Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1920, p. 1

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HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glamer. Gramer and Paper- A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at, the above places (Successor to Dr. Pemland) Ofiice hnm‘sâ€"â€"8.30 to 10 mm. 1 to 3 p.11! 6.30 to 8 p.m. Office and residenceâ€"Ynnge Street. Richmond Hill. Phone I‘m. 2% RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND. UNIONVILLE J. T. SAIGEON C. WAIKINGTON Maple King Licensed AllCti()l)9('}‘s for {he County of York. Sales attended to (m shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage Sulicited ‘ T lephnne Bglin 9777 J. II. Naughton BARRIS’TER Somcn‘on ‘NOTARY [Mount-oh Bldg. 26â€"28 Adel- Offlces - uidv Sh. \Vest. Toronto. Naughth Block. Aurora Solicitor {The 'l‘o\_\'n of Aurora for The Township of King LI. M.\Vulr,on, & Co. Anmm All mail orders will receive prompt attention. hn‘isters. Solictors. &c_ MANNIM: ARCADE. 24 Kma ST. WEST. Tomxn‘o. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Inhle Addruss: "Dado" Frank Dentnn, K. (7. Arlh‘ur A. Mucdnnald W. HEWiSON Denton, Macdonald & Denton 200 BERESFORD Avur, W EST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. REAL ESTATE AND INSLTRANCEi THORNHILL ‘ DECORATOI Undertakers d! Enlhnlmvrs. HTNA. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ‘ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERXENCE Conunissinner, Convoy Insurance and Real Issuer of Marriage Blanches of this bank were opened on April 27, 1920 at THORNHILL and WILLOWDALE where a general banking business is transacted. Royai Bank M Qanada $1.50 per annum, in advance.j VOL. XLII JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER RICHI‘JOND DR. J. P. WILSON :nmissionc J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC; )RATOR, \{ PAPER-HANGER ~ GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. on. WRIGHT BROS. . SHEPHERD The Accounts of farmers given special attention. Total Assets Paid-up Capital Reserve Funds 1H we of Maple) Frank \V. DenLom Jr Residence Elgm Mills Residence Phone 4-4.4 Cunveyanc h u mcer, Eilzlt‘ LiCEIIS :1 Hill Many friends here received a shock when they learned of the death of Mr. Charles T. Savage at his home in T0- rnntyo Friday night. He had been all- ing several weeks, but appeared to be irrrprm‘ing, and his sudden death was quite unexpected. He was born in Richmond Hill 55 years ago, and after leaving the Patterson “'urks. entered the employ of the Massey-Harris Unm- pany. Turuntu. risng to the position of foreman of one of the departments. He was an active member of Chalmers Presbyterian church. a member of the Canadlan Order hf Foresters, but was better known as Bandmaster of the 109th Regiment Band. The funeral 0n Mnnday afternoon was headed by the 109th Band. and interment took place in Prospect Cemetery. the service being conducted by Rev. S. Fultnn, of Chalmers! church. Besides four lrro- thersâ€"Peter G” Jnlrn, james and An- drewâ€"deceased is survived by his widow. formerly Miss Flora Ounlter, nrre son, Russell, and one daughter. Mrs. G. \V. \Vest. Few men were. more deserwedly popular than Charlie Savage, and it, is needless to say his wife and ()1 her relatives have the sin- r‘ere sympathy (If a large circle of friends. Hillcrest Lodge, 1. 0. O. F.. held :1 Cthh panch on Sunday afternoon last. The members assembled at the lodge rooms and marched to the Presâ€" byterian church. where an appropriate and impres‘sive sex-mun was preached by Rev. M. Hay. There was a good utlt‘ndnncu of flu- local memhm-sund ulsmt numhm of visiting :nembofs from other lndgcs. ' A meeting of those interested in lawn tonnis was held in the high school on Thursday evening of last week. A committee was appointed to have the grounds prepared, and officers wele elected .Is follows: President, Harry Naughton: Sgcremry, L. Mr- Nair: Treasurer. J. R. Helringlon. The courts will, as heretofore. lu- placed in the. pzuk‘ and some good pluying is looked for (luring the Season. 