PRINCE JOACHIN DIES BY OWN HAND Youngest Hohenzollem Shot Himself at Potsdam. Berlin, July 18.â€"P1‘ince Joachim of Hohenzollern, youngest son 'of form- er Emperor William, committed sui- cide to-day in Potsdam. from great mental depression Prince Joachim was born December 17, 1890, in Berlin. He served during the late war on both the Western and Eastern fronts. During the ï¬rst year of the war he was wounded in the ï¬ghting in France. When he recov- ered he was transferred to the Rus- sian front, where lne had several nar- row escapes from capture, and after- wards suffered a serious illness. After the defeat of the Germans there were rumors that Emperor Wil- liam would abdicate in favor of Joachim. The Prince» Was married in 1916 to Princess Marie Augustine of Anhalt, who then was just seventeen years old._ A despatch from Paris early in the present year said Joachim had brought a suit for divorce. PLANS TO RECRUIT HARVESTERS FOR WEST 4Q,000 ‘Hands Needed For Three Prairie Provinces. Ottawa, July 18.â€"-At an important conference between representatives of the passenger departments 79f :he Canadian National and Canadian Pa- ciï¬c Railways and the Minister and ofï¬cials of the'Department of Labor, the question of recruiting and trans- portation. of labor for the Western harvest was discussed. Through the employment service a careful survey of the labor require- ments for the harvest was made, and it appeared that about 40,000 harvest- ers would be needed, of whom probab- ly 10,000 could be secured through the ofï¬ces of the employment service in the Prairie Provinces and British Colâ€" umbia. An effort would be made to recruit the remaining 30,000 in the East. Of this number, 13,000 will be required for Manitoba, 15,000 for Sas- katchewan and 20,003 for Alberta. It was agreed at the conference that har- vest excursions will be despatched West’ from all the Eastern Provinces in order to distribute the burden of supplying this volume of labor over all parts of the East as evenly as possible. ~ LEAGUE ISSUE HAS COX’S SUPPORT In Accord With Pres. Wilson on League of Nations Question. Washington, July 18.â€"Governor James M. Cox 10-day assured Presi- dent Wilson that if elected he would do everything within his power to carry out the promises which the President had made relative to the League of Nations issue. This assurance was given by the Presidential candidate, in the confer~ ence which Mr. Wilson had with him at the White House, this morning, in which Franklin D. Roosevelt also par- ticipated. ised,†Governor Cox declared if elected, endeavor with strength to give.†Manitoba Poem Prize Goes to Ontario Girl strength to give.†President Wilson announced formal statement that he ha ï¬rmed what he already kne“ that he is in every re nation and world." The Pres awarc tition anniversary of ti toba. The compe to deal with th The ï¬rst prize ‘ Coombes of Wi prize, and third Sutherland of W Governor 1y af one Mi also in an I‘ESS “What he ï¬nite 11 street, Lor 'arded ï¬rst 1312 are will Cox an with 1 the assura have ;olute11 dth the I prize was ready DIC to be t] of the 1' pect Peg I‘OV 1'85 ident) 362 S the ,lons, champ prom- I shall, )f n his COH- the my ne ZR at Toronto, July 20,â€"Man. wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, $3.15; No. 2 Northern, $3.12; No. 3 Northgrn, $3.08, in store Fort William. Manitoba oatsâ€"Nd. 2 CW, $1.14; Manitoba oatsâ€"Nd. 2 CW, $1.14; No. 3 ,CW, $1.10; extra No. 1 feed, $1.00%; No. 1 feed, $1.09; No. 2 feed,, $1.05%, in store Fort William. Manitoba barleyâ€"No. 3 CW, $1.72; No. 4 CW, $1.40; rejected, $1.25; feed, $1.35, in store Fort William. American cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, $3.30; Ame'rican cornâ€"No. 3 yellow nominal, track, Toronto, prom: ment. . Ontario oatsâ€"No. 3, white, n Ontario wheatâ€"No. 1 Wint car lot, $2 to $2.01; No. 2, d( to $2.01; No. 3 do, $1.92 to $1 b. 7 shipping points, accordi fre car uckwhea wâ€"No. n‘le Country Produc rio wheat Wholesale Grain. Malt nominal. ï¬g. $1.84 $2.03 i0. $1 )ints It is Dangerous to Use Countï¬rfeit Parts {m the BY allpvying your garage man to gse imitation parts in repalrmg youpcar you not only rmvrte repeated repalr bills and more serlous breakdowns; but yQu actually. endan- ‘1.“ “A-†-‘AV-v n.:v-â€"â€"v .