.in a cradle beside the kitchen stovc.‘ for most makes and models of can. Your old. broken or worn-out Darn “’rito or wire us describ- “Ws can? the and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used or new parts 1 and automobile equipment. \Ve ship C.O.D. any-where In Canada. Sails. factory or refund in full our motto. flhaw's Auto Salvage Part Supply. 923-831 nun-an Br... Toronto. Ont. replaced. ing w at you want. larger! AUTO SPARE PARTS l t Your Day’s Work. What a satisfaction there is when you leave your work at night, in looking back over the day's work as a superb accomplishment. llow you en- joy your unquestioned approval at the end of a perfect. day. You can go home with a light heart and say to yourself, “All, now I can play. I have done my best to-day. I have left noth- ing undone or hall" finished. I have made the most of everything: I. haven't been mean. I haven‘t. been un-' kind. I haven't lost. my temper, I; haven't shirkcd my job, I have tried: to put efficiency into c\'cr_vthiu',,r I; have done to~llay." This is a day's record which it is a delight to look over, of which to,bci proud. But when you go homr at' night feeling: mean and contemptible because of ‘a poor day’s work, and mil failures in all directions that you could! have prevented, how different your~ sensations! l Some people drift into the habit of being half satisï¬ed with a poor day’s work. But you can't atford to do this, my friend. The habit of leaving your work at night without having; done your best, of turning out, day after day, wort that does not meet with your approval, is demoralizing: to your character and fatal to your chances of advancement. Don't be satisï¬ed less than your best. that you will have iczison to be proud of your day's work because you have» put your best into it. the highest of which you are capable. Don't leave. it with flaws; don't compel yourself' to go home at night regretting a poor .‘lay's work, a botched job. You can't afford it; it will haunt you so that. you cannot enjOy your home or your recreation. ~-..___..__§ __,_ with anything Make it a rule, ' bust. - from MM A STYLISH COSTUME 9733â€"9675 l mu. . \’ 0 l!» .. No. 9733â€"].adies' wins-t. Price. 30 cents. Back and side accordion pleat- ed or plain; two‘styles of sleeve. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust. Size 36., with accm'dion-pleated sections, 314' yds. 36 ins. wide, or ,3 yds. 40 inS. wide; with plain sections, 17.} MIS- 3‘; ins. wide, or 17,“.- yds. 4O ins. wide. N0. 9675â€"-Ladies‘ Camisole Skirt. Price. 30 cents. To be worn with overdrcss; 37 or 35â€"inch length from vaistlino. In 7 sizes, 371 to 46 ins. Size 36 requires, 37-inch length, 21,4 yds. 36 or 40 ins. wide; 35-inch length, 2% yds. 36 or ~10 insfwide. Width, 114'. yds. These patterns may be obtained your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall C0.. TO Bond St., Toronto, Dept. IV. (‘HILDHOOD‘ The ailments (if childhoodâ€"constiâ€" pation, indigestion. colic. colds, etcâ€"- AILMENTS ‘can be quickly banished through the use oi‘ Baby's ()wn Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which instantly regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach. They are guarâ€" anteed to contain no harmful drugs and can be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety. t‘onceruing tiiem Mrs. Alcide Lepage Ste. Beatrix, Que. \vrites:~--“l’,nbys Own Tablets were of great help to my baby. They regulated _._Â¥..-...,‘M_.. : her bowels and stomach and made There have been tumors of men her plump and well." The Tablets who have died from overwork; but many cases of dead! from overeating are very well authenticated. The wood-box in the kitchen yawns to .be ï¬lled these nights; let it not yawn in vain. Minard’s Llnlment Relieve: Distemper dealers 01‘ by The Dr. lli‘ockville, med icine box from (‘o.. are sold by mail at 25c 21 \N'illiams‘ Medicine Out, 0 . 7 _ "-4.. s~4._.u._ Nearly all Australian railways are State. or Government, owned. â€"_.__.~, momâ€"u.