Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1920, p. 1

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JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 Barman-01m AVE. Wxa'r Toxox’ro Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mull orders will receive prompt :ttentiun. The Town of Aurm-u The Township of King The Township of \Vhituhnn‘h The Imperial Bank nf Canada, Aurora J. M. \Valmn. & Cu. Aumra Barristerl, Snlicturs. &c; MANNING ARCADE. 24.1{1N0 ST. \VEBT. Tonux'ro. CANADA TKLEPHnNE Mum: 311 Cable Address: "Dedu" HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Benton, Macdonald a Denton (16%» hours -â€"8 to 10 IL'A. mm 6 to 8 p.m. Undertakerl & Enbnlmcrs. RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Monarch Bldg . 28-28 Adel: Office! aide St" West. Toronto. 1Nuughtun Block Aur‘nm Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. A Large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept Lt the above pluces Frank Danton Hill. 50‘8 Office and residencyâ€"Yong» Slreet. Richmond Hill. Phnns Nu. 24 “’nher S. Jenkins R09. Phnne W. HEWISON VOL. XLIII. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissinner, Gnnveynncer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Thls is an invitation to can at the Royal Bank the next time you are in town. CAPITAL AND RESERVES 335,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES $150 per annum, in advance. If you are going to need :1 loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirements. The Bank follows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. "me Royal Bank of flanada NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHMOND HILL DB J .WILSON v. D. OLLIVER, Manage, WRIGHT BROS. Arthur A. Milcdonnld Snlicltnr {m- 1. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Reel. Phone 44.4 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Thornhill. Calls by phone nr otherwise promptly responded to Tel. M. 3831 MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed fur Cunsnvutory Ex aminntinna. List-used Auctioneers fur Tornntu and the Counties of Yank. Peel and Simeue leue 950 Wnudhridge. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Rpsidence addrvss Victoria Square Desires to announce that, he has estab- lislwd hims‘elf in Dmtnl l’ruclicv in Richmond Hill. one door suuth of the Stundmd Bank. Hour-$921.1". to 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointment. Miss Alida Beynon A. pamerQQ >M39Naughton TEACHER 05 PIANO St0p 54 Jet! Licensed Auctioneer for the Ununtyof Ym-k. Sales nth'nded to un slmrtesl notice. émd at reasonable rates. Paumnngp suliuited J. S. SHEPHERD DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINS}: 'ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. F0 R Cummissioner. Cnnveyancer. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEA'I‘lNG ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, in. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3|. TORONTO DAILY STAB BLDG..18 KING STREET WEST S'rUmOâ€"HOTRL RICHMOND. J. 11: I’n‘enticc Richmond Hill J. K. MCEWEN & SON DR_ L. R. BELL VETERINARY SURGEON, A. C. HENDERSON L1( LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or roux Patrolman and influence respectfully solicited J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC XSSL’ER or MARRIAGE LICENSES cial nttvnth descriptim sales a speci A. J. HUME RICHMOND HILL. ONT}. THURSDAY. NOV 4. [9'20 415 Bulliul St NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCINU J. T. SAIGEON I’hnnp NSED a) cmnmiss on shm-tes (hp m Pln ne 4721 DENTIST Maple Richmond Hill lm In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." Pl Ill P. 0. address Gurmley. 