415 BullinLSt... Tommln. thw Belmont 1347 IACENSED AUQTZONEER FOR GOL'N’I'Y 0F YORK AN‘D ONTARIO Speeial attvntinn given to sales ()1 every (Inscription. Farms and farm stock sales a svpeciultv. Farms bought and suld nn cmmnissiun. All sales at- tended to on shm'test notice. and con- ducted by the must approved methods. Pillu‘mlgt’ solicited. Tornnlo Or‘ficp, Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Siren-t. West. Richmond Hill omce (‘ Liberal Oflice). every Thursday forenomi. . le. Thursday afternnonn oodhridsze, Saturday fun-emmn. Money to Loan at Current Rate BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Ciub V. D. OLLIVER, Manager J. II. Pl'on tiae RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY. B, 19' I. 0. 0. F. Church Parade Death of Charles Savage WILLIAM COOK 17,000,000 18,000,000 50,000,000 Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty,- in all fkings, Charity l At a mpnling held last week in the , interest of base hall :1 team wus organ- 'ized and the following officers were olecth: Hon. PrPsident. J. A. Greene; l Prvsidenh Rev. M. Hay: Secretary, 0. . Harding: Manager. G. N. Sloan; Unp- tain. K. Blanchard. l anclice is held every fine (wening in thin park. Anyone who is at all in- terested in the game is invited to at- tend. There are plenty of young men in town to make a strong team. and if Ihey will practice energetically and work harmoniously should he ahle to meet, all comers and show :\ creditable record at the close of the season. The Hnl'ticnltuml Society will hold tlwirmnnthly meeting in the school rnnmof the l‘IE‘thl’llat church next; Tuesday evening, May l8. An uddmss illustrated by lantern slides will be givonhy Prnf. \Vm. Hunt, of the 0. A. 0., Guelph. Subject: Gludioli, Dahlias and other seasmmhle topics. The public welcome. Mr. Goo. S. Sims, who has lmen wmkingasx a cur-pe‘nu-r for nearly 30 years. had his first mishap on Friday. A hoard on which he stept slipped off a. svzmtling letting him drop in thp lmtlom 0f the collar about six feet dopp. Ill.‘ alighlvd on his right, should- er breaking the bone tWQinches below the shoulder cap. TheX Rays show- ed a clvan break. The injured limb is hound in plaster pulls, and will remain bound for probably a month. The re- sult mightlmve been worse. but it. is had enough for a busy mun. In order to mmnurnge (-uxnpolitinn in the Children's Dvpm tinent, tho SOCI'P- bury of the Fair informs us that im foo will he charged for entries in that, de- partment. This piiviiego should bring a good di<plny of exhibits at, U]? Fair on the 24th of May. Sen Prize List page 33. The leaping ln-nnk trout painted in natural colurs on the cnver 0f the May issue of Bud and Gun in Canada will quicken phe pulse nf every nature lover. Thisissue of Canada’s leading spoitsmen’s monthly contains the first installment of Harry M. Moore's thl il- ling stury of adventure entitled. "The Silver King." Bonnycastle Dale tells in his own gripping manner the story if the wild cut, its l-nnge and habits throughout Cullfldil. The Guns and Ammunition and Fishing Notes Deâ€" partments me up to their usual high stand-41d in this number. Rod and Gun in (Mnndn is published nmnthly by \V. J. Tuylur Limited nt \Vnndstuck. ()nt. After an illnt‘ss oxtentling over sev- eral nmnlhs, MissTillie Maxwell passed aw.ry Monday lnnrning. The funeral took place frmn her lalv home Tuesday nfternnnn. Rev. M. Hay. who conâ€" ducted the service. referred to the re- spect, in which deceased was held by the citizens. the useful work sho had done so many years for friends and neighbors, and partitularly toher devo- Liun to her aged inulhor, nnw supposed to he in her 116Lh year. Mrs. Maxwell has lived to see her son and three (laugh~ tPI'S pass away. and is still in very good health. Friends will be pleased Ln know that Mr. Mulholland and Mrs. Goulsun. in whom: family Tillie was for many yvars a faithful and trusted servant, will 500 lhnt Mrs. Maxwell will he we-ll cared for the balance of hvr (i:l)'$. Aurora. cm-n on Monday of exompt fmm g Construction ( match l'nulm-y Twochildren injured last E hfilllS of each Andrews. whi driver Jimmy uf the tat No Entrance Fee for Children md‘h Tilda Maxweli’s Death )f a car Bruwn u-ried hy Nli\\'5 NOTES Rod and Gun Horticultural Arm Broken Base Ball n in Aurora won Saturday wilhi h othvl'. Liltl Eneml tam-s L 7ulnnany [u 1 in that town wk the th( Is: \Ve‘t L large majority veok u hy-lnw tu taxes the Anchor 137 In mtnblish n luplin ;in that, de- shnnld bring at, U]? Fair 0 Prize List mnns Lh fec brl llll ere-1y front I'Lha thz 8 9 10. Best Collection of Bush Faun. ] 2 3 4. 