Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Oct 1920, p. 8

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' 0R SALEâ€"0119 only new (\pv-n steel tire. buggy. made by (‘m . boy Carriage C(L for $l35 cash. Thi< buggy is fiLlrd to put n le Ill if d». sired. J. A. HOSE Maple 153 4 P‘OR SAL” â€"nI'FiHIIIIAâ€" pl'up1 Arnold Sh. lull ‘ZH f! amid hrirk lmuaa 9 Nu -m=.. Light, gnml unldcn. Fluit, m- Baun and Ilvnhuuvn Apply prunisl-s to M‘s F. J. Lynelt umnd Hill. tf. 1:0“ SALEâ€"«anLuughlin Taming ‘ Cm, H. 45 Rpm-in], just, like- m-w. 3p m tiw. fnru', nnd [mu hnmpur. Apply HARRY THOMAS, Rirhmulxd Hill. 18 2 ENERAL REALTY CO.â€"»(,‘il_v- Suhmlmn mud country pmpvr‘ fies. 35 ‘Victmiu St..-â€"-thw Adrlaidv 2027 [G 4 3037 . AM FOR SALE-3A grim} I? m '6 yems and 3 yvurs nld. f}. PORRILL. Lnt :47. Com. 2. Vaughn. Jam-won. ~ EN HOUSEâ€"â€"A an Houso for lsalo. Apply at THE LIBERAL -Office 17 2 L [mils und Alta-minus, ur» I'Ppuilfld. Yonge St.. 1(I ii“. next to Pust ()mun I I\JOTI'CEâ€"E. Sliney is pun-pa 2_ do all kinds of ll'lu‘kinu ruling in Richlnnnd Hill and vim: ’atrnnuge sulicEH-(l. thw anl Lichmnnd Hill 71. l‘ "in“ 1‘ hurnw. nlsu n market wnqon. Phune 71 1‘ 4 v OPE SALEâ€"A unt- hmse hurmv. alsg‘n market - TRAYED~me {he prc-mispa, 1m \ 20. (-on. 3. Markham. 0<:t()h'r-1- 19. 2 ymu- uld him-k mid whitv hem-r. Any vxpmme will hp paid by Um uwner. NANCY A. HORNER. HHIdfol'd. Gonn- 19y. R. R. 2 ‘OR SALEâ€" Burn-(l Ruck (Ynt'kereh. nt :1 rs-ufionahle prim-e. \Vill hnld fun- n shmt time only. 0. L. HEISE. (‘mrmley R. R. 2. Victoria Ssqmu-e. ] 2 , ANARY SINGERSâ€"A nnmhrr of , beautiful cuuurv hillsâ€"singer's and hang â€"fnr sale. GEO. (‘r\1’.l)\\‘ELL, thmond 8L. Richmund Hill. IS 2 mm-i: w numd Hill XFORD RANGE â€" Second- hand Oxford Range for 3.119. App' y LIBERAL Office. 192 1‘ young pigs. It. A. V.\N1)ER- mum, Richmond SL, Richmond Hill. 18 1 :IUR SALE â€"- Puflnr : Appiy Mrs. BEYNON, OSTâ€"Slrnyt-d frmn Int 41. can. 1.. Markham. two spring calvesâ€"l a. Holstein hull calf. the ntlwr A light- cnlm‘ed hpifer calf. Any infm‘math n of their whereabouts will he thankfuL 11 _receivcd.__ J. G. AL(‘()MBR.\CK. “IOMAN \VANTEDâ€"A “mum" to clean house. \Vng‘s $’5l) pet daw Mrs. J. H. DL.\rnl’ Rich- mom] Hill. 18" _ QR SALEâ€"As we have :1 hmutiful crnp of apples still on the trees. we are prepared to sell for a \vvpk gum] applesâ€" Tolman. com-king and othm' varietiesâ€"for fiftPen - cents a. huge basket. and pick them yourselves, Anus \VRIGH'I‘. Richmond Hill. 1 18 Richmond Hill. ‘A\[LOH WANI‘ICI)â€"Apnly ‘FORTNER Hivllumnd Hi”. OUNG FARMER in “’esfern (Tun- ndu wishes to rent or wm-k nn shares on farm in this vicinity. where :u-conmmdation for family in available. Wuuld :ulsn consider managempnt of farm for pwner. Referencnsund fur- ther nartiduiurs at THE LIBERAL Ofilce. OR SALEâ€"1300 [FOR SALEâ€"Brood Saw with snven L145 28 and 2‘). JOHN 51.1mm: M lf CHILD’S 001‘. with mattmss f'm- Mule. JERRY SMITH, Richmnnd 17 2 ()ST-An amethyst silk pnrasnl, , \Vilh hnndle and wrist vhrfl to m; rawm'd. Mrs.P.