- ger your own life and the Three 'o'fï¬others. . Cheap and inferior parts used in connectlon w1th the steermg control are llable to cause accidents of a very You Risk Your Life When You Use Imitation Spindles In a recent test the tensile strength of the genuine Ford Vanadium Steel spindle arm was found 'to be over 100% more than that of the counterfeit machine steel'part. The arms were submitted to shock, and the counterfeit arm broke at a pu111ng force equivalent to 11,425 pounds applied to. a cross Section. The same pulling forceapplied to a corres- ponding cross section of a genuine Ford spindle arm did not even change its original size or shape. In order to separate the genuine spindle arm it was necessary to apply a pulling force of 25,000 pounds. The spindle arm is one of the vital parts en- tering into the control of a car, and by using spurious parts in such places, Ford owners are risking lives and property. serious nature. Weekly Market Re; You are merely protectihg yourself you demand genulne Ford parts. eâ€"‘V ; ‘ i 1., er] rruvnswnsâ€"anuwsale. N3). ‘2)", ’5?) $1298! Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med., 4‘ .92 to $1.93, 10.! 490; heavy, 40 to 42c; cooked, GI accordinv to‘ 660; r0115, 34 to 36¢; cottage 1' ° [39]“ 41c: breakfast bacon, 48 to mler vere Spr Look far the Sign 30C MC Only Genuine Ford Parts Can be Used with Safety per $1.98 ship; Dress-ed poultryâ€"Spring ‘chickens 60c; roosters, 30c; fowl, 35c; turkeys 53 to 60cj'duck1ing‘s, 38 to 40¢; squabs doz., $6.50. BeanseCanadian, hand-picked, bus. $5.25; primes, $4; Japans, $5; Limas Madagascar, $121/2c; flapan, 10 to 110 Maple productsâ€"Syrup, per imp ga1., $3.40 to $3.50; per 5 imp. gals. $3.25 to $3.40. Maple sugar, 1b., 21 to 30c. Eggsâ€"No. 1, 56 to 57c; selects, 58 to 59c. Livé poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 60c; roosters,‘ 26c; fowl, 30c; duckli‘ngs, 30c. We rints G. A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVKLLE, DEALER A. E. GLASS, RICHMOND HILL, SALESMAN ste Provisionsâ€"Whole ve Stock M break n, 52 31‘ £3911 zned :11 $11 arkets‘ 11 sale. )Y $11 olls and avoiding repeated repair bills when ers, good to ch&ice, $100 to $165; do, com. and med., $65 to $75; lambs, yearlings, $12 to $13; do, spring, $16.50 to $18; calves, good to choice, $16.50 to $18; sheep, $6.50 to $9; hogs, fed and watered, $20.75; do. weighed ofl" cars. $21: do. f.o.b., $19.75; do, do, fed and watered, $20.75; do. weighed off cars, $21; do, f.o.b., $19.75; do, do, country points, $19.50. Montreal, July 20.â€"â€"Butcher steers, com., $8 to $10.50; butcher heifers, med., $9.50 to $11.50; c0111., $6.50 to $9; butcher cows, choice, $10 to $12; med., $6 to $9; canners, $3 to $4.50; cutters, $4.50 to $5.50; butcher bulls, com., $6 to $8. Good veal, $11.50 to $13.50; med., $6 to $11; grass, $6 to $8. Ewes, $6 to $9.50; lambs, good, $14.50 to $16; com., $12 to $14. Hogs, $14.50 to $16; com., oï¬-car weights, seI sows, $16.50 to $17 GREEKS CAPTURE TOWN OF BRUSSA Advance forces 5weepmg rar | cent men A desp An ofï¬cis A‘rmy H ays Genuine Ford Springs versus Imitation Springs Genuine Ford front and rear springs are made of Vanadium spring steel having a tensile strength of 210,000 pounds per square inch, and an elastic limit of 200,000 pounds. Every genuine Ford spring _is tested in the factory. Front sprlngs are subJected to a pressure of 1,850 pounds. In the fatigue test the average gen: uine spring will stand 60,000 strokes before breaking. - Rear springs are subjected to a pressure of 2000 pounds and the average genuine spring will absorb 40,000 strokes before breaking. Imitation springs are generally made of car; bon steel having a tensile strength of only 130,000 pounds per square inch and an elastic limit of only 115,000 pounds. In ordinary service they soon flatten out. tly E the entere for Greek flag was hoists the Town Hall of t city of the Osmanlis‘ in th il'ee dquarters 1e advance! s‘has reaz )eyond Btu ihilated t} artille H 1553. I) DO 20.50 to The most GRAIN ACREAGE LOWER IN CANADA A despatch from Ottawa says:â€"-'4. The acreage sown to wheat, including fall wheat, in all Canada, is now esti- mated at 17,186,300 acres, which com- pares with 19, 125, 968 acres, the ï¬nal estimate for 1919, and represents a decrease of 10 per cent. Spring wheat according to the estimate of the D97. minion Bureau of Statistics, occupies this year 16,446,000 acres, or 11 per cent. less than last year. ’ Fall wheat acreage this year is 740,300 acres, an increase of 10 per cent. over last year. Acreage in oats has increased 4 per cent. from 14, 952,114 to 15,555,400 acres. Bariev is- sown on 2.588.000 acre per cen ght Decrease From 1919 Shown by Government Statistics. an incm )ver, 10 marke nces ce wn on 2,588,000 t. less than last '85, or 3 per cent. acres, a decrease d grains, 909,350 3,440,000 al Par- if Year- itoba ,000 the