\Vill tho [)1 ruhhvu I)... ,u letâ€! u [hum The May numlu viijs now (.u : sud-P. The meet. in I duy (‘\‘t'|: Smith's Mr. C. . hlmsv. } 1h vonw low 1!) AL 11 Izmï¬dn nf Ih- Melhnd A Tennis M- vling will | Thursday uv 11 ng, at S ()‘u High St-lmnl. Elvctiun All intru'siml nit-um) «til-L fvrrud H) mm†‘llw 'WMOQWO09090099900906960$¢9WW90$0®0®0W069®90o at 8 nf lhl ï¬bO‘bOOOéOQMNMNOOWWNOOWQ‘ )1; 510111 \\' :MMQWWOQMWéWWWWWOM :lhl TIN ChurCh ilnu . l’hi I105 wl xt Sumhy will I [M‘s Day thud". mute ill't.‘ Lhuse \\ h atty nU onto All Kinds ( ‘lll ll Ar: (:41 pk Hl) rs -n “'11:: L fmm “ICE OI Mé Ill 3'. LUNAU I†UH his week succve’dil Igned. )S llllrt 1h In ugnfthv\\'mn( '- nt thv Imme- Barn Eq uh sch ï¬uperi hunt cud Pictm in] Re- Thu Libm nl Sheet oï¬â€™i nll‘t lAplil 2m ivmsilv (‘nl In (2411] who hi upiod 1113: Hum MI- urn bung.l hold this k. in the Inn! [1 \‘illng! puil‘ nf Illil "(I ILL) 1311) 11' u still 11 Dr. 5 T11 M1 senting day. and sew-me as “'0†as nlns former mvmbm (vfllu‘ liwthmnnd tho musical part of Thr- smv hytorizm Hny. A (If lh 24th “IE [)11 pal-e t ll n Vic! stat' um]: That Above Kept on Hand. pp] hum-h ( uuc um neshers nts Hilh vidin 3nd The \V. M. S. will hold llu-ir mmi d [nllu hands and under 'lt'l' H. IDOI‘P ( lhren “'c‘lcnm HS and It Mn UK Zinhnmud Hill \V. M. S. :m nsicu] pnrt of the program \vi iven by Agincum-L Methhdis h (Muir. Everybody is welcmm Ind enjoy this unnivex 'y. follow to [hulning s tn hull) and in I) [hut VICTORIA SQUAIH church ll mvml thL H. Gustar of Tumult“ the Ontario Divisiul: Iglw (-f Canada. [until 9 village Muudny :m seamed munv nvw L IOW‘S national and SPL’lllt‘ i mus )CDal’ Lpt 1nd 1n SH lulu y T1195 Phone 56 will In and McCormick REC lead it carefully. in 11]" counpvliti: m. Dnn’l, wait In his cit Stable Fittings. mnu hand SGXOS Ccrrect (‘l‘ll 00 Mudcrial and lu hn mi The HI l bugmes. umps of a11 all Wish 1' th( hold in llw Inmn by Re 9 of 11w Hldl’ Mny 9L!) at, 2.50 meetings will he 1 worth attending. under I 110 directiun ‘11] LV nvw nu- lhe ICHL‘\\‘ why to the Thi .0.F chum am mni fully. nnd pH S SIHZR( 1 get 30‘ is must he hmde and Ind l]! xhihfth purst reple- If lhe I can- Tues- mhms ads of ‘1‘ will isilimz in one n th( s. it is hands 'tivn. :tfon md ()l] hunw of uflvrnrun ()rgnnizvr will he pm All intone: a‘lcthndist minist S Inday at the H. Aikenhund, 1 in his 85th year. been an (minim-d and in that Lime] 20 stallions. He (hunty. Ireland, nda :IL the ago (J slanted hisule-x'glc College. Gulmurg was mad: by the pa and shunt, nddu‘sw Mr.Px.-1lt, and DI‘. speakers rcfeI-ling faithful walk of [In church. and 0po [he-y are leaving thallde the dnnm muthm- and himscl lions \wm ghen Atkinsmu. Mrs. \V. 1H HI [HUI] and Mr. N(' ments welt Sr. 1A.â€"H\’Jll)l‘l‘l Shaxpless 80, Fwd Sanders 83, Dunald Fi'isby 82, \Vil. helmine RPllllH‘l‘ T5. Margax-Pt Duncan 74. James Langstalf 73. Mal-jmy Grain- gm‘ 70. Bes~iu Ix'vnlpei- 69. Domllly Hick 63, Huwaid Mun-is 48. John Finch 25. Sr. IB~Alico Innes 80, 'l‘vddy Bon- net 72. Agms Robinson '70, Cecil Tuck 70, Morris Patton 63. Lillian Patch (52, \Valter Kendall 61. Clayton Sank-)8, Ian Her 57. Viol9b Reid 57, Llllian Burns 56. Golda Thorpe 47. Arthur Band 42. Donald Band 36. Lyle Giant, 32. exp lllt‘l‘ MI purchased Dr. ’ Mn) hero, moved in this \ The (hmre giVH) by lusL Friday evvning w and an enjnyahlv lim» As usual Maple I‘ll be :1 (1-11er for the 1‘31 utinns. Cnmlialnlt-n‘ l boxing schools will \\1 The fullmving Is the report of Thorn- hill Public School for April. Numvs stand in m-dvl- uf max-it. Sr. IVâ€"L‘vcil Man-tin. Bruce Mc- Donald. Elmore Hooper, Rnthford Farr..linuuil~ vaper, Craig McDon- nld, Teddy Bum-n, Sheila Sissuns. (Tylil HUI-nu. Rem. Dean, \Villie Stephenson, Baail Hughes. Mary Gihhs, \Villmd Simpson, HiLl'Old Brillinm-r. Absent â€"â€" Dudley Oli \Vx-ight. Norman Cook, lace, Murgmet Ban-her. mun. Karl Taylor, Jean l'iS Berkovitz. .lr.IV-.\I:uinn Hmellio. Jenn Mc- Dmmld,Rhco Hooper, Arthur Clapâ€" 11am. Sl'.