Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1920, p. 8

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Died in the Hospital i liincs I.:i.'!;t-,\‘ of .l“ll'i'l «in \\'h-) “V”, l stiiisk by .i llttlttll't‘tl Ritttiil iIv even- 111” of lust \\"‘.-1{“‘lil’I|I|-\‘l‘ .\[tchtti s a night. ll.-i't'.tsi-il SttniluV lltts‘pilul lllltl ‘u-i-n iii llit lllHHlll llill (tll 1hr i‘.i:i:l'ul mi-iiiiig, :inil \\'I'|ll h uni - (Ill :12 cur, gelling till it! the Alt'lltllll'lli-‘ll .li llll‘l'\’il] switch. ()[lpt'\ilt‘ .\li. llrttiyl Ni) COMMON COI'RSES :tii-gin-t. in Finn‘s Iliisitit'ss Schools. 'l‘titt 1211‘. All Win it is lligh (ililtlt' it. t \i t\' iii-full. bittdi llli tiiiiIv t~n'.z-i :ii._\' d 1y t r stuit llttltl!‘ th dy (‘irnist'n \\'i :w W. H. 1“] ('1’ (Hint: igtti‘. Slutty, l’ii-~_, $1.15 \lt'l'u" ~:;_ BY-IAW NUMBER . . .. To itllllltllilft‘ the grunting of certain lixrd :isscsstnenis and exemptions with regard to i'i-rtztin properties within Ill‘ \‘i....e oi lit'limidid llill \\'iicrv;ts tl‘l'ldlll llltlt‘rlllt" h:t\’i' l|l‘ t-;iti-l within the said .\lttiiivip:illty untl it is expedient ill.“ the siiid industries should be erx iuruc. l b) the grunting I‘ for principal and interest during each l of the inter years of such period, and Whereas it will require the sum of $8,0II1M iii llt‘ riiised :iunuitlly is iit‘ort-siiid by ;i speriul ratio on lllt whole l'.tlt*:tl)lt‘ property in the said \"illiiue fer the paying; ot' the suid deb! iind lilit‘l’t'5l. Now. therrt‘ot'e the .\lut‘.ii'ipul t‘tiutt- t'll til' the (‘iirpoiuition of the \'i.i.i§:>- iii lilt'llllltliltl llill eztut'is its follows: Loop-R (1111‘ ll" WIN I‘m. I][,\\.,,I Hm]; ill-vfwilijill pz'iI\ili-_;i~ Iiii.d It‘XItlll‘iilllIilllS: 1st. 'l‘liut ti..- i‘.ii~‘.’i- III. th- .31 “v”- {Mimi \‘It'll :it‘t<-i~i\':iidsI by “It, A, M"... tltivi‘witiri» tiiv .\lllll.l‘li\.li tIqunt'tl or l‘iu'piirutiii. II the \'ill.ic~ ti lliili- “my. “in. “,4; him to htIs “will" ., ___._________..__ tlw t‘t'i'tttwiic” “1' 1”“ ‘1‘“‘4" “1 inonil llill 1w. iiziii l‘.” 3. 1.1,.iii “' . iltl tulivgute lil'”‘“v “ "'u‘.‘ "'l - lllt'lllltt itil Hit .is it lion»: 4,, .I ”i- I ., ..., ,.. -\-‘ I I‘. WIN, spiwlilv Isn‘t ii.~.- :tl*~l ill -I iiwI\tl - .4» C311 0.] § . lf‘ilt‘l'CSl {8105 RFC illtlll hl-ul Lithium? l‘t'. “1 ,~ 1. 11,..I~,.t,I-, U ,1 1,.1 (l“tll" ‘I‘I tl, I-III iIIII II III i.I IIu . “)Hlninzl;h”-lnilnt|][lnli‘)1i“ljrillil assured DVlOOlilngfllleatd l d , ‘ iI. m”, ”I psi-mu .ii' 3:20:11 IIII ”III Imi . ill. ,. . II “III. It llIltl ll Imâ€" in Hip ...~iiit i, ill lli tit: ‘ . ” . _ ‘. ‘0" iH-lcps are ‘()\!,'I i ‘ .. .. . . >\‘> . ”itu‘ ' . 1‘ ‘ t) l.\'.\lll‘ amp» 1... ,1,,,,.. ix... tum. 11,-, l.|t'l{t‘}' iiniinIIl and prcparing for 11. l ,1 Mimi... 11......1 it, Iii.‘ .iu “not“; WW I, 1. ,.:ii l'ut'ttttt‘uiit-n i'.~i~ ”III '. I .‘ . . , , :inl In ttlY 1" , - ‘_ -- v - is- , . . llll ' l‘::.-’ «iii . HI «12'1" 91"” "‘“l'r: \ i" V »i » ‘i -w i, ... §-',','",.'.i'.'”