Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1920, p. 1

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The Royal Bankâ€"oi Qanada Paidâ€"up Capital Reserve Funds Total Assets - 3 17,000,000 - 18,000,000 - 550,000,000 Branches of this bank were opened on April 27, 1920 at THORNHILL and WILLOWDALE wheré a general banking business is transacted. Accounts of farmers given special attention. V. D; OLLIVER, Manager ‘ DR. J. P. VVILSON (Successor to Dr. Pentland) Of‘lice hoursâ€"43.30 to 10 a.m. .iir 6.30 to 8 pair. Office. and residcriceâ€"Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Phone No. 2i W. HEWISON HOUSE. PAIN TER, Glazmr. Grainer and Paper- ...Héngej- ‘ WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers dz Embalmers. RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places J. T. SAIGEON C. WALKIYGTON Maple King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shoriest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage Solicited It03 Telephone Residence Elgin Mills Main 2777 Residence Phone 44.4 J. H. R'aug‘hton BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY [Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 Adel- Offices 1aide St" \Vest. Toronto. . Naughtcn Block. Aurora SuliCitm' The Town of Aurora The Township of Kin The. Township of \Vhitchurch The Irriperial B'lllk of Canada, Aurora J. M. \Valmn. & Co. Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD Ava. WEST TORONTO Phone. Junction '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE A11 mail orders will receive prompt attention. h“ Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers. SnIictors. 82c, MANNING Ancann. ' 21 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "1)edo" Frank Denton. K. C. - Arthur A. )Iircdonald Frank \V. Denton. Jr. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, t‘onveyancer, Etc. Insurance and Real I‘lstrite Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC" Commissioner. (‘orrveyanceru I'ltc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL J. s. SHEPHERD (Late of Maple) DECORATOR, GRAINER ETC. RICHMOND HILL, ()N‘I‘. 1’. iv III Iii-L'Illtl ind Hill for : PAPER-HANGER ; I DR. L. R. BELL ‘ DENTIST Begs to annorrnce that. he has estab- lished himself in Dental Practice in Richmond Ilill. one door south of the Standard Bank. Hour-s9a.rri. to 5.30 p_rn. Open evenings by appointment. M A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING 1101‘ “WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS TI‘IORNIIILL, ONT. Miss Alida Beynon TEACHER or PIANO lStop 54 Jefferson 'I‘. G. L X” 0 N LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited Residence address P. 0. address Victoria Square Goi mley. ILR. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY'SURGEON, ’Phornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly ! responded to A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631 .. t MISS BEATRICE HOWELL t - TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method y Musical Kindergarten iPupils passed ‘for Conservatory Ex . animations. ‘ STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICH )IOND. Richmond Hill. J. K. MCEWEN & SON the (‘oiiniies of York. Peel and Siiricoe 3 Ph are 05') “'oodbi idge. A. J. HUME . NOTARY Pt‘BLic coxvrsvaxcrxo I‘SL'ICII ()1: MARRIAGE LICENSES Richmond Hill Licensed Auctioneers for Toronto tilltI‘ l I ‘among them. - owing to lack of spam-z 'I have ‘ second place. Irernovnl of Miss .‘IcGaiity from our ‘ school, birt we Toronto. July 13. 1920. i (To the I'lilitfll. ‘ I)e:rl'5ii: l Allow me a space in your valuable. paper for a few remarks regarding.r last week's letter. I (I1) not. purpose to play at mud slinging, for beier a “More woman” I must needs give way to the stronger sex. The old siyirrg,r is. “If the cap fits, wear it.” Evident-r Iy the cap did fit in as far as some of us were Concerned. Anyone who knew anything of my work in S. S. No. 4. Markham, \vculd know that the statements in Mr. \Vilst n's lettr-r are l false. He. with some more, had a splendid chance to meet me. along with the other ratepayers to air their grievances, biitI may say that they refrised to have airy corrrmirnication with me personally. It looks now as ' if the reason was because I could dcriy these charges. Mr. \Vilsoii speaks of tliciirst letter containing slanderous remarks. Seems to me he misundcrâ€" stands the irieaning of the word. If plain facts which can be proven are "slanderous" he had better look into his own letter and be prepade to do as much. lwish to take this opportunity of thanking the people of S. H. No. 1 Markham tor