Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1920, p. 5

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Hin- rnornr}: liy gutting your p:i<lr_v and Purity tl- or at the lib-valor. Yougc ~treet if golfing llllllt.‘ du- Iv, and1:11~..(Iyt:1'11>lir-~t ('ualtritnl, BUY \\'.‘..\"l'l;t)-~A sin iit liivy wardml to learn the- printing liu<ir.i-.~. Apply at ’I‘IIl‘ Idln laI (lfficr. Mr. and Mrs. \V. II. I‘uizslrv spent 1hr \Vr'r'k v-ml at Snltr 11 with M1. and Mrs. A. If. l’ugdvy. Some of our citizens tzi-t llwll' rm’als by now tinio. and some l,_\' {standard time, and otlr! rs again. any old time. Earlzwré ha virrg any bar Ivy or wheat {Dist-II are requested to III in}; it. to the Elevator verv soon as I intend ship- ping out for IIH' your. llhe Inst d.-.v rho t'Iv'l It will Mr. E. McMahon (if Aurr in an I Mr. ’I‘. I". McMahon of this place EIIIR'IIKIUII tho furl-rat oi a Irl.illll‘l-III-lil\\'. thr- l.iti- (ls .ir (built. (‘I \\3 ll «oil I’. rt. on Sulllrtiil)‘. Village tax payers should ruin-11in1- II1.II Hirlllltlu)‘ or this work. .\Ia_\’ I3, is tlm IlII1\V _ JIt't't‘liI III'SI installrne-nt (I tner and Iin- per cont (if the tax bill. Several \iIIIl‘I-PS (if \‘t'lHI will] at llltrllt'yFtu‘illglii‘luw at the I‘llilVil‘ll’I'. Two new :uth'l list-Inents appmr this The villugo ('.'llt“.|I\'t':'_ ruiib «r twrrri :rrid bu.p~1, ~pz'rit l"iid.ryur.d S itiziilay l111:'|r;_;:1\\‘.rylr\ Iliu ilrrrnp lump tin- \\IIIIl‘l' :iw-iiuiu‘lntuui (if KJIII'oLJ‘ Ill \rll ions kinds. [his is time and no in y “1‘” stil'lil. A l‘ilI' (if Nrrltol :121d a car coal at lli'.‘ I‘Ill‘\:lllrl‘.ill\1l:lgtHIlI sli‘p- ‘||I"III of nut. slovt- and rgg In trail :Illl\‘t'. Many r f our citizens ari- lnlr nishiiirv ,tIn-ir prr Intros thew days, and the Village looks well The Council. how'- 1(>\r*r. sllollld Ilil\t‘ sturrul dead tnuw lemon-d before the crowd aiiiu-s .it \w-ek on thr- front pagvof The Liberal. ' H“. 5...“. U” \‘iflmiu I)“: 0111‘ refers totheSteI ling Hank If‘l'f‘lllâ€"l ‘ Ivnpi-ncd here: thr- otlwr the Iiank. recently opened in 'l‘hmiihill. Read them. MAPLE BAKERY thing your to the Maple Bakery. Highest Prices Paid. Dairy and Ilog Feed sold by the ton. just Come and Get It. Robeson & Roberts 'I‘itan Geo. Toronto \Vin l L. 1... Church St. i l i : MMMOMOOMOWOWMMNO LOOK! All Tubesâ€"Best for Strength Phone 18 OWWMOMW “M” 0”“00W9 aeeoooomwoowwomommuw i i l I’ll'lll‘irOSC Cream Separators. Giso'i'ie Engines ofall sizes up to 60 H. P. \‘Jhite & Sons, 'I‘hreshers and Engines. Engine, \V’iiidmills and Puriips of all kinds. Beatty Bros., Barn Equipments and Stable Fittings. j. Fleury & Sous, I’lows. Galt Art Metal, Sheet Metal Building Material and Garages. All Kinds of Repairs for Above Kept on Hand. Motorists and Tractor Gwners LISTEN“ Having been fortunate in buying bet-are the advance in prices, we are enabled to sell you Oils, Greases, Etc. at the lowest prices. “Polarine” In Three Gradesâ€"Light, Medium and lleavy. the same price. $1.00 PER GALLON BY