Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Feb 1920, p. 4

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9 inonths. J. ‘1‘. SAIGEON $13: A. EGAN, Auctioneers. TUESDAY. MARCH 30‘â€" Fau m stock. im- plexuegts. rtt:., lot 89. con. 1. \Vhit- rhurch. Yonge stlert, prnpvrty of \Vm. Bl‘illingr‘r. Sal»- at 1. Tel ms 8 mos. sAXGEON & WALKINGTUN, Aucridfié'ers. Sale nt 1. 9 months. SAIGFZON & \VALKIN( TJN. Auctioneers. \VEDNESDAY, FEB. 25.â€"Farm stuck, implemets. etc., lot 18. rem-con. 5, Vaughan. property of \Viu. O’Dell. ‘ Sale at l. 4 ummhs. SAIGEON & \VALKINGTON. Auctiunoeis. 1 WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3â€"Furm stock. implements, elm. Int 13. rear con. 3, Vaughan, property of Alfred Hul‘ lingsheud. Sula at 1. Terms 811105. SAIGEON & \VALKINGTON, Aucls. l l THURSDAY. MARCH 4â€"Fnrm stock & implements. lab 2]. cm). 3, Vaughan, 'propeity uf Russell Rumble. Sale at l. THIHS 8 months. SAIGEON & \VALKINGTON, Auctioneers. . \VEDNESDAY, MARCH lOâ€"Furm stock. implements. &c., lot 2. con. (5, Vaughan), properly nf Ralph Sutton, Terms 8 months. Sale at l u’clock, SAIGEON & \VALIiINGTOX. Aucts. l THURSDAYâ€"MAR. Ilâ€"Dispei‘sion sale of registemd Holsteins. Int 28. can. 5, Vaughan. properly nf E. Gustatur. Sale at 1. Terms 8 mos. SAIGEON & \VALKINGTON, Amtinm-us. ‘VEDNESDAY. MAch lTâ€"Farm stock and implements, lot 33. PM]. 3. Mark- ham. prupmty uf .l. & E. Cameron. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms. 8 months. Tz'G. LYON. Ailctioiwor. TUESDAY. MARCH 23â€"Furm stock. im- THURSDAY. FEB. 19â€"Fm'm plenwxns. elu. lot 33. I cum. Vaughan. prnpmty KFI'I'. Snip :IL I. 9 mm G.on & \VALKINGTUN, Au TUESDAY. FEB. 24â€"-Furm : plemeanmth 141(15. (011.6 plopexty of Alex. M. ML plemenls. etc., Inf. 9.00:) 3.}{ihéif'n-BB- tfrty of Harvey J. \Vells. Sale at 1. Sale WIANTEDâ€"‘Ve want some good furm nnd small pmperties for quick sale. Oliver 6: Carter. 50-” Mr. Frank Kétfer's farm of 74 acres in the 3rd cnncession of Vaughan has been sold tn Mr. Anthony Bmves. The deal was pul; through by Messrs. R. Thomas and W. O. McDonald of Maple. Premier 11‘. C. Drury was elected in IIulton on Monday over Mr. Stephen- son by a majority of 2,300. We I‘(- suit should give acneml satisfaction over the “11 ile Province. When a gentleman has been called to the Premiership by the Lieut.-Governor, surely the electors of Halton showed good judgment in electing him in preference to an aspirant whose only claim was a personal ambition for political honors. VER 250.000 farmers bought the "2" engine. They know it 15 power: fui. dependable and practically foolproofâ€"truly a great en- gine. 3 But now We announce the one addition which couici possibly improve the "Z" per- formance â€" Bosch high tension, oscdianng magneto ignition. 3 So let us show you in detail tius greater engine value. 