Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Dec 1920, p. 5

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Only thru- cases (-umn- up before judge \Viddiiield ‘ul Division ()muti lwrcun Tuesday. Sevmul Were seLtJEd 1 “BL of c‘uut. High School Connuencenwut will he held in lhv Masonic Hull, Munddy uening, December 20. A pair (If P tnuml and hi Establishment iol'lhrln. Puttexsun .Schm’l will 1 annual cumx-rb Flidav cn-I l'ilLIEISIIH .schtml “‘1“ hold their axunudl cumx-rb Fliday evening. Dre. )7. Come and unjuy d. pluxsunt rveuiug. Admisaiuu 25 Lents. A cmv belonging to Mr. H]. Sliney was btluck by a .*\lv!rnpulilun hullvy czar a few days ago, and “us injmcd so hadly that 5110 died. Owing tn 11w increase in stpuling and slurp-hrmking York Umnty (u‘uulnfll has about. duumm the mnuhvr uf Uuunly Uunstuhlcs The December meeting of R. H. H. H. Alumnae lms 1mm .[mstpuned t‘ill Decemlwr ULh, un-eling will be held at the home of MRS Anna Bhyle :u; 8 p. m. Rm'. '1‘. \\'. Bucklx-P «.f Shmlmm-no Sherl,'1(nmntu, preached in St. Mary‘s Aug liuun Church hem last Sunday. In nllp1-.~ulnlrility 1w wil! be app rinLed 11::ch ‘1' [his 1’:11-.i5h A man tells of an editor who started punr t,“ enty yeai-s ago and has retired witn the comfmtuhle fortune of 350.000. This money was acquired thrungh industry. economy. conscien- ‘iuus efforts m give full value. indomitable perseverance, and the death of an uncle who left. the editor $49,999,50.â€"H0tury Magazine. The 34le Trump Scouts who gave much :1 [inc L'ULLCI'L in Richmond Hill last summer “'I“ gin: H. entice-It at. Victuriu Hull, Tlmrnhill, Thursday Thieves broke into the Sterling Bunk at Newton Bunk \Vednesday night, nf Iaat'wwk, curried away :1 hub nf vuuchms and uthH- papels. but did ‘um, get into the safe. Nut, only hunks but uther business places should he on glum thew uigth. last summer “'I“ gin Victuriu Hull, Thom] December 93h. The Hmdfoul Epwnrth League are hm‘ing Mr. J. \Vutsnn of Toronto, whu will delivex his nuled lectum unu l’mminenc hish Unnldian. in the churcthu-sdan utuing, Dec. 7. Ad- missiunZSu-nts. Duu’ L flil Lo hem hint. Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘hos. N. Brodie an- nounce the ungugunwnb uf their youngest daughter, Maw-jox-‘e, to Dr. Lorne R. Bell. sun (If Mr. and Mrs. George Bell. 84 Belsizv drive, Tux-onto. The wedding to take place the early par! of December. \Iemhexs of tho ll‘Tth Bmitttlion aue requested to 59ml ;\ post, caud giving Lheh llullus an! addresses to the m‘crebaly J. A. ‘Adamsbe 347 Runnymvde Road Taxonto. An 0p- w-date H: L of uddlesses is ungently needed. The \Vumen's Institute will hnld Illicit legulzu monthly meeting at the hume of hits. D. Hill on \Vednesday. Decemhex 8Lh, at. 3 o'clock.Pl“0g1alu â€"-Suln, Miss Heise. Paper on Christ- mus. Mrs. Milton Savage. Sula, Mrs. Kitty. Roll call. Christmas quota- Lions. C “LIL! Lu 04k Ridges School on Wed- nesdny. December 8. to a bazaar and n. sumptuous supper. which will be served fuomtSJNJ lo 7.30. Come and have your supper. A grand concert will he provided ut night. Admission adults 20c., children 100. Don‘t miss this treat. Julierson School Report for Nowell-bu I?! Sn. [V â€"Z‘lphn Topper. Vern \thts. Sn. [IIâ€"Mary Hudgina. Harding Burnaby. Irene Pilsun. Martha John- son and Douglas Dibb (equal), Clan-k- unn Murphy and Donald McCluskay W.a._,._,.o_h,, chaine- nu , I“ ,4 V 38'i11vÂ¥\'i(111‘tr Park. Florence Hines. Mun-in] Burnaby, Dori: \Vnrman. Charlie Dihh. Clifford 719mm. VSRW irli-Vâ€"Evielyn \Vunuan, Beth Gamble. Leouaxd Hodgius, Hugh 'I‘qppey._ Bissie. “halts. 