Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1920, p. 5

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. ,w-x.~"\‘ \-..-A . x ' Well. a gentleman Mis< IC'la llill ol' .-\lli~lnti \'l\llt‘tl‘ Ilt‘l‘ aaut .\I1'>. l)a\itl llill tlii~~ \\'t‘t‘l~l. At l‘:lt'\l|[('!-â€";\ t‘.tl nl‘ gr lltl lump t't :xl, also It t~; hi ;_(I (l littltl \\t l d llltl hemlock slaln‘ at llll‘ litL-Vatoi. Mrs. Frank 9. “llllllllt‘ and liftlt- daughterlllttltart- \txttiag with Her. and All‘. 1']. ('. (‘utry at llaw'lct-slt-trv. llt‘lll' Monttt'al. ‘ Mr. at-d Mrs. ,lolm Illll, aul Mr. Arthur Hill and .\li~\ Mav Ilt'nry of l’atwthoeo >[)l‘|ll a l'«\\' days with in. and Mn. omit Hill lllls‘ wct'k‘l .-L.,._______ .._.___.___ : Mra t‘. (‘oopwr h |\‘ ll tutnv-l la n;t-‘ «again attrr vatttlitig a couple It lltt-ltill\ willt lli‘l (lull'L‘lllt'l' .\lt<. 15.1 liatkt-r, \\'ohli, link. I Fall Piano ’I‘tllllllg-â€";\ll)‘ pvt-mu dr-l sithgpiano lltl.illj_'. sliottl-l \Vlllr- (r ithvnolohn 'l‘. .'\llll‘l.~llll, Still Iir'ltS-l It‘l'tl A\'l‘.. \V‘.'~-l ’I‘tlltrlll'h ot‘ Phollt‘ Jllltt'llt'll 7.3. ’l'ut‘tay tum ('Xpt’llv'lttt‘. 'l‘ht'Markhatu ICrouonti~t la~t wm-k had Applications In l’atliatnvnt axkiug for 11 divorces. And yet we ti_\' to maki- outselvvs l)L’llt'\t‘ lllt‘ world is growing lit‘tlt r. Ill-v. Frank llnvm of Sutton pit-at-lu'tl iu the .Mc-lliotlis't (‘hutrh Sunday l‘ivr. Mr. 1i1t\\t'>~ .Illt‘lltlt‘tl tlu- Richmond Hill High School l\\'t'lll:\' \ ' HIS UH”- 'I‘ltc \Vouu'n's Institute will hold their regular monthly tut-cling at the lIUlllt' of Mrs. John Palmer on \l\'l‘(llll'.\‘llil_\’ (ht. 13th at ll o'rlot'k. I'lllgl'Wlllllr' to ho supplit-d lw Thorn- hill \\'omrIU~ Institute. A lint Supprr followed by a Good l‘ltilllllllt’ltl l-v Alll~l\'l‘l‘01ll‘l‘tll'llll- t, I.'illllllt'll. llit'hntoittl Hill and t-thcr I‘liit't s. will lu‘ lit-id in the Maple .)|l“lllt-ti|.\l (Thutvh. under the auspices Ii'llll‘ Ladies .\ill on llll‘ evening of Friday, Octoln r h; Mtptlt‘l' 50: \'(‘ll from t: In :w‘ o't lovk. All“:l5:‘ltlltI--.‘xtlllll.~ 50.5. (‘liiltlil-n 23: -. Last w'w‘lt llll‘ Mrltkh llll rltlt-tlthat luin in lllll Int-it running: [ll'll‘ ltil't'llr.‘ on :lttl >illvwallh. wrotal :tx'lidetae “'t‘lt' .'\‘<‘ll“l. 'l‘hv \illagt- t‘utli\lll)ll’ was "villl‘ll upri‘t to 51M!) tho lllllS'illCt'. 'l'ha! is \\ ilt'l" M..t Ithaui h as !h:- llllltle l‘havroluist \‘lll luv had \\'::g;‘on< and and that narrowly v‘lt lilt'llllliitll Hill. “1* li.’t\'t’ lO \‘illay‘t‘ t'l‘n\i tlilt’. .\lllll\l“\"ll"\' Hut' It. . will he hilld in tlt“ \iit'iut'ia “t'n’Hu Mt-tltodist thou-uh. 'l‘lt:ti1l;<u"\ivus ."iuntlay Oct. '17 2.1.} tr. tn. Itil'. joy- l‘l \Vatson, of 'l‘ot~:tto, will spunk. 