Tho Lilwl UH: ï¬vneul.’ all] name‘s Don't target, Ln 1'«-:ul(,;ln'mls. ho- ‘furv, buying )uul- Uhnslmns Knudsâ€" IL will pay yuu. The liichmnm] Hill Hardware Cu. Mls. F. Tv-asdnlt- has 3! '11“ mins In spend] Ilu- \"illlx hu dun-glxtu NI~.I . l'. Tuur A cuuplc (vf nun-ling: hm ln-on held. looking lo the l'. a Busincm Men‘s Assnciuli villugv. Her many fliends will be phased lo knuw lhaL Mus Annie Trench It'- turned huluu “1101‘ N'Vttl'ull u'veks apt-ML in Lln- (ieurml HUSpiLnl. Mr. Rum-rt Mot-div, who was (me u! the (LL-gnu; from St. Marys au- lending [he U. F. U. cnnwnlmn in 'l‘munLu, \isitrd In: lmme town lust week and culh-d un a number ufnld friends. Mr. John T. Anderson, piunv) [um-r “1 “mt 'l'un nLu, “idle: to send the Srasun's lint-clings through The Liberal In fllt‘lllls and palruus. Also In any that slu-ulrl uny pursun desire any 11min); In lhv hondnys a pus! and will thud him at ZUU Berrsfurd A\e. \thuâ€"Stnpâ€"Huve you seen our line pf Brown BetIy :uld Nickrl- Platt'd Teapots. If not be sure and hike a 1mm at mu mu'l‘h wmduw. also our line, Hf Fancy Mahogany Serving Trays, in thrue sizes. at pliers twin $200 tn 33.00 each. JllaL the A public Inuvling fur tlu-nmnin:1tiun hf rum't', cwuucmuls and srhuul trustees will bu hvld in the )lusuniu Hull Munduy evening. Very little has been said about "Municipal Ill lllt‘l's. It i“ I-lnnuied thuL «me my two uf Lhe cuuncillurs would like 10519]: out. lmL We. believe the. general rel-ling is [hub the present, Council shunld he r.-Lmnu:d fuithvuulning vcur. [lung l'm' Muthvr. Hill Hurdwmc ()0. Christmas music next Sunday morn- ing. 1n the evening «I memorial ser- viccin nu-mnrv ut these who have passed nwny during the your. Miss Grace Pratt will sing at, b0! 11 sn-Iriccs. Last Friday night about. 9.30, 2.; mih-s Lmth at liiclnnund Hill on the U. N. Ii. :1 Bulgarian claims he “as shot by :Inulher foreigner who said he had monuy hid nmu- [llt‘ truck. Three shots were ï¬xed, the lust one hiLting him lwhind the our. The man who ï¬red [he shuts run uwdy, and the Bulgarian nmnuged lu grt to the house of (fluent-(- “(‘ld' :ind fruln there to Well. Cl .hlnu’s. Uunstuhle Thnnlpsun and Dr. \Vilsnn wmo soon on the spot. and after dressing the \vuunds [he nI-m was taken Lu the: Grnvral Hospital the m-xt “mining. The Bulgarian Ind ".550 on his pexsnn. â€U will I'LCUVCI‘. Aurthur mwtiug was held in the Mlsnniu Hall Tuvsduy evening. Mr. Matt, was in the (hair. and ï¬rst called upon Mr. Nichnlls to deal with the subject from the ï¬nancial side. Mr. Niclnolls said he had lensnn to lwlievo the 895.000 re- quired cuuld be ï¬nanced. :13 them would soon he a good revenue from hmlse h 'ldl’l'é and various indusuies. He dunv uttentiun m the fact th'lt some uf the fucturies me not, at all satisï¬ed wll 11 the present wulersupply. After a few questions were nusweu-d Mr. Rvdfex'n. the engineer who propuwd the l't'pOl‘L for the Rich- mond llill Cunncil, was the principal speaker. He explained that for $05.00!) a cement dam would be e-n-ctod at \Vilson‘s pond. 4milesuf mains laid. an elevated tank, pumping house and pumps, and distribution of wutmr. He considered we havens a, village a very \‘uluuble nsselt in the spring creek where we llupe l0 get our supply. After short addresses by Inmnhers 0f the ()x-nncil the meeting adjunrned, The next and last. meeting hef-u-e [he hy-law is vnted upon will he in she same place Thursduy evening of next. week, when u speku-r will be present from the Plovinciul Bound of Health. The Engineers who have prepared the repnl-t for Richmond Hill. Msssns JAMES. PROCTOR & KEDFERN are now supervising waterworks in- stallatinns at Chuthzun. \Vindsor, Acton. Mllvm'ton, New Ton'ontï¬, Scar- !mm. Nuprmeo‘. &c.. &c., and have le- cently rvpm-ted on waterworks for Seafux-Lh. Furest. Pm-t‘CrudiI, Long Branch. &c.. &c. Phnn WATERWORKS ENï¬lNEERS I'RICSHYTERIAN CHURCH Water Works Meeting â€"-Tha- at “I Bulgarian Shot Gl'Peflilgs to its fl'iends : this Uurisuuus $94 :on. Jullei Lumber and {015ml tn ox tend mt be sure and Imth wmdmv. ncy Mahogany 19 sizes, at p: ices each. JusL the The Richmond r- already mining (If n for [he ne In 1- uilh They are quirkly paSsing over into the. Great, Beyond. IL is our sad duty this week to lime to chronit-le the death of nnothvr of the pioneers of Ymk County in the person of Mrs. Catharine Russell who has for some years past made her home with her tlnnghu-r. Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. )Irs Rmsell dial last Thursday. thu 16th. after a short illn‘ss at the :l(.l\llll(f('d age of 83 years. The ile- palth, a. grand (laughter (f Rev. 'l‘hos. Charles. Angliran l{(‘\,'l(ll‘ of \Vales, the founder of Mir ï¬rst Bible Society, was horn inKingston. Ireland. on December 37th 1837. and mum Lu this county in 1555, and settled at .