Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1920, p. 8

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OTICEâ€"E. Sliney is pI-vpnu-d tn 1 d0 H“ kind-a nf {rm-king um] muting in Richmond Hill um] vicinity. I’altl'mmgr snliciH-ll. l’htmo Muplrâ€" Nil), Rir-hmnnd Hill 71. 42 It 0R SALEâ€"NOW met‘t‘fiun nil stove. in good u-nnditinn HOPPER, Centre strvet. \V. 3 : ' 0R. SALEâ€"200 "('l'l‘ firm will: crop. LUIS 28 um! 29. (‘«m. ‘2. Vaughan. “'illwl'. svpnruHIy or in bulk. V‘v‘ Apply A. E 505. Richmond Hill. - AY LOADERâ€"A John DH'I'G hay , lander. nemly now far sulo. \\’. 0. James Phune ’l‘hnrnhill. LIVE s \':I]1ghn11: J OHN Hill. Sale Register SATURDAY, JULY Ellâ€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. also lu-irk hfillSP, Int 15. con. 1. \Vest York, Lansing side road. property {(aofJ. H. Smith. Terms (‘f chattels rash. Sale at. :2 p.111. J. K. MOEWEN. Auctioneer. 10R SALEâ€"A gout] S"l‘(‘lld hmd. 19”} model Fhld our, in splendid running . rdm‘. Applv In (Rev) '1‘. R. Haughtnn. ‘rnrnm G‘hun-h :md Mulk- hum streets. - IRL “'ANTED tn nxsist \i'ith hnuco wnrk. Amfly MRS. J. P. \VLSON, Richmond Hi”. 3 1 0R SALEâ€"4 white irun heda, with Springs. nliltlleSQl-‘S_ pillows and bedding. 1 Detroit nil vapour cm k stnvo. 2 Perfvmiun oil heals-rs. 3 \Vnshsmnds. 2T0il9t s--L<. I \Vnsh- in}: muchin "I‘d wring”. 2 Tubs and 3pails. 140 fvetof \Vil‘r‘ rtlntlws linp. Shuvol. nuke and 1109., 2 (Tungnloum rugs. Some grunilpwnrp. dislws. kitch- Pl] 2::th and other kitv-hvn wme. Alev In MRS. SAUDER. Rirhmnnd St. Phi-11986. 3 1 4OR SALE~1 Roan cmv. dllP to talvvz l Hvifpr, 2 yrs. uld, rn gis- tered. Also 1 Cockshntt. plnw. narrow both II]. Apply H. J. JACKSON, Tesmn. Plume Maple 537. d 3 Notice is Imrehy given that AGNES ROBERTSON. (:f the City of Tumult”, in thv County nf York. married “'11- man. will apply to [he Pdrlialnent nl' (lanath nlr the nth SPsslnn they-emf for it Bill of Divorce from her lunhand. HENRY ROBERTSON. of the said city of Toronto. in the Cunnly of Yolk. Clmutfel-on the grounds 0! adultery and desertion. VIANTEDâ€"A Cnllip Pup v AnnlvA. E. PLHWMAI PARKâ€"At her lumu= on Highland Luke Furnu. nn July18. 1920. Eliz~ ahs-t-h David GI'PIE. wife of George Park. in her 61st year. Funeral \Vednesdny to St. John’s Demetri-y. Oak Ridges. PINKERTONâ€"At Essex. Ontario. on TIIPsduy July 20, 1920. Juhn Pinko-r- tun. father of .l. Eml Non-tun. in his 74th year. Funm‘ul from lhs- Union Depot. anonto, upon arrival ml" the 8.80 C. P. H. train frmn “'indâ€" sm‘. and interment at, Lnydtnwn at 3.30 p. In. Thursdav July 22. 1V] on first class fnlm prnpelty. Appiy LIBERAL OFFICE. Notice of Application for Divorce B. FINCHâ€"Job Carpenter. Rm L pails and Alterations. Furni- km-n rennived. Yonge St. Richmond Hill. next to Post Oflice. Box 109, 4 16 Dated at Toronto. Province of On- tarin, this lfith day of June, 53.1). 19:20. 50 14 NICOL:â€"AL Aurnm nn \Vednesdny July [41.11.1920 (0 Mr. and Mls. Aubrey. M. Nirol. A. danghtel Audrey YvonnP. M n ------ râ€" ”, . \VliU‘ I'm annlvglu- hu-du)‘ and learn what \vo- haw-a dun? fn.‘ III In I“. \V. J. PkLlO’I‘TJ’Hm-ipul your purl fail llt‘ully 'zuu] will he Sflliirifl’un’)’. 'l‘l glwss W“: k about this. ' THEY ARE mun-Ean Cnme to (his Mihtml pn-p Yongen‘nd Churlvs 819.. Tut-mm: The Salaries (-ffz-n-(l unr (h-ndu- "Lt-s during llw Inst nu) \'z‘:|l\' haw» ln-HI gl't‘anl' Lhun r-n-r Inh-lv. It is no trnuhlv fur (-ur Urmluulrv's 10 get, empluynmnl hm-ansu JOHN SUNNY. M 34 If OUNG GIRL \VAN'I‘ED t9 :l<<i_~‘t will: light hump wmk. Annlv In is. J. A. GREENE. Richmond Hill. FALL TER‘I‘ OPENS AUG. 30“! AXELLIOTTflm. H ORSIC FOR SALEâ€"(£0051 (hiver. 7 years old. Lot 26. (Mn. ?. ONEY TO LOAN~$2MOO to loan VVant Ads. HUGHES & AGAR. 72 Queen street. West, Toronto, Ontnx'iu. Solicitors fur the applicant AGNES ROBERTSON DEATHS BIRTHS HISLOP. Rix-hmund Iph-R..I?, Nu. thu' PLEWMAN. Stop 3 1 Y TRAINEI) t-purvd In do ul lhe H‘Slllls Tth is nu mule ('nnl 960 WOOOMWW“OW““OMQMOOI This farm is well Situutod and is in one of the hesL agricultural districts nf the province, close to school. church. mills. rural mail I-nute good grain and stock tar-m hnrn 35x54. shed 30x21 and shed 20x30. u cmmnudinus and substan- tial stnne house kitchen attached. There is a. never failing spring and an excellent, well on the premise . Posses- sion aftertho crops are off In pluw and full possession on Nov. 151.. 