Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1920, p. 1

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Glazier. Grainer and Paxjer- Hanger. (Successor to Dr. Pentland) Ofiice hoursâ€"$.30 to 10 mm. 1 L0 3 p.111 6.30 In 8 p.m. Office and I'esidenr‘oâ€" Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Phan Pm. 2t RICHMONDHILL, THORNHIL}. AND UNIDNVILLE J. T. SAMEUN L3 WAhnlNU'L'UIN Maple Klng Licensed AlIC1i()l}9§‘l‘bf01' the C(mnty of York. Sales :ltlondcd to on shm Lest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited ‘N. HEWISON Tglvphnno Mm“ 2777 Offices 4 :lidl' St ULuoca ']flllll' on, Ivl‘al, Aunuuul. Nunghhzn Block. Aux-um Snlicxtor The 'l‘nyyn of Aurora for T119 annship (If King ‘J. M.\Valmn. & Co. Am 01-" A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places BAl-risters. Snlicturs, 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 2! KING ST. \VEST.’1‘ORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cath Addross: “Dedu” Frank Danton, K. C. 300 BERESFORD A\'-E.. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72‘ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. REAL 'ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Uudm'takers .k Emhalmvrs. DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL. ONT. P. O. wailll Richmonl Hill J, '1‘. SAIGEON H. A. NICHOLL NOTARY PUBLIC BARRISH‘ER Soucn‘on 7 NOTARY {Monarch Bldg” 26-28 Adel entou, Macdonald 8; Benton Branches of this bank were opened on April 27, 1920 at THORNHILL and WILLOWDALE where a general banking business is transacted. Cmnmissinner, (‘nnv InsuranCe and R: Issuer of Blurring $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Royal Bank 0f Canada VOL. XLII. Commissioner. Conveyance: HOUSE PA 1NII‘ER, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER - DR. J. P. WILSON RICHNIOND WRIGHT BROS. j. s. SHEPHERD II. Naughton . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC The Accounts of famlers given Special attention. Paid-up Capital Total Assets Reserve Funds AELh‘ur A. lecdonald Frank \V. Demon. Jr (Lute of Maple Residence Elgm Mills Residence Phone 44.4 \Vost». Toronto nwoynncex‘, 1‘; Raul Estate inge Licenses C. WALKINGTON Jhb The concprt fur the camp funds was held (an \lenosday uveuing. May 12th. The Scout, Mash-rs of the 31th and 7th Yurks, with several (4" their Scouts as- sisted very materially in the pro- gramme flvr the evening. Mr. Ham- mond, the Provincial Secretary. was present, and gave an animated address on the Scout Movement and the [190d of thvappoinlnwnt of a Local Scout Master. or some one who could be of lt‘nl assiatance in the wm-k. The Searc- tary of the Quality .tf York, as well as several other Scout Masters and assistâ€" ant Smut Maetvrs were also present. Scout Gmtlon Fvv recited. and, owing tn sicknosx, other ariangements fur the programme by the Ypius Tump were not able to take plar -. The majority of the Scnulszmswmvd the call of their Scour. Master and ap- peared in full uniform, as .wvll nsu number- of the Cubs. The following boys reculvvd ServiceSturs and Badges: Sin-vim: Starsâ€"Eric \Vhite, Jack Innes, Lambert Atkinson. N. Pxico. R.Tyndnle, Alan AI-msuong. Clarence Milks. Ehnnrv Hal-(ling‘ R. Fan-r, Craig McDonald; Bruce Mclhlnlxld, Bert Giant. \Viliic Hemnen (:‘rm'don Fee, Frank Nichnlsun. E. Baum. Second Classâ€"Gordon Foe, James Cmvie, Alnn \Vhitv, PL‘I'I'Y UnldwolL Cook‘s Budgeâ€"Lamhext Atkinson. White. Mm-ksnwn â€" Elmme Harding, Bel-l; Grant, L-uulmrt Atkinsnn‘. Naturalistâ€"Alan \Vhitv. Swinmwrâ€"Porcy Caldwell. Poultryâ€"Elmore Hen-ding. I’uthfinde:sâ€"EImm-c Huxdlng, Belt Grunt. Handymanâ€"Bert Grant. I 33 Richlumnl Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal 0111a), 9";er Tpursqw fm‘enoun. Handymanâ€"Bert Grant. Hursonmnâ€"Ellnm‘e Harding. The whole evuning \vns must enjoy- able, and the pmcveds for the camp fund nmhnnted to between $25und $30. It was with nun-h wng that the Stunt Muster had to give notice that {In-0nng sickness Scnnls I’vrcy Cald- well and Alan \Vhite wme unable to bu present “’8 also noted with much regl'CL the absence of Mt. Oliver .md his family. who always wexe on deck fur past, cun- certs. There Were seveull other pron]- inent Richlnnnd Hillites conspicuous by their absence. The Cub Puck will 50 to camp this year on the 7th of july and the bcuuts en the 14:11. At the cloee of the. entertainment the National Anthem was sung and 311-. McEuchern Offered his sexvices tn the Scout Mnstcl'.