3 Our serOice to you is remarkably Eompiete and _we are assisted by a nearby_ Bosch Service Station. \V.G.Bald0ck Agent Greater Engine Value Richmnnl Hill. Sides Register _elc.. lot 33. war han. propexty of Charles 9 at, I. 9 months. SAI- ALKINGTUN, Auctioneers. but 15. con. 6. Vaughan), lax. M. McNaughton. mumps. SAIGEON & Fnrm stock, im- 3â€"Furm stock. 13, rem- mm. 3, of Alfred Hul- 'm‘m stock. im- 19th. H1230 THURSDAY. MAR. 25â€"Pux'e-bH-d regis- tervd Holstein cattle. farm stock. implements. etc, Jefferson Bond Lake Farm. property of Frank Legge. Sale at [1 sharp. FRIDAY. MARCH 26â€"Farm stock and implements. lot 22. 4th lino. Mark- hnm.propex-ty of \Vm. Craig. Sale at: 1. Terms. 8 mommy. SATURDAY. MAR. 27â€"Farm stock. im- plements. eta. lot 37. rénr of lst con.. Vaughan. property of Geo. Schell. Sale at 1. 8 months. TUESDAY. MAR. 23â€"Fanu stock. im- plements, etc.. 10: 31. con. 1. Scur- horn, prnpm-ty of Isuzu: Ashbridge. Sale. at L 8 months. \VEDNESDAY MAR. 2{â€"-Furm stock, implements. etc. Lot 3. Con. 4. Vaughan. Property of Thos. Gor- don. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months WEDNESDAY, MAR.10â€"F:llm stock. implemenLS, etc. Lot. 18. (3011.3. E. York. Pioperty of John Gioce. Sale at 12. Terms 8 months. THURSDAY. MAR. 11â€"Furm stock, implements. etc. Lot 4. Con. 4, E. York. Property of Chas. Fitzpat- rick. Suleat 1. Tet-ms 8 months. FRIDAY. MAR. 12-Farm stock. im- plements. etc. Lot 15. Con. 10. Markham. Property of James Max- well. Salem. 1. Terms 8 months. SATURDAY. MARCH IIIâ€"Dairy Cattle and farm stuck. lot, 23. con. 5. Mark- ham, property of Bus Latton. Sale at] o’clock. Tet-ms, 8 msnths. MONDAY. MAR. 15â€"Farm stuck. im- plements, otc.. at Sullivan’s Corner, E. York. Pmpexty of Goo. May. Sale at l. Tums 8 months. TUESDAY. MAR. lGâ€"Furm stock. im- plements, etc. Lot 19. Uon. 4. Mark- ham. Propeity of D. Smith. Sale 3'. 1. Terms 8 months. l \VEDNESDAY. MAR. l7â€"Fnrm stock. implenwnts, etc. Lot 30. (Jon. (.1, Scurlmro. I’xnperty of \V. D. Thompson. Suleat 12. Terms 8 months. I THURSDAY, MAR.‘18â€"F.u‘m slnck. imâ€" plements. etc. Lot 5. (Jon. 3, E. York. Property of Milne Bros. Sale at 12. Tu-ms 8 months. FRIDAY. MARCH 19â€"Fux-m stock and itnplvnwnls, lot 10. con. 8, Markham. proporty of Harry Lilly. Sale at; 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. SA'I‘E'RI)AY. MAR. 20â€"qu In stock, im- plements. blacksmith tools, etc.. lot 21. 3rd lino. \Vest, York, property of A. Rndfurd. Sale at 1 MONDAY. MAR. 22â€"Farmstock, im p19 nIPan. eta. Lot 16, (lon. D, Scur- lmro. Pmperty of Gen. Atkinsonâ€" Sule at 1. Terms 8 months. l SATURDAY. FEB. 28â€"Fm-m strck, imâ€" plements. etc. Lot 26. Con. D. Scar- horo. Property of \V. Dip. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. MONDAY. MARCH 1â€" Farm stock and implements. lot 6. con. 9. Markham. property of Hugh Beckett. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. TUESDAY. MAR. Zâ€"Fnrm stock. im- ‘ plements.etc. Lot, 17. Con. 2, \V. ‘ York. Property of John Ghellew. