Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1920, p. 3

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17m f or hes" CHILD’S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- , sons from little stomach, liver and bowels i Figs "California Syrup 0: onlyâ€"look for the name Calliornia on the package, then you are sure you: Accept child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physio for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." In Spite of Things. You might think from the way some people talk that Nature and Fate spend their time making the rough places smooth for particular favorites, while the rest go to perdition with the malevolent connivance of blind forces. But nobody for any price can pur- chase an exemption. We all live un- der the operative hand of invioiable natural laws. The rules of the game admit of no exceptions. The immuni- ties we think we see are phantoms and not facts. The world and the welkin are as good to you and me as they are to anybody. You carry some trouble, and you im- agine none ever transported a burden so complex and so woeful. It is a form of misery so mean and so pe- culiar that it seems to have been in- vented especially for your torment. “The heart knoweth its own bitter- ness.” But how foolish it is to imagine that any of us has a patent, a copyright, a l 'tions that concern monopoly in problem: grievous and fearful! This man who smiles and lr‘ calm may be crufrouting large ones- tho ongoin" of ‘h if of :t rt great industry, the muniting whole city, the wrlfurc cf the millions ‘ inhabiting a nation. l‘Iv-‘rylmily who has an opinion to ot'l'cr talking at is once and mying how much better llt‘i could do it‘ the nutter were left to him. llut lllC louder. slioulticring: iiic‘ rcspousibility. .stnruls' in his placc.‘ holds hi: griunil out when the thin conic. illi)\(;\ on. No tight is ililt‘l‘ than tho (‘tliilLiSr‘Llliffi‘ pcrsistnnt l)‘lll::_' aging circum- stunt-cs. it i-: u lizittio good for the' soul, and u ili'til was forever tin-ant to be the victor. lie is ncvcr til-Milt“ HS long as ho strugng and \rili not ivc‘ . i1 in. Carlyle tells u< of the mighty host of all past time, who rise up and surround us with thcir Voice: of en- couragement and cr‘ucrtutinn if are worthy. ’l'imy went the same w: ' that we arc “hiking; llUWMil while ago. They knew cvery blzu-k shade of hit- tcrnces in our abysmal desperation. \Ye brought to the north no nch of; human life; those who were here beâ€" fore us had to lift and carry the load that now upon our shoulders, if thcy could do their duty. we can do ours. is .â€"._..'aâ€" â€"â€"--.._.. A Siilliil ill lli'ltl’ llt‘iSli 0F llliil'h‘ illl’ 'l‘llllilll‘S Baby's Own Tablets are a regular joy giver to the little oncsi‘they never fail to make the cross baby happy. When baby is cross and fretful the mother may be sure something is the matter for it is not baby‘s nature to be cross unleSs he is ailing, Mothers. if your baby is cross." if he cries a great deal and needs your constant at- tcntion day and night. give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which will quickly regulate the bowels and stonr ach and thus relieve constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and make baby happy~there surely is a smile in every dose of the Tablets. Baby’s Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box fr0m The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. ’p- __â€"_. 0 Regular and ample grooming are occasional wash will help to keep the pores open and the skin clean. Minard's Linlment for sale everywhere For the Summer Wardrobe _ 9489â€"Ladies’ Dress (with or with- out loose panels; 37 or 33â€"inch length :from waistline). Price, 30 cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 ins. bust measure. lSize 36 requires 4% yds. 36 ins. wide, 'or 8% yds. 40 ins. Width, 1% yds. 9477â€"Ladies' Bloused Dress (ki- mono sleeves, short or lengthened by adjusted at waist by bell sleeve; ready to eat; ,easily A Food Mat Builds! rape -- Nuts A staunch f'ood made of wheat and malted barley, digested. and f'u]1 of sound nounshmen For those who work with brain or brawn there is no better breakfast orlunch than Grape-Nuts “1716155 .2 Reason ” Sold by Grocers Made by Canadian Postum Cereal .( . 9477 elastic; with or without side panniers; 37 or 33-inch length). Price, 30 cents. In 6 sizes, 84 to 44 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires 4% yds. 40 ins. wide fair the dress. Width, lower edge, 11/2 y 5. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. mw‘vwmmmng - - v nnt'" . {away}??? £122,335” ' we . t l l l l ! .nmnnfacturiug HAVE YOU ASTHMA? Do you endure the misery of Asthma. with slee less nights. difficult. brcat trig nndloss of strength? How- ever bad your case quick relief is guaranteedbv the use of TEMPLETON’S RAZ-MAH CAPSULES This preparation is the re- sultoi' earsorexpertment- ingan study. Thousands have derived the greatest; benefit through its use. I}Vrtte‘ ftor IreeflsaKmple to em .6 ons. in St. W., 'goronto. 3 Sold by reliable drug ists everywhere for (51.0% a ox. , 'LTN‘S " ‘ ERHEUMATIC CAPSULES - For fifteen years the standard 3 specific for ' ' Rheumatism, Nourltls, Gout : Sciatica, Lumbagc, Neuralgia 3 Many doctors pro‘cribe them. ‘ Write to Templeton. H2 King St. “'.. Toronto, for - > rm sample. Sold lvr ramble drur' lets eve wh 1 01.04 [wt lmx. J "g r, "e {or England is Prosperous, Says Financier. "'i'hcy are in for a big industrial boom in England. llritish capitalists arc. liming interests all over the world. “'9 arc going to be stronger than ever before." raid Sir William Wiscman. who is \isiliug Toronto to attend to busin interests he has in the city. "Conditions in England are extraordinarily good. We are the only country in Europe which l> doing business. Our mann- facturers have two or three times the amount of business they can handle. Things arc naturally disturbed, but they are gradually righting them- selves. As soon as the exchange situa~ tion improves there will be plenty of British capital for (.‘anz‘ulaf' Speaking of the exchange situation. Sir William said: "it is improving ‘and it will improve." Sir William. during the war, acted as liason otiicer between the \Var Cabinet in London and the Govern- ment at \Vashington. during which period he crossed the Atlantic four- teen times to discuss with Lloyd George and President Wilson matters :which were. too complicated or too im- necessary this time of year to keep; a horse in the best condition. but an‘ portant to be trusted to writing. During the Peace Conference he acted as advisor to the British delega- tion on American affairs. Sir William thought that the Ger- man situation was not alarming. “I think the German situation will work itself out if we do not give them :1 grievance. The worst thing possible is to leave a conquered people with a grievance. Provided they do not start building armies and navies again we want to see them do well and get back into the world‘s trade." Spanish Flu Claims Many Victims in Canada and should be guarded against. hinattt’s Linimeiii Is a Great Prchntatlve, being one of the oldest remedies used. Mlnnrd's Lini- ment has cured thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Asthma. and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to perms. Thousands of bottles being used every day, for sale by all druggists and ‘ general dealers. LlNiMl’CNT CO., LIMITED. Yarmou‘rh, NS. MINARD‘S Sightseer-s Carried on Hos- pital Trains. Hospital trains still bearing their Red Cross emblems will tour the French battlefields next summer, but instead of wounded heroes they will be loaded with sightseers. The plan is part of the general scheme of the French office of national tourism, which intends using ambulance trains to relieve the hotel congestion, each train being arranged with all the necessities for a week or ten day tour of the British. French and American fronts. The transport companies and hotel proprietors will urge the public not to visit the districts simultaneously, five districts being arranged for selection by visitors. The office is under the Ministry of Public “'orks, which will prevent hotels in the larger towns and cities from charging excessive rates, but the biggest problem was to care for thousands in the districts where there is no accommodation whatever and the Red Cross train plan promises success. ' The French Government points out that it has information that a half million Americans already have asked for passports and also thirty thousand Canadians, and France has only 12,- 000 llotcls. Other French associations plan to defeat schemes to exploit the battlefields, one pron sing to devote all the profits from its tours to reliev- ing the distress of needy veterans of the world war. Orericeiiing is not the part of wis- dom. What is too much for one cow may not be enough fer another. ED. 7. ISSUE No. 20â€"‘20. ‘littic boy sziid: are or , ilhtfih . ("it HERE Er'liiEltE Willie’s Choice. "Now. \Viilic." said a. generous flllllCl‘. as he and his little, eon wcrov - .guzlng into a tuilor's shop window, "I" of ' :.iu going to buy jfll a new pair trouser. and you :~li:‘.ll (noose them. ‘ ‘\\hi('h pair do you want?" moment‘s hesitation. the "i’lcnsc, father. may market “Cannot be After :1 :I have that iair. bcutcu?" note from her mother, signed. Barres.