for the Township of Vaughan for 1921 Respectfully Requests Your Vote and Influence as Call and see the samples of Metallic Ronfgig and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutters. Good Chatham ‘ VVagou on hand. Pumps W'ire Fence Fiher Plaster Cutting Boxes Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs for Implements. ' J. T. SAIGEON Farmers’ Supplies Electors of Vaughan . Township Your Vote and Influence for RICHMOND~HILL GARAGE W. G. Baldock, Proprietor These two exclusive features make the Brunswick nan! phnnograph: 1 THE ALL-WOOD OVAL HORN-"built like a violin, lts< -. doxn from all metal and its oval s‘lap: comply with the ace of .acoustics. ll ampliï¬es and projects musical tom-s with power and sweetness (ha: is wonderful in lifelike ï¬delitv. 2 THE ALL-RECORD, ALLâ€"NEEDLE ULTONA - CORRECTLY with the exact weight. correct dil nccdle. Nothing to take OH or put on. A mere twist adjusts it instantly to ALL makes of records. Bruns icks are scarce this Xmas-“place Get Your Xmas Brunswick at: 2nd Deputy-Reeve Richmond Hill Hardware Co. lST DEPUTY-REEVE for 1921 WM. 0. McDONALD We have just received a car load of new Gray Dort Motor Cars. They are now in our Show Room. Come in and take your choice. GRAY-DOE? . CARTER, Richmond Hill as Ladders \Vheellmrmws Scmpers Imn Posts, Gates Hydrated Lime Rout Pnlpers Ruhbel-Rtmï¬ug. always on hand. FULL LINE OF weight. correct diaphragm and c on. A mere twist of the wrist Electors of Markham Town- ‘ship your Vote and Influence I for in like a violin‘ Its entire frec- cnmply with the accepted laws musical tones with a purity. felikc ï¬delity. Polling Day, January 3, 192 for the Township of Vaughan for 1921. GARNET H. DUNCAN) as 2nd Deputy-R eeve COUNCILLOR VOTE FOR T. B. WELDRICK plays ALL records for 1921 the domi xcct HHGHLAND LAKE FARMS H Dated at the City If Toronto, in the (‘nunty of You k, [his 15th. day of Dcce'mher, 1930. of Duo-mhbr, 1930. DORA LUCY BELL. By herSnIicitm-s. Hellnmlh. Cullanuch & Meredith, NOTICE is lH-l'PlIy given that DORA LUCY BELL uf llw City of 'l‘m-untn, in the (Immly «vf York, in [he Prminc.a of Ontnriu, “'lll apply In the Pan “amount of Canada at the next, Svsï¬lun then-90f fur :- hill of divorce from her hdslmnd Walker llmdun- Bell. of Torunto, nfm-csaid. Unlunel in His Mnjusly‘s Forces, un the gut-11nd of adultery. Notice of Application For Divorce adultery. DHLPd all. 'rtll‘llntlb «1" Ontario, this 7111 d 1920. lly ynf 1110. s lid ln-lievml to IPS (:mnex in lh IColumlniu. (1h udullm 5 and d Unllllly ()nLnliu Ln lhv Notice of Application for Divorce next. .\I Divurrc ’H (mic Hex-d silo. AVONDA LE PONTIAC EUHO (underleaso). a son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. [he u'mld’s htst record cow for milk produc- tion and Canadian vamd for butter, 41 lbs. Only 0m- Other 41-“). bull in Canada. Our hex-d .xf one bundled includes neaxly ï¬fty anughters of nu n1 n A A vrv‘n. â€ï¬n." . a 3331-“) son of the great KING SEGIS. lumber to the sires "sf lhrou World’s H-‘CDId cowsâ€"mature 50.68, Sr. 4~yr.-nld46.84. Jr. 4-yr.-old 40.32 â€IS. Junior herd sire. KING SEGIS PONTIAC CANADA. 3 half brother tn AVONDALE PONTIAC ECHO. out of :- 30 lbs. Segis cow. He is fur sale. If this cmnhinutiun of breeding interests you, write for prices nn eillu-r â€mics or fvululvs. N0 TIC] Mnlnm- of FLOKENCE (511315. uf Lhe City uf Toronto. in the (inuntv I-f Ymk. in [he l’rm‘inru' 01" Ontario. married 'wmu m, will apply 10 [he Parliament 0f Canudu at the anL N-ssiun lln'leof for :1 Bull r-t‘ I)i\‘nl'g‘e frmn her- husband HENRY HAVELOCK (HBB. f0: mm- iNotice oprplication for Divorce; Notice oprplication for Divorce If Unlm :\.