.i,lilifiéiinin nut rm... Will ,Far’XICIP l’l CAPâ€"1C" , tiny long term bonds no“. .I i... . , , , ‘\. ,,-, IIIIII I III II IiiiiiI.. i. .. :‘ i.iII i....ii..i..i i_.:Ii.., m s: .- ." s . . , I, ,. - _ m.- r _, . . ,1 , . ’ \~‘ ~ .. ‘ ~' ‘ ““ ,V'I-Ii m. "t i . we .1 t...” 'ii' w.» ll’L'lt‘i of his tlllfllll"l.\- ‘llllli fill ill 111g IOICSngL‘ltl 111151115: CdtlIIlC, . ill“ “l ‘1 " “”‘l L 1"” ‘ 1 Tim iiiwr' the wwntd “1")" 1"" “‘"1 “““" " ‘i hogs and other readily sa.c- pI 31,5913]: i:.-i.ti»i:, mi 1 ‘ it ‘0‘ :m on; , . , 't ,,.,.., , I, "“1 """“ l"”"" I able productsâ€"-â€"can add to [’1 . R. h i . 'll ‘ l" -' i' - “ l “ ' - , I swans Illt‘w‘ ',.:iil ii. i:.;.»i .i;.: iii. »1 - . .. * ‘s h . #1 iii: ho i‘ mom i i am mu .\li‘ .i ll imi. .1 ,. ,,,,.,,,,H,. ,., 1 .1, , . __. a..- â€" ,i their \\ 01 til. ’1 ill.) LL’ILJIIK «1105 , i C :zi'1iiite.1.i ii\int;:s~v \lill‘..i i ’ ‘l " "" Ill) -tl‘ t “i i: ' t 1‘ itiplouI tli ‘ itn‘ii'l it‘ll" . . .. ”v , .__,,_T . i it 11‘. 11' “s, t‘ "143w ‘; I‘- .,, . -‘ and CIICOUI‘QOC‘S CtCI\ lxlnd Of [in,1i.i,i.i-1iiriiii.1t:i,tiiii‘liis'tu’tvpz-t't}; . . .. , . . .- - H. -- I George tilcCague S Death 1 . b . . . 0i , . . _ . I _ .tlllt‘ pit ili‘lt) it. 1111‘ Editl \ lllil‘." lll‘ ' l agrlcultural Optjt‘ZtUOU. ~-'0 " b1. “1 t1 _‘ l lit'lll! l.‘ .\H. . tittIttitllllfs’I ”I? ”‘l yeiii’ly .stiiiIi ot~ titlf‘tttlil for the lli|\'~ . THE . PEI 10 .i._ O L‘8 - 1’11”“ ”Ml “”l1» ””1“ ‘1 ”1“”1‘ l“""‘~" men: of the sold debt uud int." s'. “Illt'll Sylull'dll.“ l< 1",” fit! It!“ . FE II | zlt'i.‘.§. n”. :1 Iii't'ittil iii. 11' :i'iI‘dlIs. .lllll lil'tl. 'lllt.‘ >:llll l)t‘l|t'llllll‘t‘\ :ill ll ill! “if“ “nil family til~ Mr (i("tl;jt‘ rI\.t 3F& 9% g A A. I also thut tor ill" .\ill'll‘ it till (‘1 10 yours bettr [12,, mm“ dutét :ttitl :‘l I“; I, is» Mt'tltltzn“ (if Virtiuii Siltiuic in then l ‘ Eh “J ‘ . . . . the ,Qluss. ltizusvs :iutl other buildings sued “-jtii Tic, y it ~ ‘t't il~ in my 1 "i ‘l l sudden lit-Ictiri-tiii‘tit. About .\\ i- .‘llt‘ I my in ,: liiisttit Ii to lt'tik :iftt-r 1.] 1.. lit -. ”I I (III, min“ on of ' . A ll . " it“? d ‘1 t-‘ till- :l‘u't ii lwitcks woo n'hile titling the or: CANIQDA \‘ittr titi-tls in f‘\t‘l_\' lire it~ Illt‘li'll H?“ j\ 1““ “l H I“‘ ’I_ i' -. "‘11 “'lm'll llll" ”1‘1”“ 15' iWGSt’l. Illi‘l lciiding horse in'iwlpiiiu lU lilk“ il ltHIl RlCHMOND HILL BRANCH t Wink. and will b.- Illt'ufit'tl to site 3“” his liltstni-ssus l‘lIoitw 11‘ "A! mpt “‘I'l’l in;i_.' hmr tiny (lute within. such two up the lane. the chain liioke. :iiiil'!. in intiuitl to lliiillltmni (Hull ”11:” ”MW INN! I‘ll ‘ 3"""\' Hlrtl >ltitll l‘“ lli|.\‘dl)lt‘ in thirty .sttttck Mr. Mct‘utrll“ tin ll‘“ lit-H]. J. R,HERR]NQTQN,N.N.\GEH t FIIIHH- lilhlulim' . . . . ,. tinnitul instulunufs during the thirty He became restless. and |Itt":.’””"l,i ’lll'l ”ml my m" ”H“ “I 1“ yd,” 1'1"” NW? ”NW Ill» little Wht-ii tit»: ' ..\ .v' ‘r , - ‘ - "' 'slttit ,\:.