for Less Mo_ney and have Better Fuel. Call and See Nukol Fire and get Full Particulaxs. WHY WORRY ‘3 G. A. M. Davison, Dealer, Unionvilie? A. E. Glass, Salesman, Richmond Hill f 4. The citizens see that the plan causes confusion and adds greatly to the general unrest of the people, but they fall into line, owing to the Met- ropolitan Railway following Toronto time. One of the local papers says: “The worst feature is the way that the fast time hits the pupils of the The Town Council of Newmarket has compromised on the so called d‘AV- light saving scheme by asking the citizens to observe the new time from Sunday, May 30, to Saturday. Sept. The Half Million Dollar Motorâ€"Less Gasâ€"More Mileage \VILLOVVDAI.E note, says: “The United States winter wheat report for May 1 indicates a yield of one-third less than in 1910, which is one more reason why Canadian farm- els should raise all they can in the coming season.†rim ’1‘. The above is good advice:- but The Globe might. help production more by trying to show Mayor Church and the City Council that they are doing the farmers an injustice by encouragâ€" ing farm bands to quit; work an hour earlier in the evening than the usual time. l920--FORDâ€"-1920 Tuesday’s Globe, in an Have you seen the 1920 Ford Car? Some of the added improve- ments areâ€"one mun top, deep leather seats; ventilating wind shield, rc-inforced radius rod, demountable rims, non skid tires, tire carrier on rear, instrument board, electric lighting and starter. The price of the Runabout is $7101 and the Touring (‘ar 3740 f. o b. Ford, Out. and do not include war tax. The Electric Startingand Lighting equipment is optional and is supplied at an :«dditiml cast of $100. Phone Nos. 34 and 21 Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, \Vood and Cement WE ADVISE PLACING ORDERS EARLY. Findlay 8: Brillinger Pho 3 PASSENGER ROADSTER 5PASSENGER TOURING 5 PASSENGER SPECIAL MCKENZIE BROS. me No. 27 ,Richmond Hill G. F. ALLEN MADE IN CANADA FROMPT SERVICE BRISCO Flour and Feed About Next Winter’s Coal at High Prices, \vhcnyou can get )l l’remier Drury is to be commended for opposing and refusing to have anything to do with the Round Robin that was signed by a majority of the members, asking for a raise of $1,l00. We hear a. great deal these days about Democracy. Democracy means government by the people. Did the peopleâ€"the electorsâ€"give their can- didates a mandate to raise their an- nual salary from $1400 to $2500? If those members of Parliament who spoke in favor of the increase will tell their electors before the next election that they purpose voting for it they need not be accused of decep- tion. That, they did not do before the last election. We are not prepared to say that, SIAOOasession is enough for each private member of the Legislature for his indemnity, but we do say that high school who use theï¬lctropolimn line, as at psesenc they get here 15 minutes [08 and have to wait an hour for school to open. Then in the afternom they have to lose an hour of {caching or wait in town till the 7 o'clock car going north.†and uhool to :,n they :hing 01' k car gc Thornhill ONTARIO iSa d, Gravel, n ‘ Tile and Brick A good supply of Chop, Bran and Shorts, for cattle and I \hogs on hand. I Calf Meal, Cracked Corn and Mixed Poultry Feed. Rh MAX The Map]? Sand. G Company, Lt'd, have Cement drain tile. 3, Culvert tile 12. 15. (30 inches in Also Cement Brick. Sand 01- Gravel suld M cur lots. Hemlock Slabs. Egg Stove and Nut also Carmel Coal at the Elevator. PuritV Flour A Car Load of Fresh Cement. Dry Hardwood and Dry I'CSS Newton Brook Gummuoiiy Shalom Methodist Pastorâ€"REV. P. A. JOURDAN PUBLIC NGTECE G. A9 A. DAWSW FGRD DEALER UNIONVELL til LOOK! GEL BARGAENS Owing tn high prices and d in geltingcunl and feed \\‘ insist on everything [wing for in 30 days. :\.n).â€" "Our Lndv of the Lump.†' p.11).â€"“Li0ns in me \Vuy.†3rd in series rm the Pilgrim‘s Prog- 855101) l ‘QL‘ILLE A Car of Western Oats. ‘lll also have a stock 9f Tires secured before the advance, which I wrll sell at last year’s prices. l. D. RAMER car of Oils which I purchased before the advance in price, is due here early in April. I will sell this as follows:-- Polarine Oils for Tractors, Trucks 311d Motors at a Substantial Reduction, Pastor ally McC â€" (The price of these oils today is $1.25 per gal.) A discount of 15 per cent. will be allowed on these prices if the oil is taken direct from the car, and I will deliver free of Charge within a radius of 10 miles from Unionville. Polarine Motor Oil $1.00 per gallon in tarrels. Heavy Polarine (TrAacrtor Oil) $1.90 pcrgallon, in bowels. 10 lbs. of Cup Grease for $1.25. 5t hi mgha DEATHS COL'SINS Phone or write your order at once. F lrst come, ï¬rst served. PIC th $01 vice ran-l and Brick on hzmd for sale. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. 18 and 20 inch length) Pastry Flour md Mnn .'\l difficulty we must 9; settled M L'Q Ishm \V. J. BILLING'S IInpm-ini Ringlot strains. Hens that. lay 243 In 2.56 egg )Iy‘ï¬tuck has stood [he text and is sli runny ï¬rst prizes Won in 191$) and 192‘ Ducks. My binds are all kent in sen: “9.? \Vhite Ox pingm Bluvk Orpington BIueOrpmgtuns Ruse (fr-ml: Rhm IlllpPli lel'll'iK \\'hite Butter W. J. BILLING, Tyler St., P. O. Box 18 AURORA 9- ONT. kin D EGGS FGR HATCHENG lndustrl Sun. Mon. Wad. Friâ€"Canadim Tues. Thurs. Satâ€"Mia G.T., 1’. Tickets and fun iniormation Railways' Agent, e \Vyzmd yundottvs \in {m UNIONVILLE GARAGE PRICES FOR SETTING OF 15 ludotk HUI)!“ HS 1R: â€"Canadian Hationai all d lot BurrPd Plymouth M) up puns iii lllt ï¬.0., Cochrane tflence o. W. Rys. ‘rom nearest Canadian National fll AIM pun- "5Q the wa HI othsr oronto. uh