11.3. nt )‘l‘ION EER AND ONTARIO on to sales at ticv, and ‘ ‘uved math Jefferson ntn. farm mgl)! As they were breaking up it was re- solved thut a. mnti-m of regret. mm‘ed by E. W. Mnyle, seconded by Miss Frankie Cox. he sent to Miss Dorothy Findlay at her enforced ahsence 0w ing tn :1 sex-inns uperatiun in the husâ€" pitul a few days previous. This mess- age was sent through her brothers. Donald. Earl and Bruce assuring her uf our sympathy with her. our prayers for her speedy recuvery and kind le- memhrnnces to hPl' mnthel. Thus ended the most enjoyable swrial the Sund.\y Svhnul had ever experienced uud' vur thanks nre due tu all who holped to make it a success. After supper various gmués were indulged in and grutlv enjoyed by the children and then Miss Sadie McEll-oy irn tonect “witch" costume hold for- ‘tnnes in her usual clever way to the delight of the children. BPfIII'P leaving Mr. ChIIpInIIn had the childIe-II and teacheIs on the floor and II 10”" lung “sing sung” “Ms upâ€" precialed by all, clnsing in a ver! quiet Ie\ eIent way by singing "Ahide‘ uiLlI Me. ” MIR. Chapman pIesided at the) piano and rendered splc-ndid aid with IIPI' playing. A bleak in the programme occurred hem when Rev. Mr. Hay in n few tnuching words prnposud the health nf “Our llnuL and Hashes.” This was l-m-eiwd with applause and singing “Fur They are Jcllly FrilOWS” fnllnwul by llnee divers and a tiger. Mr. Gulâ€" ln-nith replied very happily for himself and wifv. The Coinpuny has installr-(l ilH' very liite<t and Lost machinery uhtuinulzlo, and has engaged at cmnprtvnt and (flicient ~tull’ rf operatives, ll1”llli(’llâ€" lion (.f the ('nnzpnny lH‘lllg to turn (lili shoes of :1 supm lul' sort. \Vhen tlm Visitors arrived the em- pioyevs werz- all in their respvctiw places, and the officials were present to take the visitors arnulld. explaining the wvlking and nuns of thv different piems nf machinery engaged in the manufacture of diffi-rt-t style-s vf slim-s. Though the Company is only in its infancy. it hns already succpedcd in establishing a large- lmsinpss Connec- Lion. extruding m'r-r a. wide al'en of territory. This has wsulted from an aggressive business campaign nn the part. nf the manngonwnt and the fact that they produce gmuls (-f merit. "Our Guests" was proposod and 1-9- plied to by Donald Finlay and our hon-”ul-vd choir lauded", Mr. Chapman. _-u, a nu .u- JJ 14 -44.!4 n. Annuna. m“The Schnhuu" plmfon-d by Miss M. Boyle and xeplied to by Stewmb Cmnpbell and Oct: il Maltin. The visitms. an leaving the factory, vniuvd their npprecintmn of the cum:- osy extpnded to them by the manage- ment, whilv the latter dunked [ha visitms for the. interest, [boy had evinced in this new indultry. The nmnuging director is Mr. D. Im ig. whu has hxd large experimme in [he uhne business. The other-officers are: President. J. A Greens; lst Vice; Prmident, E. Fahey: 2nd ViCP-PL-esi- dent. U. DsFermri; Seureturyâ€"'l‘reas~ lU'CI'. J. [1. Naughtun. A very happy mowd of about sixty teachers and scholars from the Presby- terian Sunday School in Thm-nhill met at the hume n! our Supt. Mr. A. W. Galbraith. Newton Brouk.‘ who with his charming wife. made them wel- come. This was ournnnual Hallowe'en Social and was a veiy interesting event to all the school. A hearty supper was provided by parents and children, and after the keen edge of appetite was somewhat stayed the fulluwiug toasts were in order:â€" "The 'l‘vachels'." In the abaunce at Mr. \Vill Bodick. prupused by Mr. Galhrhilh and l'PSpOIIde to by Miss M. Bnyle and Miss Lizzie Francis. "The King” all standing and sinm ing the Nariunal Antnem. "Our Pastor” [Imposed by E. \V. Movie and replied to by Rev. Mr. Hay. findil at th lnrig Shoe Company’s Open Night 4 so common: :m 9 quantity of wall: ‘ Company has inst and Lost machine: Hallowe'en Social >55:le [ha-iv smpxise nL dote :m uluipnn-nt and of \vmk [timed out. ' has inst‘zdlvd the very machinery olnniuuhle, {ed a cnmpctenb and ' operatives, thu inten- pnny being to turn nut J Hill' ombk many \Vt'd For the secund