Farmers Supplies Pumps Wire Fence Fiber Plaster Cutting Boxes Call and see the samples of Metallic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Cliatham \Nagou on hand. Everything the farmer needs I Get Your Xmas Brunswick at: Richmond Hill Hardware Co. CARTER, Richmond Hill Ladders \Vlmellmrrmvs Scmpers lmn Pnsts, Gates Hydrated Lime Rout Pnlpex's RuhberRonï¬ng, always on hand. ‘ Implements. FULL LINE OF in the way of Repairs for Notice of Application for Divorce AOTIUE is lN‘Il-lly given that FLORENCE GIBB. i-f Lhe City of Toronto. in the (Innnw bf Ymk. in llie l’invim'e ufï¬Untzu‘in. married \vnluun, will apply in the Pdl‘liuuwnt nf Cmmdu at the urxt H‘SSlUll thorn-f fur :1 Bill nf Diuu-vr frmn llPl liuslmnd HENRY HAVELOFK (HBB. fmmei- ly hf lhv Enid (‘ily (If 'Immuln, Ill-\Y lvelievod tn IPSldO in the City If Van- couver in 1110 Puminue of British lulumliia. (Hm-1km: the gxunml uf HtllllU‘l'y Nluldl'sclllnll. of Ontario, [his iv A.D., 1920.. Notice of Application for Divorc: NOTICE is horplry givmx that, James Mnlnne of lhv TityI-f Turmmv in the- Unumy of Yolk and l’mvince uf ()nt‘n’m, Returned Soldier. “ill rpply (,0 thu PauliunwnL uf (‘anmlet at, lhe next, swisinn lheronf for a Bill of Divorce from his “He Agatha Vemnica Catherine Malnnu. of [he City of Halifax in the Mummy nf Nova Scutiu, un the grnund 0f adultery. _. . - .I r n.....:..... H Duh-d. at Tunmtu in (f Ontario, this 7th day 1920. Notice of Application For Divorce NOTICE is lwrehy given that DORA LUCY BELL of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the PIUVlHlEP of Ontnrin, \vxll apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next, Svssiun thereof fur a hill of divnrce from her husband Wulkpr Huldo'n- Bell. of Tm-unlo, ufnwsnid, (‘ulnnel in His Mujvsty‘s Fun-es, on the ground of adultery. Daled at the City of Tm‘nnlo, in the County of Ymk, this lath. «lay of Dccmuher, 1920. DATED at DORA LUCY BELL. Bv he! Snlicitms. Hellumlh. CuLIan {ch & Meredith Bank of mm... Building. '1‘â€. mm... 24 38 Soliciturs for the Applicant. ARK ER. (‘LA BK AND H‘ART ,w .i J. % The BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT ,9: .1- .4; ’5ԠI “A‘ u. 33.31-lh sun of the great KINU DEVI-3. uuuuu w um \vnl-ld's recmd cowsâ€"mature 50.68. Sr. 4-yr.-nld46..84 Jr. lhs. Junior hmd sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CA) hrmher to AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO, out of h 30] He is fur Sfl‘P. If this combination of lnmding interests prices on either males or femalu-s. FARM AT STOP 55. Yr .VGE ST. PADnL Car of Bran, Shorts and Gluten Feed on hand. Magic Pastry, best of all in color and texture. If you want to get good results with your Christmas Cake Use Rose Brand Baking Powder, sold. by us. Also a full line of:- Currants 22c. Raisins 33c. Dates 22c. Peel 55c. A full line of Fresh Fruit, Grapes, Oranges, Candy, Etc. FLORENCE ,6! BB, Wishing All My Friends and ( A Merry Christmas. A small monthly paymsnt, or a lump sum, paid in advance, will assure to young and old aCanadian Government Annuity of from "1103 u. P. R. Building. 