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. ‘WEDNESDAY, MAR. Râ€"F‘urm stock, implements. etc. Lot 25. Con. 5, Min-khan]. Properly Geo. Geo. Sale at; 1. Terms 9 months. THURSDAY. MAR. 4â€"Farm stock im- lements. etc. Lot, 27, Con. D. Scal- mo. Property of Mr. Jvnkinson. Sale at 12. Terms 8 months. FRIDAY, MAR. fiâ€"me stock. imple- ments.etc. Lot 2. Con. 10. Mark- ham. PI-opmty of E. S. Clayton. Sale at. 1. Terms 8 months. SATURDAY. MAR. 6â€" Clyde horses. Shout, Horn mule. implements. etc. Lot 2“. Con. 3. Mm khan). Property nf G. W. Lyons. Sale at 1. Terms 8 months. MONDAY, MAR. 8â€"A herd of pure bred Holstein cattle. Lot. 1. Con. ]. \V. Ymk. Propmty of \\'In. Scatter- good. Sale at l. Tenns 8 months. TUESDAY,MAR. 9â€"F:um stock. im- plements. etr‘. Lot 6. Gun. 6. Mark- ham. Property of John ()oopm-thâ€" waite. Sale at 1. Telms 8 months. \VEDNESDAY, FEB. 25â€"Farm stock. implemvnts. fm-niturr. etc. Lot, 39. rear lst ()nn. Vaughan. Property of Alex. Prentice. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. THURSDAY. FEB. 26â€"Pur9 Bred Hol- stein cattle. Ulvde horses. imple- ments, etc. Lot 19, (Jon. 2. Scnl-hom. Property of S. Thompson. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. FRIDAY. FEB. 27â€"Fnrm stock. imple- ments, etc. Lot 3. Con. 4. Markham. Property nf Frank Denby. Sale. at 1. Terms 9 months. TUESDAY. FEB. 24â€"Fnrm stuck, im- plements. etc. Lot 28, Con. D. Scar- bmu. Property of R. Ruinsfm-d. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. MONDAY. FEB. 23â€"me stock, im- plements. etc. L019. Gun. 5. Mark- hum. Property of Jnhn Smith. Sale at 1. Terms 9 months. SA’I‘I'RDAY. FEB. 21~Jexsvy Cnltlr’, {mm stuck. implements etc. Lnt. 20'. (Jun. 7. Markham. PX‘Upt‘HY of Gurmt Williamson. Sale at. 1. Terms 9 nmnlhs. THURSDAY. FF. plvnwnts. vt( Ly uf H. (1'. I Immths‘. Sales by J. 1]. PRENTICE, Auctioneer FRIDAY, lot H. hill day mile Mar H. roul- Ls smith k Bildgr Hnlvl. of sale. MAR. 27â€"Farm stack. in)- etc.. lot 37. rénr of lst COIL, property of Geo. Schell. 8 months. (1'. Huh ‘20â€" 3nd l'll)S Ill 19â€"me stock Int. 17, um. S). [In mm” Map!» 'm m m of 150 ilCI'PS, . Vuuglmn. I; .u, properly of W 2, at, Thum- ude known on ak propel 1L 1. 1 â€"â€"Agent Forâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" CASE TRACTORS & GRAY DORT CARS Richmond ,HEEE Garage Cars ordered now will not be delivered until March, and deliver- ies will be uncertain throughout the year. If you do not want to wait G. A. M. Davison, Dealer, Unionville A. E. Glass, Richmond Hill Salesman ‘_ v.- VLUVLU we send in and the early date at which we send them in, as the Ford Shipping Department follows the prlnelple, First Come, First Served.” h; ARE Ford Dealers in this distriét and have formed an estimate of the number of cars we will require to meet the needs of this territory. We cannot get enough cars to fill that estlmate Standard Auto Service Station W. G. BALDOCK, Prop. 1 cars we can get number of orders the_early date at

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