Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 May 1920, p. 8

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0R SALEâ€"“’9. desire to ciear out alurge variety of old fashioned routs, bulbs. pennies and English violets. The original roots of which were brought from England nearly A hundred years ago. A number of varieties of lose bushes. cntulpns. vines. etc.. too many in name. Also young cherry trees, phun trees, cnr- rant bushes. etc. Come and make your choice at reasonable prices. Amos J. Wmmn‘ cor. Yonge & Richmond St. 44 2 Richmond Hill. 4 0R SALFâ€"Bahy cuuiugf‘, white reed. W. S. PALMER, Centre St. I‘llst, Richmond Hill. 43 3 sluve. quantity of egg cases and carâ€" Lons, 500 cnpacity Debu‘nl Separator. quantity of] and 2 (1'. ins. lese and many other articles for private s-«le and can be seen at. the hunw of F. R. OLIVER, Richmond Hill. 43 2 N O'l‘ICEâ€"E. Slinoy is propuu-tl l0 1 do all kinds of [I'm-king and muting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone )Iuplp 961), Richmond Hill 74. 42 If 0R SALEâ€"12W ft. extension 12nd- der, Sgul. uilcz\n.l gal. oil mm. 3 galvanized tubs. l wheelbarrow. l wytlw, 1 bnffuln who. 1 Speeder Slt'igll,nllllll191' chicken self fevdexs, 1 wheel hue. Ice tong<, hoes, kitchen tables and chairs, 2 spring camp beds. lpruning hawk. Perfectinn cuxl oil stm‘e. quantity of egg cases and ourâ€" Lmzs, 500 cnpucity Debu‘ul Separator. quzgntity ofl and 2 (1'. ins. Thpse 1" OR SALE â€" Six-rum“ lm r hardwood flum-s. fiwpluc: [I’m light, (-tc. LnL 50x10” fr. NUDQYALD, Umtor snort, Riel Hill BBL-ks [hrlL h-savy \vinlm 0. A. C. strni a nd uf13. frnm imported a DALZIICL. Tolcphum- II Kelston Fulm. Tempex (i011 his to lee ATCHING EGGS FOR SALEâ€" me pen of Bun-vd Plymouth Rocks [hut have plow-d lhemsvlws hmvy winter layers. Pen hvndvd by D. A. 0. strain mule bind. 81.51) per getting of 15 eggs. \V. GREEN, Wonk? I bought 1th Farm":er ngmr mems GEL? 0 $1.99 PER GALLGN SPECEAL DISCGUNT ‘DeiiVery anywhere m em Full, Stock of Genuine For 3 OH SALEâ€"Two tling ichnu [v.1 0H SALEâ€"Silver Gm Eggs for hatching‘ $2 wing is dun ‘Jonx Smx l 1f ARMSâ€"The undnrsigned has sov- erul 50ucxe and 100 :em-o farms :1 number of luts for snip. J. H. BRILLINUER. Real Estate Agt‘nl, , Want Adsn Ind more 01 nd C(‘I1.. mlmd lb LINEY. Mun 10L mpmma E’QEE LIGHT MEDEUM EfifléfiNfi mm W. G. BALDGCK ‘ [0 dep me: extension lud- gul. oil mu), wheelbarrow. be. 1 Speeder self fem-dens, hoes, kitchen a: car or tractor RH. No DALE {(- andrflt 3317 ville. 35 46 Richnmnrl \ll wheat Phone 960 have d Hm 40 8 feed your mars ave invested m 1C6 of a team. of h and four 28 :I ml Thérv Dm king |sil1ingz nng before éhe 3“: am seiling G 110 full ‘ OR SALEâ€"3 lmgs Em-ly Pnbnmes. 5!»:1qsGold ( la‘oes. 35 hugs Duoly Put lmgfi Players, late Potatoes. Rye. PETER JONES. Lot 30, Vaughan. Phone 2560 Maple (inrml Ufiiue luau): 2Do:rs South of Bakery on Yonge St. R. R. No. 2f1nu erul’s Pleasure. mining ful'lllr‘r" ditions hf plt'l‘Us seen and blank fl he obtained UL to. Apr“ 11 the day. L110 \wynncw pmposvd [imvs pm Boot and Shoe Repairer Hill If YOU wish to GET 3 HIGH GR\DE BUSINESS EDUCATION Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS SCHOOL by writing fur our large catalogue. See what; we have done for (when and wlnt w» can (in for you, This schnol stands for the hes: in com 3 ‘s. instruction. equipment and di:ci_ pline. Open all year; Enter now. and 3 POSITION soon after GRADUATING you will select the $01} SALE in All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. GEO. KIDD ALI Apply R. MICI‘I’AEL, Ril'lummxl r ~11 l It MAIL CONT ELLIOTT A “‘(‘Pk on Lht ‘. 2 flow the Lsnro. l’rin CCESSOE‘EESo 1H W. J. ELLIOTT,Pri ncipa 1920: A. SI (L ix Pigs. Six “'H-‘ks uh L CONTRACT ENDERS, uddn er Genmul. will pectm 11f RISE nus lhv at cut rat sumeunding 9 best 0 HOESQ 30. ( IPIP. n-ly Re :xtnos. 