A large stock of Funeral Furnishing ' Kept. at the almve places HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE {Monarch Bldg. 2&28 Adel- Ofï¬ces aide St" \Vesl, Toronto. Nuughmn Block, Aurm-u SoliCltor for : The Town (if Aux-ma The Township of King l‘he Township of W high huh h The Impelini Bank of C. mad" Auxora J. M. “alum. R C.u Amnm The The l‘lw The 200 BERESFORD AVE, W EST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Jï¬ic: hours -â€"8 to 10 an). ito 3 p.111. 6to$p.m. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"YnngeI Street Richmond Hill. Phone I‘m. 24 \Vulter S. Jenkins ]. Hurry Naughton R99. Phone Res. Elgin Mil!s Hill. 5048 R95. Phone 44.4 [)enton. Macdonald & Denton Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager All W. HEWISON Barristers. Solictors. Sic} MANNING ARCADE. 34‘KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dedu" Frank Denton H. A. NICHOLLS i NOTARY PUBLIC Blrristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 o111111issin11e1‘,C1111w_v:,u1cer Et Insurance and Real Estate Issue-1 11E Muninge [30911395. CAPITAL AND RESERVES $35,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES This is an invitation to call at the Royal Bank the next. Lima you are in town. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about you; requirements. The Bank follows a liberal palicy in extending Credits to Farmers. mail order! will receive prnmpt attention. NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHDLIOND $1.50 pgr annum, in advance.] DR. J. P. WILSON WRIGHT BROS. XLIII. krtlatr A..\I n N Eh For Vaughan Township for 1921. New Ymu-‘s Eve. » Watch Night Seq-vit‘o 11.30 p. In January 2nd 1920. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Metho 3. Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed fur Ounselvatory Ex- aminaliuns. Toronto. sun of the late Rev. Frederick Elliot of Ricl‘mmui Hill. Rev. R. J. Fsillis being the umciating clergyman. The bride who was given away by her brother Walter Lord, Toronto. wore a suiL of [leather blue with hat. to match and wearing.r the groom's gift. Luvalicr set with pezu-ls :iud peridox. after u wedding break- fast at. the home of the bride's parents the couple left fur u shmt- trip to Detroit and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. I‘JHioL will reside in Barlie. Desires to announce that. he has estab- lished himself in I):ntal Practice in Richmond Hill. une dunr suuth of the Stundzud Bank. Hours 9 .‘l..lll. In 5.30 p.111. Open evenings by appointment. 2nd Sundav Afhé‘l Holy Cmumunion and Sunday School Cnnfinnutiun Class Saturday Even- ing, 8 p. In. in the Church. Uhnir practice at .‘I 1'.Hick's Thursday night. at 8 p. In. ' \A pretty wedding took place Dec. 8 in Collier Street. Methodist Uhuwh, Barrie. when Edna Lenm-e. youngesL (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lmd. Blake 51-. was unitvd in marriage :0 Mr. Joseph Elliott of Toronm. sun of the late Rev. Frederick Elliot. uf Ricl‘moml llill, Rev. R. j. Fallis being tlluumciatinz LA TE 0 F M A PLE DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER Emma}: ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. Phone 4741 York. Sulesnttendc notice, and at rensun‘ Patronage 4i( RE-ELECT Walter Anderson PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENEHAL REPAIRS First Deputy=Reeve STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. ensed