the many kirrcriesses and Considerations which they show- ed me during my three yenrs' stay Without hesitation I can say that with the cxcrption of a very few. it is one of the. best rural coiriiriunitirs a teacher could wish to teach in. I would ask the ratepayers who tried so earnestly to lime my services retained to take no more notice of such articles. for some things are beneath even our contempt. Thanking you for your space, Yours sincerely ELEANOR S. McGARiTv. / if S. S. No. 4, Markham The following letter was handed in previous to [\Vt‘t former letters from the above section. but was held over ’l‘o THE LIBERAL. Dear Sii~»~â€"\Vill you kindly grant me a little space in your valuable paper. as been asked by a number of parents to acknowledge in some way publier the appreciation of Miss E. G. McGai-ity's services. which I will err- deavor to do with pleasure. Now Miss Mctiarity has taught in our school for tire past three years and, needless to say. she has Won the affec- tion of her pupils by her kindness and forethoi'rght. Notwithstanding the large attendance. she was always able to maintain excellent order without corporal punishment. and as our es- teemed Inspector. Mr. Jordan. has intiâ€" mated in making his visits. her school seemed like one big family. and he never knew her to have to correct a pupil in his presence. Miss Mctiarity has wrought \vondcrâ€" ful improvements in our schle during those three years in various ways. Space will not allow rrrc to erirrrrierate such. birt just let me say that in sick-i mess or accident among her pupils she slioived the (lbristiari spirit of trrirris~ tcring unto them in a marked degree. and furlherrrroie she has been an ex- cellent citiZen. During the great war she gave liberally of her means and did much knitting for the soldier boys; iri- deed this Work wps near to her lit-nit. as her older brother was killed at the front and one younger was wounded. Socially. Miss Mi-Garity takes on At. '(‘lir istriras time. she- always displayed the Christmas spirit ; of giving. and on all festival occasions she went hand in hand with her school i in gh ing them an enjoyable and profit- able time. In fact she lililillIttlIlk‘tI this was part of their education and the programs prepared were always ot ttl hiin order. Miss Mch‘ai-ity's teaching ability speaks for itself. as last year the four pupils sent up for entrance did her great credit. one taking the sclrolur-‘ ship In fact. the Principal of your Hiin Selim]. Mr. Haynes. made meri- tion of the excellent work of the pupils from our School. Miss \IcUar-ity's work is erpiallygood from beginners up, and has been Verified by our Iri- spector. .‘Il‘._lt)l‘tIHli. from IIIIH‘ to time. " I1)t‘t'litll1‘lt)2l, I regret very much. as do tIrelmajor-ity of the ratepayers the t'ci-l assured that our‘ loss will be some other school's gain. (trio. A. )It'I'AGI‘E. One of the Trustees. Iris: it few words regarding the' grants, The tioveiiiincrit. through the Minister of Education. are cricouragirig,r ‘ the S‘llvlirl Boards to take advantage ‘of the special grant set aside by them. - i Our Inspector. :it a ratepayers' meet- ing. clciily slated that if the Trustees engaged Miss .‘IrGaiity in June and let Iiirii know in time to notify the Minis. [er of Education he would see that they Would receive the giant on a SIZCU sziliii-yâ€"SSBTâ€"Ieaving the Set-t ion 3so31opay. just let me statc th ii. the Letter from Miss McGai-ity I I Our Bond Department ofiers farmers special . facilities in the purchase of high-grade Govern- l ment or Municipal bonds. It will supply the latest market quotations and gives a quick and efficient service in all buying and sell- ing orders. Get in touch with our local Manager regarding any financial transaction in which you may be interested especially if your plans include an extension of your present farming opera- tions. The advancing of credit to representa- tive Canadian farmers is an important part or" our service. Branches at : Richmond Hill. Ki-su ick. Lansing, Thornhill Newton Brook , THESTERnNoBANK OF CANADA | I grant rccvived last year" was 20,”; on $750. Now our Section is advertising for an experienced teacher and otter- ing $1000. The-“grant. they will recrivc. will he on $800. the salary paid last year, amounting to $203, leaviiiga balance for the Section to pay of$79'i'â€"a saving of $Uâ€"and just let rue say We are now advertising a second time. IIopingI have made this clear. and thanking you. Mr. Editor. for the space. ti. A. M. DEAR lior'rort: Hoping you can find space in your valuable paper for this small letter to bring,r to the notice