1‘ ,, ,d (VI._L l‘Jrli‘i‘I:‘[:t;\-v;is Hines, Gem-ge Chat,- lnu-n. Florence Rickwocd, G'eorge Rickwuud, Gertrungzggg. .vIJ Inn-Jun. u‘ ysu u“. w Iâ€"KIIIhlI-en HI-dg hins and Agnes Bmlnett (equal) Madge g-Wdtts SRI PR. â€"â€"JaIck (jumble, VIII-man BIIIIIetL E leen Beyu In. VII: {01 'I‘aylm. EIIIIII Ulubine, Ruth Sag 9. JR. PR. ~Gumgia “nth. Stemut 8 II new, Dolotny Haxt. EIic \vulllldl]. I‘leIIIu. HNlt Jean KeIswc-H, Allan MI‘NIIII. DIIIIIie Kmsuell 0 not forget the anuar in the Mas- ic Hull, 8th December. Services 2|.d Sunday in Advent. 5th December. Holy Uommumon 11 u. m. Serumnâ€"Hev. 'l‘. \V. Bucklee, Incumbent. Sunday School 3 p. m. St. Mary’s Anglican h fL OAK RIDGES s-_lxild’s_ :trirg mitts wns -L Font-u i-‘s Tuiluring Will the owner Cal” M. COOPER, leach 1d their The Dacemher meeting of the \V. C. T. U. will he held nt the home nf Mrs. C. Morison. Rusaview Ave . on Tues- duy. Dec. 7th. at 8 p. Ill. The prugmm will be in charge of Mrs. McNeil]. Supt. of Juvenile- l)epb. Miss Mnrgan will give an address. "The Child in the Midst,” ilnd Mrs. Elmore Reamnn will sing. A special invitntiun is extended to the mothers of uur Village to lie present. The Oystnl- Supper last, wen-k in con noction with the Methodist church was it succvse in ewry respect. Thm 9 wusu large crowd and everyone did amplejustice Lu the oystm's and the onher gnvd things provided. A splendid programme was married out. all of those ndvvrlisvd. being prosaent. and taking part. \Vi[h the offering on Sunday and [he pl‘nceods of the supper the sum of $125 will he clean-mi. ’ Messrs. J. B. Mchnn. 'I‘. Cousins. J. T. Saigem), W. O. Mchn'ild and B. VVeldrick uLtt-ndvd the Warden‘s hul- qlletut the \Vulker House nn Friday ew-nmg. ‘ Mrs. C. “"inters of Uxhridgo and Miss J. lInnpeI-r‘f Ym-k. Pm. hzn u been visiting the past. week with Mr. and Mls. R. Hmll-y. Mr. E. H. Tuvlnr 10ft lust work for :I trip tn Englund where h(’ purposes M u-muin some months. Fullnwing ii the l-epmt nf ann IV. the names being mrungvd in ordor of moi-it. SR. Iâ€"l’it’l’llel‘tfl. Bllkf'l', Violet Reid. Cecil Tuck, Mary DI-my. Beatrice Caldwell, Valiles NlClll‘llS. Isuhel Svtlldel‘SOll. Helen Bl‘llllll gm. Robert HIIIItvI Donald Rand. llPIIIy Stm- {III-II. Ralph MIL-kip, Bery lSdIIdeIm II Enoch BMILty \IIIIj Inie yIVVIlIiS. Nul- IIIIIII Cunk Reggie R;,IIId Goulnn I’z-tch. \Villie Bu) d. AlIsentmThoums Riley. JR. I Aâ€"Jenn Hall. Marguerite Thompson. Wynnie Gillings, Alfie Sting. Julmniv lnnchard, Elsiv Howll. Nelda Davis. Kenneth FI-islIy, (Isabel McLean And Bartlett SIIIilh,) equal, Arthur Leech, Jimmie GI'IIingPr. Jumps KeI-swill. “'illie Kendall, Durntby Leech. Absentâ€"George Riley, Grnhn III Ellis. Chill-lie BI-Ikuvitz. mem-e Fittun. JR. lBâ€"Elcanm- Drmy. John \Vilsnn. (Claire Cook and Elizabeth Rumble,) equal. Austin Tuck. \anter Young. Mildred Rand. Morley Sanders. Jack Graham, Townsend. Absentâ€"Phyllis \Vhite. Phillip Gra~ hum, Dorothy Duncan. Billie San-age. H. A. DOUGLAS. Teacher. BOADWAYâ€"AL family residencv. Union- \'i|lv. on Sunday, Nov. 28. 1920. Melvin Roy. b(10\ ed son of MI. and Mrs. S. Boadway. age?