J. LUNAU In their second interim report. on the Crown Land- investigation Commissioners Ridden end Latchford my thnt may think the Shelvin-Clarke Comp-ny, Limited, Fort Frances, of which Ir. J. A. Mnhiou, Conserva- tive M.P.P.. in Generel Manager. “'hu defrauded the Province of large turns of money." The Commission also says in the report {but the Ickion of Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, as Minilter of Lands, Fore-tn end Mines, in issuing a license to the above mentioned company for berths 21 square miles in extent in the Quo‘ico Forest Reserve without com- poiicion or notice to ihe public “wan Tho Statesman, edited by Mr. Linduy Crawford, tries very hard to make the late Terence McSwiney a martyr, and Lloyd George little less than a murderer. Thousands of peoâ€" ple throughout the world regretted to read day after day and week after week that the late Lord Mayor of Cork obstinately refused to take food, but they could not blame the Gov- ernment for the death of the man, which was brought about by his own will and determination. To have given way to the threats of the Sinn Feiners would have opened the prison gates to all criminals whether political or otherwise. The unfortun- ate man who starved himself to death had been convicted for having in ltis flase‘ssion a secret police code and sentenced for two years as a. political prisoner. Mr. MacSwlney may have thought his death would help to right the. wrongs of Ireland, but sad as it is, it must be admitted he died be- cause he refused to eat. A few duys ago the Toronto Globe added I Ipecial City News Section to it: daily editlon. On Tuesday it wu unnounced that in fmure the Agricultural pages would appear twice a weekâ€"on Tuesdays and Fri- dlys. The Indnltrial secflon will be publilhed Wednesday and the Home- Mokora' page on Thursday. 'Tho Unicod' Sutes on Tuesday elect-d Wnrren D. Harding, Presi- dent, by In overwholming majority. HIGHLAND LAKE FAR In violation to the liw of me Province. "' Richmond Hill Herd lire, AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lease). a scan nf MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the wrrld’a lust record row {or milk produco Lion and Cam-dial: Recmd fur butter. 41 lbs. Only one other (l-lb. bull in Gawain. Our herd at one hundred includes nearly ï¬fty daughters of a. 333.8le non of the grind KING SEGIS, lnnlher Ln the sires of three warld's roemd cowsâ€"mature 50.68. Sr. Lyn-Old 46.84. Jr. 4-yx-.-old 40.32 Ihs. Junior herd lire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, 3 half broth" to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of k 301hs. Segis euï¬. He is for sale. If this cumbinulinn of breeding interests you, write for [wins an e'rllaqr mnlrs or female-8.. FAR)! AT 5101- 55. YONGE ST. RADIAL IG factories don't pay men to do the work machines will do. They make money by using modern machinery and modern methods. Farmers who {mike money use modern methods, too. You shouldn't use hand-power for work a gasoline engine will do. Get a Toronto Farm Engine. All those jobs that weary on now will become merely incidents in the days work Milk ng, separating,churning,sawing, grinding, sharpening tools, mixing cement, shelling corn, ï¬lling your siloâ€"you can do these things quickly and economically. ‘Toronto Farm Engines are honestly built. Sturdy and simple, they need little attention. Run on gasoline or kerosene. , Thurs†Nov. ‘. Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. ’alue Your Time You can save money, time and trouble by using a Toronto Grain Grinder. Gives you big mill service at small cost. 1920 Toronto Saws solve . the fuel problem on the farm. Utilize the waste wood on your farm. White for our books on engines, saws and grinders. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP co., Limited“ Mont-ma! Win-bet Red“ C-lc-ry Shall cows be milked ~twice; or three times a day?; To the average reader this may seem of small concern. To the fume:- and dairywan it is a question of cnnsideruhle interest. Tests have recently been made in Nova. Scotia. Quebec. and Ontariu. Prufessor B Il'tnn (If Mncdona'd Coll: “e EIYI that it hm been found tom the standpoint, of ocunomy and safety that a cuw giving 60 lb. of milk a. day should he milked three limp. BuLh prufeson-Tl‘ruenmn of the Nova. Scutia. Agricutuml College and pro- fessurgBarmn are agreed. however. that. unless the udder is on-r distended the-re is lit'la or nundvuntnru [ll be gained by milkmg three timeadny. are to be mangrutululed on the success of their (-uueert gh en in the Melhudilt chlnch \Vednesduy evening of last week. as it was a delightful enlertuim ment hum beginning to end. The pastor, Rev. Mr. St. Jl-hn. made: 3 hap- py Chan-man, and although the request \s’us made nut m ask for uncut-es. the rule had to he broken. and every artist on the progmlnlne was forced to m- spnnd. Must enjoyable were the vocal sulus of Miss 0. Butte. Miss K. Steph- enson, Mr. J. \V. Owen and Mr. C. Steplmnsun; the duets by Messrs.0wcn and Hurst, and the piano selectionq by Miss Olin- an. lvut the audience was particularly cgptivated by the readings of little Miss Mary Hutchinson and Audley Simpson. The entertainment closed with the Nutonul Anthem. HERE was still a delicious brogus and a humorous "twlsht" to Norah's tongue, despite years in Canada and many heart- uches. Deserted by her husband. she broke down under the burden of wash tubs by day and family cares by night. "Tuberculosis.†said the doctor. Only rest could save her. "But, doctor. dear. phdt about the childer?" deï¬ed Norah. Eventually the "childer" were cer- ed for. while Norah was sent to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Eight months elected a cure. and. with help from the Samaritan Club. she is now making I. home for the "childer." “Faith," and Norah's Irish blue 0 es shhne as she told her'story. " l's seryphims nn' angels them docthors an' nurses do be, an' them fnlks givin'ithe loikes of me a chanct to be gettln' strong agin'." Nurses and Doctor: Likened to Angela The Ladiea’ Aid‘nf Newton Brook Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage. 84 Spadinn Avenue. Toronto, or to Geo. A. Reid. Treas- urer, 223 College Street. Toronto. Aren't you glad in your heart that Norah didn't die? Atlantic Ave. , Toronto Can‘t at Newton *Brook The Milking of Com AGENT W. J. LAWRENCE 2557 YONGE‘ ST. TORONTO Phones: Bel. 1515 1470 We have some of the best farms 1n York County on our lists at present. Good houses close to Yonge St. between City Limits and Bond Lake. WRITE OR PHONE US VER 250 (â€0 farmer: bought the; Z" Mongme. {hey know it is payer. fui. dependable and practically fool-p'roof-‘ztruly a great en- gine. 3 But now wé announce the one‘addinon 5which could possibly improve the "Z" per-I formance - Bosch high tension, oscdiatmg magneto- ignition. '1 So let us Show you in detail this greater engine value. a Our