“ HEALTH ElliltAl‘ldll BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON It“ is really hard to believe how little. some people know about that most. elemental matters of health, and about ordinary precautions that should be taken in miaiutaining health and preventing the spread of disease. At the Toronto Exhibition this fall, a woman \isiting‘ the Provincial Board of Health’s lxhibit, noticed‘ the windows raised in one of the sub,â€" sectious where childâ€"welfare was be- ing‘ demonstrated. “Now, that would just cause a draught," she exclaimed to a friend, “and it is the way one catches colds." llut fresh air is abso- lutely necessary to good health. ,and mint in the coldest. weather draughts Qan be avoided while admittim: fresh air. This may be done by having: double windows. or one or mor-V double panes, and pro\iding an opeu~ ing at the bottom of the outer and at the top of the inner one. so as toI admit fresh air in an upright current: Another method is to place a board{ beneath the loner sash. propping" it: up and filling in the. space while. providing a way for an upward iitdraug‘ht between the two sashes. I was recently ' a house where there were several children as well us' the father and mother. and on noming‘ in from the fresh air to the kitchen, where the greater p.11: of the time_ was spent, it felt like an oven. Double windows were used. but they were‘ both tightly closed and no fresh air: was being admitted. A sick baby was and wrapped up in blankets like anj Arctic explorer. The baby was per-] spiririg freely. â€on: the mother thought! below;e,'reut scourge from our midst. ____1 recently visited a home whero the father of the family was lying ill in bed with tuberculosis and he got ï¬ts of coughing; at intervals. Not once. did he cover his mouth when cough- ing. although children were playing about in the room where he lay. In amazement the nurse asked him if he had never realized how desperately important it was to cover his mouth with a handkerchief when coughing. but. the man didn't know. He said he had never been told about the danâ€" gers of promiscuous coughing in a room where (.ihers were, and particu- larly where children were. This pav ticnt was able at times to sit up and hold the baby in his arms while his wife was busy with the housework or otherwise engaged. Sometimes, he said, he got a iii of coughing while holding the bah)". but he always laid it down somewhere it‘ the coughing fit was at all severe. Although this may be an isolated case, one can read- ily realize how hard it is 'or organized effort to completely stamp out this We see, too. how much educational work "there is still to be done in telling the public of the dangers of tuberculosis, and how it is spread. Although muni- cipalities now generally put up anti- Spitting notices, somc'people still in- dulge in this objectionable habit. I have watched men spit on the floor of a street car although above their head a sign hung telling: of the penalty that would be imposed on anybody caught spitting. People citl‘Plt‘SS of their own health and their neighbor's do still exist in great numbers; but it is through lack of knowledge rather‘ she mus: not let any fresh air intmthan any desire. to w'lt'ullf‘tsprcad dis- . . , . All‘e house lest tne child should catch doepwooied olvjen .on to fresh air. one‘ i I A‘ . . ..r v . '. ;. .‘v'l .. .. ~ ,1, ‘V . ww. .« « "» 01 Int most DO\\t‘I.lll :‘tQCllls .i. lebiâ€" see an) bot} else (Ullvldlt the disease, and l'c'. tlll‘ozigh luck '; the disease is often spread. ence for nmintaining health. and re-A storinc the Sick when they fall ill. Ttll‘crcadosij :5 i'gnmo‘n' l in IISI tll‘t‘flrt‘. prevalence, xiii ' v or indirec. at has tins-s, 'case that this laxity (recurs. cold. Some people seem to have agnot a man, woman or child suï¬'eringi done a‘ s'ckncss and such There is from tuberculosis who would care to (if know‘edgc Murli work is Elit- <-ttuc;uio:.:il pl Cit-Ill ‘ . v . . .‘. ttltlt‘lt'ltl«\>l\. and "l agains: s llll pie (*SM‘I‘i‘JtN incisors TRIALS l (‘are of Home and Children Often (‘auses a Breakdown. . 'l‘ln- woman at home. deep in house- lhoil duties and the. cares of mother- lmml. Heels ur't'usinllul help (I) keep her In Litiml health. The demands upon a mother's health are. many and her tbildi'i-n's “riful‘r‘: exact lieuvy tolls. while: hurried meals. broken rert and much indoor li\ in: tend to weaken No wonder that the, indiaposed llt".l(lii(llt‘:i. back. Too many grown to accept these part of the, lot (if lint many and varied as Troubles her 1‘()ll*~‘lllllti‘i.'l. woman at through aches and women have visitations :‘s a motherhood. her health simple and relief at well, it is tho that keeps her must her more home 1:; often weakness. llc'l'thlir'llt‘S‘S. cause is When good blood when ill she renew i mother I are. the