\"l't."' . -, - ‘31“, llultgs “fill .iiitIIgoing tlleIit. Metal ROOllilg. lileifll Sljll'ig, l1I.lltllll .l. lIlill. IiiI. )1le ll . llIt, Ill) same (m. n.1,,“ “ml the respective hygryiliiug possible \\.is di tie (ll , . Kttllttt‘l “N“HIIWW 11“” l“"“"‘"'~- ttuiounts ttt‘ pt'iucip‘ll -iurl inter/wt p'iv . . ' . . .‘ ‘ vl ' , . . . t _ _ . inn" but the end ('lllllt' cull) llltl“) . i [“6181 (13111165, 11C. other than It‘l‘ c't'HUUl it'll'l‘“>‘93. ”DU” iible in with of such yours sli:t‘l be its morning. Deceased lived on lllt' tilil liltlne- Stead and was one. of the prominent t'attniers ivf the'l‘ownship. lie wusii Justice of the l’i‘ui'e. superintendent -of the Methodist Suudny School. mud :1 member of 1111- Ofitctnl, Board. He Was of an amiable dis- posilion and was highly respected by :1“ who knew hiln. Thi- funcrztl on Sunday was very large. m-tny coming from :1 distance to show their lust tribute, of esteem. The service Was conducted by his piistor, Rev. A. McNeil! who in an earnest. sermon ‘Spttkt' words of (onit‘ort to the sorrow- ing family. Deceased is survived by his widow. four sons and two daughters. “’INTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3 @ $501: c“ Youge and Charles 519., Toronto. Accountancy. stetmgrnphy. type- Writing. secretarial. commercial teachers, and general improvement courses: superior instruction in all , departments; keen demand for our graduates. \Vritc for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Piincipiil. #5 Correspondence Courses In 200 Correspondence Courses of United Y.\1.C.A. Schools 7 iii Slabs, Card Writing, Accountancy, History. Public Speaking. Use of Intelligence and Vocational Tests. A Good Supply 01 car 4 Nukol. Coal. IN 01 courses is paid by National Council Y. M. C, A. Dr. G. ELMORE REAMAN Educational Director Toronto Central Y. M. C. A., 40 College St. Phones---N. 8400 or N. 3172. s) NOMMW OWN.” the Elevator Hemlock, and Hardwood. . Also a of Plenty of Good' Nut and Stove , t RETURNED SOLDIERS i ARE GIVEN FREE TUITION ASSOCIATION SCHOOLS MATRICULATION SCHOOLSâ€"~Preparatory, Intermediate, Passâ€"2 Year Course, Honors. COMMERCE AND FINANCE SCHOOLâ€"Advertising, Salesmanship, Show English, Arithmetic, Penmanship, AGRICULTURE SCHOOLâ€"Poultry Raising, Fruit and Vegetable Gardening, General Farm Produce, Bee Keeping. as Well us Eavc Trongliing, Furnrc: and General Repa'r Work. t‘itinc in :ind see it: uh int your Spring .. \VorL‘ now. Shop next to the Shoe l“:tt'l( t', iti the till B tttk Building. TEETZEL BROS. GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. E § § i i z .3 per cent of cost the gluss house-i tlllti other buildings its-ed by him in his business as Florist. «1th That the llcdt'ord l’itrlt Florul Company, Limited. be, and it is ltercby granted exemption from taxation. , other than for school purposes, ttpon follimsz Auntiiil Payment 1, $6,901.64. 2 6,001.61 Interest $5,700.00 5.627.911 55151.48 l’riucipa‘. $1,201.64 1,373.74 1,350.16 6.0m n4 .l. the glziss houses iiiid other buildings} 4. 6.901.64 1&an 547047 used by the said t‘ompzttiy tor the‘ 5. 