'l'l;i~' will he a unit'u Invoking Irl. .lvongtt-calitvn and Sunday uI'lltitll. T I; t p. II‘. I‘tIt'. A. H. liassard. l’. C. I.. lSarrEstt't'ol'Toronto; will :p'ali. Much symn llity is full. for Mr. J. A. (Err t':l:' and l‘tutiiv iu tlm loss of his little daughter Marion who passe-I awuyon Mouda)Y altn'r an illness of about lin- tnouths. Iiuuything that (Ila-tits. nutws antl tt-latiros and trimalscuuld do was done, hut in a ~pitr of ere-1y care her young life Hula-d away, and the t'lttl cann- on Monday. W. C. T. U. The \V. (7. T. l'. will meet at tho llI|IIlU of Mrs. McMahon next. Tuesday .moning, October 12th. at eight o'clock. As this is the first meeting of the stamnet'ory member is requested to he pr: sent to help plan for the year’s work. -¢-oâ€"â€"â€"4â€"â€" METHODIST CHURCH Next Sunday Rev. A. .‘IL‘NEIII willl prt-ach at both services. 11 minâ€""Slaying a lion in a ,â€" pit.” t p. m.â€"“'l‘lteie Game a Maid.‘y On Sunday, October 17th. the-re. will he Special Thanksgiving Servich and on Monday. October-18th, Thanks- giving Day. a first-class supper will he >Pl'Ved. followed by a. concert in the .-hurch. See posters in a few days. __â€"â€"a~&â€"â€"â€"â€" Who is a Gentleman? The above question is often asked. is simply a maul who is slow to take offence and slow to give it. He compels consideration from others by showing consider-anon to them. He is clean minded, clean limhed. clean cut front head to heel. And if he wishes to look well he can ‘ make no mistake by getting his clothes made at E. R. Fortner's tailor estali-l Iishment, corner of Yonge and Rich-l Inottd Sts.. Richmond Hill. o- Navy League ‘ A meeting in the interest of the Navy League of Canada was held 1]] the Council Chamber Friday evening. on the suggestion of Lieut. Jackson wt“ Toronto. Lieut. Jackson stated the. objects of the Society and :\l ranged to hold a public meeting on \Vednosday evening, Oct. 13, A campaign to l‘HlSP‘ loud: is to take place between the 19th l and 25th of Octohot‘. and the following » were appointed for Richmond Hill: l tdtairtn-tu. T. H. Trench. ' Secretary. T. F. McMahon. Committeeâ€"\V. Pratt. \V. man. Mrs. \V. A. Wright, Trench. w.-t , Alix- g .‘tl. ‘Sl'llllll‘llu twat lllt'il out: loatu' ;>.\'ltll)llll\' ‘:\]tllltltl_\' rrwnitzg. A \t'l\ pit-maul atal Sulden Death IA >lltltll‘ll death ot-ruiittl l'l lll” \Illagt- lakt 'l‘htthday Mr. Adam lilt'lllllll‘l u. an old gulltlutr‘an 7‘» _‘,'t'.|l\‘ ot ago. \\'a\ :t~si<liit;.; l‘l hauling in hay on lht- taint ot' Mr. I.. t‘urtix \\ nun ho- turned din/y and dit-ll in a low lllllllllt“. Ill-art l‘.llllllt'ls given .‘.~‘ ti‘a- t'.’tll~t‘. 'Jliwluut-ialonSattntlav \\'.‘l‘ l.‘ll‘,{t‘l_\‘ lllll‘ltllttl. Altor [lit- \t‘l't'lt't‘, which \\'.t~' ltx‘ llrr. Hay, Illll‘llllt'n' l'ltltt‘ lll lalwit lt ttlx' l~' lit-ll lit‘l‘ Illt‘ ll: lltl‘ll sulltlrn llt'lt‘:t\"|ljt rt. 'iiilV .__.- . ‘.°_.-__ Epworth League 'l'lu- lfputath l.t“|‘_:il:* iu-I pruml li‘l wa'ial tiino wa< xp. nt. .\1:. I'oitnri. tho tu-w pit-sillt-nt. lll'll\t'lttl a mo~t iuâ€" tt-rt'sting and helpful £l|llllt".\'. He urged llll‘ llll‘lllllt‘l“ of Hip l" Iguoto ro- (.pt-l':llt' With lllt‘ ollit't'h 'Itztl >latt'll that this wastlt‘t- only way in which the league could do t-llt-l-tiu- work. \ot'al :‘olo was given lI\‘ Mi»~ Mytlll- Smith which was t'l|.it)}'|t‘tl l)\' all, ' 'l‘ho llll‘t‘llllg ltt'.