“ The teacher asked for explanation. “It's this way," said Elizabeth, lean- ing toward the teacher with quite a confidential air: “my mother got mar- ried again, but i didn't." Caution. The tcncher had been cvplainiug fractions to her class. When she had discussed the subject at length, wish- ing to see how much light had been shed, she inquired: “Now, Bobbie, which would you rather have, one apple or two halves ?" The little chap promptly replied: “Two halves." “0h, Bobby," exclaimed the young woman, a little disappointedly, “why would you prefer two halves?" "Because then I could see if it was bad inside.” ‘.._. __.__. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Professor (giving exam.): “Does any question embarrass you?” Bright Student: “Not at all sir. Not at all. The questions are quite clear. It is the answers that bother me.” Ask for Minard‘s and take no other. Maria‘s rlonoex' Dog Remedies Book on 006 DISEASES . and. Bow to feed Mailed Free to,any Ad- dress by the Author. B. may Glover 00., no. ' 118 “feet that Street . New York. U.S.A. ' Wash Out Your Pores With Cuticura Soap And have a clear sweet, healthy skin with little trouble and trifling expense. Con- trast this Simple wholesome treatment With tiresome massaging and other fads. _0n retiring smear the face with Cuticura Ointment on the end of the finger. wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot water, usmg plenty of soap. best ap- plied with the hands which it; softens. and continuebathmgafewmomenta. Rinse With tepid water and dry gently. ’ Soap 25:. Ointment, 25 Ind 530:. Sold throughout theDomtmon. CanadianDepot: I. mm. Limited. 5!. Paul St. Montreal. Cudcun Soap shaves without DB8. “MW' l gain by our home treatment. “"116 1‘ an ‘ igly or fading. Classified Advertisements. LADIES WANTED. ADIES \VANTED TO DO PLAIN. and light sewan at home. whole or. spare time; good pay. work sent any dis~ tnncc, charges paid. Send stamp for: purticulnrs. National Manufacturing Cu, Montreal. ‘ I‘EE'I'ILIZEB. ‘ IEVENS' COMPLETE FERTILIZER b will pay you. George Stevens. i'cterlinrougb. Ontario. 203 SALE ‘ ELL EQUIl‘l‘ED NEVVSI'AI'ER and job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried 51.600. “In go for 11.2100 on uulck sale 80.: "g Iilon } ublishlng Co.. Ltd. Toronto. SOFT ELM WANTED. ' ‘UFT‘ ELM \VANTED, 2 IN. AND. a thicker, shipped green from saw.l Do not sell until you communicate with? Elizabeth Remained Single 3" Keenan 13ml Limited. Owen Sound.‘ ' nt. 43 Litth Elizabeth Tilton had attwnded! . school only u few days when she. fell mscnrd'moul- T“: iii. When she returncd she brought a l ANGER. TUMORS. LUMPS. Em. tnternnl and external. cured wltbo‘ii store too late Dr. Bellman India}! 7954' 00.. Limited. Colllnrwood. Ont. WANTED Bright girl for general house worhfl Good home. Good wages. MRS. ANDREWS. ; 118 Walmer Rd, Toronto} Testing your cows enables you to know your herd. ’ti {‘DANDERINE” PUTS l BEAUTY IN HAIR 1-!â€" Girls! TA‘ mass of long, thick, gleamy tresses Lt; Let “Danderine” save you: hair and double its beauty. You can have lots 0f long, thick, strong, lustrous hath: Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scrag-, Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful. "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance Iwill returnâ€"Hurry! @fo‘é/o‘flé’o‘Q/NWRS A Dyspepsia Cure M. D. advises : “Persons who suffer from severe indigestion . and constipation can cure them- selves by taking fifteen to thirty drop; of Extract of Roots after each meal and at bedtime. This remedy is known as Mother Scigel’s Cnrative Syrup in the drug . trade.” Get the genuine. 50c. .0 (o. and $1.00 Bottles. '0. eczema/om ONLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER” ARE ASPIRIN Abra“; buy an unbroken Aspirin is the trade mark (regia acutlcacidester cf Salicylicacid. The name “Bayer” identifies the contains proper directioné only genuine Aspirin,â€"the Aspirin prescribcdby physicians for over mne- . . tccn years and now made in Canada. 'tis. Jornt Pains, package of “Buyer Tablets of Aspirin” which afcw centsA Larger ‘ ’ There is only one Aspirinâ€"“Bayer”-You must lay - ‘Bayer’ 'ered in Canada) of Bayer Mnnufaoture of Monoa While it. manufacture, to assist the public against lmitatl will be stamped with their general trade mark. Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Cross"; ‘01; Headache, Toothache, EarMhe, Neu~ iralgia, Lumbagn, Rheumatism, Neurl- ‘ and Pain generally, 12 tablets cost but ' b X of Tm 0 es “Bayer”paokagel. :1 known that Aspirin mean: 3 or ‘3 we arts. the Tablet: of Bayer Congo: the “Beyer Cross."

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