hand. woman's ‘ well; her blood rich to llliillli. The nursing than any other woman in the world need. llt'll blood and plenty of it. Thcre is one way i.) get this good blood to perfect health, amtthat is- thrmigh the use of Ilia. \l'illiams' l'ink l’llls. These pills make. new blood, and through their use thousands of weak. ailing wives' and mothers have been made bright, cheerful and strong. it you are all- ing. easily tired or depressed, it is a. duty ~\ou owe yourseh‘ and your family to give llr. “'illiams‘ Pink Pills a fair tritil. “hot this medicine has done for otheis it will surely do for you. You can get llr. Williams‘ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at We a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. “'illiams' Medicine 00,. â€rm-Mill». Ont. ‘ 7, .j. . Origin of Cuiirsalute. The custom of tiring: artillery comes to us from the time when guns were tirst used. It was then consid- ered polite and courteous to any great personage who happened to arrive atl your castle to load all your guns with shotted roundsâ€"not blankâ€"and to ï¬re them off as he arrived at your threshold. The reason for doing this was to show you trusted your guest by emptying: all the guns just before he came into their range. This pracâ€" tice. was not kept up long- Blank rounds were soon tired instead of real ones. They were not so dangerous! make so necessary. One of the best known guides in Nova. Scotia gives this testimonial of MINARD‘S LINIMENT Have used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my home, limiting and lumber camps for years and consider it the best white liniment on the market. 1 ï¬nd that it gives quick relief to minor' accidents, such as Sprains‘, Bruises and all kinds of wounds. Also it is a great remedy for coughs. colds. etc, which one is liable to catch when log driving and cruising during the winter and spring months. I would not be without MIN- ARD’S LINIMENT and cannot recomâ€" mend it too highly. (signed) Ellison Gray East Kemptvillc. N.S., Feb. 24, 1920. â€"________ The Lesson of the Rabbit. Talk about output! Listen to this little tale of mass production. Fifty years ago, there were no rab- bits in Australia. Then mree rabbits were! sent out fmm London. Forty years later 25,000,000 frozen rabbits and 96,000,000, rabbit skins were shipped to Europe from Aus-', tralia. o o‘er, . MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. 9 . ... ._....,_- .. .._ Very Ill! ‘ Lord Ilalsbury's ninety-seventh blithdoy reminds me that he is still sturdy, and can walk into the House of. Lords without any aSslstance other than a stick. To himself. however-,1 his health is not very marvellous. A friend who met him one day con. gratulated him on the wonderful way in which he was preserving his strength and on never being ill. “I don't know so much about it," said Lord Ilalsbury, shaking his head sagely: “i had a bad attack of hie»! coughs last week." , ‘Economy is in itself a source of! great I'C'v'f‘ll le‘. Coughs and colds sneezes and sniffles quickly yield to . The relief is most gratifying and so refreshing. I “ h hersiivclncl‘. in 3‘ homes, \‘c! by tire or putat‘ying L»). :2'...5cptics all BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES how often do we instances even!luindkcz’chicfs or cloths: soiled \vftl: ' SLOW-â€U59- , in this enlightcnel inn-l of ('anada: tuberculous LllSCllnlupt' ! THELEErg‘STMéIEiEU-JTD- where ti‘c darn-or of allowing it to; In all brunt-lies of Pr.“ Ile..‘.tl., â€tr-"101'DnJuleflB‘mfli spread no: 11". lcrsttnl or aphrodi-nrl: there is still .1 art Uni of. REL'EVES PM" i .. , . isthmuive “or! In :Jt‘ done . l‘e ‘ " i ‘ One - “ Il‘u.’ l‘r. 1.9.x! Hcaiii. nurses: results :aimctl .. i-t l't‘ht'llcu‘. i ISSUE No. 52â€"‘2 . Jimmy, and could sky?" mused little .lc:.n (lrcztlntly. be a elephant aid :tlnirt water through my nose." the music academy, on Christmas Eve, , “but I hope you'll give me what in- formation any fuss." (lignant inquiry. the house was murderingr \‘t‘agner and the chief sent me down here to work on the ‘ascI‘ w... .- 4;. mm“ Mihard's le’ment For Dandruff. A Matter of Taste. was a bird.‘ the "llun’t you wish you tlv way up in “Naw!†scorned .liinmy. "I'd I‘utliet': Angels Got Tired. i The new baby hid proved itsclt‘ the. you have. and not make "What do you mean?" was the in. “Why, that little affair, you know.