Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1920, p. 5

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Miss Vern Luhlmck of Aurora, one of Mr. J. Earle Nawlun’a ndnmced pupils. will give a piano recital in Mr. Newton‘s studio. 0" Thursday evening. November 11th. at 8:30 o’clock. Miss Luhhock will play a. pxogrammo of Beethoven. Chopin. Liszt and Muaz- knwski and will inure the assistance at Miss SII'R Milne. loprann, of To. runto. Invitnunns [nay he nocnred through Mr. Ndwtou or any of his pupils. By invitatiun a numlzer of [lieufficers wind member: of the Horticultural Snciety puid a visit. tn Thornhill Horticultural Society nnd spent a social hour Monday evening in Victoria Hall. An interesting programme of music npd rendings was given. and refreshments served. Before» separat- ing the thanks of the visiturs was nxpressed fur the condial welcume and plenum: ane ruinment. Despite the unfavourable weather Monday evening 9. good attendance wan present, at the Bpworth League. A splendid programme was given cnn- aiding of solos, recitation Add rend- iugx. Next. Monday evening the pro- xrnmme will he in charge of tho Mi‘uunry Doputuent. Quarterly muting will be held next Sunday. After the uuulsorvicu the Won. of the Lou“ Supper will in fligponud. Kr. and Mn. William Couk vpem, \ho week end in Olhuwu. the guests of Rn’. Ind Ml‘l. A. K. Snudelsuu. Mr. J. Harry Naughtnn, Barrister. run. announces that he has taken into pnrtnership. )upt. \Valter S. jvnkins, and that, they will continue the r-ractim- of their pmfossinn in their pr‘espnt omcee. Monarch Budding. 26- 28 Adeluide St.. West. 'I‘t‘ronto. (with branch ot‘ficus nt Aurora. Richmond Hill and King City) under the firm name of Naughton and Jenkins. In order to keep dawn (ho laxm the Board of Educatiun are emledvnb ing to have. lhe work nf the Public School done by the tmchels. And :4: the primary loom is crowded the Hustees have rvqueslcd that, parents do nut send children tnschool under six yeaus ofnge. Under the circum- rtunces this seems a reusmnable I c-quest. Mr. Malt/in Burke and family are now aoudnrtahly situated in their hnme directly north of the. Bakery. re- rently purchased from Miss Falconer. Mr. Burke has had the rosidrnce neally painted. has made inside improvements. has erected a new wire fence next to the R. O. chum-h. undalto- gather has a may and cmnfurlable little home. Mn. 'lhomu Mulcuhy of Orillin. opont I. few days in the \‘illngm and mu the guest of Mus. A. J. Campbell. Hallowo'en was celebrated Saturday tvrmng in Ill enthusiastic manner, and very little damage is reported. Then- wele nmny fantastic costumes in the street and genuine fun semnod the order of the evening. Miss Eileen Atkinson gave a party to a. large num- ber of her young friends, and all 1'?- purt an enjoyable time. Min Chnpman (If Thomhilx and Miss. (iuxduu at New l'mk visited with Mm. Gordon. :uutuf lhelauer. on Thursday Inn. and «Handed (he DiILI-ict Conference in the Melhndist church. A meeting of the Navy League workers will he held in lhv (‘rnuucil Chamber Fniday oveuing at 8 u’clnck. “'ill thusu canvassers “‘hu have not wumpleled their \vulk kindly do so and n-pm‘t. at the nut-sling. Mr. and Mrs. james Slvwmt. of King Ipeut Sunday with Mus. Bert Multson. uud Misses Annie and \'».-lnm Stewart, Inntnred down fur their parents in Lhe awning uud attended service at the Methodist Church. King "And Vaughan I’lbwing Match unke- place on the farm'of Mr. Albert iii-lop. Muplo. tu-muu-uw. F‘xiduy. C. Cooper has some speciul in dueomenu at leduced pxices on no": and runges, for one week only It the New liurdwnre Stone. The Ladies’ Aid of the Preshvterian church have decided to give u Sum-h lupper and cuncmt in the chumh nu It. Andrew’s night, November SULh. Will the person or persons who re- lated the new lull h-mu Follm-r’u tIilu-llg establishment on Hullnwe'en pleue return it. and recelve the thanks of tho owner. ' Hive you ”Ad “The (heat “'m- in Prue and Vane." This book is 0“;ng by J. E. >\Y({thexell. B. ‘ A” and isxécmumended by 1h:- Miniltcr of Education for “‘8 in scboull. In. F. Todd and children an mupying “The Gables." corner of Yong. Ind Markham bin-Me. while Mr. Todd il c-njuyiug thé hum. beyond Btyawuer, U. N. N. METHODIST CHURCH \Vith difficulty Mr. Shroplhire manage-d tn wise the émnll body. But lhe boy had bum in the water too lung. In vain Dr. C. D. ankhmt of King, Dr. Rnulley of Maple worked on him fur nearly two hours. Isaac was tlw oldest Inn of \Vesley McBride a returned soldivr. The last lime hp had played in his cousin's ymd he had MSSiSt“d Mm Mch ide to draw water from the cintern On his wuy home from when] nn Monday Iix-ypAr-nld Isaac McBride stopped to play in his cousin’s back yard. Nu nne "Mix-ml the littfe lad ruin the cnver n! thv cistern. Nn nne saw him utlempt to lift )1 [mil of wntpr. No one saw him lnse his footiugnnd full into thra nix fw-t. of water lac-low. Mrs. H. Highland. from her house. had seen the Ind playing About the fund. Suddenly she hr-md a scream. She rushvd to the windnw and saw the cover of! the cistern. Realizing what. hnd happvnvd, shu called tn Mr. Walter Shlnpshire, pulling along the road, fur aid. ‘ The Tnmnm Contra} District Mae!- ing was held in the Methodist; church here Thursday utterunon and evening. Those who [on]: an interesting part in the work wexe Rev. Dr. flinch. Rev. R. N. Powell. Dr. McLAughlin nf Vic- lolin College. Capt. Huzzlewood. Rev. H. Wellwood. Chairman of lhv Brad- ford Districn. and others. During the afternoon a yery strong resolution of sympathy was carried for RM'. 1.]. Ferguson. Chairman of thv District. who wns unable to he prr-sent. owing to {be death of his son John. Lirut. in lhe Ruynl Air Force. who was shut down, taken prisoner, and incarcerated in a German prison, where he con- tmctéd tuberculosis. Lieul. Ferguson, after u lvase. came hnme and was sent to Grurenhnrat Sanitarium. hut heing prnnnuncrd incurablefireturned hume and died Tuesday“ last week. Richmond Hill Public School Child Drown! It King Chy District Meeting Last, Friday evening a. numbn- uf people held a musquerude party at the home of Mr. Donald \Valson at Rich- mond Hill. There was lunch cunjm'tur- ing as tuthe identity of the different une'h. A very pleasant, evening WHI spent. the witches and wm'locks all tiring with each other, and causing much bilulity. Mr. and Mil. Wnlsnll were quite taken by sulprisc but gave the. visitors a hwu-ly welcuuie. The fiftieth anniversary of the opening nf the Metludint church in lo he celvhrulvd on Sunday Nov. 21. followed hyu‘suppernnd entvl hunment. on Nm'. 2‘. Bills will be out, later. In the Molhodiu chulch on Sunday evening. Rev. 5. U. Robinson preached an impu-ssive m-rmou tn the Inemhcxs of the Masonic Lndge. {ruin the tvxt, "Sn hn- made it again" from Jer. 18: 4. Th0 church was Well filled. Represent- atives {rum King City. Richmond Hill. and Thmnhjll Lodgvs were: present. I.â€"â€"-Kath1evu nudging. Madge Watt! and Agnes Burnett (equal). SR. l’nimer.â€"-Ernm ()luhine. Eileen vaunn. JurkGaluhlv, No: nmn Burnett. Victor Taylor. Ruth Sage. JR. PI illlPI‘.â€"Sle“’fllt Burnett. Gem'- giu \Vntts. Domthy Hart. Eric \Vur- nmn, Thelma Hurt. Jean Kt-rswell. Allan McNuir. The October Iopnrt. uf Jeflum )1 Pub- lic School is In fulltIWI: XV. -â€"â€"chth Popper, ‘70 Ha “ nlll. SR. III â€" Balding Bum :be May Hndgins Inna PM on. [)unfld Mc- Uluskey. Martha Johnson, John Club~ inv. OlaIksun M_quby. Douglas DiIIlI. w.- MARY COOPER, Teacher. JEFFERSON MAPLE WILLOWDALE TITO MOVIES BY RICHMOND HILL GARAGE ' 0U VE got the intention and the money and we have the car you are in need of. The Studebaker is an: inspiration of mechanical genius and the result of years of experience in autoâ€" mobile building. Dealers in all kinds of Builders Supplies Coal, Wood and Cement Flour and Feed MCKENZIE BROS. ONTARIO

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