"B n foggy? Blue devils got you? Don’t stay s’ick, bilious, headachy, con- stipated. Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a. few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative- cathartic you ever experienced? Cas- carets never gripe. sicken or incon- venience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh Pills. They work while you sleep. age. Then, too, the more rapid growth of urban centres as compared with the rural population has enlarged the -home market, without a correspond- ing increase in production. Further, ,the shortage of labor on farms ithroughout the war restricted in- creased production materially, and [the comparatively rapid expansion of [the condensed and powdered milk trade affected the cheese industry ad- ersely. Each of these factors end- _ed to increase prices. Thus, in 918, the average price paid for cheese by the Dairy Produce Commission was 23 cents, f.o.b., steamship, Montreal. Although similar statistics are not available for 1919, it is probable that ‘the price exceeded 27 cents. Butter Canada's dairy products yielded ap- proximately $250,000,000 in 1919. Of' this amount, about $65,000,000 was re- ceived for exports. These ï¬gures easily constitute a record for the Canadian dairy industry. In 1910, the total value was estimated at $100,- 000,000 and the exports amounted to nearly $24,000,000. Although the pro- duction of most dairy products made a fairly constant increase during the period of the war, the phenomenal re- cord ot 1919 must be attributed in large measure to market conditions. In common with other food products, the prices of milk, butter and cheese Irose rapldly owing to a world shortâ€" Ask for Minard's and. take no other. 1,659,000 women are now doing what was formerly regarded as men’s work. If ink and berry stains are placed in buttermilk at once and the milk changed a couple of times the stains will all come out when washing in thé usual way. Cuticura Hair ls Usually Mick and Healthy Start him right if you wish him to have thick, healthy hair through life. Regular shampoos with Cuticura Soap will keep his scalp clean and healthy. Before shampooinz touch spots of dandruff and itching.i£ any. with Cuticura Ointment. A clean. healthy scalp means good hair. Soap 25c. Ointmch 25 and 50c. Sold throughouttheDommxon. CanadxanDepot: L mu . Limited. 5!. Paul SL. Montreal. anicuru Soup shaves withous mus. SINSI‘ANE‘ mg and avoid tea and coffee’s harm Children Should Never Drink Tea or Coffee. Grewth of Canadian Dairying They are harmful to growth and development and have a particuâ€" larly bad effect on the nervous system of the child. “7726?le a Reagan Give the children Modern, coâ€"operative dairying is less than ï¬fty years old. Already it has played an outstanding part in giv- ing such countries as Denmark and New Zealand economic independence. It has been proved beyond peradven- ture that no other branch of farming surpasses it in maintaining and im- proving soil fertility. However it would be unreasonable to expect that prices can long continue at the pre- sent high levels. On the other hand, labor conditidns should steadily im- prove and advances will be made in labor saving devices. It seems reason- ably certain that dairying is destined to be an increasingly large economic factor in the future of Canada. 2 Western Canada, especially the Prairie Provinces, is rapidly increas- ing its production of milk and butter. At present, Ontario and Quebec easily lead the other provinces, but with a more general realization of the need for conserving soil fertility on the prairies. dairying will progress pro- digiously. prices also established new records, the average price for all grades of creamery, delivered at Montreal, was 531/2 cents in 1919. While the produc- tion of cheese probably showed a slight decline, the past year can be credited with a record production of butter and condensed and powdered milk. ins. wide These from yo from the Toronto, No. 9435â€"â€" Sports Coat. in one piece. 34. 36: medlium Once a mother has used Baby‘s Cvn Tablets for her little ones she would use nothing else. The Tablets give such results that the mother has noth- ing but words of praise and thankful- ness for them. Among the thousands of mothers throughout Canada who praise the Tablets is Mrs. David A. Anderson, New Glasgow, N.S., who writeszâ€"“I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and from my experience I would not be without them. I would urge every other moth- er to keep a box of the Tablets in the house." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which rednlate the bowels and sweeten the stomach; drive out constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and make’teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ll’lS THANKFUL MQTEERS bust your the piece. ()1 medlium, ‘ t measure L. 30 ins. ' FOR SUMMER SPORTS atterns ' local McCall Ladies’ and Misses‘ Price, 25 cents. Cut Cut in 3 sizes; small, , 38, 40; large, 42, 44 re. Small size requires . wide. or 2%; yds. 40 may be oytained McCall dealer, or 70 Bond V ‘SL, Song of the Wires. Most of us have wondered at the curious “singing†of the telegraph and telephone wires often heard along quiet country roads. It is suggested by one authority that the noises are due to vibrations transmitted to the wires by the posts. which receive them from the earth, and that they are the result of earth vibrations iden- tical with those that the seismograph, or earthquake detector, records. The song of the wires, it is said, is the song of the barometer; if it is low, a. change in the weather may come in two days; if sharp, it may be immediate. Presently his relentless gaze began to make its victim uncomfortable. and, thinking to create a diversion, he winked at the small boy. But he felt even more embarrassed Is a Great Preventative. being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard’s Lini- ment has cured thousands of cases of Grippe. Bronchitis, Sore Throat Asthma and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of bottles being used avery day. for sale by all druggists and general dealers. As the motor-bus rattled anrd roared on its way, the small and solemn youngster stared unflinchineg at the old gentleman who sat opposite him. It. is expected that sailors and sav- ages should be tattooed, and side show performers are often notable examples of the art; but a French coachman originated the most extra- ordinary design ever worked on 21 hu- man body. At the time of the Dreyfus trial he had at least one hundred and twenty illustrations of the case, in- cluding portraits of the leading per- sons connected with it, tattï¬oed on himself. The tattooing took almost two years. It almost seems that, when he dies, he should be not buried bui ï¬led. and Zeebrugge is deï¬nitely disclosed. They were produced from an acid, which has to be burned in the preâ€" sence of a sufï¬cient amount of water vapor, otherwise the smoke produced, even over the seas, is liable to be somewhat thin .on a dry day. Com< mander Brock, who sacriï¬ced his life in the assault on the German defences at the Belgian ports, devised the plan to feed the acid in a ï¬ne spray into the funnel of a destroyer, where the temperature was sufï¬cient to vapor- ize'the acid, and the water vapor pre- sent completed the formation of the cloud. MINARD’S LINIMENT CO Yarmouth‘ NS. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. But he felt even 11 when the youngste young and pretty mo shrill, clear tones: The secret of the smoke screens used with such great success by the British navy in the raids on Ostend Spanish Flu Unappreciéted Advice. “I have my doubts about this League of Nations,†remarked the proud parent. “Why?†, “I understand they propose to go ahead and settle it without paying any attention to what my daughter has written about it in her school examina- tion essay.†* Minard’s Linémgni For ï¬fteen years the standard speciï¬c for Rheumaï¬sm. Neurltls. Gout Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgla Many doctors prucrlbe them. .1 TEMPLETON’S RHEUMATIC CAPSU LES “'rim 9. ASTHMA Claims Many Victims in and should be guarded Secret of Smoke Screens. A Human Document. R AZ - M A H CAPSULES I! you have Asthma, don't imagine that you must al- ways sufler untold miser . Relief quick. sure and 59. e is guaranteed in even the worst cases by using We are so certain of re- sults we will send you a free sample of these cap- sules. conï¬dent that you will ï¬nd them all we have claimed. Write to Tom- etons, 142 King St. W.. oronto. Sold by reliable drug lsts everywhere for $1.0; a ox. TEMPLETON’S H Is Understudy. irty Ld by :4 ISSUE No. 16â€"520. 3 St. W., Toronto, for magma everywhera {or 16 a emban- turned t man LIMITED, lauada. gainst. The Prince of \Vales has arranged for a selection of the presents and ad- dresses he received in Canada to be exhibited at the Imperial Institute, says a London despatch. The collection comprises about 200 addresses, from various sections of the community, from the Canadian Government to the pupils of Indian native schools. The membership card of the Great War Veterans’ Association and the badge of the President ot the Grand Army of Canada are of special interest. One of the most interesting exhibits is the dress presented to the Prince on his election to the tribe of Stoney Indians as Chief “Morning Star." The Canadian Paciï¬c Railwa gether with a souvenir i Trunk Railway, consis graphs taken in 1860 closed in a box of bir These include, besides ï¬cial photogï¬lphs of VII. as Prince of Wale Minara‘s Linlment Lumberman's Friend. Buy thrift stamps. These inc ï¬cial ph( VII. as Pr sent King The col Can gall vate Accept _ “California. Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"100k for the name California on the package†then you are sure your child is having'the best and most harmleSS laxative' or ï¬hysic for’the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child’s dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." Get your bottle todayâ€"costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for it by name. Keep it handy for the whole family. Made in Canada. The big bottle is economy. 85c., 70c., $1.10. scatter cdy {>0 to the relief, help strains bruises SATHSFYING RELEEF FROM LUMBAGO Sloan’s Liniment has the punch that relieves rheumatic twinges “SYRUP OF FIGS†CHILD’S ’LAXATIVE Prince Exhibits Canadian Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels gia, Tootha Rheumatism ritis, take A name “Baye :m be stamped l h Aspiri! adian visit 'or Colds, Pain, flea. ailw gcgbtméï¬rl} “Bayer Tablets ( ‘irin’z in an unbroken “BayeI There is only one Aspirinâ€"‘ Not Aspirin at A11 without the “Bayer Cross†section of the The Queen has to the exhibition ction is most interesting exhibits presented to the Prince n to the tribe of Stoney iet “Morning Star." The pass presented by the iï¬c Railway is shown, to- souvenir from the Grand 1y, consisting ,of photo- in 1860 and' 1901, en- iox of bird’s eye maple. ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER†ARE ASPIRIN , Pain, Headache, Neural- Lche, Earache, and for . Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin marked with the r†or you are not taking Gifts. spot clear ati :on-smmulatmg rem- t/Loztt rubbing right Dt and brings qulck me. A wonderful a1 pains, sprains, headache, lumbago, arranged in the the exhibition 1 has paid a. pri- the chief of- King Edward , and the pre- : gener gestion- :rsl "866 mark, the n éanada) of Ba'yer Manufacture of limo; is well knuwn that Aspirin means Bayer imitations. the Tablets of Bayer Convent H AVE? ‘ ELL EQUII’PED NE\VSPAPER and Job printing Man: in Eastern Ontario. Insurance curried 81.500. Will Eater #811290 9n qylck_ sgleL Box G HIP YOUR EMPTY BAGSâ€"SUGAR. k flour. bran sucks to Stevens. High- est prices. Geo. Stevens. 364 Mark Sta Peterboro. 1.2 Columbine. TL i‘OiltO‘ ‘OFT ELM WANTED. 2 IN. AND k thicker. shipped green from saw. Do not sell until you communicate with. us. Keenan Bros. Limited. Owen Sound. Ont LET “DANDERINE†BEAUTIFY HAIR package which contains complete di4 rections. Then you are get ing real Aspirinâ€"the genuine Aspirin re- scnbed by physicians for over 6- teen years. Now made in Ca. 1 Handy tin boxes containin 12 1:9. -‘ lets cost but a. few cents. ggistl also sell larger “Bayer†packages. ayerâ€-â€"You must nay “Bayer†5%? Let “Danderine†save your ha r and double its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hat. Don’t let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35-cent bottle or delightful “Danderine†at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic, then its life. color, brightness and abundance will returnâ€"Hurry! One of the great advances in the tractor game is the increased atten- tion paid to the grade of lubricating oil supplied for particular purposes. F YOU HAVE A FIRE AND HAVE :1 car or more of scrap iron I will come and quote you where It lays. Geo. Stevens. 364 Mark Street. Peterboro. ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETU‘ internal and external. cured withoul min by our home treatment. Write u- before too late Dr. Bellman Medlcu (20.. Limited. Conlnzwood. 0m. -» SINCE “mow “an BERKS. POI [GI-IS F YOU HAVE A CAR FOR SALE write me. Geo. Stevens. 364 Mark Su‘eet. Peterhoro. VII-on )‘u'bllshin'g C0,. I.(d..r'roronto. “ CHOOL' TEACHERSwMAKE REAL 3 money in spare “meâ€"send post: 1rd to Rajapayer Publishing Co.. 6 Girls! Have a mass of long; thick, gleamy hair Class‘fï¬eï¬ Advertisements.- tiv America'- Plonear no: nomad!" .‘ 5" l Book on TEVENS' COMPLETE FERTIL- lzer will pay you. Write for prices. LLF. SECTI( virgin sol]. Sl FARM LAND FOR SALE SOFT ELM WANTED. 3O §¥8¥§COUGHS SCHOOL TEACHERS 18 Bayer Cross." MISCELLANEOUS. near Battlef Rutherford WOOD ASHES. PI! BTILIZER. SCRAP IRON. POE SALE and now to Pond Mailed Free twany Ad- dressnby the Author. n. 01:57 Glove: 00...!no. 118 West 31†Street , New York. USA. DOG BEEâ€"ASES ‘ur FARM LAND. )dlng land under 0rd. Sask. Chas. Ave.. Hamilton. In!