[)., 19 ily PARKER. CLARK AND â€AR NOTICE i; lu-I FLORENCE (ilBH Bunk of llumi'ltnn Building 2% 38 Solicitors fur the I A full line of Fresh Fruit, Grapes, Oranges, Nuts Candy, Etc. Car of Bran, Shorts and Gluten Feed on hand. Magic Pastry, best of all in color and texture. If you want-to get good results with your Christmas Cake Use Rose Brand Baking Powder, sold. by us. Also a full line of :- Currants 22c. Raisins 33c. Dates 22c. Peel 55c. DATE!) WILLIAM PHOI‘IHVUUT Wishing All My Friends and Customers A Happy New Year. ROBESON & ROBERTS Apply to your postmaster, or write, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo. Superintendent of Annuities. Ottawa. for new booklet and other information required. Mention age last birthday. ABOLISH FINANCIAL A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT 11le '(FlflP. R. _R}lj_|@jpg. h nmnd Kelmnml Snldi‘ ’urliunu‘nt hf (' sin" liu-wuf f4 {1(qu his Guillermo Mn Halifax in HM t-lial, un the Gives a larger return for life t‘san is obtainable from any otter form of investment wrth absolute secerity. Free from Dominion Income Tax. Any pea son resi 'ent or domici'ed in Canada over t‘we age of 5 may purchase, to begin at once, or at any later date desi (d an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may purchase joint‘y. Emp'oyers may purchase for t‘eir employees. Iht THE MAPLE BAKERY 14 26 TORUN 1‘0 LOR ICN (,‘l lhi . Burnaby -» Jefferson, Ont! In ~xk.l l‘Sl‘ll unto in [[10 itv Hunk» in H1? 9th day of .‘ AR)! AT ST.)I’ lu-why given that in tl soli Ind ldio: WORRY 1m- l‘l‘m‘mm of December, W. Hill :-pply umdu :1! [11¢- n- u Bill of kifv Agatha imw. of lhv m OIIU JILV (- IBI I‘UIIU Li‘. 'Jun Applic UVIH lll x-ontt British Ind of Jame in th Ill ntn amt nn\\‘ ll)! of Ill- l).-md at Tomnln. Pl'inIN‘O of On- huin this fnm-th day of Origbex 1920. Nutice is hmehy gh on that GEURGE GOURLEY. of thy City ..f'1‘w:mlu, in the (‘munly bf Yul-k. in llw Prm‘inrreuf Ontario. ()lprk, will apply to the ‘Pu'lianwnt nf Canada ut, the next session theI-w'f for a: Hill nf Div- orce from his wife. In: SUSAN Gurn- r.F.Y. of the city nf Tumnto, in lhv County of Ymk. Married \Vuuuin, on (110 mound of adultery. Notice of Application for Divorce DATED at, Tort of ()nlnriu, this Lw Nm‘mnlwr. A. D. J Will apply In tlul Pu at th» next Smaiv-n (If â€inn-(:9 flom lH'l‘ Nmillv. (If [he Uity (‘ounty of Yuxk Sh on the muumls of m Notice of Application for [ivorce / Unit-d Ontzu in, November In. In lhu Ununty of Y: Province of Ontuio. Firm apply to the Parliament. of! the next Srssinu thvu-of fun Divorce- fmm his wife. ELSI of lln- (‘ily uf Tunmln. in l] nf YUIK, Married \Vmuun gmund uf adultery. \0'1 1( II is Emyum Km 10. in [he C Hy ARI N0 29 ()licituls km the applicant 26 Queen Street lint. I 37 Tmonln. Mm, A. D. 102an (:Itnny & \VALLACL JOHN I‘ll)“ Foumtr, e of UM IV In the HUGHES]: AGAR. 72 Queen screw. West, anuntn, Ontariu. Solicitors fur the applicant GEORGE GOURLEY ALIAI Hl'GHI-IS & AHAR :Il is horel 1920 Ununty ( f' Ontuio. r) Pnrlinme SSilIll thvlt PROLONG- YOUR LIFE ()N I in the u-nntn, Province t\\‘cnl)~ï¬l'lh (In only \RD K ELI mnt ,he (,‘muulynf Yolk, ‘, “IIII'I'H'l‘ \vmuun )linIm-HL uf Canada Ills-mm. I'm' :1 Bill ' husband Edwm-(l nfTul’nnlu, in the vet Mt‘tul \mGm', .iultury and d1 ' given that Jonx lllk’ Uil)‘ (I! Turnâ€- in the Sm 1h ELS‘IE in [In ()IIL nth that m-k, a nd man. will Uillh‘ldit ML “'05! BEN of KELLY. Cunnly on the \‘lll MAR ' lhc Int Gamble av low-d wife( 42nd year. STONGEâ€"On SATURDAY. j.