6,001.61 1,517.04 3334.60 carrying on of its bttsitiess,I the sutd‘ 6. 6001.64 1,608.07 5293.57 exemption to be for it period of 1.); 7. 6.901.631 1,704.83 5,196.79 Feal’s- _ 8. 0.90104 1,806 84 5004.30 5th. That this Bylaw shall come 9, 6,901,134 131525 4,986.3!) into operation on the day ot the hunt I 10. 6.901.64 2,030-17 41571.“ passing thereof. . i 11 6.90161 2,153.98 4 747.66 Read :1 first and second time and 11 6,901.61 2,281.23 4:62042 read iii Committee this 18th day 01,13. 6,901.64 2,418.09 4,483.55 November, 1920. ‘ 14. 6.901641 2,563.17 4,338.47 ::,_,.;. ,7“. .. , _ ,__s_ 15- 6,901.64 2,716.96 4,184.68 I 10. 6,901.61 2,879.98 4,021.55 BY-LAW NUMBER '17- 6,901.. 3,052.73 3,848.36 ' ' ' ' . 13. 6,901.64 3,235.95 3,665.69 To provide for the raising of ninety- . 19- 5901-54 3.43010 3,471.54 live thousand dollars by way of De- . 20' 6'901-64 3.63591 3,265.73 bentures for the purpose of the Con- . 2.1' 6190154 31354406 3,047.58 struction of a System of Waterworks 22- 6'901-64 4,035-31 2.816.33 Within the Municipality of Richmond l 23- 630154 4,330.43 2,571.21 Hill. ‘ 24. 6,901.64 4,590.25 2,311.39 Whereas plans and specifications of 25- 6190154 41865-67 2,035.97 the following . proposed system of ,’ 26-_ 6,901-34 5-157-61 1,744.03 waterworks for the Village of Rich- 7‘ 6901-6? 5:467-05 1,434.53 mond Hill have been submitted to the , I28- 61901-54 51795-09 1,106.55 . Provincial Board of Health, namely: 29' 6'901-64 5.142-79 758.85 A concrete dam and road widening, 1, 30- 6'99““ 6.504136 396.98 pump house and filtration plant com- ‘ ‘ . plete. including pumps. piping, filters, i ”07.04920 $95,000-00 $112,049.20 meters, elevated tank and a distribu- tion system over the following streets. namely, along Mill street from Trench street to Powell street, along Powelil street from Mill street, along Wright street from Pow- ell street to Yonge street, along Trench street from Mill Richmond street, along Richmond ,street from Trench street to Yonge lstreet, along Richmond street from Trench street westward to end of main, along Centre street front Yonge . Arnold street and Lorne avenue from Elizabeth street from Richmond street to Arnold street, along Yonge street from Vaughan street to north Corpora~ ticn boundary, along Church street from Markham street to end of main street to Law. avenue from t‘hurch And whereas the said plans andl specifications and an engineer‘s report i of the proposed source of water supply 3 have been approved by the said Pro- vincial Board of Health, and Whereas it is desirable that the ‘suid system of waterworks shall be installed, and l Whereas ninety-tire thousand (lol- lhtrs is the amount necessary for the construction of the said system oft waterworks, and Whereas ninety-live thousand doI-‘ ldI‘S is the amount of the debt intend-, ed to be created by this By-lziw, and l Whereas the amount of the whole irztteztble property 01' the Village of Richmond Hill. according to the last ‘ltevised Ass ssiuent roll of the said village is .t3,70:'i.00, anti