Auctioneer J. H, l’reu tice DR. L. R. BELL j LICENE St. Mary’s Church (Anglican) THORNHILL, ONT. . S. SHEPHERD RICHMOND C. HENDERSON J. T. SAIGEON Phr Elliot â€" Lord T. W. BL'CKLEE. Incumbent DENT'D‘I‘ SERVICE Richmond Hill AfLH' Christmas Belmont I St In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity fol [heL‘mmtynf d to un sthesL \ble rates. solicited Sermon ll Sermon 11 a. m. 3 p. m. Saturday Even- TIONEEI HILL. j. T. Suigl‘tm. Svrond Dopuly Revvo~'[‘. B. “'01- dnick. Gen. Kellmn, \V. 0. McDm1:1|d. Councilâ€"'1‘. B. Wuldrick, Um. Kellzun, \V. 0. McDonald. J. 11. Robson. Geo. Brownlvo, Jas. McLean. \VOODBRIDGE Reeveâ€"C. L. \Vallnce. David N01- {01. jus. Watson, Daniel Longlmnsp. Councilâ€"\V. J. Mitchell, Arthur McNeil. D. Norton, F. Bigv. Fwd Cousins, Frr’d Scott. A. J. \r hither- spuun. l}. Ellislun. \VHITCHURCH TOWNSHIP Reeveâ€"V. H. Rusnoll, ’l‘hos. Craw~ fmd. De puty Rm-voâ€"Mm' gun Baku, Russ Ratclpiff, Alhent l\l.1hley. Cannonâ€"Herman Kidd. Mora 111 Baker. Ross Rndcliï¬', A E. Mahleyn (319111ng H. Lemy. \V. D.Ricl1u1dsm1 KING Townsmp Reevnâ€"Althlu- \Ic011:choun(:lcc.) Deputy Reeveâ€"J. '1‘. Doulsun. Thus. McMuruhy. Mr. A. D. Bruce, Gives The Com- pany’s Side Of The Telephone Question Several weeks have passed since the indignation meeting was held in Stunt’fville. for the purpose of pro- LrsLing against the- increased rates of the Bethesda & Stouffville Tele- phunn On. At that meeting a petition (in the form of an ultimatum to the Company) was drawn upand sen in circulation. for obtaining the sig- natures of patrons of the company. To the Editor:â€"â€" The anonymous individual who advertised the, public meeting. called upon telephone users to come ti) the meeting "prepared with facts and ï¬guresâ€. These are brave words. 1 have before me :1 report, uf the pro- ceedings at the meeting. taken by n. short-hand reporter; and while I must confess. the various speakers at the meeting made statements and glihly recited ï¬gures, I deny that the staleinems were facts ur that the ï¬gures even approximated [he uuth; yet. it is upon these misstate- Coun(:il'â€"J. A. Wilkie. E. M. Legge, “'mley \Vulls, Ruben, McTHggm-t. ments that, the rests. The principal era. “'2 knuw they are accust‘ CHI-11111165. G. H. Dunc:,m llH'n \Vilson. Edgm Nigh. Roy (flashy. John '-I‘111nel. Allan \IcKinyl: on. V 1.11.11 1.\ T011 NSHIP Reeve-john '1‘. \Vhi11111)1-e(acc.) Deputy R1‘e1'eâ€"\Vulter Anderson, MARKHAM To“ \SHIP Remoâ€"(u‘n. B ledg 9t. (-100 Deputy vaeâ€"Iuhn A. I (.ICC ) Ununcilâ€"«R. A. Smith. “’. C J. R. rGaunpholl, R. L. Sliv'e “raveâ€"DI. '1'. LuuncilhA. I Browning. F. C. ton, (‘h as Billum john Hicksnn. I’. 1Dr. Ford Butler. 2 S. O. Tuylm'. Six in .â€" L‘l mun. Batty m up Ym-k( The principal agitators :ue farm-‘cussinn. !. “'2 know with what ridicule|particnb 9y are accustomed to receive coun- ï¬gures†â€"in the management of their meeting sinessâ€"fmm men who do not uw the rudiments of agriculture.