Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Nov 1920, p. 4

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HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS J. LUNAU I ~BANG! CRASH!! SMASH!!! Great Pre-War Sale Held lire. AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO (under lvanr). A son 0! MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the world’s lust record cow for milk produc- tion and Gunudiun Recoxd for butter. 41 lbs. Only (me other “.11.. bull in Canada. Our herd a! one hundred includes m-MU fifty daughters of a 33.31-lb non of the great KING SEGIS. hxnther tn the tires of three World's [scald cowsâ€"mam” 60.68. Sr. Lynn-um 46.84. Jr. Lyra-old 40.32 lhs. Junior h9ld six-r. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA, 1. half hmlhnr to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out n! I. 301M. Segiu cuw. He is for sale. If thin cmnbinnlinu of hrvediug interests you. write for pl ices un either malts 01' females. “71th scarce and high-priced coal the cost of heating and cooking is very lgigh. Come one, come all and get your share of these money-saving bargains at the Childlen'l stocking. sizes from 5 tn 6 .......................... 25¢ Childrvn'u heavy ribbed stuck- inga. sizes 6 to 9; fur ......... 39c Childru‘rbr rxtm heavy wool stockings. 8; tn 10 for ........ 590 Men‘s heavy won] hrnwn so: We Men’s heavy wursced Wuul snx for ........................... 59c C‘orner Yonge and Wellington Sts. Thére are many other bargains which are not adver- tised on account of lack of spacc. A “Toronto" SEW willrsave your coal by sawing up the wood that. would otherwise rot away. Tfie “Toronto’ ' S mahy‘years of saxi: reasonable first cost. Of Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Ready-to~wear. Manufacturers’ offer, direct to you, their merchan- dise to curtail the middleman‘s profit and save you money. This sale will last 10 DAYS ONLY, Commencing Men‘s Working Gloves and Mitts All Pignkin (ilm'ea $2.00 value for ........................ $1.29 One Finger Lined Muleskin Mitts $1.50vulue for ..... Image Pigskin face glmfle with muloskin hack re-g $1.75 for ............ 95c Muleskin lined glove $1.65 value for ........................... 79c Muleslgin pullover mitt $1.28 An , Men’s heavy “'vnl Jumhu Sweat- ers $10.00 value for ......... $6.90 Men’l heavy wnul sweaters with dnuhle cuffs and cumin-$9.00 value fur ......................... $5.45 Bnys’ coat sweaters. sizes 26 to 34 good vulue for ............. $3.45 Men's extra heavy work shirts :z.‘ ......................... 81.98 at 10 a.m. sharp Look over the followingprices and come and con- vince yourself that this IS the most sensational sale ever held in Aurora. value for ONTARIO \VIND ENGINE & PUMP Co. ., Limited Atlantic Av.,e Toronto Nlontroii Queen’s HqtgluAuronra Friday, November 12 1. Burnaby - Jefferson, Ont. FARM u‘ 810! 55. Ymmn: S'r. RADIAL U Saw is of all-steel constructionâ€"will give ing service with little cost for power and \‘J 490 Extra special Inlue‘ striped, while they last ............. $1.9‘i denim ovexulls $3.50 value for ......................... $2.48 o Stifle’s blue su-ipml $3.50 value for ........................ $2.48 White and black voilt- film ll im- med waists $2.60 value. while they last for ............... $1.39 Japanese silk waists. all ('olms. \alue $2.95 for .............. $1.95 Peel-less, spec d he Ludies’ house dresses $2.95 value- while they last ............. $1.88 (‘olm-ed voile waists, ull sizas in clear at ...................... 98c Crepe de Chine black and whlte waists, value $4.25 for ...... $2.75 Ludies’ \Voul smufs for booklet Regina Ladies’ Waist Specials Overalls Specials Convert ‘ Waste Wood into Good Fuel Calgary AGENT lflyy blue Richmond Hill. Thm s Many of our citizens are naturally asking the question, “What is being done relative to a better water system for Richmond Hill ':’ The question of water works has been before us for a long time, but up to the present no definite scheme has been arrived at. We have been extremely fortu- nate in the matter of fires, but nobody knows when a blaze will take place. Would it not be Well for the Village Council and Ratepayers‘ Association to get together and see