Whereas the General debt of the said village amounts to $43.1.ii'3133. of which no part of the piiticipzil or interest is in urrenr. and i l Debenture ; \threus in order to provide for the siiid debt it is expedient to issue. he- ibenturcs of the sziid (‘orporiitiou to the amount 11' ninety-tire thousand , dollars bearing interest at the I‘tttt‘ 01‘ six per cent per illllllllil. and that such principal sum sliiill b-- repuyuble fr yearly sinus extending over it period ' oz 1}" _\'t:111'>' from tho.- date of luSlll‘ of sui-l; l.)r:bc;‘.turrts it‘ such ziuiouizts lllltI the aggregate amount payable for" principal and interest in any year in] pcght‘t't of the pritii-ipii‘; shiill be equal . as flatly as: may be in “'11:”. is pinyi‘i'u street to Wright‘ street to . street to end of main westward, along . Church street to end of main. along,‘ " ward. 1 4th. The Debentures shall be signâ€" ed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Corporation and shall be sealed with the Corporate seal. 5th. That the source of supply be i that herein referred to, or any other source which may be deemed advis- able by the Village Council, and apâ€" proved by the Provincial Board of Health. 6th. This By-law shall come into operation and be of full force and effect on the day of the final passing thereof. t Read a first and second time and iread in Committee this 18th day of i November, 1920. Notice to Leaseholders Notice is hereby given to Leaseholders ,. . ,. . . near Dufferin avenue. along Roseview “lthm the ‘ illage 0f Richmond H1” that they are required to file in the office of rence avenue, along Centre street the Clerk 0! the Village. atleast ten days from Youge street to end of main east- i before the day Of polling, a statutory de- claration as followsâ€"That the lease ex- tends for the period of time within which the money is to be raised for the payment of the debtcreated by this By-law. That the property leased is of sutlicient value to entitle the holder to vote at the Muni- cipal election, and that he has covenanted in the Lease to pay all Municipal taxes in respect of the property leased (other than taxes assessed for local improva‘ ments.) The names of leaseholdcrs failing to make the required declaration shall not; be placed on the Voters’ list for voting on this By-law. A. J. HUME. Clerk. Clerk’s Notice Take notice that the above is a true ‘copy of prepared Byâ€"laws which have been taken into consideration by the Municipal t‘ouncil of the Village of Rich mond Hill and which will be tinally passed by the said Council, in the event of the assent of tl.e Electors being obtained thereto, Lifter one month from the first publication thereof in the iichmond Hi1 “Liberal." the date of which publicaticn was Thursday the 9th day of December, 1113“. and at the hour, date and place for taililg the Vet-gs 11' the Electors for . members of the Municipal (punch the poll will be held. A.J.llt'.\1E Clerk.

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