WWWOOONWMW. Mrs. \Vul'wuml has sold hm- housu' and lot. on ()Pnh-e slra-ul In Mr. juuws llunl. Mr. Hunt and family will mow) into their nmv hunu- nvxt week. Mrs. Wurwnud and sun Arthur pun-pust- louvng for California Lnlor in lhu- summer. ’WOMOâ€WNNWOOOOOOMNMOONO ONMO “7:: are sm-ry tn learn that Muster \Villie Mylks. in playing u few days ago, blukv his leg uhme the ankle. Cnmv to noxt Mum] the COUCH L Mr. nnd Mus. jnlm Inuvsnnd daugh- Iu-Heh‘u. \vlm spent lhv \viulvr in l’mnunn, CHL. wlulm-d homo .1 row days“ Hg“. uftr-I' spending u fuw wvrks with lln-irdmnghlvr. Mrs. limnes, in MJfoking. Mun. Saturday, Empiw Day, will be M an red in the ditfen-nt snhuols. It was slated in The Liln-ml Ins week that [he l’niu'd Farmva 0 Richmond Hill had a quantity uf son clover fur snlv. That was an (‘l‘l‘nl' \\'h:|t thvy have for sulv is seed corn Mr. and MN. \Vm. Cunk sant llw week-Purl in Oshawa. llw gnu-st; (1' Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Sande-mun. )Il‘h‘. Brnck nf’lEIgin Milk, who \wnt tnAnlwerp, Belgium, uhuut lh» h0- ginuing hf [hp your. rmurnrd unu (luv hm u'm-k with her sun and {w}; daughters. The Din-(:tnrs uf the Rit'hmnul] Hill Agricultural Society will moot at ['19 Park an Saturday “fun-mum locum- pk-Lc m-mngvnwnls for the 24th. The Dil'ectvl'q nf thP Richmund Hill Agricultural Sncivty. In further add [u the. attractions on NW 24th, haw Sv- curud [he sen-ices uf a Pipers" Band. Agent for Farm Implements. Deerinq and McCormick Machines. Famous Farm Tractors 8x16 International and t)() Titan Primrose Cream Separators. Gasoline Engines ofall sizes up to 60 H. P. Geo. \Vliite & Sons, Tlneshers and Engines. Toronto \Vinc} Engine, \Vindmills and Pumps of all kinds. Beatty Bros., Barn Equipments and Stable Fittings. J. Fleury & Sons, l’lows. Gult Art Metal, Sheet Metal Building,r Material and Garages. All Kinds of Repairs {or Above Kept on Hand. Church St. [he Richmond Hill ‘l_\'.1lnd he sure to st" in [11: cunning. J'. LUNAU lust ‘ of all' fm \Vith tine wealth m-xL Monday, everything points In a most sucvvssl'ul Fair nu Victm-iu. Dzly. J‘he :HVHIds‘ this your will he higher than over 1m- fm-v, and already the Secretary has re- lcehod :1 huge number of entries. AI- nmst m‘eryhudy is asking fur prize lisls. shnwing that, unusunl interest is )Ueing taken in ghe \‘minus classes. Stock taking inthe store (4‘ Atkin- son & Switzer is about completed. and tho L'nih-d Farmers of Richmund Hill will take oven-the hushmss in :l few days. A! a met-ting huld \Vednvsdny ovvningnf last. week. Messrs. Frank Graham. Hamid Murphy and Stanley Tyndall wm-P uppmntvd a (mnlnillc-e tum-L with the munngvment in pur- chasing. The Village Council mum limo ago pus-soda l'PSUiIIHIHI In meet all hunt une [muse this summer. tho Innnoy to hulmrmwed from the (im‘enmnent. So far. we have nut detected that 11"illlhflll odor nt' new lumber. Get busy, members (If the Ununcxl. Ila-uses an! very much m-odvd new. Thus? llllUH'Slé'd in the Field Crop Cnmpotilmn in cmmeclit-n “ilh [lu- Rinhnmnd Hill Agriunllm-nl Swiva will kindly make their vnlriex this week wilh llie Svcwtmy. Spring wheat and potatoes un- the crops in cmnpetilil-n. gruman consisting uf readings. )m-iln- [inns and music by 1h? memth uf lhl: schuul, and un :Iddu‘ss will [no gin-n by Mr. A. J. Hume. ' lhv Hichummf Hill Mt‘lll4;tlist Sumâ€); schnul has pie-pmwl n _spuci.