â€"Uuln. Plume Belmunt 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK A..\"D ONTARIO Special uttvntinn given to sales 01 every drscript'mu. FanS and farm sun-k sales :1 specialty. Enrms bought and suld on commissiun. All sales nt- tended to un shnrtesL noticv, and cun- ducted by the must npprovvd methods. Patronage solicilbd. BARRISTER. Soucu‘on, NOTARY E Money to V. D. OLLIVER, Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings vie, | firsduy aftéltnnun. wtgodbg' :ze, Saturday fore J. 11, l’rentice RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY. 20, [9-20 Alan \\'hitt-, Port-y Unlldfi'oll‘ s Budgeâ€"Lamhext Atkinsun, Caldwd]. Alun \Vhite. Eric WILLIAM COOK 415 Bulliul St Scouls’ Concert 1 17,000,000 18,000,000 550,000,000 Manager In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charin 1t u‘ms and farm Emns bought 1. Allsules ut- (,n‘mto Ly forenoon Cum-en t R Rut TC Ahout two years ago Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burr came from the North- W'ost to their comfortable homo on Markham st. Although the picture of health, Mrs. Burr had been ailing. and came here that she might, consult, with skilled doctors. Everything possible was done to prolong hvr lifv, but; she passed away Friday, much beloved by all who knew he'r. "he st-rvice was ' taken by How. N. \V llwood. R. Mrâ€" Kceand H. R. Haughtun. Dem-ased. dun ing her residvnce hare, showvd hmâ€" self puhlir: spiritvd, always ready Lo give for tho chnrrh. 1rd moss and ‘ other good work. The preaclwrs spnkv I words of comfort tn 1hr- bereaved husband who hasthn Sillt‘eH‘ sympathy 9 of tho community in the 11155 of oxw [who was lwaulit'nl in rharaclpr and l person, a Clll‘t'l'flll and happy di>[)\)5l- I lion. | On Thursday of Inst week Lucy l Phillips. widnw of tho late Mr. \Vm. Knight. passed uway at her hum? in {Tux-unto, after 21 lung illnvss. The funeral took place by motms on Satur- dny afternoon to tho Maple cemetery and was attended by many relatives and friends. v The monthly meoting ohm-\mewn‘s Institute was held at. lhn lmnmnf Mrs. T. Oliver. After it shott‘prngralmuv. Mrs. Oliver served luncheon. and a so- ciable time was spent. Funeral on Monday, May 17, to Richmond Hill Cemetery. CHAPMANâ€"At the residence of her sun, Robert Chapman. Agincmn-L, Thurs- duy, May 12. 192'), Charlotte Chap- man. widow of the lute James Chap~ man, in her SSlh year. Funeral Saturday. May 15th. to Thm'uhill Cemoh-x y. JONEs~â€"AL Thm-nhill May 13. Valerie )Iul-gmet, 'ynnngnat daughter uf [he ‘ late M 1-. and His. \V. D. Jones, of l antfurd. ’I‘he monthlymeeting of the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society was held in the school mom of the Methâ€" uilist church Tuesday evening. The Secretary reported that six trees of different varieties of maples had been procured from the nurseries and wme planted and boxed in the high Echorl grounds. A letter was read from the Thornhill Society,:lski11gtliis Society to appoint a eummittee to join with olhercom‘ Inittees to meet the Highway Com- mission with a View of having unsight- ly signs l‘t’lanE‘d from alongr the high- way. President J. S. Manir. Secre- tary Miss Mary Trench and Dr. Lillian Langstalf were appointed a committee in accordance with request. The President. the Treasurer and the Secret;in were also appointed a committee to net with the school teachers \in procuring seeds for the school childien. The feature, ef the evening was an address on Gladioli. Dahlias and other plants and flowers, by Prof. Wm. Hunt of the Ontario Agrieultural Col- lege. Prof. Hunt. who had specimens with him, showed some excellent meth- ods for growing the plants and how they should he cared for. Roses and other flowers were illusâ€" trated hy lantern slides, Some ef the pests that injure them, with valuable suggestions for the cum.