If growing girls are to become well veloped, healthy women their blood only must be carefully watched. others should not ignore their unset- d moods or the various troubles at tell of approaching womanhood. should be constantly borne in mind at pale. bloodless girls need plenty nourishment, plenty of sleep and re- larr open-air exercise. But a lack of petite, and tired, aching limbs tend hinder progress. To save the wealz. in~blooded sufferer she must have w, rich. red blood and nothing meets case of this kind so well as Dr. Wil- ms' Pink Pills. These pills not ly enrich and increase the blood pply, they help the appetite and aid gestion, relieve the weary bat-l: and b5. thus promptly restoring health (1 strength and transforming anae- ic girls and women into cheerful. ppy people. Among the thousands 0 have obtained new health and rength through the use of Dr. Wil- 1113' Pink Pills is Miss Violet Booth. enarm, Ont., who sayszâ€"“For a long 9 I was in a badly run down condi- n. I was pale. breathless at the st exertion, and could hardly do y housework without stopping to st. I often had severe headaches, d my appetite was poor and ï¬ckle. d I would get up in the morning thont feeling the least bit rested. I d tried several medicines. but did t get beneï¬t from anything until 1 gen the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink lls. When I had taken two boxes I uld see an improvement. and after lng six boxes I found my health Ily restored. I feel altogether dif- rent since I used the pills that I ongly advise them for all weak, run wn people." It you are weak or ailing in any way, ail yourself at once of the splendid me treatment which Dr: Williams’ nk Pills so easily afford. and you ‘ll be among those who rejoice in gained health. These pills are sold ' all dealers in medicine, or may be Ld by mail at 50 cents a box or six >xes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. illiams’ Medicine C0,, Brockville. ,ich, Red Blood Needed to Keep Up Their Vitality. ‘ELICATE GHRLS ~ MADE STRï¬NG More than that. It is the greatest Gm «Dart value. 1‘ __ gor$ L465 you get‘a Gray-Dart with ten main: ; improvements and a dozen xeï¬nements. “‘ \Vith a bigger gas tank, placed in the rear, with a new, extra-heavy, extra-safe steering gear. W’iththe emergent: brakeon a leverâ€"and with Tiiezmoid braEe linings. A more convenient Gray-Dart, the side HE Gray-Dort which your dealer has today is the best Gray-Dori ever built. Built m3; Ca: anaa’a by Skilled Canadian Workers “You glanced at a borrowed book one day and remarked that you might “One day last summer I heard you tell of the clerk’s making a mistake of a dollar in your change.‘ ‘In your favor?’ your husband asked. ‘Of course in my favor,’ you answered. ‘I would have told him if it had not been.’ Your boy heard that. I sup- pose he often has heard similar things. 7 “Another time as you gathered up your groceries at the store you acciâ€" dentally picked up from the counter a pound of butter for which you had not paid. You discovered it after you reached home but instead of return» ing it to the grocer you said, ‘Oh, well, we’re a pound' of butter ahead! And at that it won't begin to pay back for the times he has sent the poor goods.’ “I have heard you tell how you escaped paying your fare to the city and how you u‘sed an old transfer on the street car. “You did not know that you taught him to be dishonest! “Your son has been surrounded by petty forms of dishonesty all his life. “One day just before Warren went to school, you returned from a drive in the country with a number of ï¬ne peaches in the bottom of the car. Some one remarked that you must have a good friend in the country. ‘Yes,’ you said laughingly, ‘only he doesn’t know he is our friend.’ Little Warren helped his father gather bhose peaches to which you had no right. > “In your bathrodm to-day I sagv é towel stamped with the name of a hqteyl you hagl visited. Warren was home from school.. He had stolen some money that another pupil had left lying on his desk. The parents had been summoned; there had been a secret tribunal and War- ren had been brought home until the mortiï¬ed and astonished parents could decide what to do. Warren’s mother told me all about it. “What shall we do ?†she ï¬nished tearfully. “He has disgraced himself for life and brought shame upon us. Can you imagine what would make my son steal?†- If I had fully answered Ada‘s ques- tion, I should have said something like this: W“ Why Did Warren Steal? Here you have the same powerful, ï¬nely- built motor with its big bore and long stroke. The same heavy crankshaft. many pounds heavier than on other light cars. There are many more reï¬nements which you will ï¬nd when you drive the new Gray- Dort. curtains opening with the doors, with very much more leg-room in the tonneau and with more in the drivin compartment be- cause of the shorter andg smarter cowl. A Gray-Dart which has the good-l of a smarter top, hand-tailored in our: shops, a smarter hood, w1th manyl narrow Iouvres. :flEI In many hotnes I have seen the tragedy of the child who has stolen something and has been detected. Most parents meet the situation with ï¬erce, resentful shame; too few with understanding