\.\'. 8â€"411.“ implenwnts om. Int 2 Msu khan), the prnpnfl ty at, of Con. Phone OR SALEâ€"1 Fresh milk cow apply R. \VIDEMAN. (:nn. 2 .‘lillkhillll, pln-ne Richmond Hill 4512 OW AND CALFâ€"The lllldUSiflhL‘d . bus fur sale u fresh milch mm with calf by Sillt'. \V. F. NICHOLS. Victoria Square. 27 2 OR SALE â€"Seven Fucking pigV. six won-ks old, Int 24. can. 2, Vaughan. GEO. STEPHENSUN. Rich "mud Hill. 27 l [ANTED-A Unmpetvnc gii'l In tnke cmuplelv oh-uge wf housework. good wages. duties in cmnmence at once. Apply MIN. W. A. DUNCAN. 26 3 OTICEâ€"Tunnips tn exrhnmze for cattle or pigs. HENRY ARNOLD, Gonnley R. R. No. 2. 2 26 F: OR SALEâ€"Desirable pn-pox'ty at “hp 51. Yunge 5%.. 8 mums, with ham and gun-age. electric lights. phone. just l-e-Inndrlled and decorated. hard and snft, water. {acre lund. shad» and fruit trees. Apply owner, (1‘. M. BEYNON. .lef‘fersun. tf. ' 0 RENTâ€"Brick lmuspu on Amt M Street, up tn dale in very H‘- spect. Applv, MRS. F. LYNET‘I‘. ArnuId Stu-en. 21 if. B. FINUHâ€"Jul) Unpentcr. :P- pails and Alterations. FIII-IIi- [me IepaiIed. Ynng e 5L, RiL-lIIII-IIILI Hill next, to PusL gflï¬ice. Box 109. 23 3") Rachael H. James. wid late Joseph E. Slongo. ir year, formerly of New died at the residence ( Harry E. Stungâ€, in Tax CSTâ€"On Sunday, (â€1.3L hetwm-n the Methodist, chuuch nud The let-l'ul Ofï¬ce. n [wall crescent brunch. Reward at THE LIBERAL Oï¬iac. if. ORB ‘S‘ALE â€"Desimhle~ pIupI-Ily (Ill AI-Imld St†LuL 20:4 It. \ 65 h. 9:115! lu-ick_ hnus». 9 Km ms. bile-unit: Light, unud garden. Fruit lrers. :nlsn Ban: and HI-nhuuw. Apply un llw premisrs to A115 1“. J. Lyrwlt. liich- mond Hi“. If. Atkinson. Sale at l 9 llH'IlIlh‘. J. H. [’1 3L 1V dn all kinds (if lll'lvklng ;lllll outing in Riuhmnnd Hill and \‘iuinilv. [’ntl'nn'lgt' snliciu-(l. l’hulle liiuhumxld Hill 98. 42 If Villilge Is sure to grow, and grow fast. New industries :I'I'c sure to come, but some of those already lICie complain of the searcity (t' water 'ihe supply at the Wilson pond and await is the best in sight. Let us trust the Council to linish its work, and pI‘nv that. a fire may not break out thUI ours system is completed. grannthcm a low assessment fur : number of years. l-‘or the good mum of our village let. the mic be as near ly unanimous as possible. Regarding, the. Waterworks by-la“ while there are these who do no altogether like the wording or ii it; does not scam safe to vote agaius it. Win: a good water system Olll ‘ 0TH N do 0R SALEâ€" 20‘) new farm. living Ln! [5 J‘wlmlzs) Con. 2. \ .3â€: [III] Jonx SLINEY. \[upleR R Nu. _. I If l’hunc Jj‘) Harold J. Mills U1 Bedford Park Flu! pay 11-“, and are to our thriving viH IL is hoped both l)_\‘â€"?nws will be carrhd next. Monday. There should be 1:0 different «pinions relative '0 the By-an grunting ceanin ï¬xed assessments and (‘xemptions with regard to certain industrEL-s which have locuted in Hichnmn"! Hill. The Inrig Shoe C0,, l.l.c Whileucur fuc- tory, the Dunh p Greenhouses. [LC RESH MILUH (}O\Vâ€"Four yemi old. with calf lny sidp, lot 30. I. 3, Vaughan. PETER JUSES, rne Maple, 2860. If. UTTER FOR SALEâ€"Aï¬â€™py R MI(‘HAEI., Richmond Hill. :37 . ill {emen )onus. \‘Vunt Ads CARRY '1Ԡ1‘] BY- LAWS )f \Villimu Klinck, ii] DENIES Uunh p Mills UH Thursday. Dec. 23 James. widow (If tlzn ‘3. Slongv. in hex 76H rly of Newfunbrook Register :1' they a: All that Slinox is plivp‘uml l1 He not. w is pr Tuesday, residencc )USC monsus, IM- Vlses and tie have a large acquisitions her 5 ins l W U. 1‘ .\ W