service to you is remarkably b complete“: and we are assisted by_: a“ nearby_ Bosch Service Statiorun Greater Engine Value Richmond Hill Garage Cor. YONGE & CENTRE Sts. PHONE 87 We have very good lists of otter largo and small farms and can supply free copiel, if you are in the marke', either :0 buy or sell a farm. Furnace and Stovepipcs on hand. Stock Ind Dairy Farm, North York close to Yonge Street and very con- venient for shipping milk produce, stuck. etc. Close to school, churches and stores. There is A nice piece of bush on the farm and good supply of running water. Large bunk barn and other buildings with brickdwell- ing and nice home surroundings and is offered for sale at $45 per acre. JOHN FISHER & C0. Lunsdan Building kinds of Tinsmithing done. Px-ilx)en~;Le«rvxal~d \Vrllman. Sunlvy Coleman, Marjorie Rombough. TINSMITHING SEE F. Teetzel JR. [ILâ€"Malcolm Spenclpy, Bunny Williams, Edith Fulton. Albert Cole- man (nhs. for one exam). BR. II.â€"Victnr Wollmun. JR. II. â€"Glace Evans. Donald Spenc- loy Donald’lennyson. SR. I.-â€"HumldCln1-,k \Vmalvy Clark. J3. I.â€"]ack Spent-Ivy. Elmer Leek. Mac Trnnynon. furd «1:001 for October: Sn. IV.â€"}nck Helmkay. JR. lV.â€"Enrle Bx-illrnger. SR. HI. â€" Muriel Cmninky. Rent: Brillonger. SydneyColemnn(ubsu1t for (me examination). The following in the xepnrt of End- The Tinsmith EAVETROUGHING and all STOVES REPAIRED York County Farms M. VANDERBURGH. Teacher. KEADFORD Toronto THURSDAY. Nov. lZâ€"an ntock, implvmentl. furnilnn. 010.. In! 20. con. 5, Seal-bow. the property of tho Into Pater McCuflI-y. an]. at 1. 11 months. ~J. H. Pro-Lice, AUct. SATURDAY, Nov. Iiiâ€"Hora", implo- lnents and furniture, lot, 1, Can. 2, Markham, the prnpn‘ty nl' ll. B. Schmidt. Sal? at 1.30. Term. 11 months. J. H. Prvnbice, Auct. TUESDAY. NOV. lGâ€"Furm nlnrk. impleâ€" ments, etc.. lot 9, (3011.2. \Vhimhnrch, the property nf Thomas Lines. Sale at l. 11 months. J. H. Premier. Auct. SATURDAY. Nov. 20â€"Fnrm stock, implpmunts. buildings, etc.. at \Villuwdnle. Yonge St.. the pmpmty of \V.A. \VAHICP. Sale at 1. Terms 12 mnnths. J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURDAY. Nov. 27â€"Furm smek. implements and furniture. con. 3. “’95: York. Fuirhank. the propetry of A. Baldwin. Sale at 1 o’clock. MONDAY, Nov. 15â€"Anctinn snle standing timber. Int 29. rrsr Can 2, Vaughan. The px-npn~'y J. Sliney. J. T. Snigeen, Aunt. THURSDAY Nov. lSâ€"Fm-m stock ,implements etc. 1th 29, Inn 4. Markham 1h» pmpelty. If \V. H. Lem]. Sale at, 1 l2 mvnlhsJ. H PxemiceAun‘t. SATURDAY. Nov. 6â€"25 um rtanding vimhrrâ€"pinv. 'IP'Ch. Maple and white uh. Int. 15. rnr 7th Cum. King, the proprny of Percy Brillin‘er. Sale It 1. Torml I months. J. T. Snigeun. Auct. SATURDAY Nov. Oâ€"leun, lot, and Blackamifli shop tonll. He. at Uninnvillo- the prnpnty. o! Lorn- Smith. Sale at 1 Term! cash. J. H. Prentice Auct- Wnoxxeon’. Nov. 10â€"Fnrm link, implemems. etc. Int. 24. con. 6. Muikhnm. the prnporty of I;- Rainey. Sill! n! l. 11 month. J. H. Prentice. Auct. Victorv Bond- anilcial Bonds Mn: FIID/n' Nov. 5~Farm stock implrlnents etc. lot 17. Can. 5. Markham the property. of Col. Deacon. Sale at I, 11 moulhl. J. H. Prentco. Anct. ’ FRIDAY Nov. Eâ€"Fnrnilun etc. lot 10. ('un. 2, West York Ibo propel ty. «of Jam" annt. Sale at l. Toruw cash. J. H.1’nnliee Auct. Richmold St. Terms cash. J. H. Prenticv, Aunt, lnvostment: Yielding from 5 3-4 t«v 77. per year. P. SAUDI-IR Register Municipal Bonds Richmond Hill (If Hf