‘V'a “L A (Is. CSTâ€"Bet v.1 en Richmond Ilill and Steele's ('r~r ItFl‘S', Yorrge 51.. a binder tongue. 'I he Iirdn r \\ ill please communicate with .1. ll. llILL. . 32 2 1‘il('ltlIItviI(111l1l. OR' SALEâ€"A Young Fat Sow. A l A. ALEXANDER. pp y 2511 Stoutl'ville. 32 2 (lorinley 1’. 0. FOR SALEâ€"s’l'o team, about 25 tons of First-class Timothy Hay. 32 3 Apply at. Lot 32. Yongu St. OR SALEâ€"Several choir-e building lotson ICIiZaIu'll) st I eel, west side, 35ft.hv1471t. (loud it ntuial drain- age, $8. per foot. Apply Mus. ENDEAN. Centre St. \\'.. Richmond lltii. Phone 6]. 3?. 3 OR SALE â€"-- Daniels Incubator. nearly [10“. Capacity ll?) eggs. also several kitchen cupboards for sale cheap. PHONE MAPLE IF:€6, 9" 9 0.4 .. OR SALEâ€"Frame (i-rooni H nuse. . _ neatly new. Furnace. hard and soft water. Lot ~18 x ltir’: hen house. cherry. plain. apple and pear trees; A nice. tidy harm. on t‘enler street hast. . 20 tf Apply to H. A. NICHOLIS. ‘OR SALEâ€"A good young row. due to cahe. L. IS. S'i‘oxo. Rirh- niend Hill. / ‘OR SALEâ€" Fresh nnlchcow. with calf by side: also a springer. atrd n. nine-months ohl heifer. A. L. PHIPPS. Richmond Hill. t. f. h 0 RENTâ€"The south ster-e. in the Grand Central Building. former- Iy used by the Standard Bank. Vault in rear of building. Apply j. A. GREENE. Richmond Hill. OR SALEâ€"A quantity of goose wheat. for seul. GEO. BAKER, R. R. 2, Maple. 3(1 4 OUSE WANTED â€" Advertiscri wants to buv or out a good-. siZed house. with all conveniences. and 1 some groun l. at. Richmond Hill. State full particularsiegardiing same. :llSu price and. terms. \Vould like. posse:- sion beginning of May. No agents. 71 Millbrook Crescent. Toronto. 30 4 ANTED~â€"A patty wishes to rent a small lunse and lot in Rich- lnond Hill. must. be in good condition. with electric liizli s. good “111 and ris- tern. No children. would rent’ with option of buying. possession by June ï¬rst. Address: Box 110, Richmond Hill. ~ 33 3 l l l I i7 rooms. 9.3 “('11 s workable. fall plow-l l T‘ OR SALEâ€"A (plantin of cinders‘ F for sale at Dunlop's Greenhouses. PER DAYâ€"\Ien send me your $ address and I W111 start you in a. business of your own eat niug 3-5 to $10 daily the year round. Sample case and plans flee. Address 11.". MARTIN, \Vindsor, Out. 33 3 Threshing Outfit For Sale l7-H. P. Simple \Vhite Traction En- gine. 36-50 Challenge Separator. “Lind- Stttckel‘. Self-feeder, (‘half Blower. Main Drive Belt. Tank and Tank \‘Vagon, No. 1 Case Tank Pump. All in good order. Apply OLIVER I“ CARTER. 32 «I ' Richmond Hill. E “Senders \‘ranted Vaughan Memorial Tenders will be received by the Architects up to noon. 1“el)1'tta1'_v 27th. 1920, for construction of a Menu-rial Hall in the Village of Yellow. Ontario. Plans and speeiticatirms may be seen at the ot‘tice of the Architects. .1. G. \VHITMORE. Reeve; J. B. Mt‘LEAN. Clerk The E. A. Janus Co. Limited Architects, 36 Toronto Street- Torouto, Out. 321 MARKHAM TOWNSHIP Dog Licenses NOTICE Owners of dogs in Markham Town- ship are hereby notiï¬ed that the as- i sessors will commence making.y their t rounds on or about Feb. lti. inst.. and t it. will be necessary for them to pur- chase their dog licenses and tags from the assessor when he calls on them. The license fees are 2 For one Dog - $2.00 Each additional Dog $4.00 For one bitch - $4.00 . Each additional Bitch $6.00 1 \VARNIXGâ€"-The statutes provide that the owner of any dog or hitch. for which a license is not provided and which is not tagged. shall be liable to ‘ a litre not exceeding $51) and costs. Dog owners will therefore he pie- ‘ pared to secure and pay for license or licenses when the assessor calls within the next few weeks. I A. Fonsrun. Assessor 1?. half G.A..