if a reasonable at the High School had been torn down, as well as other damage to property. The Village youncil gave notice that parties damuiging proper- ty would be held accountable. ' A little detective work: might easily discover the culprits. Even if there was no punishment. no honorable boy or young man would acknowledge he would be so mean as to team down the goal posts at a school. Why do they do such mean tricks? ' izcns? Let. us remember the adage, ”It. is too late to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen.” We stated in The Liberal last. week that little damage was done in the Village on Halloween. It was re- ported at. the meeting of the Board of Education that the basket bull posts propositdén can be laid before the cit- The Cnnadian llcd Cross Society is observing Armistice Week by in nu- tionâ€"wide uppeal for assistance to thc plague-stricken sufferers of lzurupe. The need is great, and in no better way could Canadians record their gratitude for victory and the over- throw of autocracy than by respondâ€" ing generously to this call. No doubt in moat towns and Villlgel at 11 mm. to-duy flags wili fly from schools and other pubiic buildings. and factories will close {or two minutes in gratitude for the event. All thin is right but it does not fill the needs of suffering hun nn'ty. The fnr‘noru at this vicininity are hllly gathering in their turning, which me such an Abundant crop that they can hurdly find room for them. The high utoem in which the late Geo. Forester was held WM munileuvd in n prncucnl way last Sunday. by the large crowd thnt met to pay the hut tribute of_relprct. ‘ W John Sidar '1‘!" purchased I Int from D. H. Dom-.r ID‘ has cummenced to build on it. josh Lehmln h" gut hack 011 lb;- old jnb again. carrying mail (In R. R. 2 the uncirnt mail carrier h" taken up bridge repairing and says their is more in that. Any person wishing lu see A fine displny of apples should an to Chester Smutenburg. uf Victuliu Squme. He has about 350 lmn-ela u! spies, ’ lmld- wins, belle flowers, greenings, Lalumn sweets. snow lpplt‘i, yellow pippins. orange pippins, Minimum and splash- buygs. ' -_ _ - . .u.- .n Chaney Connor. another section man. has bought Mn. Catherine \Videmnn's hunw at Old Gnrxnley‘ and moved intuit. M's. Wideman expects to go to her snns in Minnesot- next spring. and live with lhem. \Valter Foster. (me of our nation mem has bought the house und Int of Mn. Funny Baler and moved into it. Mrs. Bakrr has hmlght on Uvntm St. , Richmond Hill. Mr. “I H. Lover ha: Iuld hi: 50 Acres to Henry Shelley, and has bought Schmidt's Klilt will on [he lower town line. Lti-inSchinll and J. H. Hein are busy beautifying many humel with A fro-h o M. of paint. an Pump: “Fire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Farmers’ Supplies Call and see the Samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham \Vagon on hand. verything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. FULL LINE OF F. CARTER, Richmond Hill GOHMLEX . Nov. 11. ”20 Ladder: \Vheelbarmws Sc: upers Iron Posts, Gn‘tes Hydrated Lime Root Pulp ers Rubber R ).)fixig,a!w.1ys on hand. Victorv Bonds Provincial Bonds Mu: THURSDAY, Nov. llanrm stuck. implements. furniture. Mm. Int 20. con. 6. Scarbmn. the prnpnty at the late Pater McUnfiry. Sale at l. 11 months. J. H. Prentice, Aw-t. SATURDAY, Nov. 13â€"Hm-son, imple- ment. and furniture. lot, 1, Can. 2, Markham, the prnpvrly nf H. B. Schmidt. Sale at 1.30. Terms 11 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. HE Victory Loan campaigns served a mutual good by bringing the public in such close contact with the Brinks of Canada as to realize their human side. It is the one desire of this Bank to be of personal service. Make it a point to remember that we are always willing to extend you friendly and authoritative counsel on financial matters. Richmond St. TUESDAY. Nov. lGâ€"Fm‘m slnrk. imp]!