Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Nov 1920, p. 8

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mine tix-é. fmnt 'nnd 'I‘fleur bumper. Apply HARRY THOMAS. Rivhmnnd Hill. 18 2 0R SALEâ€"One only new nppn steel tire buggy, umde by Cou- hoy Oarriaée Co. for $135 cash. This buggy is fitted tn put a top nu if den sized. J. A. Busy: Maple 165 4 0R SALE â€" Purl: r cuukstm'e Apply Mrs. BEYNON, Stop 6!, J (flex-sou. tf. \ ATCH .LOSTâ€"A goldfillud, plain hack watch lost hetwaen Richâ€" mond Hill and Stop 48. Yong». street. Reward at TEI LIBERAL Office. 19 2 ~amid brick Imus». H Light, gnnd guide". Bum and Hpuhnuse premisvs t0 Mrs F. . mond Hill. ‘ OR SALEâ€" Bun-ed Rock Cookerels. at s rensmmhle prit 9.. Will hold for a short time only. 0. L. HEISE. (inrmley R. R. 2. Victoria Square. 18 2 ORE SALEâ€"A umâ€" horse disc hmrnw, also n market gar-dener'fl wagon. Phone 71 r 4 EAM FOR SALEâ€"A good (mun, (5 yeuls and 3 yuan old. 1. PORRILL. Lot 27. Con. 2. Vaughan. XF‘ORD GURNEYevâ€" Self-feeding coal stove with mien, in perfeoL (lidOX‘. for sale. GARFIELD Ynnnx, Elgin Mills. Phom‘ 249 Maple. 19 2 DSTâ€"An mnethyst silk pan-nan]. \Vilh handle and wristcmd to match: newnrd.1\1ra.P. C. H1LL.Rich-I mend Hill. 18 2 ' OUNG FARMER in Western Can- ada wishes to rent or work on Qhfll‘ll on farm in this vicinity. where accommodation for family in available. Would also consider management of farm for owner. Reta-ran“: nnd fun {bar [grail iculurs at Tm: LIBERAL 061cc. 1 g EN HOUSEâ€"M. Burke. next. door ‘ north of the Bukcry. has 3 Hon {house for sale. 19 1 OR SALEâ€"Office Specialty desk stool. 27 inches high. never used cost $7.14 sell for $2.00. JERRY SMITH- OSTâ€"On Sund my. Oct. 3]. between the Methodist church and The Liberal 0mm. a. pearl crescent brooch. Reward at THE LIBERAL Oflice. tf. OMAN WANTEDâ€"A woman to clean house. Wages $2.50 .per day. Mrs. J. H. DUNLOP Biohâ€" mond Hill. 18 2 OUND STRAYEDâ€"Cnme to the premises of the undersigned. lot. 31. con. 3. Markham. Sunday evening. Oct. 3lst. a. bound. The owner may have same by proving property and arriving Pxpenses. R. L. NELSON. 1‘1: ;:e 2604. 1'.) 3 Hill. 3037 XFORD RANGE â€"- Second -hand Oxford Ringo for tale. Apply l/IBEIAL Ofiice. 18 2 , ANARY SINGERSâ€"A number of beautiful canary bindsâ€"singers and hensâ€"tor sale. G120. CALDWELL, Richmond 88.. Riohmund Hill. 18 2 TOTICEâ€"E. Sliney is prvpnrmi to 1 do all kinds of trucking and carting in Richmond Hill mu] vicinity. Patron gv thuli‘d. I‘hune Maple 960. Richlnond Hill 74. 42 If 0R SALEâ€"Desirable propvrly 0‘ Arnuld St. Lnt 202% ft. x 65 ft. mid brick Imus». 9 Rnnuh‘. Elwtri VENERAL REALTY (‘0.-â€"â€"(‘it_v, I Suburban and Cuunlx-y Prnpr-r- as. 35 Victmiu tatâ€"Phone Adelnin 0R SAEIGâ€"-NI:nc[.:legl)!il1 Taming Cur. H: 45 Special, just “‘kl‘ new, OR SALEâ€"200 ncre farm. being Lots 28 and 2!). Can. ‘3. Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY. Muph-ILR. No} 2. If P110218 960 AILOR VVANI‘EDâ€"â€"Apply E. R FORTNER Richmond Hill. RGAN FOR SALEâ€"at. a bargain. Apply \V. A. \VRIGBT. 19 Z 0R BALEâ€"Heifer calf. Apply M. L. TOWNSEND. May Ave. 19 l 5. FINUHâ€"jnh (‘nrpont pairs and Alh-mliuns. lepuil‘od. Yungr- SL, Ri next; to Past, .Ofiice. ] Want Ads. «it. New. Appl." “n Lynelt. ] tt'. Riuh mund Box 109. ) the Rich- 164 nppn I Con- ) M¢ZWA ma"! llI‘HI- RP 0n ~n itv nf Vaughan. will lwl Judge of the County (In (‘unnty of Ymk, nt the {\In Uzu 10 (,n SAlmd: 1y. lhl' 11- Nm embel. 1990 at 9. 00 a and detelmine the snow ll (-f ( runs and OmiSSions in ‘ his 3 of the Municipxlity of ship All (ma-k 0f ms Minn-”rusty hr and (Vie-1k (f “lf‘ said Conn half MUN“ \70U llh ""rparn young mvn and \vmnm fer c-mpl. ymunL ma nccnuhtnnls (mnngraplmrs, typixxs. pxhnle 5w minim-s, cashiers. Cullllncl‘lfiul [Path us, «to. Salaries luslm-L $15 u: $2: pPl 5va I‘ll“ Ynngn and (‘lmx'lrs lll llll su m-lnnil it's! nu.|mls of “youth (-:I «I fur uur I 1h.