\I. DA VISON. Clerk. Unionville. Feb. 3, 1920. \V. Birowx. 334 l l ; NOTICE oF-Apericliion FOR SELECT A SCHOOL \Vith ~\orrr eyes wide open. All Business ('I lleges are n it alike. Tot onto, fut Yonge and (‘harles Sts.. is noted ltiroughr tit (‘airada high grade training. Our graduates :tie in great demand. Get our t':-tâ€" alogue. read out tr l old. then deeidrg \V. .l. 1‘1i.l.It)’I"l‘.1’iiticipal ‘ At the morning service a full of report Newton Brook Community church. Methodist BUSINESS CALLS daily for qualiï¬ed recruits. A totirse in one of Shaw‘s Schools will qualify yru in Short Order. “'rite for catalogue and pro .1 of demand for our grrdu-r! w, Address: I’. McIntosh. (‘hief l’rilieipal. Yonge and (it’llr'tltl 518., Toronto. ,1’astor-â€"Rr:v. I). A. jovnmn t Sunday, February 15th '1 he, paster at both ser\ ices. ‘ l : TINSMITHING MIC E ROGRESS can only be assured by lookingahead Dominion National (‘ani- paiin Fund. Local and . 3 a Farm For Sale t 100 acres 1} miles- from Yonge Street. 2nd eon. \\'hiteluneh. Bank barn 4.3 x (53. water in stables. Stone 1]"ll,~<‘_ 8 acres lllgit†done. soil clay loam. I’rice fall wheat. 23') aries meadow. $55001‘oi quick sale. OLIVER 8; CARTER PHONE 82 RICHMOND HILL We have a latge list of other I.†ms for sale in York (‘onnly. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that MARY IRELAND, «.f the city of Toronto. in the Liouirtyof York, and 1’Io\iire.e of and preparing for it. Farmers â€" by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattle, . hogs and other readily sale- able productsâ€"can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of ‘ agricultural operation. 290 THE STANDARB BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH ICvrnin" subis-ct: “\Vhat Next 2‘ " H .1 Everybody \Yeleoine. ' F. Tectch ’The Tinsnnth EAVETROUGHING and all kinds of I‘insmithiuar dune. Furnace and Stovepipes on hand. S’I‘OVES RE I’AI RED Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brit k (‘onrpanv,1,t.'d. have on hand for sale. (lenient drain tile. 3, >1. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 1‘2. 15. 1S and :20 inch (30 inches in length) Also (lenient Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or n ear lots. l .h/ Cor. YtiNGE & CENTRE sis, PHONE T. COUSINQ J. R. HERRINGTON. MANAGER 1’1 es. and Manager Maple. Ouiario. will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the Iie\’t.ses~‘ioll thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. ALEXANDER tantrum), of the said City of Toronto, Baker, on the ground of adultery. Dated at. Toronto. Province of On- tario. this Thirtirth Day of October. 1919. BIGGS 8: BIGGS 19 11 Solicitors for the Applicant. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice ls hereby given that Jennie \Viight, of Ihe City of Toronto, in the “ County r-t' York. in the I’rm ince r t' On- tario. nruiied Woman. will apply to the Parliament, of Canad l, at the next session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. George Henry \Vi ight. of the said City of Toronto, in the County of York. Shipper. on the grounds of adultei y and desei tion. Dated at. Toronto. Province of Out- ario, this ’I‘wenty-third Dav of Decem- her, 1913. HUGHES r\' AGAR. 72 Queen Street. \Vest. Toronto. Ontario for the Applicant. jennie L‘tiâ€"ll; Solicitor \Vright. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that OLIVE ANNIE \VottnEN of the City of Tor onto in the County rf York and Province of Ontario. married \Vttlll'tll. will apply I to the Parliament of Canada at the next SeSsit-u thereof for a Bill of Divorce froth her husband. Alvado Austin “'oiden. of the said City of Toronto. Optician. on the ground of adultery. Dated at. Toronto the 30th day of January. 