aide St" West, Tun-onto. Naughtun Block. Aumru - Sulicntor fur : The ann of Aural-n The Township 0! King l‘ha Township of \Vhitcluu-vh The IlnPel‘iMl Bunk uf Canada, Amara J. M.Vantun. & Cu. Amara Monarch Bldg" 28-28 Adel- OMCes 300 Barman-om: Ann. Wns'r TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail order: will receive prompt. attention. Barristers. Snliclnrs, &c; MANNING ARCADE. 3LKING ST. WEST, TORONTO. (7 TELEPHONE Mun: 311 ‘Cahlu Address: â€Dado" Frank Danton Benton, Macdonald & Denton A huge stock of Funeral] Furnishing Kept at, the above places HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Walter S. Jenkins Res. Phnne Hill. 5038 P Ofï¬ca and mm neeâ€"Yong; S Richmond Hill. Phnue I‘m. 21 Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. W. HEWISON VOL. XLIII. H. 'A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ll «dertakers k Emhalmcrs. Uumulissinner, Conveyance-r, Etc. Insurance and Real Estate Issuer of Manmge Licenses. Ufl‘lc: hours â€"-8 to 10 an]. m. 6 to 8 p.1n. V. D. OLLIVER. Manager Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2717 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER This is an invitation to call at tho Royal Bank the next time you are in town. CAPITAL AND RESERVES $86,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requireménts. The Bank follows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. NAUGHTON & JENKINS The Royal Bank of canada RICH MOND HILL DR. J. P. WILSON WRIGHT BROS. .50 per annum, in advance.] Arthur A. .‘Iucdonald J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Minn Res. Phone 44.4 ANADA reet. £03 Calls by phune ur otherwise promptly responded to A. Cameron MacNaughton Ind-tor, Solicitor, Hoary, OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORO TO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 K HG STREET \VEST To]. M. 3831 MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO" Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed fur Ounsen a'ltmy Ex aminntinns. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Licensed Auctioneers fur I‘m-(mm and the Counties at York, Peel and Simcne Phuue 950 Wuodbridge. Residence address VicLorin Square JOHN R. CAMPBELL Desires to announce that he has estab- lished hunselt’ in Dmtal Practice in Richmond Hill. one, duur suuth of the Stzmdmd Bank. Bout-59mm. to 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointment. 415 Bulliol St" Tot-unto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOP. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special nth-“Hon given to sales oi every dvscriplinn. Fin-ms and farm 310(‘k sales a specizlltv. Farms bought, and suid on commission. All snlvs ut- lendrd to on shortest notice, and con- duzted by thtl moshnpproved meLhods. Patronage solicited. Maple “ Licensed Auctioneer fm Lhannntynf Yolk. Sales attended to on shortest, notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited J. S. SHEPHERD DECORATOR, PA PER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORI). GORMLEY R. R. ’ Phone 472! Commissioner. Unnveyancer. Etc. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. , Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill J. K. MCEWEN & SON VETERINARY SURGEON, 'l‘hornhil]. DR L. R. BELL A. C. HENDERSON LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY 02 YORK Patronage and influence respechully solicited J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. NOV. 11, [9‘30 NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING 15517123 0? J. T. SAIGEON II. Pren t 200 DENTIST â€In Essentiah, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in allihings, Charity. LY()N a. P. 0. address Gun-mleyJLR. BATTâ€"TENNYSONâ€"On Wednesday, Nu- \'emlwr 3rd, by the Rev. J. J. Ferguson. of Bathurst street Helm-dist Church. Laura A.. daughu-r of Mr. and Mre. A Tenny- son. t-f Gnrmlvy. Ont, tn Mr. George E. Butt. Cnbuno. Quebec. ALLENâ€"BRILLINGERâ€"At the residence of the bride’s parents. Poplar Grnve Farm. Richmond Hill. by the Rev. R. McKee, on \Vednesday. Nov. 10th, 1920. Mr. Samuel Ferris Allan. to Miss Com, only daughter of Mr and M18. Jonathan Brillinger. Fuan-nl from family resi Markham. nn Sunday, Nm 7th. Interment in St. Andrew’s eme- tel-y. FORESTERâ€"Near Gonuley, rm ‘iduy, November 5. 1920. George I“ eslel, in his 93ml Funeral to Heise Hill Cu etexy Sunday after noon. K\'0WLEBâ€"~On Nmemher 8th. Many AL, widow at the late Hen Knowles. dluggist. and dang h ex of the late Captain James Playt '. of Richmnud Hill. in hr-r 76th war, at her home. 484 Euclid an uue, Toronto. Funelal mivate to the f: vault. at theo chmpnlis, Tm: afurncouat? l0. lily by REIVEâ€"Sudden'y, at. Markhal , (m \Veduesday, Nov. 3. T. B. Rei . in his 69th your. STECKLEYâ€"In Newmzu'ket, on the 4th of November. 1920. to Mr. and M rs. J. C. Shackley. a sun. Harold M urch- RUMBLEâ€"On Tuesday, Nuvemher 9. 1920, tn Mr. and Mrs. .Russell Rumble, 61 Holly St. [I‘m-onto, a. daughter. Sweepstakes for best plowed landâ€" Stauley Tyndall; bvst groomed and equipped team in sod. Stanley Tyn- dall; best, groomed and equipde team in stubble. John Snider; best, going team in sud, Lorne \Veldlick; best going team in stubble. Frank Timbers. In the evening. supper was served at L11» hotel. Maple, and the prim list was read to an enthusiastic crowd from the balcony of the hotel. Mr. T. B. WeldI-ick. piesident 0f the Assnciution, lhzmknl the audience for their uttPndance and assistance in making the match a success. and the prize list was rend hy the secretary. Mr. \V. O. McDonald. 'lhe Piize Winneis Nam. .13 frillmve: l‘iISt (lass 1n sodâ€" St: mley ’lyndull, Richmond Hill; CI .uk Young, Agin- comt; Alex. Walkingtnn. King: Thomas McLean, '-;I‘munto best cmwn, Tyndall; best finish. Young. Socund class in sudâ€"\V. Timbers Slouffrille: Jesse Richards. King: R. anrie, Scarbnm’ Junction; John Lee. BL-eton. Best crown and, finish, \V. Timbers. Third class in sodâ€"Keith Thomas, Maple: Gui-don \Veidrick. Maple. Urmvn and ï¬nish. to Thomas. Fourth class in sudâ€"Edwatrd Timbers. Milliken; Rubeit Watson. \\'uud- bridgeâ€; Lorne \Veldrick, Maple. Crown and ï¬nish. Timbers. Fifth class in sluhbleâ€"Delns Boyd. Markham; Frank Timbers. Stouffville; Percy Boyd. Markham; \Villiam Bone, Langstnfl; Leunaid Cox, M‘Hikeu. Grqwn and ï¬nish, Boyd. Sixth class in stubbleâ€"Bnyntou \Veldriuk, Maple; \Villinm C-Ilhnun. AIII'UIa; Harvey UsheI. Edgeley; Gmdon Andelsun. Edg geiey; Percy Ushol. Edgelvy; John SnideI. Edg c- Iey. CI nvn and ï¬nish In Weldlick. Eighth class in sod. jnintex pluws. I’m ha} 'sâ€"John Uluhine. Luskny; LvunaI-yd Auckland. King. The judges were: William Doherty. George Huwstrawser. Neil A. Manny. James Rennie. Norman Malculm. Amos Agar. T. Cousms and Colin Cameron. The annual Plowing Match of the above nssucihtiun, held on the farm Of Mr. Albert. Hislup. Maple. last Friday, was one u! the trust successful ever hcld in either of the townships. The competition in ihe sod ï¬eld was very keen. but after careful inspection the ï¬rst prize was given to Stanley fyndnll, who a couple nf days previously had taken the sweep- stakes ot the Mankham Scmbmo match. The sod was in excellent condition