Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Nov 1920, p. 4

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J. LUNAU countryside and improve your health and broaden your views. This is just another way of saying that you should invest in a Studebaker. GET acquainted with the great outsideâ€"the rolling Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs ior Implements. Pumps \Vire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Farmers’ Supplies Cali and see the sambies of metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices befjre givinjy your order. Agent {or Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham V’Vagou on hand. UTfi MGV 33$ RICHMOND HILL GARAGE BUY A CAP. {HHS SEE MORE OF THE QEOURAPHV The Work of Six Mefi A Toronto Litter Carrier will astonish you with the amount of work it does. Enables one man to clean the stables as fast as six men in the old way. Cuts out the dirty part of the job. Takes away the danger of the old wheel- barrow and the slippery plank. Encourages cleanliness in the stableâ€"and that means healthier cattle. All Toronto Stable Equipment is designed to save work and make cattle bigger profit producers, You‘ll find with this equipment that stable chores become easy. Time is swed. Cattle are contented. v t____ _ Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free. to S. T. Bastcdo. Superintendent of Annuities. Ottawa. for new booklet and other information required. Nlention age last birthday. ABOLISII FINANCIAL A CANADFAN GOVERN FEFFT 'ANNE Gives a larger return for life t‘ran is Lobtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. _, Free from Hominion Income Ta . Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase. to begin at once. or at any later date desired an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase joint‘y. Employers‘may purchase for their employees. . CARTER, Richmond Hill 3‘1, W0 REY Ladders \Vheelhurrows Scrapers Iron Posts, Gates Hvdxatud Lime Rout Pulpol-s Ruhbel R mfiug, :Ll\v.1vs on 11: 1nd. At‘ FULL LINE OF ”my ;, ELAV ', Lu UITY WILL DO IT PROLONG YOUR LIFE - AGENT ELL SAY 50' . :1 snlnlinn nf lhu pmhh-m ()f whvlhm' heavy inilkms should lH‘ milked twice in: three time it day hy gixintz rmults mi lesls made at the Ontario Agricul- tnrul (Jollogv. The tests are to hL‘ cun- tinuwl and Prufeswr Tut-Io hnlws tn lw‘iIhIe to givP :1 mm'e definite npinimu annthor your than he dupe at, prcsvnc. In the meantime» hv shmvs that three high-class pulp-bred cows“ ghx'e inure hy thrice than by twice milking :1 day. His present, conclusions hmvevvr are 11:? same us those of meessms Bum)“ and True-mun. Readers (If (VIII-«Ida’s IIIIIinanl spurts- IIIeII’s III ‘lltiliy Bud And (hm In Unlludn will look forward with in- tl‘l'OhL to the N()\'('lnhr‘l' issuw which cnnmins anmug (Ilhl‘l' interesting stories and :IIticlcs. "\VlwIe the Amber RiIOI Flmvs,’ :I stun (If the leh (nunuy WIilImI by that D” mior spIIItsIIIaII, Ruhmt G. Hudg sun. "Lulistming in NM :1 Scntia’ is the title (If Bunnvcustle Dales iII~tIIIcti\e u‘nnuihulinn In lhs issue Rnd And Gun III Canada is; published monthly by \V.].T;1ylm. Limited \destnck ‘Ont. A good supply of Chop, Bran and Shorts, for cattle and hogs on hand. Calf Meal, Cracked Corn and Mixed Poultry Feed. A Car of Western Oats. Purity Flour Pastry Flour A Car Load of Fresh Cement DFy Hardwood“ and Dry Hemlock Slabs. Egg Stove and Nut also CannelCoal at the Elevator. Boot and Shoé Repairer 2Docrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. “The Bloomin’ Old Rag Overhead” PUBLIC NOTICE PhoneszBel. 