14 26 TORONTO. a year for life payable monthly or quarterly on a single life, or on two lives jointly. Em for their employees. ' 315 355%; Oil?!» .0 $$$' . _, ~23 Apply to your postmaster. or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent of Annuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other information rcqu‘red. Mention age last birthday and sex. 2 ROBESON 8c ROBERTS mount in the Province 5 9th day of Nuvmn'lcr, THE MAPLE BAKERY unto in the Prnvinco 7th day 01' December, “ Who sows no seed, no harvest reaps†un Burnaby - Jefferson, Out. A An Independent Future xxwygxxxx$$$$$wkkwkï¬ï¬ Tmunto $50 to $5,000 Notice oprrlication for Divorce NOTICE is lmohy gin ED\V.\RD KELLY nf Hu- (‘ In. in "(he Gummy- (f l’mviuce uf Ont-win. Fireman. wm flnply to the Pullinnwm of Uunad t at, the next Sessinn theleof {or a. Bill of Mir area from his wife. ELSIE KELLY, of the City nf 'l‘umnm. in the L‘mlnly uf York, Mnrlird \Vomnn. ml) the grgund uf ndultely. ulul at Turnmn, Province nf Ontulio. this Lwchâ€"ï¬fth day "f November. 1920. Hl'GHES & A(1‘rAR.__ NOTICE is hereby given that MARâ€" GARET S\\'ANSTON‘ NEVILLE. of the City of Tornntv, in the Uuunl y of York, Province of Ontario. max-lied \vunmn will apply in the Pmliament nf Uzmuda at, the next, Se-ssinn the-lent. for a Bill uf Divorce fll)lll lu-r husband I‘Idwuld Neville. nf lhv ()itv of T()l()lllu,"ill the Notice of Application for Divorce 1.7611515; of York, ShecL .0n the grounds of ndulte linn. llnLu-J nu lg.“ hf Oulnrin, the L\v;"I;t$'-§;)\rr1uh duy uf November, A. D. 1921-). CURRY 86 \VALLACE. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is heleh GOURLEY. of 1 in the (‘ruunly Province of Ontario. (llm k, will apply to the Parliament uf Canxuln nt the next. svssinn then-Hf for a Bill of Div- orce from his wife. lvx SUSAN GUUR- LRY. nf the city uf Tmonto. in the County of Ymk. Mmriu-d \Vuumn. on the 'grmmd of ndultpry. Dated at, Toronto, Province of On- 3min, this fourth day of Och-her 1920. HUGHES & AGAR. 72 Queen street. West, Toronto, Ontau-iu. Solicitors fur the upplit-n lit ‘29 GEORGE GUURLEY DATED at Tonmtn, in 23 37 HI'GHES & Ah‘rAR. 72 QIu-vn Sll-eul, \Vu-ct, anuutu. Unhuiu, Solicitors for 1110 :nppln-nnl JOHN EIHVARD KELLY. 231: Soliuihâ€"v}; {01 1h» applicant, 26 Quqen StI-H-t â€int, 23 37 T01 onto. 99 and Customers ly. May be purchased mployers may purchase is helehy given that GEORGE E. (If the (lily --f 'l‘m~;nlln, ‘munly If Ynl‘k, in the nf Onturin, (llmk, will apply hrliumpnt «If Camilla Mt 1h? Metal \‘V'mkw, my and di‘St'l- the Fun“ i nee Nuts, , E 1V do nll kimh nf lrm'king and c'uting in Riulunnnd Hill "ml Vicinity. Pull'l‘lwgv SnllLlUd. I'lmlle Richmond Hill 98. 42 If 2H Allmld 51.. Ltd. 208 ft. x ‘35 ft.. snlid brick lmusn. El RUI'IIIS. Elm-{lie Light, good gunk-n. Fruit, ll'Pt‘S. H‘SII Bum and livnhu-usv. Apply ml) the premise-s to Mus l". J. Lyn-mt. Rich- mnml Hill. tf. 1?OR HALl‘Iâ€"Desirablv pl'flpf’l'ly (In spl’t‘t. A pph Arnwld SlH'l'L I DSTâ€"0n Sunday, Oct. 3], thwm'n , the Methodisn chunch and The Llhvml ()flicv. u [10ml rrc-sm-nt brunch. vauld at THE LIBERAL Uï¬iao. tf. T‘ UR. SALEâ€"Desirnhleprnpvlly m, btnp 5L Yunge SL. 8 IINIIUF, with ham and gnl'ugt'. electric liflhlb. plmnv, just Ivâ€"mudrllpd and decorated. hzud and squ \vulcr. {new land. shade. .md fruit lrws. Apply nwner, G. M. BEYNON, Jo Herson. 