Mothers who keep a box of Baby’s Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, cholera in- tantum and diarrhoea carry off thous« ends of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child will pre- vent their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe. They are es- pecially good in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the 'stomach sweet and pure. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The anopheles mosquito, it appears, ls attracted by certain colors and re- pelled by others. Experiments have been conducted in a gauze tent, one ï¬nduoï¬ which was formed by large windoWs. Into these the sunlight poured on bright Jay's. Large stone basins were placed on the floor for the mosquitoes to breed in. ‘ It was immediately noticed that when a person entered the tent clad in dark grey doth-es" the mosquitoes settled on the cloth; When the Berson entering was. dressed in w‘hite flannel, they did not approach him. i‘ A number of boxes lined with cloth of various colors were placed in rows upon the floor, and it was noticed that great numbers of~mosquitoes entered the box lined with dark blue. Fewer of the insects sought the boxes lined with other colors, the numberdimin- ishing in this order: Dark red, brown, scarlet, black, slate gray, olive green, violet, leaf green, blue, pearl gray, pale green, light blue, oohre, white and orange. No mosquitoes whatever were found in the box Lined with yellow. SAVE THE CHELDREN The number of insects congrega‘ting in houses might therefore be easily lessened by the choice of suitable colors applied to the walls. A trap lined with something dark would at- tract so many meets that they could s “all [be slain if} large numbers. ‘ Fall and Whiter weather is detriâ€" mental to exposed machinery, but hot sun ,is worse. Let’s run the 01d binder and wagon inside; we will be time and money ahead. Mosiauitses and Ealars Ranching in Canada immediately suggests the Western plains and the huge herds, now rapiidly passing, which used to graze 3% huge upon“ the rich verdure of the prairies. But there 1.5 also panching' in the east, and a; Ehe present time big herds are to ’ue found grazing under ranching meâ€" thods in man'y parts of Ontario. There ï¬s an Ontario Ranchers’ Association, and its Secretary, C. M. Laidlaw, points out the advantages the province offers to stockmen. A véry large areg of Ontario isi ‘;made up of rough-broken country ,‘interspversed with valleys and small tracts of good soil. This rough land“ .whilst generally uncultivable and ofâ€"l fering few possibilities along other agricultural lines, offers an enormous! vâ€"°_â€"." r . range area for the grazing of livel stock, and stockmen are increasingly" realizing this and bringing in their 'herd‘s to leases obtained from the Gov-‘ ernment. These leases comprise; abandoned farms, and rough timbéredi sections of the country Where ordinaryl agricultural operations are imprac-l ticable, and the rental is ï¬ve cents! per acre for the ï¬rst ï¬ve years, thel franchise being reneWable. I Different méthods of ranching: are followed in the province. Where â€" and every morï¬in when the thought ' of health enters in o the mealtime preparation â€" Grape=Nut§ Food For A July Morning This easily digested food needs no sugar. yet it has a most pleasing; sweet flavor, and is full of‘ the sound good- ness of wheat and malted barley. “7122.723 megs 5n†Ranching in Ontario, f‘ 9583â€"Chi1d’s Apron Dress (kimono sleeves; to be slipped on over the head). Price, 20 cents: In 6 sizes, 2 to 10 years. Size 4 requires 1% yds. 36 ins. wide; contrasting, 1/2 yd. 36 ins. wide. 9556â€"Child’s One-Piece Dress (to he slipped or; over tho head; glas‘hed on shoulders; kimono sleevés). T’rice'. 20 cents; In 6 sizes, 1 to 6 years. Size 4 requires 1% yds. 36 ins. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall 00., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Deptf W Prune back the heads and long canes of blackberries and raspberries after picking is over. Proï¬agate black raspberries by layering. If bearing trees have not had their crops thinned before this, do it early in July. Thinting pays well in im- proving the quality of the fruit. The last cultivation of th-e' orchard trees may be made late in July. Plant a cover/ crop at this time consisting of rye; winter vetch, and perhaps some crimson clover if the climate is not too severe for it. Keep the runners well pruned from the strawberry plants unless you are practicing the maï¬teg-row gystem. Fight insects and disease by spray- ing; send to your experiment station, or call on ’your county representative for free literature. H Ask for Mlnard's and take no other. Laugh at your own troubles rather than at the troubles of the other f el-Iow. grazing land .is held adjoining farm- ing sections, ranchers buy their cattle as two-year-olds for fall delivery, and put them out 476 winter with farmers at so much. be: head per month, ï¬nish them on their ranches the following summer, and market them when ready as three-year-old-s. These men per- form ‘a useful and economic work in maturing and ï¬nishing cattle which would otherwise go to market in an unï¬nished and immature condition. In the northern sections, the ranch- es are of a more selfâ€"contained nature, a breeding herd of a considerable size being kept and the stock raised to a marketable age. This is necessary with sheep and desirable with cattle ‘when there is no farming section nearby to provide stock for the ranch- er, or an opportunity for wintering. On these ranches it has been found necessary to cultivate winter feed, Ontario offers ranchers a large am- ount of grazing land scattered over ithe province all within reasonable freight-travelling distance of the live stock markets. The climate is con- ducive to good summer gains and the 1 niinimum of winter feeding whilst the proximity of ï¬ne farming sections provides facilities for the purchasing I of young stock to run, and for winter- l ing- them. In the Orchard. 95 83 9556 Accept â€Caliiornia†Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physio for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say “Call- fornia." Physicists never tire of efforts to' increase the accuracy of their knowlâ€" edge of the fundamental facts of science. A redletermination of the velocity o: light by the Fizean toothed wth-eel method was'made at Nice. These experiments were remarkable on ac- count of the great distance over _which the beam of light employed Was trans- mitted. PreviOusly such a beam had been caused to travel about ï¬fteen Yniles, on this occasion the reâ€" flect/Trig nmrrbr w-és so placed that the total distance traversed by the beam, going and returning, was ï¬fty-seven miles. The mean of 1,109 observations gave the velocity of light 186,2251/2 miles a second. "California ‘Syrup of Figs" Child’s Best Laxativc I fell from a' building and received what the doctor called a very bad Sprained ankle, and told me I must not walk on it for three weeks. I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and in six days I was out to work again. I think it the best Liniment made. ARCHIE E‘ LAUNDRY. ""Who Are You?†I love the countryâ€"it‘s God‘s land. 1 love the trees, the birds, the flowers. mi "the pure air and the sparkling brook. ' ' I love the spring, summer, autumn and winter. I till the soil and plant the sad. I cultivate the crop and gather the harvest. WI Eve the starry skies and the sun- lit ï¬el‘ds. "-Irlotve the rain and the glistening snow. I supply -the food that none may starve. I work from sunrise to sunset. I work for the joy of work and for my loved ones. ' I have no time to strike. I believe all who eat should work. I believe my wife should have every home convenience. I believe in work, sleep and play. I believe my rights and privileges are those of every man. I believe in my God, in my Country and in you. I am a farmer. I believe .in co-operation. I believe in the brotherhood of man. I believe my children should have the best in education. His wife goes by at forty miles In his new carâ€"but mine just smiles; Our house has pipes and everything-â€" His wife totes water from the spring. ED. Edmonton. â€"sleep1ess nights, constant Sneezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing:â€" brings i‘elief. Put up in cap- sules, easily swallowed. Sold by: reliable druggists for a dollar. 'Ask our agents or send card for free sample to Templeton’s, 142 King St. W., Toronto. Agents, all Toronto and Hamilton drug- Velociiy 9% Ling MOTHER! RAZwMAH AgTHMAâ€" HAY FEVER ISSUE No. 29â€"20. An Early Example Midas had just seen anc sandwich turn to gold as h touched it. "This proï¬teering,†be sadly, "is something that c2 ried entirely too far." US Tom (doubtfully have an aeroplane to be Teacherâ€"~"Now, Tom, hold your head up and your shoulders backâ€" you’d like to have a ï¬ne carriage when you’re a man, wouldn‘t. you?