300 BERESFORD AVE, Wxsrr TORONTO Phone Junction 72. Lillian Rumble. Jacuh Kuning. Mildred Muckie, Kathleen Mahnney. Phyllis Glass. Unnnie Mnrtson, Mildred Sims. Thu almvc tnnk» hm)- uurs. Ethel Lasln-r. Juhn McLean, Audrey Tuck. lda Blanchard, Lucy Hunter, Johnston Armsirnng. David Stirling. Allan Duncan. Pete Szu'agv. Ida Thomas. Lawns )Iahnnvy. Kath- leen Morris. Marjorie 'l‘vndali. Uar- man. Lowm‘y, (inrdnn Hannnund. SK. Ill-4412111005 Dim-y. Frances Batty. Sadiv Hope. Lewis Sims. Richard Saunders. Howard Atkinson. The above tuuk hunuurs. Russell Lynett. Bert Hammond, Ella Young, Dorothy Atkinson. Alfred Grainger. Dean lauvs. Pearl Collins. Frank w. HEWISONi HOUSE PAINTER, ‘ Glazier. Grainer and Paper- " Hanger. {Monarch Bldg.. 26-23 Adel- Offlces aide Sr" \Vest.’1‘urunm. Nuughtuu Block, Aux-0m Solicxtor fm- : The Town of Aurora The Township of King l‘he Township of \Vhilvhux‘vli The Imperial Bank of Canada, Auium J. M.\\'nll0n, & Cu. Aurora WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M the about places The The Elite The Mch-ill H Ofï¬ce hours ~-8 m 10 mm p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. All mail orders will receive ï¬rmrpt attention. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Yong" Street Richmond Hill. Phone 1‘40. 24 “Walter S. Jenkins R09. Phone Hill. 5048 Branches at 'l‘hornhill and VOL. XLIII TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE JR. IIIâ€"Marion Ellis. Mabel Rand .‘y Foden. Fl-odnliv Greene.) equal lliam Rumble, Jucuh Kuuiug ildre‘d Muckio. Kathll-en Muhnney )yllis Glass. Connie Mm-tson, ildmd Sims. The almvo tnnk lmu. Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOne Main 2777 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER CAPITAL AND RESERVES $85,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES his is an invitation to call at the Royal Bank the next time you are in town. If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirements. {he Bank follows a poiicy in extending to Farmers. $150 per annum, in advance. NAUGHTON 8: JENKINS Richmond Hill School Report DR. J. P VVILSON M follows a liberal u: my. r‘ru noes ~pe. Lewis Sims. Howard Atkinson. honours. Russell mund, Ella Young. J. Hurry Nanghton Res. Elgin Mills lips. Phone 44.4 credits ito3 (Tontrallu~ Solo and Chm-l Night" Otfertnry “Sung Without Opening Offextmy “A \lmning Song " A Carol "The Light [of C-hlisun: ls ing" Pusllude “Lill'gllkttï¬ I’asturule Opening Anthem Baiitmm Fallmm Christmas 11.1.9 been very busy this last week. and gund nld man he did not. neglect to pay a visit In some 501illle anxious hearts cf All Saints Sunday School and after a gum] supper provided bytheladles. tn uhirh the youngsters, besides the adults did ample justice. at n. \‘igurnus knocking at the (l0ur which was answered by the two smallest expentunts. Fathâ€" er Christmas well loaded dnwn, distri- buted to each Wee participsz of his gond things, after many good wishes and thanks from the small fry. he (le- pmted lo other ï¬elds of his lnlmurs. Games were indulged in and after A good time all round. the National Anthem concluded the proceedings, and we all we)â€, home the little ones Tudreunl wetxusl. of the true Santa Claus. Anthem Ban itone Thexe will he special Christmas sei- vicvs next, Sunday. Rev. R. McKee will preach at 11 u.|n., subject. "The Incarnation of Christ." AL 7 p.m. RH: A. McNeill will preach. subject. "The \Vuy of a Star." Special music by the choir at both services. St. 81)."). Uln-istnms (we and ten fur the child- ren (‘f [11v Sunday School On Thursday evening. 231d December, in the Mason- ic hull, Hll nwmhvrs of lhe cnngrégu- [inn and friends have u cordial invita- tion to he present, tn give the little ones a guud tinw. Come and help us. '1‘. \V. l uckle 2. Incumbent. Evensnng and Sen-mun Sunday Suhaul Chnir practice, Wed at thv residence of Mr. 5L. 8]). m. Chlialmus Dav IN] by Mr. tln-mselvrs j1 â€:Iy [H'osidt tukmg pant i Marguerite 1 E. King. N and Douglas stludc anhvm h-Iln h (-1 Methodist Church Christmas Music Sunday, Dec‘ 26. )rano Sol St (1 id Ie “F110 [1013 Cut-net. Suxlu METHODIST CHURCH ll‘l ms Day Holy Cuunnuninn a! Sermon 10:1. 