1920. Near the good roads 8 mile-s frnm [he elec~ tric railway and within 20 miles of Tux-unto. Termszâ€"2ij9r cent of the purch~e price on the duyufsalennd a further 30 per cent within 30 days. and (he. hul- nnrzv may remain as a first mm-tgage for 5 years. bearing 6 per cent per un- nnm m- the purchaser may at his n1- her option pay all cash. The property will he offered subject ‘ to u reserve hid. For further pmtic- ' uluis and condition; of sale amply tn the Auctioneer. J. H. Prentice. 415 Bulliol SL. Tm'nntn, or to. woowuouowooi WNQMOOWONOOOWWOO; \VILLOWDALE Au' t1 m san of valuable farm in the townsh‘p of Markham, in the county of Y- rk. Then-v will be ufi'erpd for sale by public auction, on on the premises, heing the \Vest Half Lot 29. in lhv 5th COIL. Markham Tuwnship. at two n’cluck in U)» after- noon. by]. H. Plentirw, IlllCLiUHH-l'. That. valuable fur". being the west half Int 29, in the {uh ouncessiun. anuship of Markham, 100 acres of land. mure 01' less. \ Vendors' Solicitors, Stonffville July 2, 1920. NO REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS 2557 Yonge Street, Toronto \Ve have some splendid fan-ms for fall delivery at, reasonable prices. Building lots and acrv lots at lnw prices and easy terms with liberal discount for cash. Let us know your wants and we will be pleased to help you. Our lists contain the best, home Value-s north of tlw city from Lansing to Bond let‘. W. J. LAWRENCE MCOULLOUGH & BUTTON, SATURDAY. JULY 24. I920 The New Hardware Store GRANITEWVARE, TINWARE, \VHITE ENAMEL, GALVAN- IZED TUBS AND FAILS. BROOMS. BRUSHES. ICTU. 01L STOVES, \VIRE SCREEN. CLOTH AND \VIRE NETTING. Fardware AUCTION SALE GARDEN TOOLSâ€"HOES, RAKES. SPADES, ETC Full line of Up-Lu-dute Goods in Stuck, including Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Baseball Gloves, Bats, Balls, Etc. ELECTRIC WASHERS DOHERTY STEEL RANGES ALSO STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS MCKENZIE BROS. C. N. COOPER Flour and Feed Trench Block WOONWWNOOOMOOOW”“0”...”“OONWWW Save your money, regular $1.50, now $1.25; regular $1.00 now 90 cents. All the popular music. Try that famous O’Keh Record, the finest it not the most popular of all iecords. Step in my store and take your records home on approval. “Yes” we have the needles you have been looking torâ€"plays ten records without changing and is the only needle yet made that will give soft, loud or medium tone all in one. Try a package. Just think I,ooo tunes for 25 cents. Every phonograph on approval. Victory Bonds, notes and easy terms will be taker. on all phonographs. These machines are made in Canada, by good Canad- ians to be sold at a small profit. Deal right at home. HARRY HULSE E. GRAINGER IIe wiil saw: you that war tax, also from $10 to $25 on any machine on the floor. Over 40 machines on hand, including :â€" Richmond Hill PATHE COLUMBIA SYMPHONOLA EMPIRE GET THAT PHONOGRAPH MCLOGAN PHONOGRAPH FROM HULSE ONTAR.O Bargains in Records ALSO iTINSMITHING kinds of Tinsmithing done. Cor. YONGE & CENTRE Sts. PHONE 87 Furnace and Stovepipes on hand. F. Teetzel ’W”WOWNOONO”OOO%§O: The Tinsmith EAVETROUGHING and all In Shaw‘s Schools. Toronto. funnjune 28th to Sept. 15:. give continumls oppnitunity tn qualify fur a gnod business pmpnsition. Start. any Linw. Agent for Farm Implements. Deering and _l\ICC' rmick Machines. Famous Farm Tractors 8x16 Internatioml and 10x20 Titan Primrose Cream Separators. Gasoline Engines of/all sizes up to 60 H. P. Geo. White & Sons,_ Threshers and Engines. Toronto W'ind Engine, Windmills and Pumps of,all kinds. Beatty Bros., Barn Equipments and Stable Fittings. J. Fleury & Sons, l’lows. ' Galt Art Metal, Sheet Metal Building Material and Garages. All Kinds of Repairs for Above ’Kept on Hand. STOVES REPAI RED Church St. \Vl'ile \\'. H. SHA\V, 395 Yonge St. Toronto PHONOLA GRAFONOLA LA VOLA CORONA SUMMER SESSIONS J". LUNAU AURORA RICHMOND HILL THE money you spend during the long years of toil will not help you to live comfortably in retirement, in old age. It is only the money you are saving now that will bring ultimate independence. STANBARD BANK Capital. Surphls 1nd Undivided Profit. 33.360.337.09. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH J. R. HERRINGTON. VANAGER OF CANADA an Retired Phone 56 THE

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