‘ Some one has deï¬ned happiness as "the constant pursuit of an agreeable object with a sense of continual pro- gress." A bishop used to say to his children : hen they had used some new article of comfort, “There, you have added to 1 ur troubles by a new want.†Don’t spend so much energy in uilding air-castlw that you will have _othing left to make your dreams 9.1. He.who can suppress a moment‘s nger may, by so doing, prevent a day of sorrow for himself and another. I 'A famous Parisian teacher of sing- g forbids pupils to wear flowers of any kind, but particularly violets, which, she says. cause swelling of the _ 0!:81 cords. A tiny bottle of “Freezone†costs lttle at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the com 01- callus. In- ‘stantly it stops hurting, then shortly ;you lift that bothersome com or callus right off. root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No hum- ,bug! Withyour ï¬ngers! You can lift off ï¬lly hard corn, soft corn, or com be- ween the toes, and the hard skin cal- jluses from bottom of feet. (Doésn’t hurt a bit and Freezona costs only a few cents. ASTH MA NEURITIS Lift off Corns! Templeton's R Az- M A H Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve AST H MA. Don't sufler an- other day. Write Templetons. 142 King St. W., Toronto, 101' freesample. Reliable drugglsts sell them at 01.04- a box. ‘L‘v An‘l.‘ I. POSTUM ;'1P “1 05! .u «can V urn Ce'esl Camps†f‘ 5‘... l ‘) INSTANT It is made instanfly by adding hot water to a spoonful in the cu; stirring and adding sugar and cream to taste. Success Nuggets. to make your table beverage when it is Less Trouble Nothinï¬lelse brings relief so quic y and so surely. Send for free sample to Templetone. 142 King St. W.. Toronto. For sale at reliable drug- gists to): O 1.04 a. box. Templeton’s Rheumatic Bapsules so many have Neuritis. that painful. paralyzing Inflammation of the nerves. Do notsufler an- other day. It you are a victim,try Sold by Grocers ' After a stormy interlude the small person of ï¬ve was reduced to-a proper state of mind, and even went so far las to volunteer that she thought she “ knew what had made her so naughty that afternoon. “You see, mummy,†[she explained, “I think the devil takes [an awful lot of interest in me.†‘ All the men on Tiburon are under the rule of their women-folk, but the newly married husband is the Iiiost abject of slaves. After mother has ap- proved of the suitor who seeks her daughter in marriageâ€"fa‘ther’s ap- proval is taken for grantedâ€"the favored youth is at once made a slave of the family .‘of his future bride, and for a year must be at their beck and call. The women are the heads family and rule the 111911 with of iron, graciously permitting attend to the work of gatheri wood, and water, while thei mothers and daughters take the serious business of goverl country. Tiburon, otherwiéé knowï¬ as Shar Island, is a real Amazon kingdom, c perhaps queendom. Where Woman Rea} The chap that gets the biggest crops Is not the one that wears the frown When growlin’ starts all progres stops, No man can climb by sitting down. Time spent in Whimperin’ is lost, An’ cursin' never changed the sky; The grumbler pays a heavy cost For every discontented sigh. I’ve never known a kicker yet To alter things past his control, Nor met a man with power to fret An easier journey to his goal. Fond hopes go wrong an’ plans will stray However much a man complains, An’ spite of all We have to say When it is willed to rain, it rains. ’Tain’t in the way 0’ common sense To growl at rain an’ bring the sun; A grumbler never built a fence Or ï¬nished work that should be done. _ I’ve never known the Clouds to go Because some fellows sat an' whined, When it’s too wet to plough or hoe, Some other task to (lo I ï¬nd. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail sen a Dominion Express Money Order. These patterns may be obtainec from your local McCall dealer, 01 from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Street Toronto, Dept. W. . 9459â€"Ladies’ Dress (surplice clos- mg‘, two styles of sleeve; two-piece skirt with or without peplum, 37 01' 35-inch length from waistline). Price, 25 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust measure. Size? 36 requires 4%. yds. 40 ins. Wide. Width around the bot- tom. 1% yds. Cost of Complaining. A STUNNING PARIS MODEL Em); a cup IE 1'032 Pattern 1y Rules wives. 