- ‘llplil‘ (FUR! 0F REHSE é}? m1 p'n -.l :1! . \V.imf W. J. Eu l [P are ultt hunt ELLâ€"[OTT $IJII‘Y () hcro to [11 llgll \‘ IL when: the: Mmlx n-m‘ ‘Sll'd [H V 11 SM Illis II I) HS and women nccuunln nls. It tellsâ€"but only partly tellsâ€"the Story of Misery in Central Europe. Within the great territory between the black lines millions of destitute children are doomed to grow up weak and deformed through want of fats. milk and sugar. unless immediate help comes from without HERBERT HOOVER. invited to speak at a Canadian Red Cross meeting. said : “Our problem over the forthcoming winter appears to be about _ 3,500,000 to 4,000,000 children. “These children are the obligation of every man, woman and child in the Western Hemisphere, for we have suffered less; but, beyond this, they are a charge on the heart of the whole world.” GERMANY. th y“ ‘r" 3[mm ?.a-- --- ’2 INDLJCI cut m (To Combat Distress and E $10.00 will save a child; $1.00 will give Help in this humane work by sending a the nearest local Red Cross Branch or to 410 Sherbourne Street. Toronto. “‘1‘! by lh an of th snnint Hull Ih tll The Canadian Red Cross 1h “(AUSTRIA / fiuNGARY Ir win-"2 maucmuu‘t mm“. Du‘rn- uni-I. ck! ll RAVI. 0! “7,000 “cumin-211111111110 167 ’ ‘ILCLH‘ IOURISHIQ 051' NW“ Ifil-BOTH nngzhzn [U h Inn-hr. ()(‘Clll‘ II] I runlu ‘3‘ th #74970 1' \v-JWG'A L l CIA . "gmPar/ifomgxmmm'23:“ \ ._ ‘ ‘x ’ ' A/ \Zl‘k JEN; 7h/4 , \Docmr- At a meeting of the Richmond Ilill Board of Education, Octubet 6, 1920, a resolution was passed instructing the Principal of the Public School to collect fees from the non-redder]; [upils aztending any of the damn- m-mrs, $4 for the first term and $3 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS? The British Empire War Relief Fund Farmer§ guppfisg Agent for Gray Buggies \\\‘. Study this Map :' /// ,- VJ‘ ’/ , flzfd/Ij z’ \‘UHH and see the samples and get our prices (1/ POLAN D . I) ESTIMATI 'Of‘ the second NICIIOLLS. Chairman MCMAHON, Secretary IST'IMATK '0' ~TYPHU5- CASES; ”20.180900 ombat Distrgss and Disease in Europe) the m unmet needs 1n ’ ImpIL emer third appeals on behalf of \Va:v Hyd} RUM) [Cl will give it “saving” food for a month. sending or bringing your subscription to nch or to The Canadian Red Cross Society,” l$0.000 - h’fnus TUBERCUL'o'élg-Sfiawzic ALARMINGLV :5MALL-Pox‘ REPORTED - PREVALENT : ROUMANIA . H, 5101' and Cutters. )1) on hand. ml Lin‘ R mfi.) BULGARIA is 5ki§§§raa IOO - MILES MetaHiC fore givin up“.nlt‘l’vrln‘.{. Richmond H ‘fi‘ the wa V of 0TH Shu w megiven in Shaw’s Business Schuuls. Toronto. All wm-k i< High Grade in evz-rv detail. Sludente may (-mpr any day hr shut Hume: Study Cumsvs. Fl m- Unluloguv. \Vlite \V. H. N0 COMMON COURSES 1mm} IN "THE-GREAT -T£RRITORY-ENCLOSED - EETW§EN -THE'LINE$ 'A'B.'C-D"THE_RE'lS-LACK-Of:q 1monct Hi1}. 1vrnus.~ CONSUMPTION. - SMALL- POX,~AND f’ OTHER '9152ASES -RAGENG 'IN ' UNCHECKED ' VIOLENCE . THE 'CHILDREN 'ARi-THE -GREAT£$T -SU"ER£RS' ELEVEN - MILLIONS '07 'THEM -AIE 'WAR ' ORPHANS . THE - PEOPLE ' AR! - SO - BISET - WITH - HUMAN ' MISERY ' THAT 'THEY ‘ ARE - HELPLESS . {002an :m UKRAINE . IN - SOME - VILLAGES -HALF ' TM. PEOPLE ' ILL ‘ AT 'TflE '5AME - TIME. I. your orde l‘l's.. 395 FOOD. MEDICAL-SUPPLIES. CLOTHING . DOCTORS . FUEL. NURSES. ‘ NOSPITAL ' ACCOMMODATION. , \Vh Good hu ml I [1:1 1‘! Ollgr wvsnnd, mu' :xrniture. Re .\\ 0., stnp 48 irs for End” athrm \V. H HH- lullil stands for ‘ matter how 1: business. Our financial mnit STMQ RICHMOND HSLL. BR Capital. Surplus and Undi‘ 58.360.537.99. ding :ns PM sident is n tI-il unnlism and the dmlh 1m- nf Nations. HIS bank aims to encourage systematic saving. It also 1ds for distinct serviceâ€"no tar how large or how small your ness. Our advice and counsel on ncial mneters 15 always at your HERRINGTON. NANAGE‘ Service ”AR MN? CANADA of Hahn rxprcss the 9190mm of M dent is a trinumhf THE H 1h

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