . Messrs. Slung :It s "Cu-pt- Dun- Jper. . R. , P. (mg. , Q. val-d .nbhâ€" Ltty. mn- urge :Lhy nret Eva rune MC- 'nin- 'lks. etr. l‘um nin- s H‘â€" In t ives (1 With passed I“ we 11) Mix paid Bl Toronto ne ‘OOOOGOMWOOONMMWOOWOOQOWM W Insurance and Money loans placed. AT LIBERAL OFFICE MONDAY 1 TO .3 I? W. J. LA WRENCE REAL ESTATE AGENT 55 7 Yonge St. - Toronto CITY AND COUNTRY HOMES FARM‘AND GARDEN PROPERTIES Store closes at Fresh Muscatel Raisins lb 2 lbs Pearl Tapioca ............ Finest japan Rice ............... Sour Mixed Pickles, large bl Heinz’s Tomato Soup, tin.... Heniz’s l’remrml N'nclï¬-I' re and half acre lots, railroad and building lots on our Richmond Hill sub-division. tme sell your farm or any property you have. Insurance and MoneV loans nlaced. Thorn pson’s Seedless Lurkey Ked thntz, good designs. ............... Butcher Linen. Bleached...., 38 in. wide, yd , Loch Lomond Shining, in Brown and Grey Check, per yd ................................... Rock Fast Drill Shirting, Black with White Stripe, per yd ........................................... Men’s Heavy Dark Twecd Shiits, each........ Heavy Police Braces. pair .............................. Black Taffeta 5 Raw Silk, 32 in Misses and On Gowns, wi hroidery ..... Turkey Red‘C Butcher Linen, INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST HR! . G. SAVAGE 8: SON Richmond Hili WHY? ’reparcd 1 presume would be your answer. Then elfand family for the same reasons, with pm‘ for Fire Insurance knowing if nothing .1 A__A__ H WSHL} 36 in. wide in. wide, per Sirle \Vhite [‘ with Yokes f Groceries m. Monday and Wednesday awrence Raisins, lb ‘r yd .................. [“lannelettc Ni ï¬nished will] I: bottle 30c 30c 35C 16c 30c 15c 38: 600 55c 50C 75C