time in the last two days, an automobile crashed into :1 buggy on Yonge street. north of New- nnu'ket, Saturday at‘tv-rnoon. Mrs. Mudill of Holland Landing the driver l'f the vehicle. was hurlvd from the rig and seriously injlll'Od. «She was re- anVPd to hex- hnmv in the nutmuobile which struck her. Mr. Hulk-stone Irving of Nnrth Yolk was lhe driver of the uutonmbihn (’unstuble Kixk of Newmaxkot is inmstigating 1hr cast. yours pastor u! St. Andrew's Prehyterian Church. Newnmrkel, has l-asigned to acvopt the osilinn uf as- sistant to Rev. A. B. Vinoheslur at Knox Chmch. Tommu. His resigna- tiun will he consider-H1 by the anuntu Presbytery at its first meeting. \Vhitchnrch township gave welcome to her returned buys in the Township Hall at Vandnlf Wednesday night. of last week. Nmrly all the 100 mrn (ran) this svcliun who served in Franre Wene phasenl, and In each was presented a gnld watch. Hemlock Slabs. Egg Stove and Nut also Cannel Coal at the Elevator. hogs on hand. Calf Meal, Cracked Corn and Mixed Poultry Feed. \ A Car of Western Oats. Purity Flour Pastry Flour A Car Load of Fresh Cement Dry fiardwood and Dry Notice of Application for Divorce A good supply of Chop, Bran and Shorts, for cattle and Notice is herehy givon that GEORGE Gavan". of lhl- Gin of ’I‘urnntn, in thc Cnunty If Yurk. in tho Province of Ontuiizv. Ulprk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next session thereof fur a Bill of Div- orce from his wit». lvx 803A! Goun- LIY. of the city 01’ Tmonu', in the )mme n! Yolk. Murrivd \Vunmn. on the mound of adultery. [)4Evd at. Toronto. Pr'ovinco of On- ‘\li(|, this funflzhidflyro! Octgber 19‘)“. PUBLIC NOTICE Rev. H. F. Thmlmsufor the past, 14 Owing m high prices and difliculty in getting cual and feed we must insist IIn everLhing bPillR settled flu in 30 days. l. D. RAMER 29 HUGHES 'a AGAB. FARMERS Let our Collection Department save you the trouble of obtaining payment on your Wheat Participation Certificates. A prompt, efficient service is assured. And in agdition, certificates may be left with us, for safe keeping, until final payments are made. We have received information from the Wheat Board that certificates numbering above 95,300 will be taken up when the final payment is made. {\IflVS NOTES 72 Queen street. West, annnlo, Ontario. Solicitors fur the bgpplicnnt G Iona: 90!”.th UH s :tl: Richmond OF CANADA IIIill meick Lmsing Thoxnhill Newtun BIOUK 2Docrs South of Bakery BARRISTER.. Sonar-Ion. N OTABY‘ ETC Torontn Office, Richmond Building: 33 Richmond Street, West. Richmond Hill Ofl'ice (‘ Liberal Oflco). every Thursday forenoon. anle, Thurodny afternnon. Woodbrilxo. Saturday forenoon. Boot and Shoe Repairer Money to Loan at Crux-rent Rates The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. CulverL tile 12. l5. l8 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand 01- Gravel sold by the load or In car lots. Cedar pos‘s and tvlephone poles for sale. T. COUSINS. On Monday. November 8th the winter schedule of cars on all Divi- slons of the Toronto and York Radial Railway will take effect. Patrons may secure copies of :11: new Time Table from anymagem of the Company. T01. Addaid 597A PIANIST Tanner of Pinkie-Playing at. the annntu conservatory a! Music and St. Muganl‘s Collr'a. Richmond Hillâ€" Wednesdays and Suturdnyl. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick {1.0. synur. B. A rue: Tum; 3.1L E. W. Rhouu. B.A. CHANGE OF TIME TABLE j. EARLE NEWTON All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Shaver Taylor & Rhodes GEO. KIDD [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK on Yonge St lutrmers. Solicitors Noam! u. ‘I‘ES Hamilton Tlust Bldg Boon" 303- 305 Opnosito 01" Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto . and Manager. Maple. No.19 Evenings knot Bond North Town"

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