for a match. but, the stubble ï¬eld, owing to the heavy mine, was incline-d mhe soft and muddy. Much (If the work. however. was very creditable, and the men wvl‘e complimented by many old plmymen plesvnt._ The “It'll and buys attended dam-[y to business. but stopped long enough to enjuy the tempting lunch which was served to them by the well known local hakersâ€"Rnbvsnn and Rnherls. Plowing Match King 8: Vaughan Brand Large Crowd Present MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS There is only one paper in Canada owned by the fanners and circulating among the farmers. mlmely, ‘fThe Farmers' Sun." It ï¬ghts the far Hers, battles politically, gives more a ' urate market quotations than any other paper in the Dominion, features other agricultural news, as well as the activities of the U. F. 0., such as their cn-uperative work and kindred prob~ 191115. No pupl’l'ln Canada furnishes more accurate newsmepcrts of matters which interest. the farmer. nor is an; paper more fearless and outspoken editorially than The Farmers’ Sun. The paper is published twice a week. sh that, a subscriber gets one hundred and fuur issues fur $1.50. Faimels. subscribe {urn paper which yuu own and have conï¬dence inn Send $16)} tux-day m The Funnel-5’ Sun. Tl-mnt Notice is hereby given that GEORGE GOURLEY. of the City nf Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. (Jim-k, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session there-o! for A Bill of Div- m-ce from his wife. va SUSAN Goun- LEY, n! the city uf Toronto. in the County of York. Marrird ‘Vonmn. 0n the ground of adultery. A Dutod at. Toronto. Province of On- tario. (his fourth day of October 1920. HUGHES a: AGAR. ’72 Queen street. West, Toronto. Ontario. Solicitors for the applicant 29 GEORGE oovn LEY Notice of Application for Divorce Confidence And Co-opention Armistice Day, Nov. ll, I920 In proud and honored mem- ory of the members of this Battalion who died for their King and Country. From their cmnrades of thé [27th Battalion Association. THE STERLENG BANK Branches at: Richmond FARMERS Prompt collection at reasonable rates is assured every farmer who places his Sale Notes in the hands of the Sterling Bank of Canada. And if additional capital is needed before the S Notes fall due, loans may be arranged with th notes as security. Farmers contemplating an auction sale will ï¬nd our local Manager ready to advise them regard- ing any details. 127th BATTALION YORK RANGERS OF CANADA i Hill, Kt'iwiuk. Newton Brook H . Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oï¬lce 1(' Liberal one»). every Thursday forenoon. Muple, Thursday afternnun. l Woudbridge, Saturday lore-noon. T01. Adohid 53H Peter Ttylor. BA. E. W. Rhodos. B.A. BAMIs'rEn. Soucrron. NOTARY ETC sale Tent: Ier of Piano-Playin it. the Tmuntc» Conservamry 0 Music and St. Malgar'ots Collage. Richmond Hillâ€"Wednesdays and Saturdays. N. C. Shnver. B.‘ IIC [The an In Sand GI-aI el and. Brick knmpunv. p’,LLd have on hand forsale. JPIIIEIIL dIain tile. 3 4 5. 6 mad 8 in. lulu-IL tile 12. 15, 18 and-20 inch (30 inches in lI-IIth) Also Cement Brick. Sand U!‘ Gravel sold by the load 01' Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick car lots. Cedar posts and trIe-phone poles f‘ oney to Loan at, Current Rates Shaver Taqur & Rhodes . EARLE NEWTON [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK Inrluen. ’ Soflcltorl Nourlos. Elc. lnn’ill PIANIST (,‘OUS I NS Humillon TnuiBld: Boom! 11034305 Opposite C1" Hall :7 Que- St. West Toronto Thurnbill :lild Manager Maple. No. 20 E veninu Illuo r Road North Toroncu