(1}jIgL. R'ch- 182 FINUH 3| (‘l‘t‘ 4)! D11“)! ”pt-111v] “[70]"! V ll‘lll l’huln‘ 960 18' mu-ksfivn- , Stun 5‘, 1f. X (5,) Elnr Fm hm: 17 I III! Hirln 181 mug raj/114W in' net's fill Ill >5) FRIDAY OCT 29â€" SATURDAY, Orr. 30â€"Huuwhnld fIII1IilIII-.Iâ€" nt lht‘ DuIIIIniuII Hun P “until-Iidgv, [hA pI-I pI‘IIV hf -\lluII LIIIkhIIl Sale dl1()(llllk. 'lvlms cash J. T. Saigeun, Aunt. SATYYRDAY .0011 3|)Ihâ€"Hnuwhnld THURSDAY 001‘. 3M]â€" Lupnmenrs fuluilm-v, SATTYRDAY OCT. 30thâ€"H furnitme. of". Int 2‘). km. ham. 1} ulilr- snulh Victrn-i the [mummy nf Mis: S: 8119 at z n‘cluckJ Trims c Prentice Aunt. MONDAY. Nov. Iâ€"At L-t 13. 7:11 lino, Whitchurr-h. 10 mn-vsuf flut- class hem-h and Innplw. to he fluid in quux-[vr acne lots. (U. L. llmuvm' Pl‘OPBl'l)‘)DI‘0pUlly of \Vm. Rulcliff E. \V. Silvensidva. Auut. TUESDAY Nov. 2â€"lv‘arm stock ptc. Int 15. (Jun. 8, Markham the pr: p"lt_V. of Alex. Douglas. Sale at l 12 months. J. H. Premice Aux-t. THURSDAY Nov. 4â€"8 on Int. 2'3, On. 7. prnpenty. of Alex. I) l. 12 qunlhs. ‘l. H. WEDNESDAY Nov. 3â€"Pa1n1 implements etc..,luL10 c011. an1'.k thv puopexty nf James Sale- at Z 11’:.1luck Tums L: FRIDAY NOV. 5â€"Furuituré‘ etc. Int. 10. L'nn. 2. West, York the property. ofjuunes Mowat. 8:110an 1, Terms cash. J. H. Prentice Auut. THE CHOICE OF A SCtldOL KS VERY i‘il’ORTA‘JT mELLIOTTflM \‘ HI SATURDAY. Nov. 6â€"2530193 standing timberâ€"pine. lwerh. Map!» and white ash. Int 15, rear 7th Cum. Ring, the pn-upmly of Percy B|illingm-. Sale :sl ]. Ttrms 8 months. J. T. Snigeun, Auct. plx-mr-nis, elm. Vullgh'nn, tlw [ (’urtls. S110 nt 1 lnuntln. J. '1‘. Sn pleuluntm ‘{ly.(‘}‘\i‘l n ‘3, I» 13‘ con. 5,8cn1h0rv. Al In «1:119, lh:- pI-np Prty t-f I. H. Matvhert. Sllv ntl 1‘.’ montlh‘. J. H. Prvntir'v. Aunt. SATURDAY Nov. 6â€"le159, 101'. and Blacksmith shop Muls. etc. at l'ninuvilh‘ the property, of Lorne Smith. Sale :1: 1 Terms cash. J. H. Prentice Aact. r-N ice Am SATURDAY, Nov. Iii-Hmsxs, imp‘c- menus and lurnilnm, 10L 1, (Jun. :5, Markham, the pmfwrhy of H. B. Suhmidl. SHIP at 1.30. Terms 11 months. J. H. l’l'f'ntiift‘, Auct. THURSDAY NOV. 18â€"an-m stuck impleuents Hr. Int, 2!), Gun 4. Maxklmm lha pmpelty. (If \V. H. LFVPI'. Sale at 1 l2 nanhsJ. H. Pwmice Aunt. Victory Bonds Provincial Bonds Mm NOTlCE TO NON-RESIDENES Richmond St. At a meeting of the Hi bmond Hill Board of Education, October 6, 1920, a. resolution ivns passed instruct- ing the Principal of the Public School to collect fees from non-resi- dent. pupils attending any of the dc- partments, $4 for the first term and 33 each for the second and third terms H. Prentice. Auct FRIDAY Nov. implvments PIC. Mnrkhmu the pr Du-acon. Sale- at 1 H. Prentce, Aunt. BSDAY, ()0 1' up H. A. NICEIOLLS, (‘hairman T. F. )ICMAIION. Secretary. Int HM \\'l Investments fielding from 5 3-4 to 77; per year. ()f OCT. 3|)thâ€"Hnuuvhnld ~. 021-. M 20. 7.11). 4 .\[.-uk- mil» snulh Vict-u‘in Square )mtV hf Mis: Smidmsuu. u munths Register P. SAUDER “pmm-rly uf FrPd ' l h'clnck Texms 12 Suigutm, Anct. 4-â€"St.mding limbs-r 7. Markham the x. Duuglus. Shh» at Farm SlHI'k H. PTL-ntice Auct h â€"l“;ll‘l)| Stock 111*, buy. grain, I Mnkhnm ,tho Lunm. ‘Sllc' “L 3. ,l- H. Pn-lnt Int, 17, Unn. ups-Hy, uf 1 _ 12 months. -Auctinn sale 1% 29. rear The prnpvl" y Municipal Bonds w s?! 