or Less Money and have Better Fuel. Call and See Nukol Fire and get Full Particulals. WHY WORRY ‘3 The Half Million Dollar Motorâ€"Less Gasâ€"1‘ 3 PASSENGER ROADSTER .5 PASSENGER TOURING 5 PASSENGER SPECIAL vv-h . . u . . v . . . “If we are to be bone-dry let; us be in fact bone-dry. I’m-hibi- tion of the manufacture, importation, or'possessinn of liquor in Ontario is the only way to make the Province bone-dry. His mmnm-y is as dear to day As in the hour he passed mm Sleep, loved (me, sleep. and rest: God calls home ï¬rst whom ? ,lwst. . . Then send :lnyoneom' Sadly missed by MOTHER. who breaks the law to jailâ€"whether LBROTIIIL‘RH AND SISTER. 1920-~F® D“ 3920 The C0]. is not far from the truth when he points out that the present system is class legislation, a system that favors (‘3) the rich. For instance, a wealthy man breaks the O. T. A., and whether the ï¬ne is $5 1‘ $500 he does not feel it, whereas a poor man for the same offence is sent to jail beâ€" cause he cannot pay the ï¬ne. Col. Muchin has, therefore, come to the conclusion that we should have liquor for all classes or total prohibition. Here are quotations from his letter of resignation: Seldom has conversion been brought about in the way that in has come to Licut.-Col. )Iaohin, Ex )1. 1’. P., President. of the CiLizens' Lib- erty League. In resigning the Pres- idency, he accuses the members of selï¬shness. saying that as soon as the wealthy members had their cellars full they lost interest in the cause they had formerly championed. ity can introduce the so called dayâ€" light saving scheme, but the hens take their instructions from the sun, and go to roost an the same old time. Mayor Church and others in aut!‘ ity can introduce tï¬e so called (1 light; saving scheme, but the h Hax‘e you seen the 1020 Ford Car? Some of the added improve- ments areâ€"one man top, deep leather seals, ventilating wind shield, I‘e-inforcedi‘adius rod, demountable runs, non skid tires, the carrier on rear, instrument board, electric lightingand starter. The price of the Runabont is $710. and the Touring (‘ar $740 1“. o b. Ford, Ont, and do not include war tax. The Electric Starting and Lighting equipment is optional and is supplied at an additionl coatnf $100. Findlay & Briï¬ï¬Ã© Phone Nos; 34 and 2! Col. Machin Resigns SVI. Davison, Dealer, Unionvillei . Glass; Salesman, Richmond Hill 1 i W E Phone No. 27 ,Richmond Hill ADVISE PLACING ORDERS EARLY. G. F. ALLEN MADE IN CANADA PROMPT SERVICE BRISCO About Next Winter’s Coal at High Prices, when you can get More and more ong-h day WP miss him: Friends may think the Wound has healed, ' But they little know What. sm-rmv Lies within our hearts cnncmlpd. In saying that some of his fellow- xuembers “ere aeméited by self3 (‘01. Maehin should remember that so- called Iiherny is ofien nothing more nor less than selï¬shness in disguise- Men and women who vote to make a province “dry†need not; be accused ofseiï¬uhness. Let us'be charitable and say their motive is to remove a temptaLion to use something they be- lieve to be an injury to many men their wives and their families. \th o. k Just a 3 HARDINGâ€"In luring mvmm‘y of A!- lth. who departed this life May 5. 1919. he be millior our thoughts do \vnndor ave not far away. 9 laid our darling Arthm Hour ago to-day. ï¬nger 1N MEMORIA]! Thornhill lire or flav lat-ore More M ileage \THER i BARGAENS UVF‘S I also have a stock of Tires secured before the advance, which 1 W111 sell at last year’s prices, thy HUGHES & AUAR 72 Queen Sr. \\’e:r. Tux-onto. Stlicirms {m- lhe upplicunt. ()live .5. nnie Worden. 31 44 Notice is herehy giw-u that OLIVE ANNIE WonuEx of the City ufToi-nnm in the County‘nf York and Province of Ontario. max-tied woman. will npply to the Paxlialuent of Canada at the next Sesaimx lhervuf for a Bill of Divnrce from her husband. Alvudn Austin \deen. of the said City of Toronto. Optician. on the ground of adyltery. Notice of Application for Divorce Dated at anonto the January, _1920. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick )mnpany, Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Egg Stove and Nut also Cannel Coal at the Elevator. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick A Car of Western Oats, Purity Flour Pastry Flour A Car Load of Fresh Cement. Dry Hardwood and Dry Hemlock Slabs. (30 inches in [on Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by 1: car lots. Calf Meal, Cracked Corn and. Mixed Poultry Feed. A good supply of Chop, Bran and Shorts, 'fcr cattle and hoqs on hand. PUBUC NGTHCE [A ear of.:4(),""s.Whi‘ch I purchased before the advance ; 1n prlce 18 due here early in April. I ‘Wlll sell I m ' this as followez-u Newton Break Smmum m1; FGRD DEALER Dasterâ€"REV. P. A. JOURD Owing to high prices and diflicully in getting coal and feed we Illlltt insist on everything being seLtled for in 30 days. Pnstor at both services. n.m.â€"()nmnmnion Svrvin. ‘ [mmâ€"“The \Vickot Gate," 2nd in series nnthe Pilgrim‘s Prog- E. D. RAMER Methodis Polarine Oils for Tractors, Trucks and Motors " at a Substantial Reduction, T. COUSINS. Heavy Polarine (Tractor Oil) $51.00 pcr gallo 1, in liairels. (The price of these oils today is $1.25 per gal.) A discount of 15 per cent. will b3 allowed on these prices if the oil is taken direct from the car, zndI will deliver free of charge within a radius of 10 miles from Unionville. ' 10 lbs. of Cup Grease for $1.25. Polarine Motor Oil $51.00 per gallon in 1 Heavy Polarine (Tractor Oil) $51.00 pcr Pres. and Mnngcr Maple. Phone 01"Write your order at Once First come, first serveï¬. 50111 the load or day a As A. mww VV. .7. I strains. My sLm many ii Ducks.- Impeliul Ringlct E Partridge \Vy.mdnt Silvvr Lace \Vyzmdl \\'hite Wyzmdmtvs Buth- cup \Vhite Orpinglons BIm-k Orpingtons Bluer-pingtnns Ruse Urinlli Bhnde Island Rvdi “ Pekiu Ducks (Mammoth) per setting of w. J. BILLING, Tyler sn, P. AURORA â€" ’01 EGGS F0 Induslrlal Department Toronto and Wlnnlpog wlll lurnlsh (ull particulnrs regarding land in Western Canada available for (arming or other purposes. SILLING'S Impz Hens that lnyi I; has stuod the! 1st prizes wun in Mi‘ bi Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri.â€"Canadian National all the way. Tues. Thurs. Satâ€"Via G.T.. T. 8: 31.0., Cochrane thence c. N. Rys. Tickets and full lnfonnatlon from nearest Canadian National Railways' Agent, WINNIPEG BRANDON REGiNA SASKATOON UNEONVELLE PRICES FOR SETTI we all or General Passenger Department, Toronto. Impmi arre ll) 7715;}?ng 2‘0 #75! Wes m ATCHENG (If NG OFI ONT. 10