300d Your pove ruuni reare Dicke 0th }'( THE OLD REL MINA-RD'S LINIMEE Yarmouth WC th 011 The Sort of Man You Are. Buy Adding tc the War whose Pink I doctor was must not g times I wb stair l 163’ WENARE’S’ k for Minard's and ta time I of Dr pills low the im 21d 1rou lid Anaemiz gradual in Shown by Pallor of the Face and Lipsâ€"How to Obtain New Blood. EARLY SYMPTGMS 0F BLOODLESSNESS rty a to try t thfully f Horses Thrive, on Seaweed lips. Dr. W )re the b The ear] up the i Pills w nfluen th fee influe 1] 111C any 1, and feel v SH 0111‘ 11E in not i: . You b any de ant ‘ght I wbuld would 1e As I did nptive home nu 113 dby Ilete hr hen the WW u ha icker W Ru elop mod an advertisement of; iliy are as if you were i isti‘eet. Everything about I ale of what is inside, and 5 ie ï¬rst time I meet you,j 095 have been lnoidingi wesent. shape. I can tell environment has been, have lived in an ignorant, ten and illiterate com- Nliether you have been Stamps membz will prc breakdc injul 'Or frox M inkfu Iowe 0:1 wit] at nouri in the “E any 11E LIABLEâ€"Try 11 ISSUE No am the ofï¬ce ed in who. to ck for a time. faint, and to .ve me utterly not appear to me of my girl ad used Dr. V great beneï¬t. DDI‘03( I‘E before run rundow lliams’ In Q.§EE§ 33.3% rishing food, ex~ eVopen air daily reiui‘n to cheeks in no risk in giv- k Pills a trial as he most delicate get these njlls 011 can me, with DI 1G éalthy m of 110 lir ‘dl the 11 try build 1'. Williams Johnston in fh f anaemia is in the lips, ing'the eye‘ 55 of breath as going upl 1e heart, in-f be and lips. \Inan in nnf :ne, box Me 1r Uood. 1n it is often )t nited back 0D up ath- ll é 16 ren 10v L min. Lama;'Sél'flm'ï¬iMBEFx-Zï¬i Cuï¬cura Soap shave: without mum Centre, Vt., March 10, 1919. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilct preparations. Soap 25:. Ointmopt. 25 and 50c. Sold shroughoyg tigeD'ormnggn. .CnapaglanDeth: Cenm not sleep well nights. "A neighbor recommended Cuti- cum so we got them, and one cake 0! Soap and two boxes of Ointment healed her.“ (Signed) Miss Ziua G. ,Stoddatd, R. F. D. 3, Randolph n,,,‘,, -A ._ A_A_ Mott “SYRUP 0F FIGS" CHILD’S LAXATIVE On Look at tongue! Remove 1: sons from little stomach liver and bowels 1‘ e ith the at takin‘ Accept spirin†F'6r Colds, Pain, Lumbago, Stiff-‘package which contains complete di- zs. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis,l rections. Then you are getting real i for Headache, Neuralgiu, Tooth-3A5pirinâ€"the genuine Aspirin Preâ€" ie. Earache, take Aspirin markedlscribed by physicians for over nine- :11 the name “Bayer†or you arc!teen years. Now made in Canada. : taking Aspirin at all. j Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab» Xocept only “Bayer Tablets of w lets cost but a few cents. Druggists pirin†in an unbroken “Bayer’"also sell larger “Bayer†packages. There is only {no Aspirinâ€"“Bayeflâ€"You must say "Bayer" Face. Very Sore Not 'Aspirin' 'at A11 without the “Bayer Cross" t Sléepda amped with th‘ H3 (0 xative or n BAYER" farm in Er 15 fruity t name ( You are :9 best E 8? “California ICUm H‘ senem emove poi- on each bot (registered 111 Canada) aud most. 3 for the 915. Child- tched ABLE'FS against I: trade and and Figs your ARE ASPiRiN lmltations. mark. the package which conta rections. Then you Aspirinâ€"the genuin scribed by phygician: package which contains complete di- rections. Then you are getting real Aspirinâ€"the genuine Aspirin Preâ€" scribed by physicians for over DIHB‘ teen years. Now made in Canada. tir Salted foods should away in aluminum ut ANLER. TUMORS. LUMI'S. El‘C-. internal and external. cured without Mn by our home (re tment. Write ul etoro too lat. Dr. .ellman Medical 00.. Limited. Colllnzwood. 0n: Ont and job ‘p'riï¬ï¬ ;Kâ€" Ina-1:1? {hyi‘lï¬ytgx‘i Onmrlo.__lp;}lrance curried 81.500. W!!! _- 1A, .o for 11th ‘ YELL EQUIPPED NEHVSI'APEE and job nrlnnnz nlnnt 1n Enstnrn TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES will pay you. George Stevens. gTEVENS' COMPLETE FERTILIZER 3eterborough. Ontario. )I ‘AD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST Classiï¬ed Advertisements. Danderine†ugly dand1 hair co EWHKRE of Bayer Manut: the Tablets -0 "Buyer Cross: 1t! sell 'unm ennn Bro: flaw.-- u... ..._ v-.-v-. $1.200 on quick. 3315 Box "0-; l'ublishlng C0,. Ltd.. Toroutn SOFT ELM WANTED liir MISCELLANEOUS 011 M FERTILIZER. 1g shipped 1‘03 SALE TRAINING Jed green from saw. ou commg;.1cate with Limited, Owen Sound. with ‘ all 1D H] H M IN. AND d and everaJ 1t} ’rh few H tin rt] \Ve 1!