correctly every make of record and the unrivalled beauty of its cabinet Work. the Brunswick is an ideal wedding gift. Willi a I‘srurmvick in their home the Bridal (‘ouple have at their instant command all the world's music played exactly as it should be played. The Brunswick's exclusive method of reproduction in- cludes the wonderful all-record, all-needle Ultona and the Round All-Wood Horn. - MADE IN CANADA and a Brunswick product entirelye â€"one of the few “truly Canadian-made" phonographs which are built wholly by one factory organi- BECAUSE of its Tone supeili rit)‘; its ability to play INDIANS SEEDING 500 ACRES PER DAY Hope to Reach 10,000 Objec- tive by End of Week. A dcspatcli from Regina says:â€" Sceding on the greater production farms in Saskatchewan operated by the Department of Indian Affairs, is proceeding at the rate of 500 acres a day, accordingr to reports to reach W. M. Graham. head of the depart- ment for the Prairie Provinces, with headquarters in Regina. One-half of the 10,000 acres is to be reached by the end of next week. The Indians on reserves in South- ern Saskatchcwan expect to have 20,- 000 acres in \vhcat. Their operations are entirely separate from the greatâ€" cr production farms. They are away to a ï¬ne start, and expect to ï¬nish next. week. Operations on the hipr farms have been liawlicapped to a certain extent owinog to the amount of moisture in the land. 'l‘racticn engines could not be used and all the work up to date has been accomplished by horseâ€" power. o .9. Dept. of Agriculture wages War on Grasshoppers Ottawa. May 11;. â€"-Federal agents of the Departinrnt. of Agriculture are marvel of simplicity. of the cell's way adopted child." Milker is installed particulars. TheMacartney Maching'Milker ls Fool Proof , There is no complicated machinery to the Macartney Machine Mill;er,tin fact it is a It. only needs ordin- ary care and it will not get out of order. Besides being so simple, the Macartney Milker is perfectly natural in operationr there is nothing about it to irritate the cow, in fact its use is greatly prctcra is to the old method. Hand milking at best is only poor imitation of taking the milk. Macartney Machine milks exactly as the calf sucksâ€"that's why it is called “The Cow's Increase Your Mill»; Production More milk per cow is invariably the result where the Macartney It is not a matter of great ekpense and th: Macartncy soon pays for ltsclf for it does the wort: in half the time and effects a great saving in Labor cost. Fill in the attached coupon 5:6 l:t us sand you full Get this information anyway for future use and don't buy a nutter witho‘. investigating the exclusive features of the Macartney. The hiaeartney lt’iillsing Machine Co. Limited 315 Catherine St., Ottawa The The Cow’s Adopted Child / / The 1‘4 acsrtney ’ Milking Machine Co. Limited 0 '1' TA w A ' Cc::l;':':;:n:â€" / .pl‘fCSd 50:5 F7$;.£ll particulcr: zatlon. l planning to waste war on mosquitoes abouti'ha Macarlney Milkâ€; v . Let your ears be the judge-Ahear the Bruns- ‘ thn- slinn‘ner‘ particularly in the wick play any make of record at your nearest 17rd,.“- \'ui]e}- {ml districts of Brit- Brunswick dealer’s. s MW,» ish Columbia. Last year this pest seriously hampered the work of berryâ€" ‘Mall us - w v ._ i r‘ _ The Musmal Merchanais: Saies Company Mm mung, the WW, season, this Dept. W.L., 819 Yonge Street, Toronto For its attack on the grasshopper Please send me, free of charge and prepaid, your plague the department has ordered Coupon illustrated bookiei showing the New Brunswick 2,000 tons of bran. nearly 100,000 v...,~_._.-umw--nmm, -__"‘ method 0‘ re reduction. ,1 ‘ ‘ i. : 5 , I . I for l p wh:z:\ip'el:niwf‘oggdg “£23: M.P.’5 nominee of the British Government, Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. .- r .t _ . : ‘ . ’ FREE A grains, of arsciin' is sufï¬ment to kill 1Gziliisgilitggle‘zeegï¬hgiirignslfltg‘l; Street or RR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a human being the departmental ex_ Prifliament . Booklet . S S; 3 r - . I p. o. ....................... Prov. ................ | i 1' 1t ‘3 _ a†_ Because Governor of island The deadlock, whmh persuaswe SM». var British Colonial Ofï¬ce, is sailing for Canada. A settlement of the question on the spot is considered necessary owing to the present somewhat in- volved position regarding the regula~ tions with the West Indies. .â€"â€"â€"~.._ anada-West Indies Reciprocity Scheme London, May 16.â€"-A big scheme for eciprocity between Can-ado and the est Indies is eventuating'. Col. L. Plan to Raise the Lusitania. A, despatcli from London says:â€" Great interest in shipping circles centred around the statnient that an attempt will be made to raise the Lusitania. A well-known salvage ï¬rm is mentioned as likely to under- take the project. Raised Policeman’s Pay. London, May lG.â€"A humorous situation has arisen in the House of Keys, Isle of Man, the smallest Brit- ish selfâ€"governing possession. The members of the little Parlia- ment refuse to meet to perform their legislative duties as a protest against “injured prerogatives." Trouble arose because the Governor of the island, a powers from many quarters have fail- ed to remove, has reached the ears of King George, who is personally inter- esting himself in the situation. The King will probably visit the island shortly for the ï¬rst time duré ing his reign. ' ' _. .9 Applause is the end and aim of weak minds. . Amery, Under-Secretary of the. Buy Thrift Stanips. You Can the Best HE. Gray-D011: which your dealer has to-clafr is the best Cray-Dort ever bui t. More than that. It _is the greatest Gra -Dort value.{ A Eor$l.465 you get a Gray-Don with ten major 3, improvements and a dozen reï¬nements. With a bigger gas tank, placed in the Ever Built. A rear axle built specially for us right here in Chatham. Long springs, built here, too. Westinghouse starting and lighting. im- proved Carter carburetor. Every unit of motor and chassis is bigger and stronger and higher quality than is usually consid-_ ered for light cars. Cray-Dart production has been doubled for this year. But our dealers tell us that this will not be sufï¬cient to meet the demand. it would be wise to - see the Gray-Dart dealer today. I .1 curtains opening with the doors, with very much more leg-room in the tonneau and with more in the driving compartment be- cause at the shorter and smarter cowl. A Gray-Dart which has the good-looks of a smarter top, hand-tailored in our own shops, a smarter hood, with many long, narrow louvres. There are many more reï¬nements which i you will ï¬nd when you drive the new Cray- W. G. Baldock Richmond Hill ‘ Ont. rear, a new: eXtra'heavy! eXtta‘safe Doï¬ere cu h ve the same owerful ï¬ne] . 5-Passenger Caw$ï¬Â§Ã©5€ï¬iTChatham,wartax v . i; teer' W'th th e e c 'brakeon - y: a- - - p ’ y extra. GRAY-DORT MOTORS 5 mg gear- ‘ eem [g n 3’ buxlt moror With its big bore and long - - “’74; l __ d ' h -d b k - 2-Passenger Roadster LS the same pnce. LIMITED 8 ever an “In . erm 01 m e' stTOke- The same heavy crankShaft- many Cray-Dort Specialâ€"$150 extra on the standard. . A more convenient Gray-Don, the SlClC pounds heavier than on other light cars. Cray-Dort Aceâ€"$255 extra on the standard. Chatham - Ontario it in Canada by Skilled Canadian Workers and Canadian Capital]