1f. B. FlNUllâ€"Jnh Carpenter. Ite- [mil-s~ and Allvmliuns. Furni- ture n-ruinml. Ynugv FL, Richmond Hill, wal. to Post, ()ï¬iw. Bt-x 1M). OSTâ€"Ahmn Deremht-r 3. between [74 Yungv SI. and C. N. R. Station. a Canadian Nalinnnl U. 0. D. vm‘vltpe mmtaining money, Mddlrss‘vd In Rich- umml Punt-nit Um. Rit'hlllulld Hill. Rrwzu-d, Box 56, Village. 25 2 TOTICEâ€"Tumips 1 until» or pig“. Gonnley R. R. No. V‘fAN'I‘EDâ€"A Cnmpe to-ut girl lake m-mplelv n-thgH hnnsewm k. gund \vngw. dutivs commune at once. Apply M W. A. DUNCAN. 26 2 Furï¬rst lmnk (‘IHSSPS in the Rich- mond Hill Public Srlnml. Dutir-s to lie-gin. Jan. 4 m- Jan. 31. Sulmy $800. state. qualiï¬cations and expelierce. Applicationsxm-eivul up tu Monday, December 27. by OOMS TO LETâ€"Cmm-r You“? and Rivhnmnd Sts. P. Ss-sï¬ou Janumy l. Anms \VRIGHT, Rich- mond Hi“. 26 1 TO'I‘ICP \VEI).\'ESDAY, DEC. 29â€"Oxvdic Sale of standing timber milch cnu's. springms. sheep. (40.. lut31. cm). 4. Scullwm'n, the pruprxty u‘f Jus. Todd. Sale alt] n'vluck. 3 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY. jAN and E. Dickensun, a piano solo by Blanche Grant. Folk dancing by six girl students, the bending of the Tutt- lul‘ hy Alhcrt Hill, and an interesting (‘e‘mte, "Resnli'ed that. Africa is more impm'lant to the wonld than South America." 'l‘hent‘ï¬llnative was ably taken by Lillian Plewmuu and Mabel Hagermnu, and the negative by Jo& Gill and Allan Armstrong. The judges â€"Mrs. Lungstutf, Miss Morgan and Rev. R. McKee-â€"â€"fuund the cmltesn wry even, hut ï¬nally decided in favor of the negative. The px-l-sentutiun hf the certiï¬cates and diplomas was t-lkell by Rev. Fath- el'Kelly whu uunzratulatod 'eachezs and students an the gtlt‘d wmk at the midsun-mer cxmuinntiuns. The fullmving were h-lndt'd thril- diplomas: Upprl-Schnnl-E. Neill, G. Lushvx', F. Oliver. M. Bailey, H. Robâ€" ’7 ' , 1 0,1, ()R SALEâ€"‘20) :H‘re fury). hfing Lots 28 and 22‘. Con. 2. Juux DUNEY. Alum-mtg u- yvuuu .o. LuslI-‘x; F. 0|i\eI. M. Bailey, H. Rob insnn. H. F'mestel. Luwu‘ Schoolâ€" 0. MuQuaII-ie M. HugeI-HIIIII. I. Mont gumely,_A_.__ McNabh, I. \IcNabh. K Rice, A. Hill. Principal Elliutlv afsu handed out medals for athletic sports as fullm\'s:- Iva Downing. Senitn-z Isabel Cuwie. Juninr. Ed. Mansbl-idge, Srnim'; Lum- bei L Atkinson. Junior. implemvnts ctr†Inc 29. mm. 1, Markham. the pmpm'ty (f Chili Atkinson. Sale at 1 u’cl. ck. Tums 9 month: J. H. Prentice, Aunt. METCAI.FE-II1 Richmond Hill. Tues day. Dec. 21. 1920. tu Mr. and Mrs A. R. Mrtcz-lfe. u son. Street. up tg)‘ date in TEACHER WANTED T. F. BIL-MA HON, I SrClOtAly, Riclnnund Hill nut Ads. H. S. Commencement Slilu'y Register BIRTHS HE\RY ARM»: 2. 2'15 n exI-hunqo- flu s pl'l'pdlt'd lo llllï¬killg :_Ind FL, Richmond Hue. th 1L9. 2.3 35) --Hnrses. Cows Inc 29. mm. 1 ungbgm l’hmn mil Ml