Miss Howell will he at her studio at 19.30 Satuldny. July 17lh. fur any de- sirous uf starting kindergarten. Mr. J. T. Saigon. Mr. Can-l Suigeon and Mr. A. E. Glass left, yesterday for a three day trip tr: the Thousand Islands. ghen Ivy the Crown Life In- surance C(unpuny L0 their agents. Mr. and Mrs. Ruht. \V. Hamilton and [Wu daughters of Okluulgee, Oklu.. llll'iVPd in 'l‘mnntn the Ialler part of the- werk. and will spend a month in this secl inn of the country. Mrs. (1)1.)E.A. Blakely of Langhnm, Punk, has come In tmvn. She will re- main in the eusL during the summa- visitinu HL difl’elent points. She isthe guest. (:1 hm- sisvr Mrs. Amns J. \Vr‘rghtnt, Richmond Villa, the old home. Richmond Hill hzhehan twuu has two mm egalut-sto its cx-editsiuce leLiSsllP. On .‘uturday in an PXl-i ~iLion game- they defeued a picle team from T0- ronto by 12 t: 5 and has: evening they won anathE' League game from “'ii- lowdale by 7 Ln 2. Miss Mary Dean of Gmmley and Miss Blanche Grunt. Richnmnd Hill, were succesJUI candidate'sin Element.â€" nIy'l‘hemy at thpjnne Cunservutnry examinalimls. Miss Dean taking First Class “mum's. 'l‘hosv ymmg Indivs are pupils uf Miss Beatrice Hmvell. annto. Mr. David James of Tllornhill. WIN,â€" ing from Red Oak, Iowa, says : ‘Am enjoying my trip and Visit: through the States 0f Illinois, Iowa. Newbras- kn and \Vyoming. Renewing former :wqualntanceships. enjoying the new. varied and beautiful landmapp soon- vx-y. The farm crops are quite promis- ing, corn being the leading grain crop. Farmers busy cutting their winter wheat, nuts and second crop of alfalfa. The roads are excellent. Farmers arg prosperous. Farm lands selling from $200 to $500 per acre. Newspaper men ale in the ascendancy. Mr. and Mrs, D. Mumel \Vutsun an- M, Ban 1e and Luke ;If|-PI'I)OOII \xilh Mr. mid Mrs. 31L:- Muhon. The EL-kzu-dt, Trophy Competition open to rinks in East, York was pluyud nn Stouï¬â€˜ville greensthis year, eighteen rinks competing from the fullnwing c-luhszâ€"Markhzuu. Richmond Hill, Uniunville. Allnim and Stoutfville. The greens were in fdll' shape and the members of Stonlfville club did everything possible fur the comfort of players. The trophy went to Mmkham’s rink skipped by Dr. Mac- donald. Mr. flll'l Mrs. Jeffu-ly Lang, BASIL, me spending months will: lclulives Square. In ('mnplinm-e with the I-eqllvst uf n numln-r (-f vilizem, Hem P '1‘: t-m'h lms prucluimed Monday. August 2, :1 Civic Hnliday fl 1- [he \nlnge of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Snige-n-n um] Mr. and Mrs. Keys of Marl». and Mr. and Mrs. pruxd of Ne_\v.lll;aj‘kvat Fm'lnt:_ Smujgcy Mr. E. H. Thorpe who has had impaixed h‘enilh fur the past few months has resigned the position of Principal of Lhe Public School. The trustees have advertised for u PlinCl- pal and three assisLaan. and Mrs. Mchnnghy has been ILA-engaged f« 1- the junior department. I The next regular meeting of the Horticultural Society will he hrld at the High School Tuesdav evening, July 20. le speaker will he Miss Powell. from the Government De‘pzu-t- meut. and her suhject will he "Selec- Linn and staging of fl()\Vl’l§. fruits and vegetables for exhibition.†Full at~ lendauce dvsiI-ahle. In the Tlmrnhill Tennis Club. Mr. Rice and Miss Ellintt won l-ophy No. l. and Mr. U. Ynuug un Miss Hall trophy N0. 2. The home hnwlle played a League game with Allllil'u (3n the grvt-u ben- Mundny evening. The visitors head- (‘d the score on both rink“. The lawn lmwlms have commenced lwWHng on their new bowling green nmth of the punk. and are w: 11 satis- ï¬ed wit [1 their real Catiltl'. ’I‘Homsoxâ€"At Pnivate Palients' Pavil- inn. Toronto Geneml Hospital, on Thursday. July 16. 1920. to Mr. xnd Mrs. \ViHiam H. Thomson, Port Credit}. 9. daughmr - Margaret Helena. The "New" Union Government} 2m- nnunced yesterday contains 16 mem- hers. Prohibition was carrivd in New Brunswick Saundny by over 2 to l. The Majority against beer and wine )icggses was almost as large. Hon. w. L. Mackenzi'e’ King will address the North Yoxk Liberals in Newmarket on the 7ch of August. inalith ill Miss Sadie Geo- . pursllxg the N( NEWS NOTES BIRTHS ll llil lilS nnul \Vutsnn and Miss spending; a wka Simcoc. been successful I School exam- My held ova a, cvuple of at Victoria To lhe Citizens of Richmond Hill and vnuinity: The Lawn for Bowling is nearly complete. 4 good gl'vkns‘ huing ready. The cluhcht-ndsan imitation mthnse wishing to play this fucinuting game. so secure :1 tickeL for Llw season at Ihe Drug Store or at standard hunk or any of the ofï¬cers of the club. As this club has entered a league and limesenerul games yet to play. we would like a large memhership as we can accommodate a goodly number (if players each evening‘ or afternoon. Try the game. You will have to admit llmt you can have more plea- sure fn- the small fee thnn'any game now bring [llaypd out, of doors. Get; vonr llt'kf’t now and gvt in the game. ~R. Endean Pies. A. G. Savage Sec. A family reunion and lawn party tin-k place Saturday afternoon at “The Cedars.