1921. ' HUGH ES k AGAR 72 Queen St. ‘\\'e.~t. Toronto. Solicitors for the applicant. Olive Annie \Vorden 3'1 44 Notice of Application for Divorce Not ice is hei eby given lll'11 “'ILLIAM JOHN S'i‘tnvrurr. oi' the City of 'l‘eron- to. in the County it York. and I’rov- ince of Ontario. Sheet Metal VVorkrâ€"r. i will apply to the Parliament of (‘anaâ€" da at the next Session thereof. for a Billof Divorce from his wilt-V Olive tStewai-t of the Town of Paris. in the (‘ounty of Brant. on the ground of adultery. Dated at Toronto. in the Province of Ontario. this twenty-eighth of Janu- ary, 1920. CURRY r91 \VALLACE. 31-45 Solicitors for Applicant. DIVORCE Notice is hereby given that ELLA MAUDE GEE. (if the City of l‘olonto, iii thet‘ountyof York. in the Province of Ontario, married woman. will applv the next 5‘5‘1‘11 thereof. fair a Dill of Divorce from her husband. JESSE ROY STANLEY HRH. of the City of. Toronto, on theground ofadulteryand i desertiun. , Dated at Toronto. this T\V1‘:.\'TY- SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER. 1 A.D. 1919. ELLA MAI'DE GEE. By her solicitor. or the Parliament of CANADA. .r'r r M J. s. SHEPHERD (Late of Maple) DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER, T l B. k GRAINER rare. fen“ 10C RICHMOND IIILL. ONT. Phone 2419 Maple‘ Frill line (r117 GRANITIHVARE, IZED TUBS A p-to-date Goods in Stock. llll'1|1(111l£{ :â€" TINWARIC, \VHITE ENAMEL, GALVAN ND FAILS. BROOMS. BRUSHES. ETC. HOCKEY GOODS GOOD LINE OF SKATES. I’UCKS, AND STICKS ELECTRIC WASHERS ONLY THREE LEFT AT THE OLD PRICE. ake advantage now as this litre has advanced 10 per cent. DOHERTY STEEL RANGES ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill Eulolio Notice Id A good supply of WHITE BRANE and SHORTS on hand. T A car load of Barley Meat Oil Cake Meal Scratch Feed Purity Flour Monarch Pastry -, Salt, Cement. 24-in.&48-in.llry HQ Wood Farmers’ Supplies Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. FULL LINE OF Pumps Ladders \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes “'heelbarr'ows Scrapers Iron Posts, Gates Hydrated Lime Root .Pulpers Rubber Rooï¬ng, always on hand. Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham " V'Vagon on hand. W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill o W Egg, Nut and Pea Coat on}; hand; also (,Iannel at the Elevator I. D. RAMER You uicirr’t: Ask for an Easier Way a @rafomoia Take for example this: \Ye can re“ you a handsome floor model (‘abinet (ti'a‘r’rhola similar to ilâ€" lustration. in either mahogany finish or fumed oak, for '1‘. HERBERT LENNON. SUN Lumsden Building. 9!. Torontr . Ontario Ri hï¬idnd“ Hill Skating Rink Open for Skaters on Wednesday and Saturdav Evenings 7.30 to 10 p. m. u I i Band Saturday Evenings 1days from 4 to 3 pan. Asses“... \v, half 1 under ten year ot a e. K TICKETS i wanxmnwv Eviaxrxus â€" Admission i It) 5 cents, l ‘ SATURDAY nvnxixos â€" Admission 15: cents. The Rink will be open on \Yednes- free to children, i J. A. MONKMAN. Chairman of (‘ourmittce @niniODown When it will be delivered to your home. and you can pay us balance of purchase price in small weekly amounts while you are getting your enjoyment from it. It is a. superb instrument, having all the good features to be found in phonographs costing ttto and three times the price, such as three-spring drive motor, large sound church 1‘, tone control leaves, patented start and stop device. graduated speed control and best Columbia reproducer. Cabinet has space for seventy-five records. Come in and let us demonstrate these Grafonolas and learn how easy it is to own one. You have a long winter of enjoyment ahead of youâ€"begin early. Wright Bros. Agents, RichmondHill