†“I don't understand." “Why, you see, we got a tip from next door that somebody USE suns T0 WARE till" PAIN You can just tell by its healthy, stimulating odor, that it is going to do you good !‘ F I only had some Sloan’s Lini- I ment!†How often you've said that! And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsidedâ€"after hours of Sufferingâ€"you forgot itl Don’t do it againâ€"get a bottle to- day and keep 1'! handy for possible use tonight! A sudden attack may come onâ€"sciatica, lumbugo, sore muscles. backache, stiff joints. neuralgia, the pains and aches resulting from expos- ure. You'll soon ï¬nd warmth and re- lief in Sloan’s, the liniment that pene- trates without rubbing. Clean, econom- ical. Three sizesâ€"350, 70c, $1.40 f inventions wanted by Manufacturers. Fortunes have been made from simple ideas. “Patent Protection†booklet and .“Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS a. INIPNAN cunt-u. - - OTT‘WA CANADA lTli'E ll. PIKE speaker l Her - Classiï¬ed Advertisements. , \iil..\’l'.\' ‘ 4." llv-rtis is .\ l’cim‘dv . \citlsed. Hurt- it “as ll!‘:~t in; A rpccinl lot of used runs in guild tnznlttioiz zit very low pH-‘es for List. 00., Lil'tliTED E Toronto. Send .21 King 5. W'clcomc Wor Hdt‘l t A ~' lllr‘ :I::“*l‘ ':i'.. .t.!;';- lltiti'tl†“indeed!" "Yes; he t‘i'.\;‘j~'< smi'v illitli bill t.) llll -\»M~J‘ r‘.‘.».. a / N ./,, .-A-- MV<‘v‘v\w AGENTS Iii/ANTED. ‘.\';\.\"l‘lill: lll.l.\.\' .\' -'\'i l‘.'l) possessor of exiramdinziry lung pow _ tor the t-ztt-i of . . Al llulllwn, li-itigcritmn. l'. mile-rs. er. One day bah} .s urotlu-r. liltlt‘ . l: minism. liming. ' ' It 13 Johnny, said to his. mother: :“H “mm. baring: tun t'.\tti|>l\cl" n.1- LllL‘d “Ma, baby lJune i'min llt‘UVt‘il. didn't In, 13253. 1," ins-minnow or i immu- 1‘“qu ,tir‘u of Almanacs Glyn , llvnlth ‘ V .. 'l.’col;s, r." ,. writ-h axe lUll.lFlIl‘ll to "\es, dear. ansut ted the mother. noents {mm or (bulge. Tn.) print». ._ . u: 3",. . ,~ 21 ‘1 . all sold at a price that allows Llflt.‘"< {U . lohnny “ ‘ “1'1“ I†main“ d double their incur-)1. “rite Alex ~ 0. lllF‘ll liO WPllt 011: ‘l >21)" â€14*- llllss Medical (30.. 12:4 442. Full] St East. ““11.“ is ii Jul1llllV"" Nontrcal. Mention this paper. . . , . _. u w , H . ,. ,. - _ “" I dun L blinie ill, angels for sling FARM HELP ling him out. do you?" ‘I _ ( {JAPAN-Elm needing nu:.~in.iri'ie~l er â€ll'KlL' should apply :it one». stat- Murdering Wagner. gin: “aces and otlni drinks: emit men n . . il\lllli‘.llll,‘. No fees. «ilitril‘tn int-.criis - “Excuse me, sa;l the, detective. as m-nt l'?i_i;,i._iyinmit Itin‘enu tI‘.‘:li;.l«-_\n:ent he presented himself at the door of.“ ‘l,““"‘ "r .‘Jmmk‘lv ‘15 I‘m“ “- “ '3‘“- ‘Mrilli "l. li/rollto. 45 354- . @QS’$®%@‘34Q~®*JC s tense of ' n H I' u. Ea l3! 3.}. The celebrated 17:. i“. an nu‘dio ity on ca aaya thntit is “mun: generated in the When your stowed-ad}; cs: properly it is absorbed “‘lll‘f‘u‘t forming poisonous. mailer. f’oi- rons bring or. early old age and premoturedeatli. 15 to30drnps of “Selgei‘s Syrup" after meals snakes your digestion sound. xo‘ %®®G@®®%Q%©Qy®ï¬yb l ‘QQQOWQWOQGQâ€"OQ J « ommsgwwmwï¬â€˜aw r.â€â€˜m .... \ . America’s Pioneer Dog Remedies 5 Book on BUG DISEASES a‘nd How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad~ dress by the Author. 3. Clay Glover 00.. Inc. I 118 “Feet 3lst Street New York. USA. Is so soothing and cooling for baby’s tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap. 4 SospZSc. OintmentZSIndSOc. TalcnInZSC. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Luann. United, 5“ St. Paul St.. W. Mashed. Cuticun Soap all-v23 without mug. “BAYER†ARE , ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the “Bayer Cross†For (“in Pain, Headache, Neural- 1 package which and forzrections. gin. Toothache, Eat-ache, Rheumatism. anbucn. Sciatica, Neu~ ritis, take. Aspirin marked with the name "Bayer" Aspirin at all. 1 Accept only “Bayer Tablets of'l Aspirin“ in an unbroken J srfrin ls (lie 1 will I: Elarugad Min '. Aspirinâ€"~the scribed by physiciam for over nine or you are not taking, teen years. wt: cost but a few cents. "Bayer"la.:o eelI larger "Bayer†puckagee. There is only one Aspirinâ€"“Bayer"â€"You must say “Bayer†' in Canada) cf Bazer Manufacture of lint)» contains complete (Zi- Tlien you. are getting real genuine Aspirin preâ€" Now made in ('anada. Handy tin boxes containing 1'3 tubv Druggists known mat Aspirin means Sayer . a. the Toilets of Bayer tamarind 2n. the ‘Berer Croas."A - .