'an'm 17, U Richmond Hill ~~~11J. H hf Cnl 2. \Vest anat. nah. J . - Iln- ;null|- . UH m db. M II“- noun hi Stock stoc ll: iln IHI ‘ 592. Gents 750. War Tax Included Spectators 15c 2 THE CLUB ACADEME’, mm, {as HALLOWE We are offering far sale one uf [119 nice farms in Markham Tuwnship. cun- xenient to Markham and 'L'nionville Viilnges. This Farm is more fully deficxihed in If you Want. a. nice Farm. send to us forafree cnpy uf TAP. FARM BUY- ERS‘ GUIDE. It cvutains descliptitms of other nice FurmS'. Sbnuld you desire to sell your own Farm, sand us a descriptiun. \Ve will te‘l you how we heln yuu to get qu'ck buyexs fur yum: Elm] or Country Home. JOHN FISHER 5: CO lesden Buiidinz Pumm \Vilv ("I-nee Fihul 1'1 Is’H' 3Farmers’ Supplies Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. Prizes for the Beét Lady's and Gent's Representa- tive Costume. Also Two Pumpkin Guessing Prixes, open to all. he] P1 |~lk'l‘ ”Ling Buxz all and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. gent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham Wagon on hand. VER 250.000 farmers bought the "2" engine. They know it 15 power: fui. dependable and practically foolproofâ€"truly a great en- gine. 5 But now We announce the Oneaaciditiori which could possibly improve the ”Z" per- formance â€"- Bosch high tension, oscnllatmg magneto ignition. ‘J 50 let us show you in detail this gieater engine value. ‘5 Our ‘serOice to you is remarkably complete and we are assisted by a nearby Bosch Service Station; THE FARM BUYERS' GUIDE MARKHAM FARM HOME Greater Engine Value We bid you When Jac Saturday, October 30, 192 MASOUERADE Richmond Hiil Garage CARTER, Richmond Hill -0-Lantern woos the witch by dark o‘night, Welcome to n frol c dodging ghosts by candle light Ladders Sm :lpPl‘S Hydnm-d Limo liuhhel' R. mfiug. at 8.30 p. m. FULL LINE OF Toronto Th:a grain elu‘nlm- fiystvm has gI-nwn enmumusly in (Mundu and develnptd rapi‘lly in the lust few yours. This growth and devvlnpmvnt have so far hr-en mainly mmfined tn the Praixie Provinces of Manitoba. Saskatchewan. and Alheilu, but 1116 svstrm is attracting more and more attention inthe other prOViuces. prubicularly in Ontnrin. where sm‘eral whpat growing and shipping centre-s. nutallly 'l‘ann. are agitating fnrvthe erPctinu nt' vlmmtms. Nur is it only in numbers lhut the system has cxtendrd but, (119 increase in size has been such that some of the structures can fairly hi [PI-med mammnth. such forinstance as those at the head of the lakes. Them :uP, "emu-ding tn Hon. George Langley, Ministur of Municipal Affairs for Saskatchewan. not fewer than 3.600 vlvvatnrs in the thrne provinces r:»fo=rrrd In, frum 40 to 60 fvet high and cnpnhle (If staring frum 20,000 tn 3l,(,0) hushrls a. piece on the average, 1a. f9w l-Pnching to twice the greatest enumerated capacity. In other wnrds upwards of 110,000,000 bushels of “'th mm thus he sturvd at the I)!!!