imperial Poï¬arine Oil LIGHT MEDEUM HEAVY I bought this before the raise in the price of oil and am selling at cut rates. vines. etc. t young cherr mm, bushes. _'vmu' choice Would you feed your horses poor musty oats? Now, you- have invested in your car or tractors double the price of a team of horses. Are you going to give that car or tractor the best 0311 possibie to buy, if so, I have on hand a car load otthe best Were brought hundred yea 1‘ varieties of ‘ OUNDâ€"A pair of nose glasses was found at the ton-ace after the funpml Tuesday afternoon. Ownm- (-nquix-e at The Liberal Uf’ï¬cv. 45 1 1V do ull kin (muting in Richnn Patronage solicilt Riqhumnd Hill 74 l: dor, 5gul.uil c;|n.1 gal. nil mm, 3 galvanized tubs. l “‘heellru-x-ow. l svythe, 1 hulfnln rnlw. 1 ep¢3rdor sh-igl1,xnllnlwl- chicken self fevdPI's‘, 1 Wheel hue. Ive lnng<, hoes. kitchen tables and chains, 2 spring Cump beds. lpruning llm-k, Porferï¬nn coal oil Sluve. quantitynfegg cusvs and car- mm, .300 capacity DvLavnl Sepnmtm', quantityufl and 2 (1'. jars. Thvse andnmnynthm autislos fur private mllv and can lwsven nt the hunn- of Biol-ks th ARMSâ€"JUN2 undel-signr-d has sev- eral 50 new and 100 acn- fzums and a numlm' of lots for sale. J. H. BRILLJNUER. Real Estntu Agon if Ricllnmnd Hill. svtling of 1 Richmond St 1 0R SALEâ€"Two hundn-d and fum- auvs. mnn-ul-lpss. Iuls 28 and 29. I'Pikl'ZlId m-n.. Vaughan. There are in the gmnnd 18 :u-res fall wheat. 14 acres rye. 14 news nlsike and 8 acres swvet vlm'm. Most of the {all pluwing is don». - JOHN SLINEY. anh-RJL No. 2. 34 If thw 960 44 OR SALEâ€"Silvm- Grvy Dmking Eggs for hatching. $3630 :1 sitting nle. from imported slot-k. DALE & DALZIEI.. Telephone Imlepvndent 3317 lx'e-lstou Fulm. Temperanceville. 35 40' N 0'5}: ‘ $1.00 PER GALLON BY THE BARREL SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. Delivery anywhere in surrounding district. Full Stock of Genuine Ford Parts. . Tires and Accessories. 30R SALEâ€"“’9 des FOR SALEâ€"Bully czu-xiugp, whim _ rerd. W. S. PALMER, Centre St‘ :xst. Richmnnd Hill. 43 3 )OR SALEâ€"130 R. ULle cks that hun- pl my winter layers. A. 0. strain mule )R In large variety nf .=. hulhs. pmnie: ts. The mig‘innl 1 Pl ATCHING EGGS FOR SALEâ€" cm 4-! armers Tmamr @Wflï¬rs Car Gwners ‘Vant Adss. Fg-mu pen of B u-rf'd years ago. A mqu of lose bushes. cu: .too many to name. My trues, plum tree: 55. etc. (‘mne and :e at leasonalflo pl-icvs AMOS JA \VRXUHT Yonge & Richmond 5 Richmond Hill. nll kinds 6f [uh-king an: Richmond Hill and vicinity RlCflMOND HELL GARAGE be seen at the hdnw of t. Richmond Hill.' 43 2 have pmvod erIn England nearly ‘5 ago. A number lose bushes cutulp SFHQ‘S is prppuwd IQ ft. (‘xtension Ind- |n.1 gal. oil can, 1 “'hPe-llru-x-ow. . rnlw. 1 spcjrdm' W. G. BALDOCK Plume anlg- lu-H'd Plymouth wed thPllle’h‘PS Pen headed by him. $1.50 per W. GREEN. 40 8 >lx-x'u~_k'i1_)gr :_1nd I Ill nnd St Hill. Inlt‘. AIS: trees. cur :Ind makl Ienr out ushioned English f which 200 bus C011. 