Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded Barrister, Solicitor,VNotary, H OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3}. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631 Musical Kmdei‘éarten Pupils passed ful‘ Conservatory RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Tegghep of Eletcher Method A large stock of Funer JOHN R. CAMPBELL RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Dentog, Macdonald 8: Dentorrrl Barristers, Snlictnrs. &c MANNING ARCADE. 24 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHOXE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedu†Frank Denton, K. 0. Arthur A. Macdmm Id 200 BERESFORD AVE. W1 Phone Junction ’72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ E‘ All mail orders will rec attention, Solicntor [‘nr Telephmw Mai n 2777 {Lumsdvn Bldg. Oï¬â€˜jces { East, TUI'UIHU [Naughtcn Bloc Maple Licensed Auctitmm'rs fur1 York. Sales :lttendud to notice, and at, reusannble‘ FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales at every description. Fan-ms and farm stock sales a sprainllv. Farms lmught and sold on cmmnissiun. All snlvs at- te‘udud to on shortest. notice. and mm- ducted by the must, approved methods. t‘mnage salinited. Undertakcrs & EmhnIIm-rs. Dr. F. E. MAXWELL V.S.B.V.Sc.Â¥ Phone839 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY Ere Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings, 33 Richmond Stu-wt, \Vvst. Richmond Hill Uï¬iuu (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday fur-911mm. Maple, Thursday afternnun. Wood hridqe..S:l[nrd.-ly forennon. College and 'l‘ornnm University. Three years expexie-nce in H. of A. Branch, Dmnininn Dvpt. of Agricul- ture. All culls promptly and cmxrt'ot ust ultvndvd. - SEW? ..Ma.9Naughton Hon. (haduate uf‘OntnI-in Vetenimuy n ,. .7 . . “HA...†._..A m A , p.11) Money to Lnun at Cuu'ent Rate Ofï¬ee and l‘é‘sid('IK‘Pâ€"vanngv 5 Richmond Hill. Phone No. 21 STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICH MON D. Richmond Hill. 931 BARRISTE. J'- T- SAIGEON VETERINARY SURGEON, Tllornhill. (Sucqusnr to Dr. Pentlund) Oï¬â€˜ice hours~830 1“) 10 mm. m H In 8 [MIL J- I‘I. I’n'entice JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER $1.50 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XLII LIGEï¬SED AUC'j‘iO'NEE K9. . HEWISON WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK 415 Bullinl Sh. Ton-nth I’hunP thmmt 1347 'utl-onuge - J. P- VVILSON 108p tm‘ Uonsel vntory Rminations. ‘ of Funeral Furnishing the :lhOVP places The Tan of Aurora J. M. \anmn, Amm‘u iOLIC YEARS’ EXPERIENCE 11‘ A. Macdmmld ‘r:_Lnk \V. Denton. Jr Residence Elgm Milk Residence Phone 44.4 ‘lock. Aurora Ible rates. solicited C. WALKINGTON King for tlw Unpnty n] lllg'lltOll TOR NOTARY g, 6 Adelaide St WEST TORONTO eive prompt un shm-tesL Maple, Ont. -3mos Slroet. 1 l0 Putatovs, Chzli'los Jinrwï¬eï¬s. {VA-d:- rick. Lute Pntatoes, Albdt Jones. Charles Jones. Mr. Smith, the GO' sontalive. cnngi-utulat nn the exhibits. noting pmvement.(Ivor lhnS< Mr. Smilh is :i praclic his able :lddl‘PSS and u; questions were I-eceii satisfaction. At the c was :lCCUl'de :i heatty on motion of Mr. M Legge. Afterlhe judging, taken by Mr. James Ah President when shun-t ‘ given by Secretary H Mr. J. S. Manir, Mr. Mr. Gen. I{E§tll and Mn The Seed Fair last Saturday under the auspices nf the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society was by far the most successful e\ er held in this place. Thele was a gi-ud attendance, and the judges, Messrs. A. R. G. Smith of New Hmubui-g. and Gen. Keith of Toronto. said they had new-1 judged a. Letter collection nf gmiu. et‘eds um] l‘ntxlnue anti he wiil n}; h sible after being nu The Sumt Muster hupe Scouts will do all in their p Sist in preventing the SDI Flu and other dim-ases a. He conveys his- deeprsl sy ln'hulf of the Sunnis [0 thus: I“ ,_ W ., . uu'cu again, when arrangemems will he made fur the carrying; uuL of the badge examination, as well as the treaam-e hunt. which \vus also pustpuned. The Sumt Muster lmpes lhlt [he Scouts will do all in their puwm' m as- ;..‘> .‘ n. 7-7 " ‘ The Sum! tud. owing having to made for S: the exumin mittvv of Miss U: rey was in Tum in atlmuinnuv upon hursi ill. Hrr place was supp! Queenie Fry. Mr. J, Kimmie. Sr. puss Sumhy morning in hi< n after :1 two \weks’ illn'ess ul tnuk place on Tuesday The monthly tum-ling men’s Instilutv was hvld day of last wee-k at [119 hi H. E. Koifmx A paper lny ing, :1 5010 by Miss LPl‘LL’ shumoutnl 89 ion hv Iâ€" Dmvney won-9 [11 the prom-“Innâ€, :1 (ca \‘ s st‘l'ved. The fullowing are ,7 U, u... nuu Mm. W. (Tnmp. A Inrgp number hf young people \vvru pntert‘ lined at lhv home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Robeson. on Monday owning nf lust week. The lehudist church I‘iliS?d m‘er $1200fm-thu Form-11d Movement be- ing $20!) in advance of the objective Mr. J. A. Rose gave an :lddlE’SS (m Ax-mvnidto the Sabbath School on Sunday. Miss My! He Mis? Isnhe-l Brrmkor Inf ’1 SN" {‘11. :ln :1 Tin-w was a good nuvndnm Valentine social nu Friday and the sum of $35 was (th‘nl Thus. Cunnins :Iqu-d us chain. an inle-resllnz Iocturv nn thu \Vt'sL" was K. (3.. nf M instl umth tttoo of the Cu outs Assnninth-n ned. as well as \ Iinle-reslmglecturv on [119 “Great, ’e‘sL†was given by J. \V. McDonald, . (3.. 