- menu. etc.. In“), con '2. “hilt-Much. the property of Thomas Linen. Sale at, l. 11 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. THURSDAY Nov. ISâ€"anu sln'tk implements rte. Int 29, Cun- 4. Markham _lhe pljnngrty, t~f_ WY. fl. STANDARB MM MONDAY, Nov. 15â€"Am-tinn sale standing timber. Int. 29. reu- Ctm ‘2, Vaughn]. The prnpvfly J. Sliney. J. T. Saigon, Auct. SATURDAY. Nov. 20â€"Fal-m stock, implemvnts, hllildings_ eta. uL \Villnwdale. Yonge St.. the property of \V.A. WJHHCP. Sale at 1. Terms 12 mnnths. J. H. Prentice. Ancl. SATURDAY. Nov. 27â€"Fm-m stack. implements and furnitule. con. 3, \Vest York. Fairhnnk. lht: prgqetlfy Przpares young men xnd women (or onlplnymem. as uccnuhtnnla. mungraphers, typista‘ private suc- ntm ics, cushirns. commercinl teat-h- on, (to. Salaries to start $15 to $23 per wee-k. when? there are cxcallrnt nppnrtllnifivfl fnr advancement. 'l‘hmmandu of goud opening. occur in Tmuntn ouch )9“ and the dr- mzmd furmu' graduates il greater than the «npply Ummm-nve any tium. \Vlih’ fur pulliculms. Yonge and Charles Sls.. Tm-untu Lever. sue u' 1 '12 {numhs J. H Pl-enticeAunt. ..r A; Bnldfiln. Sale int 1'n’élock'. Tvrms cusb. J. H. Prenticp, Auct. Ciplu’. Surplus and Undividcd norm $8,360,537.09. FHCHMOND HILL BRANCH J. R. HERRINGTON. IVxNA::n llvcstmcnts Yielding from 5 3- 4 to 7/.1 per year. Cooperation OF CANADA LLIOTT ELLIOTT, Principal. P. SAUDER Register Municipal Bonds Richmond Hill OTIUEâ€"E. Sliney is pro-pun!!! ln 1 do all kind~' nf Inn-king and C‘Uting in Richlnnnd Hill and vicinity. [‘ullnnugo sulicilrd. I’hnne anlv 9(30. Richmond Hill 74. 42 If l‘OR SAI F*I)vs~'irvahiv plnpt'liy (ll All-0M 5L. lml 208 ft 3:65 f.l Slnill hiick llllllsf,’ !) “mums. MIL-[tic Light, grind gnIdI-II. Fruit trues. IIlsr Ham and Hwnhnusv. Apply In tho ||l(‘llli3l‘s to MIs F. J. Lynolt. Rich- IImIId Hill. ‘ If. 14 pni|s nml Alll'l':lli;rl.5 Imp leuiX‘Pd. Yungn- Sn, 1" dill. llt‘xt In Post Office. \ ATCH LOSTâ€"A wild-filled, plain Int-k \Vatl‘h lust, lwtwrcn Hith- nwnd Hill and SlI-p 4S. Yonge styrert. Remud at Tm: LIBERAL ()fficv. 19 2 Oxmm) GURNEY â€". synâ€"mam mm] utnvv with «41m. in pex'frut .mlrr. fmgsalu. GARFIELD Ymnux, Elgin Mills. Ph-nw 289 Marlo. l9 2 r‘ U“, 9 \LE â€" F'nllnr rut-ks! m. Apply .“IS. BEYNON, Stu! 51, Jofl’exs‘m. lf. OR SALE»()m(-v Spuizulty desk stool. 27 inrhn high. newer und. cost $7.14 sell fur $2.00. JERRY SMITH. DSTâ€"0n Snnd ny. Ovt. 2H, hel \wwn [he Mthndih‘L church and The Lzhrral Office. a pearl l-rmrvnt In-um-h, Reward at THE LIBERAL Office. Lf. I OI'ND STRAYEDâ€"Chme to the mvmises-uf ihe undnsigmd. 1th 31. 0"". 3. Markham. Sunday rvvning. Oct. 31". a. hm.mvl Tho n-wnor mav hue saun- hy muting plupnty and paying oxprnnes. 11. L. NELBO). Phone 2504.19 3 0R SALE-«An English Peramhn- Iutur. in gum} cmulhinn. Plié'l 815. J. RUSSELL. Centre SL, Rich- mond Hill. 202 FOR SAIE Set nf Bhuk Pmsinn Lamb F msâ€"neckpirce and muffâ€" " filetâ€" class condition. Apply to Bax 40. Richmnnd Hill. 20 1 EaVe Troughing, Furnace and l Ge eral Repair Work OR SALE~A rush Milt-h now, Im 24. con. 2, Vaughan. FRANK GLASS. Richmund Hill. 20 l 4:5 Yunge. 0U aw hrrehy nutifipd that pur- suant to the Statute in that tw- hulfaCnult fur the Reriuinn Hf thv Vutrrs' List of 1920. fur thl- Muniwi- pulity of Vaughan, will he hold by the Judge uf the County Cnurt of the County of Yolk, at the Masonic Hull, Maple. 0n Satluduy, the 13th day uf November. 1920“ 9.00 n. In. In hear and determine the several cumpI-iutu of errmsnnd muiuions in the Vutou' List: of the Municipxlity of the Town- ship of Vaughan for the year 19:20. All petsuus having business at the Cuurt are requested [(1 uLu-nd at mid time and plucr. -n. 1 g waleawgt Maple this 28th day October. 1320. Clerk of the Mu'i'licipnlity of Vaughan, and Clerk 1‘! the snid Court. Public Notice! your luv-gag in Hazel-y line of nmlal work. and will be pleased to see you in x-egmd to MUNICIPALITY 0 F VAUGHAN VP are now in :1 position to lr-nk Shop next to the Shoe Factor, in tho old Bank Building. TEETZEL BROS. EGAN I‘OR SALEâ€"at a Inn-gum Apply \V. A. ann’r. II) 2 0R SA LIZâ€"L" Metal Rooting, Metal Slding, Metal Garages, Etc. Jams 11' OR SALEâ€" Horse, “'agun who one ton and hulf Hay. Bailey: Slnp B. FlNUHâ€"jnh (: me in and see us nhont your Swing “'ork now. COURT OF REVISION \‘Vant A (Is. ')w‘zi|1(]2S)"(‘.uI| 2. 5113 Y \Lqpln-R. R 20"» I 9:) as well an B. Mr‘Ll' l'l'l’ f.n-ni. lwlnx nu " Vaughan, nypontm Riuzhmnml Box 10‘." 4 Hi l’lmnc Will 201 lll'lll-

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