11). Sunday after Christmas 26th December RICHMOND vol unlury "The; c \\ m mono "um bl‘CkOllng ELM" “Night, of Nights†Medlinger prunn Snlu and Chorus Moaxxxu volunt-u-y “Sabbath ChimPs" ‘ Gilhmt. “And (here “'rl'e Shepherds†Wegennst Solo “The Star of Peace" Parker ' “A Morning Song" Ashfmd he Light of Christmas Morn- ing" _ â€Anger “r Y. Mary’s Church (Anglican) the 1m hrisl mus mm uiin ht) [ht in the c Bnyha. . I. Smilli Coupon SERVICE \‘ENIN( â€nh' King UHNHI'J mu‘ y (fily " :u'mngm (Inn and Piano. Glass, Mi“ Elhc‘ I, Mr. A. E. Glas Chm-us In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things Mondollsuhn M of Bethlehem†Adams City †:u'mngod Shepherds n "1 p. m. 3 p. m_ inesdny mening r. Hick, (Jhurch (‘11 Her IN m) Words M ‘Peaceful A n gm Hui-pm Verdi HILL. Ill ‘ Grafla is visiting for a few a home of 1101" son Mr. R. M Mr. \Vm. Street. uf Tun ovvr Sunday at [he honn I Thrmms. Pm'r'y (‘unpur and his lnide. \Vhile muting wnod om- thy 11st wmek. Mr. \V. (oupel haul the misfortune tn cut an artery in mm of his limbs. \VILLOWDALE evening Cooper membel pul't. Pu Mrs. hum ful \nm Chumh. The mnn'hlv mu'ting (it S. ()l the Method isl rhuuh at the home of Mm. (Dr (m \Vednesdny :u'tmnmm wook. Mrs. C. Cucking u was prvsent and gave an a Missionary wmk. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bro-w week to spend the win members uf Lhrix family in \dié On 11 It rec? can mind ', Vin 111.1 :h the our ffnithful *snh ï¬nun ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC- M( simply [ht A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Nnughtnn A with Columbia Records means :1 Christmas ï¬lled with merry music and the coming year crowded with joy. Corking good' dance record}, popular song hits, gems of Grand Opera and beautiful symphonies will all combine to give your friends and family many lrnppydays and evenings every day of every year. â€I†salers in all kinds of Builders Supplies MAPLE W. A. WRIGHT Richmond Hill MCKENZIE BROS. COLUMBI.\ GRA FONOLA ;l, rhurch Mrs. (Dr Iftm-nnun HI nothing lm ndorful what 1) when thm of Quommvillv -\v days at the R. McNaughton. Tm'nntn \‘isitEd Coal, Wood and Cement IIN Brown loft last \vintm- with {4 nt' Toronto m nddrvss on ll) II) Flour and Feed (If M r. R tho W MuKeos lh J; M. hc-ld ullev “mas: Smmm Branches n1: Richm ï¬zz? ‘Eï¬wk $B§Kï¬ mfaazamg Em gï¬ï¬n’g {‘ï¬mï¬ï¬gï¬ iii? ABE ï¬ank’ï¬ï¬wmmm ON TARIO , Charity.†[9530 nd Hill, Kcswivk, Lansing. Thmnhill and OF CANADA Newtun Brook i THE JONES l LUMBER AND COAL. C0. COR YONGE AND ARNOLD STS. We have a lot of plank. we took out of the sheds we re- novated that are just as good as new for lots of work around farm buildings, and which we are selling at less than half the price of new material. You. should secure some of these before they are all gone. You may never have so good an opportunity again. COME AND SEE ML Of Special Interest to Farmers Tornnto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Bui 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond iljll pflice (‘ I. vv uuuux'mge, mlLux‘dny foremmn. Money to Loan at. Current Rut Tel N. C Shnver. B. A. Peter Tavlm B A E W. Rhodes. B. A. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'rc 'l'euc ner TUlnntn and St Richmond Sptturduys. Sand, Gravel“, Tile an (1 Brick Itlchmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liheral Mco‘, every Thursday for-enoml. Marple, Thursday uftex-Innun. Woodbx-idge, Saturday forenoon. ]. EARLE NEWTON Adslaiul Shaver Taylor & Rhodes New Shop, rear of Glass’ Gent’s Furn- ishing store. next door to Jones’ Lum- ber Company. L. WADE WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 ct: SHOEMAKER 5974 Ba rist:rs. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. If Piano-Playing :It. thg Conservatory of Music Margaret's Collvge. Hillâ€"\Vednesdnys and PIANIST Hamilton Tnut Rt 1 - Rooms '15-’09 Opnosiro (‘ Itv Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto Evenings Manor Road North Toront uildings ) 6