0f MacLend. Alia. Vocal and st] "mental svk-nlinns wow given by iss Myltlc Saigw-n, Mrs. Harries. is: Isuhvl Pricr‘ and Miss Lilian 'rmkor nf Tma'unto. After tna was Hod. an amusng feature was ([19 \lentixw I’. O. conducted by Mr. and . .. \n (V RICHMOND HILL. ONT ssful e\ er hold in this plnm'. n gum! attendance, and [he ssrs. A. R. G. Smith of New and Gm. Keith of Toronto, gmin, suéds ï¬nd potatoes. judging, the chair was James McLean. Isl Vice- IL-n short nddr 5395* We": ~retury_H. A. Niclmlls. ing notiï¬ed Spiel-Linn by Miss V the Government repre- grrutulau-d the directors 5. noting the vast im- er lhnse nf lust yvur. practical farmer. and :s and answers to many b received with much At the close the speaker Seed Fair Ypres Troap ms in Tumnlo lust week upun hursiatm- who was md M 1-. Smith. tum-ling (f the ‘ was hvlrl on \Ve k at [119 1101110 of MAPLE the prize-winners :mses a. {mugst Us. eprsl sympruhy on s In those “110 have Llltil' family during Ly \‘Ute of [hunks McNuir and Mr ’. passed :quy ( \ hi< nine-Heth ye: “miss. The fune esalny Mien-noun. cling (f the \V (‘hix‘lf h or winch supplied by Miss In Essentials, Unity; in ridny evening ; clmwd. Mr. chairman and Mrs. Mann md a.†in Id of the ss Verna ltxlws If Iftm-noou It thr' “'0- (1 "PS- M rs. Effstichmam Hm Annex on HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS \NILLOVVDALE Richmond Hill FOR FURTHER INFORMATIQN WRITE OR SEE c. A. SKEELE; J. T. LOCKE & (10., , mu, unusmcn u. a 33.3l-lh son of the great, KING SEGIS. lnnlher tn the sires («)f three world’s recmd cowsâ€"mature 50.68, Sr. Lyn-old 46.84. Jr. 4-y1'.-old 40.32 "13. Junior held sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, a. half hmther to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO, out of z. 30 lbs. Segis cmv. He is for sale. If this combinatinn of breeding interests you, write for prices on either mules or females. FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL Herd sire. AVONDALE PONTIAC EUHO (under lease). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA, the world‘s best record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter, 41 lbs. Only one other 41-“). bull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes neme ï¬fty daughters of a. 33.3Llh son ‘of the great, SEGIS. lnnther tn the sires ref thrve Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.“ Trackage Lotgon Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St and Clarence Avenues. Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Acre Garden Lands. .. THURSDAY. FEB. 19 1920 For Sale on Easy Terms . Burnaby u Jefferson, 0m MCKENZHE BROS. Flour and Feed IO Adelaide St. E, Toronto 5t., Belmunt ONTARIO 0 523??ng Liza-#155. hmcafl E111 COMM l SSEONER LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Putrnnnuennd influence lespectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. add Victoria Sq unre Gormley. B4 Mr. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN in Richmond Hill nu Thursdays Address Nurdviumr Building 220 Yonge St. Tom. CRO‘VNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30am). to 5 p.m Tenc 1er of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music 21nd St. Mnrgaret‘s College. Rich mund Hillâ€" \Vodnesdays and S.LLurduys. Han. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be Richmond Hill every Tuesday. Dr. G. La. @192 @ayfl E51! Licensed Auctioneers fur Turn the Uountxes of York, Peel and Phone 950 \Vnodbridge TEACHER 01“ PIANO Stop 54 Jeff 1:20. Shaver. ILA Peter Tgy 1'0}, E. W. Rhodes. B.A. Organist and Choiilendcrnf Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. RPceives pupils fur pinnu on Fridays at the church. Examinurinns and sight, read- ing a specialty. Pupils prepared for examinations nt'Tm'nntn Unnservatory and Associated Board of Royal Acad- emyof Music and Rnan College of Music. Studio 90 Muherly Avn. Toronto. lene Gerrard 238 Phone 01- \Vrite for Appointment. Miss Alida Beynon Tel A elaide PLUMBING AND TINSM ITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. J BEWARE ï¬m J. EARLE‘ NEWTON PIANIST . Frank 551 EéSBMB )hun A. C. HENDERSON Shaver Taylor 45: Rhodes VALENTINE WEST 2:3qu :43; 365.: Iiiâ€"ante . BARRISTE ‘IAXD NOT B‘Ly Street [Single copies, 3 cts. Bic-IE wen Barrlsmrs. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. 1 ()fï¬c ) Hon &c ' 4 $5011 ARY PUELIE CONVE! «mu Verne Pattison â€".\lnin 6508. *â€"-Muin SMâ€. 1L 3’ (3 R Hamilton Tmac Bldg Rooms INS-305 Opvmsite (31w Hull 57 Queen St. West Town 0 3'0! P. O. nddpea (5m mlcy, R. for Tux-(mtg and Feel and SIHXCOB Appointment )i‘ Z‘TOR L’nuc 'E‘umnbo sttery Evenings Mmmr Road North Toronto “‘93.. ‘19- Jefferson No.33 El;