â€[ â€"- Amlmny Frank, va‘gn Thomson. Jack Knnptun. Frankie Hughes. 'I'hexesa McDonald. Alflcd Fisher. Jr. III â€" )Ielnice Findlay. Dmis Report of Rnom Iâ€, with average of marks ubtuinwt by each in khe April test: Sr. 1A.â€"Hexbe‘rt Shmphass 86, Fwd The d'mm \;tsL Friday and an 6-nd As usual he :1 (It‘llll‘é- lhw Mu 50 Slll‘( slwylelian ( when Mrs. 15’ Newtnn 17-7. Ill 77 anh'o Findlay, Dmis anDCZ--UIIICC D8“ 101;) “cmucuu: ucu 11H) IlLt'l', Num Johns. Rulfllin- l_';xmp-‘ L “Frâ€? “h‘dMU‘L WWW 0.9 nlu, we Bonk u Rev. James O’Hara Dead James O'llux Int CVO" for lhc ()nt senttu uddre ted 2110 cmdi. ()x'mnn J 0 served Miss Muer Ill Scout Concert School Repcrt ‘resentation mm. MAPLE Thornhill \& ho an moi] p16 | nu lwhalf of INS *lf. Mlxuicul st']( 0- by Miss Marga-y v'aLson, Mrs. Batty, Batty. and H‘fl't’sh- Pentlnnd. 2:1 to the, gnu] lecipienls in sing nogret to: M. CAMERON [It Olivor. Laverne 30k, Marjory \Val- rhor. Ilene Dvnd- Jean Henley, Mur- 'ewton and Mr. are wmuving In pxesonted with a ’1 he plosontuiion was spvn Th u: sdn ewton :1 IF 8p 1111. uMiv Schm) intranet» Ex flum the l pm It m-xt Mrs. \\’ s tlu HM l the uni ht'l'u. out. C( III \Vt-dnos v. mvetin invitx-d . M. 11 given Mund Bias“! '. M. .‘ w] and in tho -et that vatnn of his tat the up 11 . in Ham win; 'cila- ling. will lht ht “OOGWO M9 MW090¢â€MWWWW § Bargain Day in Richmond Hill § Property SN®M¢WNMM69WWGWW¢WOWM 69669“; ’WWMWOM Women’s Art Silk Hos-3, 1‘ spliced heels, toes and soles, s: brown, white, light and dark are: Brown Holland Linen, a close even weave for children’s rompers and boys’ suits, Width 30 1n. 80c yd. Bronn Rcller Towelling, of good drying quality, made of cotton and linen yarn, in dark and light stripe ...................................................................... 50c. yd. White Pique, medium cord, is satisfactory for women’s skirts, misses’ dresses and children’s wear ............................................................................... 606. yd. Nainsook, a nice quality for ladi and chlldren’s wear, W111 glve good 5 well, 38 m. \Vlde Cotton Batting [0 is made of a soft, fluffy rolls ............................... $1152.50 cash will buy a good building lot and $300 cash will buy two lots. We will give you a clear deed of one lot and time to pay the balance of the other. You can get a government house built on a twenty year loan at 5 per cent. interest. Your will then have a large garden and a home at once. Acre and half acre lots on Markham Road. Good soil and Good Drainage. We have a number of houses on our lists. Call or wrlte us at why not pl'OSCCE}‘(‘nl1FSCiI and this ditfercnco. You pay for happens in the way of Fire 51 is good bminess. While you only an effort to save a halo c person to have more this your the Confederation Life Assoc? money and some additional ir you choosannd in addition to in case you die EHOOO and up this not 'émer business ‘3 WI one should have protection. you will be informed with the 2557 Yonge S t. Toronto Phone:--Office Bell 1515 Store closes at 6 p m Victoria Lawn, a good quality for aists, 40 in wide . Concrete Hause ATKINSON & SWETZER Omo, a good bleacher ............... Nonsuch Jumbo’ Stove Enamel LeanX Laundry Soap; .......... Monkey Brand Soap ................. trct. your on protect P. G. SAVAGE 8:. SON Creamettas, a quick cooking Macaroni W. J. LAWRENCE elf Richmond HiH DRY GOODS YOL GRUCERIES clfand Fine Old Cheese anal in :1 set. (mm (‘2' ye: inn to this the Cmupmx nd up accordir‘g to the ‘3 We can quote many ion. Seudncm‘d or c it!) the necessary inform [or ï¬lling comforters and cushions Tfy grade of c0tton,in 8 and 16 oz. ...... 50c lb I’R \1' ll] um {OPI- III) 0110 1 lusr.‘ Tl‘is gu-xmmoes ~t. tezm of _\'( the Cmnpm wing to Llu Liberal Office Monday 2.30 to 5 p.m. Ulli I'GV O \1 wl l! D.‘ 11€ Residence Bell 1470 (I) [HE V1( EUR! ednesda aprons and .......... 42c yd nfim‘cdcd. ls l I'Cnsnl.s why nd see us and Ul'll 211K c pk derwear Ld wash .. 50c yd .=. lisle , black, 1 .15 pr, Itd in H your