‘litclivlls Cut-nets. now the Town ot Aurula. hut, lhcn .1 village uvf less than 20‘! pvoplu. In 1507 she married George Russell whose. name. stood for all that was good. and well knuwn thtongh all t)nt.. being for many year s collectol for Messrs. J. Fltury’s Sons. lle occupied a seat. for years on the council of Aurora. and was also a member of the school board and a prominent Mason. living charter mt'lllllt-‘l' of Risingr Sun Lodge. Upon his (loath the widow lived for some time. in Aurora and after living' a short time in‘ Toronto removed to Riclnnond Hill where. she rmuained until her death. I‘hc deceased was of a. re- Liring disposition. wholly dmoted to her family. and prominent in every gnu] Work for 1h.- clevation of mankind. She leaves to mourn llrl loss three sons. Charles of Sehwnhelg. VVillimn of Toronto and Belt. in Lancaster. N. Y.. and tlneedaughtms. Annie. and 1mm of this village and Josephine of Tuxonto. all of \\‘l]olu were prewnt, at the end. The funeral. private. took place Saturday last to the Aurora Cemetery. The serrice at the house, was taken hy Rev. '1‘. \V. Buuklce and Rev. N. \Vellmmd. the latter being an old friend of the family. The family wish no convey to the many sympathizing friends their gratitude in this hour of their meat; trial. RUSSELLâ€"At the residencv of 11m son-in-Inw, H. A. Nicholls, Rich- numd Hill. nu Thursday, December 16. 1920. Catharine ()llfll'll'ï¬ Russell, widow of George Hussvll. late of the Town uf Aurora. in he! 83rd SOJII'. Intelment in Alum-n Uemebely, Saturday, December 18. MCCAGUEâ€"At his lute residence. Victoria Squaw, Markham Townâ€" ship. nn Friday. December 17. 1920. George A. McUngne, in his 57th year. Funeral Sunday, December 19, at famin residence at 1.45 p. m. Svrvice in the Methodist chm-ch at. Victoria Square at 2.15 p. In. LACKEYâ€"Atv St. Michaels Hospital, on Sunday December 19. 1924), James Lackey. Funeral frum \Vright Brothers Undenhking I’m-lurs, Richmond Hill. Thux-sdav at. 9.15 n. m. to Thnrnhill R. U. Church. WELLWOOD â€" AL GPnelul Hospinn. (/Mllgul). Alt:|.. Mundnv. Decemhul 20th, U:1pt.lnhn A. \Vw.llwn0d R. A M (3.. (l nvpllew of Rm. N. “’9“â€" \"lH-d. MOWWWWNWOï¬OMOONNOOOO Funeral at \Vinghnm. Ontnrln, Sunduy afternoon, December 26m. YOU To protect yourself, I presume would be your answer. Then why not protect yourselfand family for the same reasons, with this difference. You pay tor Fire Insurance knowing if nothing happens in the way of Fire you expect no return which I contend is good business. While you protect yourself and family it costs only an effort to save a little each year which's the hope of every person to have more this year than last: This saving deposited in the Confederation Life Association guarantee: thereturn of all your money and some additional in a set term of e rs from 10 to 30 as you choose andin addition to this the Company guarantee to pay in case you die $1000 and up according to the amount invested. Is this not better business ‘3 We can quote many good reasons why one should have protection. Seud acard or call and see us and youwill be informed with the necessary information. Kindly take notice that before buying either your Suit or Topâ€"coat, it will be to your interest to in- spect the line of goods I carry, both as to price and satisfaction of ï¬t and workmanship. MERCHANT TAILOR RICHMOND HILL Mrs. Russeil’s Death Repairingâ€"Cleaningâ€"Pressingâ€"Neat1y Done LADIES AND GENTS P. G. SAVAGE 8: SON Richmond Hill INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST FIR}: DEATHS E. R . FORTNER Skates from $1.25 to $8.00 pr., includ- ing the C.C.M., Automobile and Tubes Hand Sleighs from 40c to $3 .00 Hockey Sticks. Pucks and Ankle Supports. Electric Irons $7.00 to $9.00 each Electric Toasters $7.50 each Electric Toaster Stove $16.00 Electric Hot Plate 356 .50 Electric Heaters, Heat Ray, at $15.00 Don’t Forgetâ€"“Music" hath its charms. We sell the two leaders â€"Victrola‘ and Brunswick Phonographs. Victor Recordsâ€"Free Demonstration any time. Some things you should buy NOW, if you do not need them toâ€" day you will very soon, “Christmas†is _coming if cold weather does ELECTRICAL GOODS RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO SPORTING GOODS VICTROLA AND BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS NORMAN BATTY 7E W S UGGES T1 ONS not. Be Prepared for botï¬. c. N .7COOPER Richmond Hill WWW o O 2 m RICHMOND HILL GARAGE W. G. BALDOCK - PROP. The New Hardware Store ELECTRIC WASHERS Friends and Patrons A Very Merry Christmas. We Extend to All Our Gillette and Auto Strop Safety at $5.00 each. Regular Styles from $1.25 to $5.00 ea. Razor Strops from 75c to $3 .00 EASTMAN KODAKS Eastman Kodaks and Brownies from $3.10 up. Ifyou want the best, it must be an “Eastman.†Trench Block CHRISTMAS GOODS Before Buying your Xmas Presents, Come in and Let Us Show You Our Display. Our Goods are Reasonably Priced and We G§1rantee Satisfaction. PHONE 18 RAZORS Telephone 93