†the hmne nf Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop. the occasion being a visit of a dunghlvr. Mrs. A. K. Butchart and familymf Detrnit. The cnmpany was composed of {members of the family as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Butchait and ï¬ve grandchildren. Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gouldng and four grandchildien.Thnrnhill; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Graham and three grandchildren. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Riggs and (me grandchild, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. l. S. Faliity and two grandchildren. Tmontn, wiLh Mr. Frank W. Dunlap, Dorothy and Lorraine Dunlap. tn crass Yongv St. in fmnt uf the cur. hut tnrm-d hack and was tiappml tw- twcen the WlH’t‘lS. Tth nwner if the cur took the little fellow and had him examined by a docum- who found that he was no; injured but lmdly frighten- ed. The genth-nmn who was from Shin-n, gave the child a pim-e uf silver and H-turned him to his mother. The esca pe was miraculous. ‘ - ï¬ild Duulop acted as hosts. sm‘ving refreshmean on the lawn, During the after-110011 {my gyening games and sports were indulged in ma prizes awarded the winners, which ter- minated a very pleasant family reunion Twocnlm-pustmsare (rut announc- ing Richmond Hill’s ï¬eld d.ly thr' second nf August. About $900 will be awarded fur horse races. sports, el£., and a genuine good time- is ex- pected. Therv will he baseball, ting- nf-warand big midway itill‘ilcllhlls. Dancing aftvlnmm and (we-nian Grand parade headed by the hand at 10 mm. Dimwr and tea sun \cd on the grounds. Further details later. A nnmhm' nf Fpt-(‘tutcils lwld their breath fur :1 time Friday afternoon as they witnessed an glut-nuohilo knm-k down and Vlrivo m-or little Freddie McCullhy, opposite the Standard Bank. IL was urely nrcidentul on the pzut of the (li'ivm- (vi thv cur. The little boy scarce-1y 5 ygurs old, started WILLOWDALE Fur all kinds of berries phone 81 SAVE Richmond Hill Bowling Club, J. LUNAU Family Reunion Narrow Escape Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, \\'00d and Cement Field Day 9O?â€" MCKENZIE BROS. Flour and Feed TIMEâ€"LABORâ€" MONEYâ€"â€" Mr. Sloxey, a missionary who '- hmue un fmlough from Argentina addressed the Methodist thhuth School on Sunday aftm-nnnn. A large number- uf buys frum the Y. M. U. A. Faun \ve‘ne present and many young people fxom Can-ville alsoattended. The address was on Mission WOIk in S. A. and was instluctive and inte- lesting. Mr. Stoley also occupied .Lhe pulpit on Sunday owning and gave an account of the work on the San Pedro hiissiun. Mr. Rnheson Superintendent, and the other ofï¬cers of the Sahltath Schuul wnuld be pleased to see the young people of the Village take- an interest in the work of the school, and attend regularly. The future of the church depend largely on the Sabbath School and lhe lessons learned there we never fmgotten. Mrs. Swanson and (-hildren of Banff are visiting her paroan Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin. Thu ladies Aid plnpnses holding an ice cream social nu the church lawn un Fliday evening. MAPLE Ch Henge Con lvns: (1 Milk HOT rWEATHER SUGGESTIONS Vancnmp's Soup Bzit/sh Cullnnlviu Brand . . . . . . . . Ht‘il z's Tomatn ()annp AGENT ONTARIO BRING US YOUR BUTI‘ER AND EGGSâ€"HIGHEST PRICES The UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE Co. Ladivs‘ \Vhite Canvas Oxnt-ds $3.15; Ladios' VVhiLe Canvas Pumps $3.25; (‘hildlen‘s Sandnls, with snap and button Men’s Heavy \Vgrk Boots $5.80 pr. We carry Men’s and Boys‘ ï¬ne boots all at mnd( Snlumn, Gulden Net . . . . . . . . . 2 [ins ful' 35c WOOâ€â€OWWMWâ€â€OOOOMOW Call and see the samples of Metallic Rooï¬ng and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for: Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham Wagon on hand. W'iré Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Everything the farmer needs in Elimpi Farmers 9 Supphes UNITED FARMERS BOOTS AND SHOES 23c bottle RICHMOND HILL GROCERIES 170 (in 15c [in . CARTER, Richmond Hill UXlnms $51.15 pr. ‘. Pmnps $3.25 pr. up and button $1.85 pr French prepared Mllalnrd Clalk's Pnrk and Bmlns. . Redtnp Canned Peachcs . Puffed ‘Vheat . . . . . . . . . . . Quaker Corn Flukes . . . . . . Ladders Selapera Hydrated Lime Ruhbel-Rmï¬ug, alw Implements. FULL LINE OF the way of Repairs for \VheelhaN-nws Iron Pnsls, Gates Rnut Pulpers ays on hand.