- of flower diemisesâ€" The Prt»fe:=sm‘. at, the close. was ac- Mrs. Huwnrd Mitchell of Burlington. Iowa, visited over Sunday with friends inihu erillnge. The MatsdfiiC meeting and supper was held last Munday evening. The Profegsm', at. the Close. was ac- cmded -‘l hourly vote of thanks, on 1110- tiun of Mr. '1‘. F. McMahon. seconded by va. N. \Vollwaod. Tho lantern was manipulated by Mr. HaH'ySan- derson BI'thâ€"On Friday, MuylL. 1920, at her lute residence, Markham Sfl‘ePt. Richmond Hill. Jos$ie A. McAlpin, bvlm‘od wife anuhn F. Burr. dross EGGE in~lzn b'um NIGHT at her st: eat. (If the Fun Tu nmn 111] Saturday :1 â€"0n Thursday ‘late rosidenot l‘nl'untn, LHCV Knigl at ? \Villizun Knight mlSutuuluy from : Interment at Muplt At the losidonco ('1‘ J. \V. Lin-kin, Ne sdny Laid to Rest Horticultural MAPLE DEATHS (’sidoncu of hm;- son- Ltu-kin. Newunn-ket. May the lllh. 1920‘ :9. widow of the late so, uf Jrlfexsun, in \V n l It antfl I. May 13‘ xy 13. Valerie mghtm-uf the D. Junus, of hv Burr. May 17, lll h u ill 13th n Satin- 'Gm-don , Ether Ont College , widow :I v Single Tickets Mam mam Speciai Six-Weeks Summer Course JUNE 28 T0 AUGUST 7 Class and Private Lessons in Piano Technic and Interpre- tation and the Theoretical Branches. The Sterling Bunk having leased the store in the Lorne Block where I carried on business. I have removed my shoe shop to the building at the rear of John Palmer’s reside-nun I thank my customers for past put- x'nmlge, and hope tu continue to some them in the new quarters. L‘ \VADE. 4O 6 Richmond Hill. Orgunist and Choiileadex'of Richmond Hill Prt-shytmmn Church. vavivvs pupils for piano on Fridays at the church. Exzuninnlinns and sight, readâ€" ing :1 specialty. Pupils prepared fox- examinations nf'l‘m'untn Conservatory and ASSUCiiLLCd anu‘d uf Huynl Acad- TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 8.00 = 10.30 cmy ( Studi VALENTINE WEST Shaver Taylor & Rhodes fMus me 01‘ The Sterling Bank makes a special busi- ness of providing farmer clients with the capital necessary for conservative increas- es in field production and live stock. Many farmers who have taken advantage of this offer find their profits materially increased. We have an unusual service to offer farmer clientsâ€"in the matter of loans, market reports, banking by mail, pur- chasing securities, etc. Our local Manager willbe glad to see you at any time. ‘ THE STERLING BANK MRS. JONES DANCING Branches at Rirh mnnd Hi”. Keswicl FARMERS STOP 5! 1-2 Pianist Ba; r \Vlll 1M“ Notice )erly ‘ (' h'll, L'msin at Rit‘ll- 'lhnn I g Kos‘wick and Newton Brook Soli; . El; If Rilyzll Arnui-i ydl 0.171%“ of“ J. K. ppointment 40 cents 'Ul'Ol) West s Miss Alida Beynon will open a. new and pelrnninéntvdental Ufiiue in Richmond Hill, one door south of the Standard Bank. Appointments may be made on or after May 25. TEACHER 019 PIANO Stop 54 Jeffl Residence address. VicLol-iu Square '1‘. {Frank Slattery Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to JOHN R. CAMPBELL Telephones, Tel. M. 3631 MISS BEATRICE HOWELL T 3 RON I‘ O ‘ Teacher of Fletcher 1Vlethod Musical Klndergarten Pupils pa A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AVDI}EN’ERAL REPAIRS TIIORNHILL, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, Notagy, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3}. TUROETO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST BARRISTER, SOLDCITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC 157 B Ly SLroet, - Tux-c VETERINARY SURGEON ’I‘hornhill. cnse LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Putrumuze and influence respectfully solicited [Single copies , 3 cts. Richmond Hill 94mm. .MagNaughton DENTIST. of TORONTO TUDIO )untics‘ Phone DR_ BELL MARRIAGE A. J. HUME NOTARY CUN VEY ssed Au HOTEL RICHMOND. {ichmund Hill. {a SON 1 for Conservatory anninatimxs. always for Toronto and ’ank. Peel and Simone )50 Woodbridge. LX’OIV E LICENSES PL'BLI(. ANCING P. 0. address Gol-mIBy. ILR. No. 46 Jefferson fox-onto

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