3 If. pi|5, 960, t f h‘URNISHED ROOMSâ€"Twonrthree . furnished rooms to rent, on Lucas : \ slrer-t. Rchmond Hill. ‘sl 45 1 MRS. W. J. ST. JOHN. OL'SE‘ AND LOTâ€"â€"Fnrsule. a link mom house and lmlf acre lot; small fruil. cherries. plums. pears, &r-_ Good stable and walk shnp. sullnhlv for garage). (loud well and cistvrn. Apply MISS M ARGARE'I‘ \VATSUN, 45 4 Maple P. O. nn Lllcns 5 t4 ms and 5 Sort, W'Att'l QILO FOR SALEâ€"Size 24 fer by 12 k {PUL G120. A. MCCAGUE. LuL 2H, PUBLIC NOTICE is hervpy giv_en tlmta Cum! {or the Rovisinnuf the Assessment Hull fur the Township u-f Markham will ho hvld in the Council Chamber, I'uium'ille, on t'n hear and :idjndicau- upon all crimâ€" plnints against the Aswssmont 'Rnll of the [municipality ut' Elie Towuslï¬p of Mn] khum for the said year-19:30, ' All put-lies ulv requested to lake notim-zmd gm’eln themselves accord- ingly. ‘ Ciel-k uf Uninm‘illv. May GUURT 0f REVISIHN If YOU wish to GET :1 HIGH GRADE BUSINESS EDUCATION and 3 POSITION soon after GRADUATING you will select the Yonge and Charles Sts. LEA-um MORE ABOUT T111 by writing for our I-Irge I See what we have done 1 and what wu can do for _ on instruct :0}? SALE Municipality nf the '1‘0\\'NSHIP OF MARKHAM MON DAY hen t. GEO. A. MCCAGUE, Lui M ll'kllilnl, Gnrmley P.O. 4 2 3 ALFâ€"A lll'ick hunsP. ham. hunsmmd lhweacwsuf land strept. Richnmnd Hill. Fruit small fl uitu. Gum} hand and 'I. Apply on [hp prmuisrs. MRS. \V. J 81.1mm. ELLIOTT v DPI' \\'. J 3 L'X'I‘Y 0}“ YO R K 30 0'(‘LOCK A. M. DAVISON. ‘1' 111» said Municipalin Y 5. 1920. 45 3 for the mlnipm 111 year JUN a 7th, LLIOTT I’.)I. SCH min; l‘i 1920 others This mrses discir Ci; nnt Boot and Shoe Repairer 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. SOLIDXTY [18867 (If D. Howard view. will [1: SATURDAY Holstein Notim- is hm‘r-liy given that [he Vil- lage 'l‘ux (El-Hottm' will tall within the next fmv days on the Owners ul' Keop- era of Dogs for the pnrpnsv of (-ulloct- ing the Annual Dug Tax. and those whom it [Many concern aw requested to have !he money ready \thn he cnnms. The StntuLIn-y Tux is us fullnws: One M:le Dag, Licnul Mule Dug, $ .0119 Female Dug tmnal Female Dug \VEST LOTHIAN. [6753 9L} glyggsdjle smilio: BYRON DERBYâ€"Puro-hred Clydoglnle Stallion [17657] the property nf '1‘. B. \Veldr'rck. Maple, will travel thmngh Klvilllml'g, Nahlvmn, King City, Vic- lul'in Sqiuu-euud Maplm Terms, $10. MORYEN AWAKE, Pure-bred Clydes- dale Stallion [21214] the property of \Vm.R0binsun. Newton Bmok, will make the season at his own stable. Tex-111535. 451 nu PROP. of H. \V. B own stable, '1‘. Rand’s Tel-Ins $13. of D. Howard and View. will tutu-l VulIm-v. anlv, {in 1111', Can-ville, NC. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. GEO. KIDD t') uwnms or kOPpeI'S of wins NGTECE muy concern me requested to money ready \thn he cnums. 'ItuLul'y Tux is us fullnws: :lle‘ D052. $2.00. inch addi- “Eu-e and Map! Stallion Register 53063 Sales Register A. J. HCMI '. [(5753] (127%) impmt- sLullion.’ the property nu-n, will stand :IL his ictmin Square. and at \Vednestluy evening; Village Treasure: $2.00. 3.0â€. $5.00 $6.0u im {Vin-nuth El #humnd Hill Terms, $18. [St the property Eby. Duwns- Each uddi me: y Old MI:- iTINVSMITHINGl Cor. YGNGE & CENTRE Sts. R; 13 E F. Teetzel} km Furnace and Stovepipas hand. ‘ 2m OWOOQOOMOWOOOONOOOMWOOOOOONQNOOOM § Hardware Richmond Hill i «ooummmmmom HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS EAVETROUSHING SPRENG TER Farmers’ Supplies Everything the farmer needs in the wéy of Repairs for Implements. FULL LINE OF o High-Class Exhibition and Utility Birds. a Blue Andalusians $3 for setting of 15 Silver Spangled Hamburg $3 for setting of 15 Silver Campines $3 for setting of15 The above varieties have no equal for eggs. Also White Rocks, Barred Rocks and Buff Rocks $3 for setting of15 Silver Pencilled and Columbia Wyandottes The above won in 41 entries this year at \Vinter Fairs, 26 Firsts. Pumps \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Wellington St. '1 Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham VVagou on hand. Every Birda Ringer. Visitors \Velcome. No Trap Nests Usedâ€"but 21 Square Deal. Special on.H undred Lots. STOVES R1". PAI RED MY GUARANTEEâ€"8 Liv The Tihsmii‘h . W. E. Burnaby ~ Jefferson, Ont †Herd Sill“ AVONDALE PONTIAC BUHO (under lease} a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA†the world’s best ream-d cow fur milk produc- tion and Canadian Record for butter. 41 lbs. Only one (rthex' bull in Canada. 0111- held of ongï¬lypxdl'efi igdqdes‘nemly ï¬fty daughters of u33.31~lb son of the great KING SEGIS. th‘IhE’l‘ tr; the 'sinxs "(9f tin-(>9 world’s roumd cowsâ€"mature 51.68, Sr. Lyn-Md “£84. Jr. 4-yr.-old 40.32 lhs. Jï¬nim- head sire. KING SEGIS PONTJAC CANADA, a. half hmthor to AVONDALE PONTIAC WHO, out of a 301m. Segjs cow. He is for sale. If this omnhinathm of breeding interests you, write for prices on either malt-s or femah-s. FARM AT STOP 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill The New Hardware Store GRANITEWARE, TINWARE. \VHITE ENAMEL, GALVAN- IZED TUBS AND FAILS. BROOMS. BRUSHES. ETC. OIL STUVES, “‘IRE SCREEN. CLOTH AND \VIRE NETTING. of GARDEX TOOLSâ€"HOES, RAKES. SPADES. ETC. PHONE 87 l‘insmlthin Full line of L'p-lu-dnte Goods in Stuck Baseball Gloves, Bats, Balls, Etc. nt HATCHING EGGS ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS Shaw’s BusinvSS tn. Nu \‘ill'HLiUlh. ELECTRIC WASHERS DOHERTY STEEL RANGES C. N. COOPER FROM AURORA’S BEST Harry Hulse Ell": Trench Block Ladders \Vheelll Scmpers Iron I)l Hydmu-d Lime Root P Rubber Rooï¬ng, always on hand me all Distance Phone 38 Q foundation ofalmost 6: very successful business venture is built on Savings. The Standard Bank of Canada can be of great. assist- ance in helping you to deâ€" velop your business. 29’ THE SHNAW BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH J. R. HERRINGTON. MANAGER hicks or Money Refunded AVING. â€"â€"The including \Vheellmrmws Iron Pwsts, Gates RQUL Efulpurs Aurora