~8_ye;lrs. Funeral \Vedfivsdfiy, Dec. 1, atZ n’cluck, to Lutheran Cemetery, Uniom‘ille. Richmond Hill PubTic School Kindly take notice that before buying either your Suit or Top-coat, it will be to your interest to in- spect the line of goods I carry, both as to price and satisfaction of fit and workmanship. MERCHANT TAILOR RICHMOND HILL Repairingâ€"Cleaningâ€"Pressingâ€"Neatly Done LADIES AND GENTS Mac Ton-nyson, G eorge MAPLE DEATHS E. R. FORTNER a nd men and Recent events have clearly demon- strated the power of organized agriâ€" culture. Are you doing your bit? Are you tending Th9 Funnel-8’ Sun, the Olgar. of the Ontario farmers? No other publication fights the farm- rrs' cause with the same vigor. No other papt-r offeri its readers us great value individually pr as busi- nrs‘ farmers. Its market, reports are wonth nmny times the subscription price. The twice-u-nwe-k service of The FHrtllel's' Sun costs mow than twice the: subscription pnice of $1.50. Ale ycu doingr your hit to strengthen the movement? The most t-tfrctive way to do this is by reading The Falmnrs’ Sun and hy muting your neighbors to suhsrrihe. The greater the Sun’s circulation the greater the growth of tho mnvmnent. The strength of the. Inovpment is what you make it. Let all help and the proper time is now. Send your sub. scription, only $1.50, twian-wepk, one your. \ The Fun mers’ Sun, Toronto. The Strength of The Farmers Skates from $1.25 to $8.00 pr., includ- ing the C.C.M., Automobile and Tubes Hand Sleighs from 40c't0 $3 .00 Hockey Sticks. Pucks and Ankle Don’t Forgetâ€"“Music” hath its charms. We sell the two leadersâ€"Victrola and Brunswick Phonographs. Victor Recordsâ€"Free Demonstration any time. .ectric ,ectric .ectric ,ectr'rc .ectric Some things you should buy NOW, if you do not need them to- day you will very soon, “Christmas” is coming if cold weather does not. Be Prepared for both. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0,. ELECTRICAL GOODS SPORTING GOODS Irons $7.00 to $9.00 each Toasters $7.50 each Toaster Stove $16.00 Hot Plate $6 .50 Heaters, Heat Ray, at $15.00 A FEW SUGGESTIONS VICTROLA AND BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS NORMAN BATTY Supports . $7.00 to $9.00 each $47.50 each )ve $16.00 $6 .50 RIC HMOND HILL GARAGE PHONE 68 {Tardware Richmond H il MOWOWOWW Apply to your postmaster. or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities. Ottawa. for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday. The New Hardware Store A BOLISH FINANCIAL A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT Protect your car from the cold weather. USE ANTI-FREEZE It is much cheaper than a new radiator. We have just received our new stock of HOOD COVERS at very reasonable prices. Gives a larger return for life than is obtainable from any other form of investment with absolute security. Free from Dominion Income Tax. Any person resident or domiciled in Canada over the age of 5 may purchase. to begin at once, or at any later date desir<d an Annuity of from $50 to $5.000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase jointly. Employers may purchase for their employees. W. G. Baldock, Prop. We have also a full stock of, TIRE CHAINS and CROSS LINKS Gillette and Auto Strop Safety ,at $5.00 each. Regular Styles from $1.25 to $5.00 ea. Razor Strops from 75c to $3 .00 Eastman Kodaks and Brownies from $3.10 up. Ifyou wént the best, it_must be an “Eastman.” WORRY Trench Block C. N. COOPER Simple and easy to operate. Cost of operation 1â€"2 cent per hour, which includes both wash- er and wringer. Come in and let us demonstrate it to you. Also free [trial in your own home. EASTMAN KODAKS Time Saver Electric Washers all sizes. PHONE 18 RAZORS PROLONG Y0 UR LIFE

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