5 6 7 . l Cabbage . 6 Onions from seed. . 6 Onions from sets. 3 Beets. ’ . 3 Potatoes. . 3 Carrots. . Tomatoes. best plate. . 12 Blooms of Nusturtiums. . Astetfâ€"â€"N0t more than 12 hlnoma Prizes for each of ulmvo CIasses : $1, 2nd 751:. 3rd 50c. 4th 250.: ] Specml Prizes fur Children. under years: whether parents are members or not. The Sterling Bunk hm;ng leased the store in the Lorne Block where I Cun-iml nn husinoxs. I haw lemon-d my shoe shop t0 the building at the roar of john Palmer’s residenun I thank my customers for past put- rnnage, and hope to continue to serve them in the new quarters. L. \VADE. 40 6 Richmond Hill. 1. Best Collection of Annuals: lst $1, 2nd §30ck ‘31'd 25c; donated by Mrs. Scott Manir. 2. Bust Cullection of Native \Vild Flowers: Silver Drinking Cup ; donated by Mr. J. H. Szmdm'snn. 3. Best (MllectionanegetnblS}: 1st$1. 2nd 75c, 3rd 50c. 4th 200 . donated by Dr. Lillian Lungstufl. The Directors hope to get, other sprcial prizes. Miss Alida Beynon TEACHER OF PIANO Stop 54 mm Organist and Chnixleaderof Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Receivvs pupils for piano on Fridays at the church. Exumimuiuus and sighL mad- ing a specialty. Pupils prepared fur exam: unions (vf'l‘oruutn Unnsvrvnu-ry and Aswuizrtvd Board of Royal Acud~ ouiynf Music and Ruynl College of Music. Studio 90 Mubmly Ave. Toronto. Phwne Gerrard 238 FALL EXHIBITION Richmond Hill Horticultural Society OI’FN TO ALL CHILDREN BPsL Flower Garden. 6 ft. x 12 ft. Beat, Vegetable Garden. 6 ft. x 12 ft. Best Bird Hons». Prize-s to he awalded for (0+ scructinn and localinn. To be judged at time of gardens. 15:31.50, 2nd $1. 3rd 500. 4th 25c. Ph( VALENTINE WEST Shave 'l‘ay HQ 01‘ The Sterling Bank welcomes applica- tions from conservative farmers re- quirin;r additional capital for the pur- pme of purchasing seed, cattle or equipment. The experience of our loc;1li\lanager and the information he possesses may prove of value to you as well. THE STEREENG, BANK hune ( \Vnilc SECTION III SECTION I SECTION II Taylor & Rhodes Notaries, El Notice armers Our; Savings Department will receive accounts by mail and allow interest at current rates, with checking facilities. Withdrawals can be promptly made by means of cheques. Jefferson Mn leased the where I wmoved g at the 1111) OF CANADA at the t, read- L'L‘d ful‘ I We: DENTIST. of TORONTO will open a. new and up-Lo-dute dental office in Richmond Hill about the middle of May. Further notice later. PLANKS’I‘ IencJer rt Piano-Playing at the vanbfi Comervatm'y of Music and St. Mnrgaret‘s College. Richmond Hillâ€"\Vednesduys an Saturdays. Telephones. Calls by phone or otherwise responded to Residence flddl‘e‘SS Victoria Square Tel. M. 3631 JOHN RCAMPBEL A. Cameron MacNauqhion MISS BEATRICE HOWELL L' ) 7?. ?N I‘D ' Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten Pupils PLUMBING mo TlNSMITHING HOT W’ATER HEATING AxoGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. J. EARLE NE WTON w-vâ€"-â€"wâ€" vâ€" -v-"')I-' “Vtalfik‘ Barrister, Solicitor, New, RD. UFFXCE~SUITE 3}. T038. 0 DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 K NG STREET \VEST .‘. bfirauk Slattery BARRIS’I‘ER, SOLwITOR AND NOTARY Pl‘mIC 157 B Ly Su-uet. - Tulonto Sn A. C. HENDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON, Tllomlhill. J. K. MCEWEN & SON Richmond Hill LICENSED AUCTIONEER [Single copies, 3 cts M ARRIAG E LICENSES R THE COUNTY OF YORK Patmnzuze and influence respectfully solicited A. J. HUME DR. BELL -d Auctioneers Intios of York Plume 950 W( passed for Consoxvatory Ex- mninnliuns. 'YI‘ARY PL'BLH )NVEYASCING lomceâ€"Mnin 4508. } Houseâ€"~31ain 2067 IlOTJ‘IL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill P. 0. address Gox‘mPey, RHR. it No. 4‘ Toronto an | and Simu promptly

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