of the ratepayers and public what a. task we had to dis- charge our teacher that has fought a good fight and lost the faith of 30 heads of families. There are 3000 acres in our section in which there was a canvas tirade and we found only nine heads of families in favor of the Board to retain the services of Miss )IcGai-ity. ,As to the figures that were given in the letter issued last. week by one rate- payer, with the help of a. learned friend, it does not take any more than a school boy of ii. junior class to find out how they stand. Ithcrcfore think it not wurth while to explain. Mr. Beatty and myself hired Miss McGarity a year ago for $800 and she wanted us to give her at the‘rate of $1200 for the month of June of this year. and play a game of fraud with the Goverrirrrent. Ir we could get this grant for the com- ing year. brie explained that owing to (Le hiin cost of living she could not live on less then $1200 and pay $18 for a pair of boots. She was only our servant. with a' little more a. 1). cs and I. 2. 3s than the mothers of Illtlstf children whom she taught. and the mothers have to wear boots COstiiig from $1.25 to $6. and sometimes pick up a pair that. Were discarded veiri'sagtr. I do not take last week’s issue its an: insult but the writer. I think. has a pooreducation, the same as myself. As to blowing her own born. as she has for the past three years, it is quite overlooked. Tire old Bord hoiikl hunk! is past and the electric horn is more popular. It was stated by the other Trustee that Mr. Bcatty and myself would have to shoulder the responsibility for discharging Miss Mctiarity. den, hmvevcr. is very light. and we will gladly do this and resume all the burden iner ad of unloading it on the shoulder-s of our loving and law abid- irrgratc a ‘er-s. l hereiiviytli take the liberty of thank- in}.' the majority of ratepayers for the credit they have. given me for the acâ€" tion Mr. Beatty and myself IOok to deal with the matter. think I ha\c more friends than ever and do not expect I will lrivc to put out my shingle: “This property for sale." (i. \V. BAKER. [Ileld over last \Vt‘L'li.J a.-iaâ€"â€" S. S. No. 3, Vaughan I’ttrllltrl ion e.\':urriin:ttions, June Sit), To Jr. l\'.â€".\Iilditd Ever iiiyliarri lIlI, Allan White iliv, lithe-I Andersen. Nut-i 111.111 Bone. John linker. Ilard- llr:tlitl|..\IItl_VI‘:\I‘IIIIÂ¥I1iIliltl|. 'I'his bur- ‘ ‘ 1 7 VALENTINE WEST Organist and Choiileadcrof Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Receives pupils for piano on Fridays at the church. Examinations and sight read- ing a specialty. Pupils prepared for examinations ofTororito Conservatory and Associated Board of Royal Acad- emyof Music and Royal College of Music. Studio 90 Moberly Ave. Phone Gerrard 233 Phone or \Vrite for Appointment. Toronto. N. C. Shaver. RA. I’oter Taylor. 15.3. E. W. Rhodes. BA. Evenings Manor Road North Tor cnto Shaver Taylor & Rhodes Barristers. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. Hamilton Trust llliz Rooms 303-150.": Opposite Citv Hull 57 Queen‘St. West Tel Adelaide 5974 Toronto I feel proud to ‘ J. H. Prentice 415 Balliol St. Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales or every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostapproved methods. Patronage. solicited. WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc Toronto Ofiice, Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofiice (‘ Liberal Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \VOOdbriJQe, Saturday forennon. Money to Loan at Current Rates Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand. Gl’ilV‘L’I/illltl Brick I ('ompanv. Ltd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 5%. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 1:2. 1.3.18 and :20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or (iravel sold by the load or ii car lots. '1‘. COL'SINS. I’rcs. and Manager. .‘Iaple. m SALE or MILLINERY A I-ig midsummer sale of greatly IF. I I i I (Illt‘t‘tl liriIIItrt'ty :it the i THORNIIIIJ. MILLINICRY STORE To Sr. III.*I>UIH‘I Aridr-rsonrlir. I‘ival Abiali'tiii. I’raiil'is I“\clll.,‘,{ll.llli, I’wy Abraliairi It v. To 51‘. II.â€"(it'tllgl‘ Hr r'tI. \\‘lll.\\vt‘SI- all. Martha IIaidrrarrr. Albeit l1.tll'. Iietta Ifuririuliani' I‘m llHIlIV tinker. Eliz. D< ll UL‘CU it i. Plrililr DUI-1 I 01:6“ it I. D :ictliy B viie It r, Ftii'tii‘ \‘i'aid Ii. \\lIIC1m111“llce on the |Z.h 0F JL'LY :rid coritfiiim I't'l the two following 'v\t‘PkS.HIIt'1\\IlIKI1 tle stoic “ill 1t'< r main cloud till the tiist or St’Illl’lllIvt’I'. .‘I [>5 BARKER

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