~ll pm- Mr. Hmold Fletcher nf Shanghai. China, Murine Surveyor tn Lloyds', who, with Mrs. Flow-her. :u'v on their way to England for :l. ymr‘s furlough, were the gmzsts l'f Mr. and MN. H. A. Nichnlls Fl iduy lust. unduy being Empire Sunday. Phone 56 The (late for making incrnne tux re- tums has been extended to May Blst. All manied people with an income exceeding $2000 in 1919und unmarried people and widowors 01- widows with- out dependents ((hildren under 16 years nt‘ age) with an incomv of $1000 must make their returns to the taxing ()flicor. If you cnhxo under this catn- gmy and hme not yet made your IP- turn got 4 pmpvr form at the pmt oï¬ice and do so. Then- is a heavy penalty for those who cmm‘ under the act who refuse or neglecL In du 50. Pnslvrsnre nut, announcing u muss meeting uf G. A. U; Vvulransund friends to he held in Lurne Hall this, Thursday, evening at 8 o‘clock. Rev. Ex.â€"L‘rnpl. Tuppvr, and J. Frul Maish, Provincial Olgunizex-, will spank on Reâ€"vstahlisbnu-ln um] the Soldier Movement, The ladies nf the u-ngu'gntion will verve Hut Dinner and Tea in lllc hum-- men! (If the church nu Viutvmriu Day, Munduy, May 24. Dinnm- from .3 lo 7 p. m. 'lickms 60 Cents;children undh' 12 yeals 30 cents. Next Sunday. l\ln_\' 23. Anniw Services will he held in llu» Moll church, under the, :Illspin‘" (- Ladies' Aid. Rm; .l. _!_ Fm; Chairman of ll)» Dislriul. \\ ill p :it ll a. m. and Rm. llii-um Hull 1). m. Specinl music by llll‘ « lluli the fullmvmg day. Mum] :y. .\1; Hot Dinner and Ten will he wn the SL’lHIUl Rnnui yfilw I‘lllltt'l) 111.02.;1mlfmm’3 t i 7. 'l‘ix-ka. 60 cents: Cl]ll(llt‘ll man 11mm Manny lmyms in the \‘irinily of Maple took udvnmuge Hi the spvcinl sale at, Mrs. Bailey’s stun-e [ho hum pun nf last week. Annlhm away «‘1' quick selling extra special Values has lm-n arranged Friday and Sutuldny of this week. Seventy cont hmmns will he Sold for 25 cvnts, “‘(ml and cullun lmsp I'Pgulur5()c.fo:- Mr, and mnny lvtln-r urticlos of equal \‘dlllt’. Thnsu inm-oslml in lawn bmvlingnx-p nrgvd In attend an imprrtnnL meeting in [he Cvuncil Chamber ln-murx'mv. Friday m Hung. If Richmond Hill is tn join the luague with neighboring clubs immediate HClitIll must be taken. and us the fm-tncom on July lst sump 9n must bt' dum- mud on shown if the: home :l'Uk-ill. Mr. .I. I‘IunIv Newton wisht-s Innu- nuum'e Lhul, he will cunduct a spuiul gix-wwks :«umnwr cnursv in pinnn u-chuh: nml inn-rpn-lution and thv lrhvmvlicnl ln'unclu-sal his hnuwstudin fmmjuneZSIhluAugusl 7lli. Studenls “ï¬shing in nvuil lhe-nw-lvos uf this umn'se should mukenpplivutiun ac smm as pnssilvlv, us :1 "cnnaiilomhlv pm'tinn «If the time available fur Iliuhmuml Hill has :Illmuly\lu-P:1 (-mznszod. Friday afternoon to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Gen. F. Legge, who passed suddenly away at the home of her son-in-law. Mr. Larken. in New- market. on Tuesday. Mrs. Logxze had hertea with the fumin as usual and retired ezuly to her mum. Shortly afterwards a member of the family went to her room with u glass of lem- omide and found her lying on the bed pm-tially undressed. A ductnr was at unce sent far, but when he arrived her heart had ceased to heat. A ï¬rst-class fnnt hull Chill hm I» rm organized hvre this spring. and mud»: the manugemvnt nf Junme Patlmn it i:- hnped may will gi\v a gn:(l:l(('mlntu1 themselves. Sen-ml games aw ..h way lmnked and the club is open to :u'cvpt dates for others. The service at the church was taken by a former pastor. Rev. Mr. Suanes of Aurora. The speaker preached an impressive sermon fmu) the wurds: “Blessed me the (lead who die in the Lord." Mr. Smuzes ri-fvnvd tn the faithfulness of decrased who wasul- ways rendy tn do what she could for the Master. The event seemed sadder from the fuct that this was the third member of the fumin laid to rest in St. John‘s Cemetely Within the last 