and a disposition to look for causes. The ice cream freezer was invented by a woman. Warren is yet too young to judge. He has as yet no feeling of loyalty to make him “square†with his school- mate, and he could not see that wav- ering line his parents draw between honespy in things great and small. Children respond quickly to high ideals of honor in history or story. If their home influences do not draw the other way, they can be trained to a ï¬ne high sense of honor that we sadly call old-fashioned, but to which we all give ungi‘udgjpg admiration when we meet it. ’ “But from his babyhood, we’ve told him never to touch anything belong- ing to another,†sags Warren’s mgther, weeping. Ada and her husband think they are honest. They are in some things. You could place any sum of money in their hands without an accounting and years afterward receive it to the last penny. Anyone’s property would be safe in their hands. They might con- trol unlimited trust funds for helpless orphans and not a cent would be mis- used. Ada’s husband might well have all the bank funds open to his hands and he would not think of appropriat- ing any. If Ada’s guests scattered jewels all over the house, Ada would feel no temptation. Yet side by side with this honesty they practice petty dishonesty, which for some unexplain- ed reason. appears to have no disgrace attached to it. I did not put it so bluntly as that to Ada. I tried to make her see that Warren’s notions of honor had been gained from his environment. as well keep it nowâ€"you had had it so long that the lender had forgotten all about it. “These are a few incidents of petty dishonesty that I have seen in my as- sociation with your family. I do not suppose they are the only ones. Now, frankly, what could you expect of a child__brought upAin your home?†OOKS 0WD and Canadian Capital Cray-Dart production has been doubled for this year. But our dealers tell us that this will not be sufï¬cient to meet the demand. It would be wise to see the Gray-Don: dealer to-day. ' A rear axle built specially for us right here in Chatham. Long springs, built here, too. Westinghouse starting and lighting. Im- proved Carter carburetor. Every unit of motor and chassis is bigger and stronger and higher quality than is usually consid- ered for light cars. 2-Passenger Roadster is the same price. Gray-Dort Specialâ€"$150 extra. n the standard. Gray-Don: Aceâ€"$255 extra on t e standard. 5-Pa ssenger bar- They are not like me and you, For they know their state is true In the earth and under snow, 01' the dandelion's glow, Near the quiet tower or steeple, Ah, the comfortable peopleâ€" Those unharmabka and gray, Dreaming deeply out of day. In the ground and under gree: By the brooding tower or st They who happily have been Are the comfortable people For they rest entirely there, Void of tail, and free of care. Darkness which is not a night May enfold their endless dreaming, But they do not need a light, Having done with sight and seem- ing. The shortest street in the world is the Rue Ble, in Paris; the widest is Market Street, in Philadelphia: the highest is Main Street. in Denver, Colorado; the richest is Fifth Avenue, in New York City. MaRQ Heavy Hmiing} ï¬aï¬Ã© £73333 The dirtiest is that World-Famous Highways. The Comfortable Imperial Eureka Harness Oil penetrates the pores of the leatherâ€"- makes it weather proof. Unlike vegetable oils, it will not become rancid. It prevents drying and cracking and keeps straps and traces pliable and strong. Imparts a rich, black, lasting ï¬nish and makes harness look like new. PRTCESA‘ “465; £0.33. Chatham, war IMPERIAL“ MADE IN C of Tchangsti, in green, or steeple, People. ANADA" PRODUCTS -â€"is the most wide] used axle lub- [icant on tine max" t. Its mica flakes work their way into the pores of the axle, making it smooth and frictionless. Imperial Mica Axle Grease lubricates thoroughly under the most strenuous conditions. Makes loads easier to haul. Re- duces the strain on harness an; horses. - It is said that exposure to weather causes greater destruction to farm implements than using them. Ave†this loss by storing all machinery and tools properly under shelter. Tame snakes are used in Morocco to clear houses of rats and mice. Tho sight of a snake seems to terrify thé rodents. Cuba, which has a. width of only forty: two inches; and the oldest is the An- piau Way built by Julius Caesar 1n the days of the Romans. and still in use and good repair. Nankin; the meanest is the Via Can- tile, in Seville. Sam; the most arts-ton crane one is Grosvenor Place, in Lon- don; the most beautiful is the Avenue (193 Champs EIysees, Paris. The nar- rowest street is the Via Sol, Havam. , ,__.,....; \Ivvfld v1 uuw HUT. and automobile equipment. We Dhlp C.0.D, anywhere In Canada 8;“.- factory or refund In full our mo o, Shaw's Auto 331va Pan 8 928-931 Duflerm St. Toronto. I for mos‘ makes and models of cart. Your old, broken or worn-out purl replaced. W‘rlto or wire us deacr b- Ing what you want. “'9 can-y t?‘ largest and most com late stock a Canada of slightly lese or ne__V{ :3ng nrul ï¬IIIA-Q<‘LII_ _~_, W. G. Baldock GRAY-DORT MOTORS LIMITED Chatham Imperial Mica Axle Grease Richmond Hill AUTO SPARE PARTS Ont. Ontario