\'l Monday evening will lw in ('lllllgt' ol' llu- ('lnistian lCn- tleavour lll‘lll. A \l‘l_\‘ llllt'lthillL“ ham». will l‘v giro!) luy Ilt‘\. in. Mt}- Ncill. l‘ltvl'yont- r-ottlially wrlrottin. ~QI- Prize Winners C The followingr arc tho ptixa- winnt-ts in the Standing Ir‘irld (‘rop Competiâ€" Lion: I. Allth joins “'in. Burns . Peter .Iltnt‘S .\'\l. McQuatt-it- john “'alson . D. McMillan \V. (l. \‘Vowl: 88 points. In addition to itlmrt‘. those scoring 83 lltllllts‘ (.r o\ or .‘tl‘t' eligible lm t'oIn-‘ peto l’or prim“: Chas. loin-s . - 5": points. ‘ 'Jl points. 913 points. It] points. Eltl points. 89 points. KIS'L'I-éâ€"Ccl: 87 points. muvh' in’ A. Chas. llnynton 8%} points. (illih‘. l)vl’vrati 85 point~'. Frank I“. lt'cvt's, IIumhcr B'IV,‘ Judge. ' . ._4 .-.-aâ€"â€" Vaughan Rural School Fair The anutttl fair of thH pulnlic schools of Vaughan wa; lit-Ill at Vellore on 'l‘ltutsday last and was the best and nto~t Sllt'tt‘>\l'|ll of those ever llt'ltl in this 'I‘o\\'n<!tip. A lltl‘L't' number of whools were the competition was tun-n. was a. large (‘.‘lelllll of ll\t‘ poultry, \egetallles, flowct‘S. and school work. and 'I‘llt'l u. at ot-lc, cooking Much iiitcrnst was present taken in the races. The parade was of a very high ordvr. all til: the schools makingr a line showing. The first prize physical cxvrciws. \\'\‘III to Kleiuliurg girls. St‘t'tliltl to Maple gitls, third to Kit inlllll'g ltoys. In lllt' public speaking C(‘lllt’rl for girls Mabel Evciiiigham of Gait-ville school took first pill-1‘. Beatrice I)cl<‘t>rraric of Hope second and Mary Manning of Maple third: for lioys Eric \Yhite of Carrvillt‘ first. and Erin Adcot-k. second. Kleinhurgr won first, and Maple second for singing, while! Ooleraint- got first for marching. Kitâ€"port cf .lcfferszn School lcr Sepi. Sit. tI' # Zilpli-t ToppEt'. ‘ltt.1\'~\'tlia \‘x'atts. Hit. Himâ€"Mary Ilodgins, Irena I’ilson and John tlluliim' equal. Martha johnâ€" s‘on and Harding Burnaby equal, (‘laikson Murphy, Donald McCluskoy, Douglas Dilili.’ In. titâ€"Violet Pat 1:, Muriel Burnahy, il’ltnt‘llt‘t’ Ilinrs, ,(Thailie Ililih, \Vartnan. Sit. ltâ€"Ileth Gatnhle. Bessie “'atts, Leonard llodgins, Evob'n \Vurman. Hugh Topper. _I It. IIâ€"-UCO)'gc Chatluu-n, Florencv Ilit'kwooll. . .Itt. I#I{alhlet-n Hodgttw. Madge \V.‘lll<. Agnes Brlt‘nvlt. Sn. I’R.7I§ilevn 'chnon, Victor Tay- lor. Erma Uluhine, .l u-k Camille and Norman But nett eq ta]. 7 JR. I‘ll. â€"â€"(1‘ret-rgia \\'att<, Stewart Burnett, Dorothy Halt. 'l'ht-ltn't il-‘lll’ '_lu'au Ker-swell. Allan .‘ileair. Average attendance 32. ‘ G. M. L‘t'ot’lia, ’l‘l’ilt‘ilt'l' ll ANNOUNCEMENT » 19., R. FORTNER , Late Designer for the Jim. Northway :9 Son Cc., Tor-auto. . Wishes to inform the Public that he has opened an up- to-datc LADIES’ AND GENTS‘ TAILORING BUSINESS Corner of Yonge and Richmond 813., Richmond Hill, arid will sell suits {10111133500 to $10.00 cheaper than can be got tn the city. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PRESSING AND CLEANING ALSO DONE. Is your cétr hard to start or are your lights dim? If so drive to The Richmond Hill Garage We have installed a ' Ford Owners 1 . Wonder Recharge for Ford Magnetos Stop {for ten minutes and make your Ford run like new. . W. G: Baldock, Prop. Doris Interesting - Values .‘titu‘s i'iz‘7l\‘}' Work Boots. strong” ()‘t'ct':1lls.b"" “’ hair's Cotton 50x. extra value ilttc. pr. lo 1:: ."\.l 1-22;;11 Crash 'l‘ou'clling. white, with unrrmv red border. per yard Talc. Groceries Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, .. ..... . ‘_-’ l‘v;1~_‘iIZIU_t'f§ for 2.12 Golden tllot-x Matches .......... l lgcx‘. ii hoixcs for lit-'3. l’incsleipzut Rice ............................................... lfic. ll). Bulk 'I‘czt, Our Own Bland, black ct‘ {great _. (3.1:. II). (hum s Iizzuilirsit in II). ‘flt‘lilt’ItgF, .................. pcz‘ Ii). .‘silc. XXX L‘iclt‘r or Spirits lint-gar ................ ltic. per gallon Silver (film‘s Starch . ........................................... liic pl: (loud Bull: Laundry “wt ‘lti‘ \ ; lhsz. for Sir. ‘lizillcttfiv Laundry S mp, Bl o2. tar, ................ 22c. (och $1101 .' l‘lnltc Ammonia ............................ 1-. fgs. l‘-;:r 25c. lite Ul‘liEil lr tiring us your Iluttor and Eggs. 990W9960¢@099900990000W90W®¢990%‘0‘09‘90 0 . _<> P . 1’ 1'1 . '3) C. DOOPER a g 6. Hardware Richmond Hill ‘3 9 [49600066999066OQOWWOOMMWMM‘aéWOMNMQMO 6‘ naval-m.“ UNITE D FARE/l and wit ntzalc, pr. or lrhaln. 131‘. 82.8%."). 33.30. Iâ€"t.-.. .qux. IJAL\ hitléllilig’ CESlEllAIIVE CO. ‘ RICIER'ZOM; HELL ' \\\'o pay lllt' Ilighe-sl l’l~~\ilvlr- I‘tict‘s. M3¢0MOW¢¢ $G¢®%‘3‘ ’3 99%’$0¢O®6~©®©W®0¢MMOO¢OMOQMO 0 {he New Iâ€"larrlv are Store = . _ a: Li 31L;i Blow. OIL Her-{trim Now is; thc 13m: to get an Oil Iii-cater ' "' L evenings. W 7e have the 'cry ccs- â€"McClarv chil Oil Heaters. ‘ 1 t We have a lull s cck ol~ Paints. Oils, Varnishcs, (,rl‘HlIllCWZlI'C, ’ltrn'varc. Stovepipirg. Brooms and Brushes. 0Wo¢6 60¢¢09¢9¢90699M¢M0696 rlmmw..-:W . .mu “OOOOO”OOOOMOOOOOM omnwwowwmoowwommmmm i .___.___ OMOMWNOWWOWOOW Bargains in Ranges, Coal Oil ' and Electric Heaters For Ten Days. Only \Vc are offering the CELEBRATED FIRE-CO RANGES at a price very much below the present retail value. namely; Regular Price $155.00 Sale Price $125.00 Now is your chance ityou need a new range for this Winter. Only four of these offered and lot ten days only. Come in at once. :YNEW PERFECTION OIL HEATERS for sale at a great reduction. Nickel Plated, Reg. Price $10.50, Sale Price 939 00 Black japan Finish, Reg. Price $9.50 Sale Price $8 00 \\'C also have the MAJESTIC ELECTRIC IiEA'l‘EIx’S from $57.00 to $12.50 each. Just the thing for those cool comets. Try’ oneâ€"You’ll like it, A grcd Supply cf STONE CROCKS and FLOWER [DIS alwats on hand. WE HAVE THE QUALITY _WE GIVE THE SERVICE TRY US “c MWWOOWMMMWOWOMNOQWOM‘OWQW069W a The Richmond Hill Hardware Co., NORMAN PATT Y Phone 18

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