11 months. Mr. Legge having passed away last June. and a daughter. Mrs. L‘tlkll), in the autumn. Deceased is survived by a daughter. Gladys. and four sons. the latter being [no distant to attend their muther‘s funeral. The big annual ï¬eld :1in will lie hold at Luke Marie Fill‘lll nn july lr-t. Tho (‘mumiblee have in the neighlmxhrmd of $100021! llll‘ll disposal and it is their intention to inka this the heat day yet. Sir Hy. Pellntt hns again nmsL genrrnusly thrown open his beautiful grgnntls fqr that day. It is intended tn lay about (me-half mile of cement sidewalk in the town this summer. \Vhen that is completed We will have 4-funt cement sidewalks all over the town. A large number of friends and relu- Livrpis gatheled at St. John'§ c_hu1:ch last_ U John Edwards his sold his black- smith hllSiIH-‘S: to Clifford Pitt. who tnycg possvssiqn ullgmstimmediatply: I’RESBYTICHHN (TH L‘ I“ III Anniversary 5 crvices Mass Meeling JEFFERSON Income Tax KING CITY ‘ming murlmlm-nt is energetic practising enthusiastic inn-rest nc club is to get a (-ng AnnirPI-sm-y v Molhudist m-u" (.f the lgvd h'l'xgmon, HI pll‘.ll‘h Hull :H '4 ‘f Maple sale at, pm! nf 1' quick us hm-n IHI MONO.90¢O°QNWQO¢WWNOO§NOOO§WOQOWM :OONOMOO“MQMMMOWMWWOOMâ€O§ ooowmwmwmwuuoumoow Cotton Batting for ï¬lling comforters and cushions is made of a soft, fluffy grade of cotton, in 8 and 16 02. rolls ........................................................................... 50c lb Nainsook, a nice quality for ladies ï¬ne underwear and children's wear, will give good service, and wash well, 38 in. wide yd Women’s Art Silk Hose, plain lisle tops, lisle spliced heels, toes and soles, seamless, colors, black, brown, white, light and dark grey pr, To prolcct yourself. I presume ‘ would be your answer. Tth “by not protect _\ourself and family for the same reasons, with this ditl‘errncc. You parlor Fire Insurance knowing if nothing happens in the may of Fire you expect no return which I contend is good business. While you prmcct yourself and family it costs only an effort to save a little each your which is He hope of every person to have more this year than lasr. This .saving deposited in the (‘oni'ederation Life Association guarantees the return of all your money and sofne addilional in a set tenn of years from 10 to 30 as you choose and in addition to this the (‘onipnny guarantee to pay in case you die $1000 and up according to the amount invested. Is this not better business '3 We can quote many good reasons why one should have protection. Send acard or call and see us and you will be informed with the necessary information. Brown Holland Linen, a close even weave for children's rompers and boys' suits, width 3)in. 80c yd. Brown Roller Towelling, of good drying quality, made of cotton and linen ya‘rn, in dark and light stripe ...................................................................... 50c. yd . White Pique, medium cord, is satisfactory for women’s sklrts, misses’ dresses and children’s wear ................................................................................ 60C. yd. Victoria Lawn, a good quality for aprons and waists, 40 in wide ................................ ................ 42c yd Store doses at 6 p m. Monday and Wednesday ATKINSON «Sz SWITZER Concrete House Omo, a good bleacher ............................ 10c pk Nonsuch Jumbo Stove Enamel ............ 12c tin Lennox Laundry Soap . ................... 10c bar Monkey Brand Soap pk Fine Old Cheese Creamettes, a quick cooking Macaroni P. G. SAVAGE 8: SON INSURE YOUR I‘ROPICR'I Y AGAINST FIRE Richmond Hill DRY GOODS GROCERIES