†Why a "horse rises from the ground on its forelegs and a cow on its hind- legs has never yet been explained». Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Time is saved by having a glass measuring cup in both'the flour bin and sugar bin. Mlnard'e Llnlmeni foFsale everywhere If you understand the things that your friend leaves unsaid, you know your friend. ' Don’t streak or ruin your material in a poor dye. Insist on “Diamond Dyes.†Easy directions in package. Lift Off Corns! No Pain! v Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a. lime “Freezone†on an aching corn, instant- ly that com stops hurting, then short- ly you lift it right off with ï¬ngers. Truly! ‘ ,AuA -3 IMIJI Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone†for a few cents, sufï¬cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. 1t No. When I d to take ‘ent of the 1 t much extr us shoe leat am “FREEZONE†For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- gia, Toothache. Eamche, and for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica. Neu- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the name “Bayer†or you are not taking Aspirin _at 111}. .m m... p Accept only “Bayer Tablets of lets coth but a few cents. Dmggists Aspirin†in an unbroken “Bayer†also sell larger “Bayer†packages. There is only one Aspirinâ€"#‘Bayerâ€â€"You must say “Bayer†Aspirin is the trade mark (registex‘ed in Canada) of Bayer Man acturs of Mono- aceticacidester of Sallcyllcacld. While it is well known that Asp rln means Bayer manufacture. to assist me public against imltatlona. the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general (rude mark. the "Bayer Cross."_’ SAY “DIAMOND DYES" MONEY ORDERS. The Mode rn Boy. Era of Economy Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Cross“ maul-inc: Remedial | 380! 911A _ _ was a a slip DOGEI'SEESES and Bow to road Mailed Free to.any Ad- dress by the Author. 3. Clay Glover 00.. 32m. 118 West 81:". Street ENLY TABLETS MARKED “BAYER†ARE ASPIRIN lérï¬lesc 81:â€. Street New York. U.S.A. child my parents per to me. No , would even pub- and tear on pre- Well, I’d rather remarked can be car- other ham his ï¬ngers it use We often fail to recognize it, but the fact remains that toâ€"day is trying to live up to the highest standard of yesterday’s thought and determina- tion. Ontario. 66‘ ELL EQUIPI’ED NEWSPAPER and Job printing giant In Enter! Inourlnce carried “.500. W“! {or 81.200 on quick sale. Bo: CI; Ulon J‘ubllahlnl Co.. Ltd.. Toronm. Market A little "Dariderine" cools, cleanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimulating tonic penetrates to the tarnished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorating every hair in the head, thus stopping the hair falling out, getting thin, scraggly or fading. After a few applications of “Dander- ine" you seldom ï¬nd a. fallen hair or a. particle of dandruff, besides every hair shows more life, vigor, brightness, color and thickness. A few cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter package which' contains complete d1-‘ rections. Then you are getting real Aspirinâ€"the genuine Aspirin Pre- scribed by physicians for over mne‘ iteen years. Now made in Canada. LET “DANDERINE†SAVE YOUR HAIR PROM ONE TO FIVE THOI words. Get real money if "Harx'd'ft'ih Hox'és $36811ng T2715: lets cost but a few cents. Dmggiats also sell larger “Bayer†packages. Classiï¬ed Advertisements. Hurry! A few cents stops hair falling and doubles its beauty mm}: n 9.132% on! IGHS "‘ ‘ 9‘ 1/- smemflgfl/z /} E. 5 WANTEDâ€"SHORT STORIES “My baby was only a month 01d when her face and hands started to get red and scaly. The eczema started in the form of water blisters and itchcd and burned. She was so cross and ï¬etful she could not sleep. War “This lasted nine months when I tried Cuticum Soap and Ointment, and [used three cakes of Soap with two boxes of Ointment when she was healed.†(Signed) Mrs. Oscar Pinon, Amherstbuxg. Omario, May 7. 19181 0n Facé and Hands. Itched and Burned. Cuticura Heals. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are all you need for all toilet uses. Bath: with Soap. soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soup 25c. Ointment 25 and 60:. Sold ghroughoyg tlggDpxglnirqn. Canadnï¬glggpetz twiï¬rimï¬eï¬'a P-Ihl'éiifï¬ï¬E-EZL ' Cuticura Soap shave: without mug. e snappy. Columbine '30 §¥85§COUGHS 1'03 SALE l mones \V'rlte S nto your Story