- Presid t them pnnder upon this. and Te'flvhm )H) M In: Alu'm nly . inunlv ONT}. THURSDAY. DEC. 30. [9'30 MUnicipal Nominations â€HS F. C. Davis Bilquqgll. l'lu \V Baldwin mgh. R. R. Mutsnn M. Fux'is, John Gray 89"., H. L. Alon“) K to be elected. “vent-1- Hana Atk Mur llu“ of the agitators \Vm Mun HILL \V. CiGuhn, Sliv'er, Wm. ll) A. \Vu’ght i pftl 1H) Mitchell Nnugh Mutsnn I); nk m MONDAY, JANUARY 10 The boys of the Newmnrket High School. as an Appreciation of the caretaker’s vï¬'uI-ls tn work for their interests presented him with it warm sweater (man. The Nrwnmrket huys HI’P tn he ('nuimended for their (huightfnlness. The Youth’s Companion Home Calender For 1921 Economical Administration Consistent with Efï¬ciency, and a Better Road Program. The Publishers hf The Youth’s Companion will. as always at this season. prrscnts tn rvm-y subscriber \vhusr- sulwcriptinn ($2.50) is paid fur 1921 n. Calendar fur the new your. The tablets are printdd in red and olive green. and hex-ides giving the days of tho current month in hulrl legible typo. give the (Inlontlnr of the preceding and succpeding llllllllh in smaller type in the. margin. It, is'a rich and practical piece of Work. they will have :In idI-II. of how some of their miticisms appeal to menâ€" \\’h0§ll.lily not he expeIL telephone men. in the sense in which men (If The Bell Company: III-v; but “ho still 11 we had (Ivor si\toen yems ex- peIience. and are intimately III:- qu:lllltt‘ll with the difï¬culties that confront those \\'l)u undertake to (peIIIte II IIIIIIl systun In succeeding issues of yo_III papal I will with 3mm peIInissiI-n. deal in mine minute detail with the uni- nns phases of the matter undm‘ dis- cussion. In your next issue I will particularly examine the "facts and ï¬gures†that were presented to the meeting in Stoutfville. 1921. at 8 p.m. Rev.J. A. MacJQonald, Pres- Miss Simpson,“ Secretary. W. C. Gohn The Annual Meeting of the For Markham Township Council as Councillor for 1921 Election January 3, 1921. Thomhill Horticultural Society will be held in Victoria Hall, Thomhill NOTICE ni 3: anvh flisz ALEX. D. BRUCE. Bethesda & Stouffvil‘e 23312;: 52% iigigimmrg {u hmund Hill, Koswick Newton Brook 1 THE JONES 2 LUMBER AND COAL so. We have a lot of plank we took out of the sheds we re- n0vated that are just as good as new for lots of work around farm buildings, and which we are selling at less than half the price of new material. You should secure some of these before they are all gone. You may never have so good an opportunity again. COR YO-Nï¬E AND ARNOLD STS. N. C. Shtvar. B.A. Pate! 'I‘Lylor, BA. E. W. Rhodes. BA. Tol. Adoliid 597-] BARRISTER. Soucx’ron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 33_B_,ic_hmnn_d blmet, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofllce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridze. Saturday forennon. Of Special Interest to Farmers COME AND SEE ME Money to Loan at Current Ratm The Map]? Sand. Gran-I and Britk )umpanv, Lt’d, have on hand for sale. Cement; drain tile. 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or vael sold by the load (- n car lots. Crdar posts and talc-phone poles fu sale. ' T. COL‘SINS. Pros. and Manager. Maple. Teacï¬er hf Piano-Playing at. the â€I‘m-unto Consel-vntm'y 0f Muaic and St.MaxgarPl’s Collvge. Richmond Hillâ€"“'ednesdays and Saturdays. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Shaver Taylor & Rhodes . EARLE NEVV‘TON SHOEMAKER New Shop, rear of Glass’ Gent’s Furn- ishing store. next door to Jones' Lum- ber Company. L. WADE [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK Insin'z Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. O; B? PIANIST Thm nhill and Humilton Trust Bld. , Rooms '103 ":05 Opnosite City Hull 57 Queen St. West Toronto Manor Road North Toront LI No. 27 Evenings