“ tinm. Thesv facts and figures urn bukou fimn nu inturpstiug article by Mr. Langlry in the September number Hi the Agricultural anelte (.f‘ Canada. By the tmnzs hf Hi? Can Idu Giniu Act. the owners of the elevaturs. nwsLly private individuals or illcurpnl'ulvd cmnpnuies. an- cnmpvlled to accept All gruiu nfl‘ered by farmers, “an35 wet or unstm-uh'e with safety, In-nce the general and common, use of the system. Tho clevntnrs me all licensed by. and aw under (ha supervisinn of the Brian] nf G uin Cmnmissiouors of Canada. “The Bloomin’ Old Rag Overhead” ASMALL Union Jack rippled amid the tree tops. There seemed something valiant about it. a. gay. won’t-be-downhearted spirit, when you heard its history. A doctor at the Muskoka Free Hos- pital tor Consumptives was talkâ€" ing. “The sad thing is, it's young people, eager. hard-Working boys and girls, T.B. attacks usuallyâ€" those who make the best Cana- dians. because they're ambitious. See that flag? The fellows in that pavilion were determined to have a. flag. Each contributed the little he could. They got the flag. but, poor shape. they're disappointedâ€"it's so my." A Yes, tiny up among the towering pines, but defiantly proclaiming “What we have we’ll hold.” And in the cots beneath, lads. weak and ill, but battling for health, lads whose precious pennies bought "the rag overhead," are echoing its dauntless spiritâ€""What lite we have we'll hold." Lads worth sav- ing surely! Contributions moy be sent to Sir \Viiliam Gage. 84 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid. Treas- urer, 223 College Street. Toronto. Growth of the Grain Elevator always on hand. \VhePlhuI-ran Iron Pusts, Gates Rout, I-fnlpers ’EN you have formed the Sav- ings habit you are prepared to meet its opportunities; if not, reconstruct your methods and begin today. We have 3 Savings Department at every Branch. 999 NANIIAR BANK OF CANADA 2557 YONGE ST. TORONTO Phones: Bel. 1515 1470 We have some of the best farms in York County on our lists at present. Good houses close to Yonge St. between City Limits and Bond Lake. WRITE OR PHONE US TINSMITHING FTeetzel kinds oi ‘insmithing done. 0U are Indeby notified ”lit pur- suant. t1) the Statute in that le- hnlf 1 (hunt, for the Revision (if the Vntoh’ List of 1920. f11 tho Munici- hzdity 11f V;111gh.111.will bP hold hv tha- .gInd e of the County Cnml: of the County of Yoxk, at thv Masonic Hall, Ma play on S 1tm-duy. the 13Lh day of Nn\--eu1he1.19)0ut 9.00 .1.111. to hear .1-11dat911mne the sew-1 1:11 cunnllaims 1 fen-0's and omissions in the Vntm-s’ L’s‘s of the Mumcipllity of the Tm“â€" Jn’p of Vaughan for the your 1920 \‘l pmsnns hming business at 1113 ('nurL au- r-qvwstvd to attend at 522111 linw :md [flue-n Cor. YONGE & CENTRE Sts. PHONE 87 Dated aVl October. 11 MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN Furnace and Stovepipes on land. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH h-rk of the M and Clerk cf J. R. HERRINGTON. MANAGE» aregiven in Shaw's Business Schools. Ton 1110. All work is High Grade in every detail. student! may enter any day or start Homé Study Comses. Frey Catalognp. \VI-ite W. H. Shaw. Prem, 396 Yongo St. The Tinsmith EAVETROUGHING and all N0 COMMON COURSES W. J. LAWRENCE 3ECONSTRUC- TION is the order 5% of _the ‘dqy. A If STOVES RE PA] RED COURT OF REVISEON Maph THE Llâ€"nicipfllitv of Vaughan, the said Court. this 28th MCLEA.

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