THE BARREL In small lots at $1.25 per gal. Also Light Ford 011 at 80c per gal. Mobile A a B at $.35 per gal. Cup Greases in cans from 30c. to $1.25 A Good Line of Motor Accessories. \Vholesale and Retail A gents for the Celebrated Hercules Tires and of cheap tires, they fool you. Also Ever) thing in Hardwareâ€"Garden Tools, Screen Doors and \Vindows, Lawn Mowers, Paints and Gus, Poultiy Netting, Sporting Goods, lttC. “Our \Vatch \Vords are‘tjuality and Service" Try Us. Mâ€" P. S.â€"Order' your binder twine now. The Richmond liill Hardware Co, .\' le’MAN BA'I‘TY ’WOOW“WO°OWQQ®OOMOOWOOWOO (- I. LUNAU Agent for liarrn Implements, Deering and McCormick Machines. Famous Farm Tractors 8x16 International and DD Phone 56 OWWWWWWWOM l 0W0 99000090660OMOMOWWO”WMMOW and Durabilityâ€"Beware mmWmeuW Winona loyal I ammwmoootmwoomomomuomo Jun-k. 1 7 Mrs. Emily Sims. widow of the latt- Samuel \ViItou. (IIt'd at her Ialn' rosi- dent-r- in Toronto on thr- ~Ith of May. IIilI ('r-nwtery last Friday, wins a sister ot Mr. F. I}. Sims. At the Il-ccption hr-Id at (lover Illllt‘lll Home, for out-of-lown (It‘lr‘gatr's to the Annual Iliou-san. St. Mary’s branch. Richmond Hill, wasreprcsvntâ€" led by Mrs. Hauglnon, Mis. I‘ugslt-y, Mrs. C. Kerswill and Mrs. Allan Arm» Sll'nllg. Dr. (I. LaVcrne I’attison, dentist. who tirade many friends here, both professionally and socially. finding his practice in the Guy becoming heat It'l‘. has sold his Richmond 1 ill practice to Dr. Bell. Dr. I’attison aid his last pr'ofe'h‘sioual visit berr- on Tuesday. I.)r. Boll hopes to open his of‘lirr- about the middle of May. Last Friday being Arbor Day in thr-j I’ublii: b‘rhool . spt-nt part of the day in cleaning up ‘ schools of Ontario. tho the front lawn and playgi-rund. a1 1 Zing“ mg the flower beds, and trying llll‘ new rakt‘s. The pupils and teat-heis- apparently enjoyed their task, and loft § the grounds shlpshape. The United Farmers of Riehnmnd Hill biue taken over the store of At- kinson and Switzur and are now tak- ing stock. As soon as stocktaking is IIIII>IIP(I they will be open for business. They h-m- a quantity ofoseed clover for sale. )Ierribeis and others needing St‘t'd will be able to get. the same at any time. Dr. Geo. \\'. Law of Grand Rapids, Miclrigrri, I7.H..~\., allot-an absence of twenty (lllt‘ years. has bron visiting his sister Mrs. Amos. I. “right and othcrfrii'nds at. his old home. Rirh- emond \‘ilht, and has gone to H uinbeiâ€" Stotioto sl-o his iioplioivy Then. (it-o. Law and fainin and al~o It) l’uit t‘ol- borne to \isit his lilt‘l't' Airs. Ili'. \V. L}. Godwin and family. The Annual Rally of Toronto (‘t-nt- ral Ui~trict EIHVUIIII Leagues will In- huld in St. I'auls M- liiodid. thurt h. Avenue Road, on Monday (Writing, , May lllll. Ml fill. The Ililtl feature of the prot'raniinw \\|II1I(' a tit-- li.1le, tho subjt-ct, ul- \\Il'4‘Il r~_ “ i"‘\‘I\- rd lllill. llrr' (Viriudiali t'u~tun~~‘ 'I'aritl on the Nt-r-t-ssrl‘ics r't~ Life should Irr- abolished". A