2 200 bus on iii KB} HEAVY UUl 0Q MORVEX AWAKE, Pure-bred (‘lydes- dale Stallinn [21214] the pmpm-ty of \Vm.R0binsun, Newmn Bmuk, will make the season at his own stable. Terms $1.3. SOLIDITY [18867] (18929), (he property of D. Hnwurd and j. Elly. Downs- view, will tnu‘el [hl‘Ullgll Emery, Vellm-e. Maple, Richmond Hill. Dul- lzu', C:-u‘l'\illo. (to. Terms, $18. SATURDAY. MAY 8â€"Auctinn mh- of lu-usehnld effects at the iesidence, York Mills, the property of Mrs Lillian Fulton. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. J. H. PRESTIGE, Auct. SATURDAY. MAY Xbâ€"Auction sale of Holsteins. horse. implements. 610., on Int 11, con. 1, East Ymk. Old Yonge strvet, tho pmperty of F. 3&2 Muhun. Sale at l u'clm-k. J. H. PREATLCE, Aucs. 5). As‘ ll). 15 \VEST LOTHIAX. ed Clydvsdule : of H. \V. Buyr Specqu I your: 2nd 500. 3:11 23c; (Lunml by M 1‘s. Stu-1t, McNuiI'. ‘ 2. Bvst Collection of Native \Vild Flnwers: Silver Drinking 311p ; (lunutmi by Mr. J. H. Samdersnn. 3. Best (Mllectinn “Vegetables : 19131. 2nd 750, 3rd 50c. 4111206; donned by Dr. Lillian L'mgstnfi. The Directors hope tu gut qthex' spec-i211 px-mvs. own stable 'J‘. Head‘s Terms $13. CZI‘ TEPD )0 Ar '9' ER 9% Stallion Register whvthel- }’ mmnhe-rs m Ivctiun (If A 1‘0 Sales Register {A v\. IL ill H) 31$ I' UHI'UPH, (3 \Me Guide“ louse. iii‘fi’b‘ ll] Lin ‘d r, [6753] U278!” import- smllinn. the prnpelty nLon, will stand at. his ictmin Square, and at \Vedlmsduy evenings. [\VHH 'I‘It).\' III ' Children. under 101- purents me LL (.‘HII TI :m-J 1m m [in]! th ‘Inte. H,‘ sturtiunRV '9 than 12 hlumns of Bush Fenlh‘. A mm lLHHt tnx' (:01 Minn. 1t uls: 1st, :31, ed by Mrs. ud 4th $33 Society LE}: YUN TINSMI 99¢0©M009¢¢9¢©¢0000 9¢9®9¢WW MMWQMGWOQOWQ 6666096900®96M5 HIGHLANB LAKE FARMS R. W. E. Burnabg u Jeffersqim, Ont High-Class Exlxibiflon and Utiliiy Birds. Blue Andalusians ‘ $3 for setting of 15 Silver Spangled Hamburg $3 for setting of15 Silver Campines ‘ $53 for setting of I5 The above varieties have no equal for eggs. Also \Vhite Rocks, Barred Rocks and Buff Rocks ‘ $3 fer setting of 15 Silver Pencilfed and Columbia \Vyandottes The above won in 41 entries this year at Winter Fairs, 26 Firsts. Harry Hulse Wellington St. Long Distance Phone 38 Aurora Everything the farmer needs in the way of Implements. / FULL LINE OF Pump: “'il'e 1' Fiber 1* Cuttiu; MY GUARANTEEâ€"8 Live Chicks or Money Refunded Call and see the samples of] Metallic and get our prices before givir Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutter Wagon on hand. SPRENG TERM; Every Birda Ringer. Visitors \Velcome. No Trap Nests Usedâ€"bat 21 Square Deal. Special on Hundred Lots. Hend sire. AVONDALE PONTIAC EUHO (under 104150). a. son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the \vm-ld’s best. recon-(1cm? for milk produc- tion and Canadian Recmd for butter, 41 lbs. Only (me Mher4L1b. bull in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes neme fifty daughtem of a 33.3141) sun of the great KING SEGIS. brother tn the sins ef three workd’s recmd COWSâ€"mature 50.68, Sr. Lyn-01d 41184. Jr. 4-yr..old 40.32 Ihs. Jfinim- heid sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, a half brother tu AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of z. 301le. Semis cow. He is for snip. If this combination of breeding interests you, write for prices nu either males at females. FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL Hardware {ANITEW [ZED TU} he New . stul" Buxes RD} HATCHING EGGS ALSO STOX .i Sto ‘_ ELECTRIC WASHERS DOHERTY STEEL RANGES bu â€"\RI FROM AURORA’S BEST C. N. CGQPEE AND I‘O( HENG l) I‘INWAHE, \VHT ) FAILS. BI{U( 'i'ifl ti GIOV ‘ LS, Ladders Sm :lpers Hydrated Lime RuhberRuofing, ulwa tench $0000WOW0¢ we SP1 AIRS OF ALI C2111 M these come of th and attain tiveâ€"PROE WAVINGS, Thrift, S Independenceâ€"all these are the out- Richmond Hill 1 ‘ K1 161D Bl “(311111011 Honimg a £2 V‘Our 0rd 5'8 0“ Bank of Canada on to attain it. 292 U the same 6bjec- SPERITY. The \Vhepll In: :1 I" Rout P Good Chatham THE {\N llund same impulse r GALVAN 5. ETC. nd Hill ulpm-s c-Dairs for I'I‘(I\V nd Siding OGO¢O¢¢°¢ MM Mes 5H bx.

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