1515 1470 We have some of the best farms in York County on our lists at present. Good houses close to Yonge St. bet“ een Citv Limits and Bond Lake. WRITE OR PHONE US SMALL Umon Jack rippled amid the tree tops. There seemed something valiant about it. a ay. won'tâ€"be-downhearted spirit, W181) you heard its history. A doctor'at the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives was talk- ing. “The sad thing is, it's young people, eager, hard-working boys and girls, T.B. attacks usuallyâ€" those who make the best Cana- dians. because they‘re ambitious. See that flag? The fellows in that pavilion were determined to have a. flag. Each contributed the little he could. They got the flag. but. poor chaps. they're disappointedâ€"it's so tiny." Yes. tiny up among the towering pines. but? deflantiy_ p‘rggla‘im‘iqg l’ruf. \V \Vhat we have we'll hold." And in the cots béneath, lads, weak and ill, but battling- for health, lads whose precious yennies bought "the rag overhead, ' are echoing its dauntless spiritâ€""What life we have We‘ll hold." Lads worth sav- ing surely! Contributions may be sent to Sir \Vimam Gage. 84 Spadina Avenue. Toronfipl qr £0 Geg.‘ A. Bgd. leeas- urer. 223 College Street, Toronto Owing LU high prices: and difiiculty in gutting con] and food “‘0 must insist on m erythmg living SL-LLI9d fur i1131)days. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. GEO. KIDD w. J. LAWRE'NCE 27:57 YONGE ST. TORONTO I. D. RAMER Rod and Gun Tun]? has ct ntlrilmtnd tn lhu 1)}plflt3lu (ff “belly-'1‘ PENDING is a habit easily acquired but difficult to relinquish. '1 he saving habit 15 just as easy to acquire, and, once formed, is no: readily given up. Our Savings Dept. helps to make it easy for you to become thrifty. STANDARD BANK ‘ tLLIU l I Victory Bonds Provincial Bonds Mun Richmond St. SATURDAY. Nov. 20â€"Farm stm-k, implements, buildings, vtc.. n1, \Villuwdale, YongeSt.. the pl‘upr‘x ly 0f \V.A. \Vallace. Sale at 1. 'lornn l2 mmnlhs. J. H. Plenficu. Aucl. SATURDAY, Nov. 27â€"F.u-m stun-k. implements and furnitmn um. 1i, \Vest York. Fuirbunk, [he prnpeny 0f A. Baldwin. Sale at, 1 u'clm-K. Terms cush. J. H. Premier), Am!“ TUESDAY. NOV. I‘Mâ€"Fun" eluck‘; imph- ments aml fllllliIlll'r‘, 10L 3L cum. 2 Vaughan. the (15mm- nf the lvlt' J TUESDAY, NOV. 30~ Filllll slut-k. implo- lm'nts. Btu, Int, H. mm. 4, \VesL Ynlk. the propelty nf Jas. Neshitt. Sale at l. J. H. PICHUL‘O. Amst. TUESDAY. DEC 14â€"I’me hl'ld l{nl>tvvill THURSDAY Nov. lSâ€"Fm-m sunk implements etc. Int 29, Um‘ 4, ‘ Malklmm the prupexty, .f \V. H. LPNâ€"r. Sale HL 1 12 won 113.). H. PxemiceAnut. FRIDAY. Nov. 19â€"l’ustpmwd 3.. '19 of weH- hn-d Clyde hur§es fum st Lk ‘uulem-nls, elm. Int 16 (m 8. Markham, the pl'npentv (If Ahx. Douglas. Suleunl. lZmunllh. j. H. I‘ll-mice, Ana. n..., . ...pares young men and \vmnrn for employment, as accountunls. atenograplu-rs, typists, private 5! ‘ retaiies, cashiers, commercial [ench- ers, &c. Salaries to start, $15 in $2.3 per wevk. when? there are excellent nppm-tunitil-s for advancement. Thousands of goud openings occur in Torontu each )ear and the dr- mund for nnr graflnatesfis groutin- than the supply." Uumnu-nce any time. \Vrile fur particulars. Yonge and Charles Sta. 'I‘nmntu PL‘Qpares young men and \vnmvn RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit: 53.360.537.09. H. Brynn-n. bath: at, Terms 12 months. }. Auct. tattle, farm Mum-k. implements, run. Int 11, mm. 4 \th Ymk Downs- via“. the property of II N. Phillips. Sn]: .xtl. ll monlhsJ. H. PlenLiL-c. Aucl Highest Prices PJid for Poultry Cnmmunicate “-iLh JOHN H. WICKSON St. Lawrence MarketrToronto Telephone Main 2967 ycu hmv any venison, ship to me “’ill pay you best, price. J. R. HERRINGTON, MANAGER POULTRY WANTED :uegiven in Shun’s Business Schunls. Tun-unto. All work is High Glytde in m‘erv delail. Student; may enter any day or shut Hume Study Cnurses. I71 99 Catalogue. \VI-ite‘ W. H. Shaw, Pro-5., £03 Yonge St. N0 COMMON COURSES W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Investments Welding from 5 3-4 to 7% per year. OF CANADA ELLIOTT Habits P. SAUDER THE Register Municipal Bonds Richmond Hill u'uluck Saigeun c'u ting Pnl um Richuu lill( 1} ANN)! Sillid brick Lighl, guy: premises l mund Hill sh shares un at'cmnmu \Vnuld :I I’m-m fvr thor pm Ii 13 4 Jelfm {ill $15. 