slll‘l'iilI our \VEII l-'II\P. Richmond Ilrll at (I ho p.11:.. standard time so we a~li [but all the I‘l‘;l“"ll-‘land friends he on hand tliul endure. Mr. IIt-nr y Moylv :11 1 i\ ed lr-un- Furi- day after'u delightful lrip .u-ro-m the “coin. He was awn)" nbi ur \l'VtII ltlrrllllls, during which time he \ ixil: d a son in Switzrrland. “mil l)\t'l .. wt). sidt-rablr' suction of lln battlt- ar: :1 ii. I‘ ruurc, spout s>'\ t‘l'JlI w r‘i‘ké in Lorrdn I and \'I~Ili‘(l ‘Iit' Uld Iiorno oi Ills gl'ulid p:1l(‘rit~' in the south of England. Mi. Movlo had lht- pleasure of lit-arm; Mr.- Lloyd (large and other lll)lv'~l speakers. The Uwi-n Sound Srrri»'l‘irircs ,Ivrig'thy account of tho lifi- \\'('1'l{ of Miss Iiiriniir Spruggi', whose death oc- rurit-d in that rin on the 2.3th of April. IIH'HISt‘tI was a lllk‘lllllt‘l’ of the staff of Stratheona School. a lvztclit'r loved and respected by her pupils and esteemed by the Cllllt‘ll: for her lift- of servreo and sacrifice for others. Miss Spraggo .had been secretary. regent and vice» secretary of the Shakespeare Club. treasurer of the \Vr‘men’siPatriotic ('Iub in the late war, president of the \Viunrn 'I‘t-arbers’ Association. and was always foremost in any good The late Miss Sprugge. who Was a sister of Mrs. J. N. Boyle, \\':1.Principal of the Richmond Hill I’ub- Iic School for four years. MAPLE Motlu-rs‘ Day was oh<rrxed Iii-w on Sunrva when rutt-rmtiug services \vervliv-Id. Many il.1‘.\'t‘IS. white and colored wrr-e~ worn in Ill.‘llitll_\' (f M: tltoi'. “Vi-1'1; on thr- gr oil li"ttl\‘ has lit-:11 lit-gun i114 north of tho \ illagn. 4‘1élillltl‘llllgI.I\l\\'PL’I((lI‘IIIt‘ lilIIf‘r’I* (flllt‘ Mt‘tliotlht Sabbath SI'III (ll, _\[1-_ \Vrn. t'arrip was riveted Supt-riiitend~ LIII. ‘ _»\ irrriil (-r of v '11.; p ~. 1 lo Irin-‘wrt-ui to Aurora on I’iid -._v« \‘t id: g; :11. l -«;\ iit :t plurxtti. time at tltv ii Irrr' Ht .‘-ll'. ll. Sufih. 'l he \ l.i‘iii.-n of tIn- I‘ll <1 In I‘I irli>t':\'i‘tl Arid! Ih:_\' 71ml iii llr: :.I'.L1- lll‘l u 111 :Cu- .1 [tip I’) I‘:-‘ \v' w ’12:}. ,1rri'~~ ul irdhi- Irw; «27 wt ii [1 .1 mil 1: \\.'li III" .\I‘ ti! \1.“‘. .‘T'l; :IMII‘ l. .‘vli '_ U‘liiii .~ i~ 1n \ini.’ his Indiv- '1‘"! uni-\v sit»: :ii.‘.1l-t »t :f \‘.‘.'r«r:: it :twid. of u it Interment took place in the Richmond Deceaser V gau- rt} n-gont iif thr- Daughters of the Elllpll‘t'. » mm . m’ ‘Mmum I Concrete House ,~ DRY GOODS ’ Brown Holland Linen. a close even weave for children's rompers and boys‘ suits, width 30 in. 80c yd. Brown Roller Towcllirig, of good drying quality, made of cotton and linen yarn, in dark and light stripe ........ . ............................................................. fine. yd. White Pique, medium cord, satisfactory for women s skirts. misses’ dresses and children's wear .............................................................................. (30c. yd. _ Victoria Lawn, a good quality for aprons and waists, 40 in wide ................................ ................. ~12c yd is _ Cotton BattingT for filling comforters and cushions ’\ is made of a soft, fluffy grade of cotton, in 8 and 16 02. rolls ...................................................................... .300 lb 1 Nainsook, a nice quality for ladies fine underwear . and children's wear, will give good S€I'\'1CC. and wash well, 38 in. wide ..................................................... 50c yd , Women's Art Silk Hose, plain lisic tops, lisle ‘ spliced heels, toes and soles, seamless. colors, black, brown, whi c, light and darl; grey $1.15 pr, 1 1 GR 0C ER IRS 01110, a good bleachcr ........................... inc pk NOnsucli Jumbo Stove Enamel .. ....l‘.’.c tin Lennox Laundry Soap. lric :ar Monkey Brand Soap ........................... .';c p Fine‘ Old Cheese Creariiettcs. a quick cooking Macaroni . J. Stoze closes at 6 p lI ATKIN 80.1 M (:Iic‘ay and \‘r’etincs‘day its: S‘WITZER 9 I l ° Y DU <9 0 3 0 INSliill‘Z Ytl‘r'Il l’lx’Ul’I-llllY AHAIXS'I‘ I-‘IIII‘. g A -F .3 WV .L'F-JL'Y 5? ‘13 i _ .. ‘0 'l‘o protcct. yourself. I pteurrrre Would he. tour answer. Ilien Z whv int.protect.)rvui'u'lfarid family for tie éllllil‘ r‘i-asous, \\'llIl if; this dill'cr'cr’iCr-. Yru ray llll' I’n'n Insurance knowing if nothing: l9 happens in the way or hire: you t-xptcr. no it turn “lilt‘ll I i_'(i‘.1'.t'lltl ls good business. While ku pioirrct yourself and family it costs onlv an effort to save a little weir your \“Iilt‘ll is H c. hot n of every person to have more this vcir 111 an last. TI is saving «It-posited in the. t‘oufeilicration Life Association 5:11 u'anrvc» the rriru ii i fall your money and some additional in a sit ll‘Iltl t t' years b" in in to ill) as you choose and in addition to this the t'. inranv guarantee to pav in case vr-u die Sloth.) and up according to the :.rrii_rrut iirw-rcd. Is this IllIE-Iit'ilt'l' business? We can wrote many gl‘tdl l'eltstvlls why one should have ld‘OLt‘clloll. Stud :1 card or czdl and see us and you will be inforirred with the met-wary information. P. G. SAVAGE a‘soN Richmond Hill omeowooowmeowwoe Bargain Day in Richmond Hill Property s0 ' 1.!) , t) cash will buy a good building lot and $300 cash will buy two lots. We will give you a clear deed of one lot and time to pay the balance of the other. You can get a government house built on a twenty vear loan at .3 per cent. interest. Your Will then have i a large garden (1 a home at once. fin LtAI Acre and half acre lots on Markham Road. Good soil and Good Drainage. of houses on our lists. Call or write us at W]. .I. LAWRENCE 2557 Yonge St. Liberal Offia‘e Toronto Monday 2.30 to a Phone :â€"-Office Bell é¢0W¢¢€¢OO¢¢¢¢H¢WO¢QG$00°96¢9¢¢0¢>6 (“C GGGQQ <3 Oi“: 996 We a number have 73.11? 1.717: llesi o ‘6 ,o to .0 o o ‘0 ‘o o g ,o .0 o l§ O o o o 0 o 0 § 6 6 O O 6 0 O o . ‘ 11' ._ 3 menu Ban 1 2.1.! 6 Q. 300000W¢09¢¢0¢696¢O¢ OWMW¢0 aoooseeeoweeeweeoeeo OOOOQOOQ «t‘WQOOOOOQOQOOO <90 00099909000000.000000”

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