1. HI "mud Hill vhfirvh she‘d: sum uf IIH‘II Rewuld at THE' LIBEJAL OFFICE ’u-wmdunl THE ‘OR SALEâ€"Throw Shnrlhurn hulls. twn Imls. and one I'm”), from sewn. In (‘ll‘Vt'll numlln nld. Apply JOSEPH GEE, (hflullt’y R. It. 423. 213 [ bOlICE i: Manny given that FLORENCE (I‘IIBL’I. I-f Lhe City -.f l Mlomntu in the Cuuucv (If ka. in 1110 PImince nf Untalin. IIIaIIiId WHILHHI, will apply to the Parliunwnt , nf C:III;Id:I IIt the HPXL session thI-Ieuf fIII a Bill I f D'umcv {mm hm hush.- Ind . HENRY HAVE LOCK GIBB. fOHIlPl- Ily (If [he said ( ity of 'lmontn nuw h(]lt‘\t'(110lPSithlH the CIt) ' of VIII. - (qu-I jn lhv Puuince (If BIitish [Md Inlid 120x40 forty, [y of fruit, Applyon the l'huruhill. h/IISSINGâ€"OnNnn'emhm'16lh. U ‘ uughhred Shropshire anwei ing (wen-200 lhs. from the premise: john H. U. Dulhnm. lul, 61. con \Vhitchlnvh. Bond Lukan Reward information. 21 URSE LOSTâ€"Between Puttclswu and the Metl-npnliwn sultiun. Richmund Hill. a lady’s purse contain- ing a sum of money and a. number of receipts. chnld. MRS. RUTH HEARN. Bux 6?, Richmond HI“. 21 l I‘JEDâ€"amd “‘nl'nl scthlink fur 8 F hr 10 rattle during winter. 1.1, 14, um. 2. 'Vuughnn. ANDREW Knsmu (Jan-fills. 21 l " OR SALEâ€"'hu' gun] ymulg va l’igs, (5 Iunnlhs old. for salv. JAMES CARNEGIE, Mill Street. “'0“. liichumnd Hill. 21 2 spt‘vi. Ap Al'lluld SUI OL‘NG FARM ICR il'. “"vstvrn CflI' :IdIL \\‘i.\l)('% In 10er HI“ \\'lllk ,llll LII-es ( II {mm in Llns \ic init\. whmc cnIIIIII Id.IIi(III nt family is av :IIl. Ihlr'. I’nuld :Ilsn mnsidm- IIIuIInge-IIII'IIL «If IIMI 1m U\\nll. RufuI-nu-s and MI- h)!‘ pm I icnlnui :It TIII-z LIBEIIALOfiicu. “'4- axe Imw in A pusilit n (u 11ml" nf‘wr yulll' [wells in mmy line I f mum! wm-k. zmd will be pleased lusee you in x-egmd tn F OR SALEâ€"Tut) building l" ft. flUl-Lzlgt'ln‘ 1.30 It. (l Richnumd Sher-K a GEURhE ' Ri(:lu|m|itl51., Richmond Hill as “'(‘H u" Eave Troughing, Furnace and Gefieral Repair Work. Shop next, to the Sht‘e Fact old Bank Building. TEETZEL BROS. Notice of Application for Divorce Culnmhia. Clerk. (In the gmuud ul udul! cry and dl'Sl‘l timx. DATED at Toronto in the Prm‘inét Hf Ontnrin. this 9th day of Nun-lulu In A.D., 1920. UR SAL} Metal Roofing, Metal Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. Jonx BLIXEX lf 0'1‘1 ome in and SM" us about your Sp: \Vurlr. mm'. UR $151.15: â€" l’urlnr cnukshnv Apply M15. BEYNUN, Sun.) 53, OITND STRAY E DSTâ€"On S1; tho/Menu ‘ml ()fiim‘. H mg vxi no: 2b04. UR SALE-~An I DSTâ€"Bot Wt 01- > h! :_p pans mpuirr noxt 0R SA LIZâ€"100 :If'l'P farm morn m- lvss‘, 1} mill-s ezltt nf Thurnhill, (1 land. huge luick lumsv. lmm (40 forty, gnnd w-Ilcr, 2| quanti- nf fruit, trees. (:lu'sc tn schonl. plyon the promises Uhue. Rohimou )ruhill. 214 (It ublio 1‘1 otice! “st, ‘V 3 nt Ads. prvn WILLIAM PROIFDFOOT, Jr 12 Richmond St. I'Zasl‘ Tux-m: n :1“ kinds (-If Ullvl in Riuhumnd Hill and |g0 SHHLiH-‘d. Hume :‘nd Hill 74. bLu-utyup L: date in may 11‘ FINL‘H le'. in lllll‘ Ml gunk-n. l lll‘llhflllfl to Mrs F. IIH‘IN“ FLORENCE lu and All SSELI h. :1 [ lll‘ I-klmm by hvr solicitor US In g1 I‘M Sliney vn Munshx idgu’s hutch- mxd the- Mvthodifl n plllSt‘ mmmiuing u. y. Snlmduy evening. Pr‘ “(HI IOU ge hv 1.30 ft. Ill/op nu wt : GEuRnE 1A.YL()R Hiulnuund Hill "I l ‘U \hle nwince (If Briw «n the mound . *undn The 0 ing pl]! om Fruib In . Apply I. Lynvlt l‘f. l 21:5 ft Ruums. (3!;l’l(“|,llh]] Hztlc SL. . Oct. 3]. helween (.lmrch and The ‘ (Tum-PHI hy'om‘ll. HA1. Ufliiv. lf. - a .nh :n pentox ‘lliulls. glish (SIB pm ll‘lll. lwmg rquglxgm. npm‘ ntor. Ru- 5 Furni- Ric'nmund Box 109. I’h Rcwm d for sigma. lut y evening. wm-r may ppxty :md NELSON. 1!) 3 16th. thorâ€" “unweigh- .remises of vicinity :lple 900 42 1f I’m :lmlm 2H Elvcll'h (‘8. My led m: 960 1 UN Hich‘ I" in Rich Ind in we 21.1 lti he ish UH

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