The Christmns Entertainment in connection with the \lethndisc Sabbath Schnnl was a success in every pzutica- 131‘. The receipts at the evening were $55.45. The offering through the thhulh School on Sunday lzlel, n- iuountetl to $32.00 which will he given for the same put-pnse :is Chl‘iaUHflS Tree proceeds. the Chinese Famine Relief fund. This money will he held by Mr. A. J. Hume far this week. Any one wi<hing m cr-ntrihuta through the Sch ml far this worthy pzii-pnse CO'lld leave [heu- cnnlrihulvinn at. Mr. Hume’s Oï¬jw. The Citizenship Dept. of the Epwurth Lylguu Monday evening gavu :\ very interesting prngx-nnune. (thief features of the evening_\veu‘ lelitornviews (If Newfoundland. The North York Y. M. C. A. 'l‘nurnnnu-nt look place at. Newnmrkvt \Vednesduyafternoon. Several boys of the Richmnnd Hill Trail Rangers and Tuxis Square take palt in the Many paints of interests c with that Prm‘ince Were Alsu a few pictures dealing great ï¬~‘hing industry that 1 on in vafoundlund. great ï¬shing industry that is carried on in Newfoundland. Next Monday evening the Christian Endelumr Dept: will have charge of III" n‘twting. The topic for the ever.- ing will he “The Christian Armour." The null will be called and each memhnr is requested to respond by a 'eW Yem- resolution. The Daily Mail and Empiro has raised its subscription late to $5.00 a year the Fume us The. Globe. The rule to the public will hereafter be 50 cents a month, or 3 cents 3 copy. The Clubbing rate to Liberal readers will be $4.50 a year.. Mr. P. G. Hill. representing the Richmond Hill deulvrs; accompanied :i dvputntiim from Toronto Lu Ottawa Tuesday night [0 request. the (hu‘Pl'lan‘nt In refund the t.nx nu :uitmnuhijcs which the dealeis recvntly paid the Munufucturels. which tux the Gnu-mule“! has lately taken utf. runlests. Tho-y were uccï¬mpanied t6 Neivnmrket by Mr. Gordon Anderson Mum'r fur the Tuxis Square. The towns and villagvs nmr 'l‘nmntn will hope that the big city will defeat the daylight saving on New Year’s. and thus and (ha-fully «)f sending children to bed bt-fuw itis dark. The three Public School tl-ustpes who Wei-r- reelected by ncclnmzuiun Munian evening were C(mspicunns hv their absence at [be nmninalinn meeting. Their "novels and secundm-s, however. were able larvuuch for their clnuacler. f Efflvéve Whilmnre and Cunncillnrs Kellmu and thsml elected fur Vaughan 'l‘p. C mural, for ï¬rst duputy lewu-n J. T. Suigenn and \letr-l' Anderson. Fur SPCUlld deputy, \V. 0. McDonald and T B. Weldx-ick. Teachers spending the Chxistmas Mondays in their home Town: Mr. J. E. Skrele. Cayuga: Mr. \V. Trench. Perth; Mr. \V. D. Atkinson, Culling- wmvl; Miss Sadie Gee. Elmvale; Miss M. Hnl'lisun. Many :l‘ mu' Subscrihvrs Ihually renew TIL' him-lull nhnut [he he- ginning of the year. The publisher will :Ippruriuc «I. rvnmmbmnce of [his kind. Mr. \Villialu L:stnn nf Luuisiuna. U. S. A. stayel with his Unclennd Anni, Mr. and Mis Gen. G09 over night (In his way back from \isiting his mollu-r at- Newmarket. Tth a Cnuncillm s namely, N‘ Hill. j Sims, with )lls. 'l'renéh u-uu-nrd ()hx-istums llllllll’ \\'v~‘L Cilizml ashes on months. and SI) leist m \Vulsun, Mr. \Vnrren R-«mm “wk :4qu :lL (Lin Mr. “'m. .~[u=_:k (.‘Illlege MA Plum (fun! (7, Mrs. \V. Tl (‘nc The Li I) MI MI. and Mrs. Hamlet, Dunc: ll'isunus day with the butt iu‘s in Buxmunlllc. )Hd v are six in the ï¬eld for illms fur Richmond Hillv y. N. Bully. J. A. Gu‘eno. D- . Lunau. J. A. Mnuknmn. l“. E. fuur to he Iluuled. METHODIST CHURCH fur Ll" uuduv. ‘V. Trench “I ‘mnnln spt'nt 1s. 'l‘x'ench : 1nd MN In lldllt' us will: II lppy [h R ()l'dt Batty attending \Vuml- has bécn bully: [or [he The Jt'me humor of the E Unmphellfm luistnms huli I†731]: and icn‘ Avemu Mun: its rendexsnnd 1 ml Prosperous New 1nd 5011 BrucPuf 1t. .1 day of [Wu and family and Mm ning. L‘d IIUL to scntlm n-ing [he wian the Council. Ban-iv 5 And Mrs Duncan spL LI) Lumber :ln Christian charge of ‘ the ever.- Armour." :onnected l shown. ' with the is carried Hutuhison ll \Vih-y Standard [Elli (-nt 1). 1nd The Slsh anniversarv and conem-t of th Thnrnhill Methodist Sunday schnol will hé hold New Year‘s Night. Jan. 1, at. 8 p. Ill. There will he l'ecitutiuns, songs. diulngus and drills. On the fullmving day, Sunday, anniversary SPlVlCt'S will he held. Rev. Newton St. John will preach in the Inc-ruling. and the pastor, Rev. 1!. S. FI-aliuk in the evening. anmwmmmmow I '“â€â€â€â€™â€Â°â€â€œWMâ€WONN“099060906006«on On clnsing school at TlmI-nhill. Mr. T. McGnrmuck was presented with a beautiful suede collar bag and a gupply of collar buttons, and an addresé. The presentatiun was made by Miss Isobel Furnand the address read by Miss len Honper. Quite a number of rr-uninns and family gatherings were held in the village. and Uhristums Day passed quietly in all homes. The Masonic Hull should be ï¬lled by NIH) and women vnters lhis. Thursday. evening. the last meeting brfme the vote is taken on the \anm‘ works by-law. The Council have secured as speaker Mr. Berry of [he vaincial Board uf Health, and Mr. Dallum, Provincial Engineer. Suron the lady voters should be interested in such an impm-liuit subject. In St. Andrew’s (hm-uh on Sunday nun-Hing the chnir n-nded SPVL‘HII henmiful Glniatnms Anlhenw, and Rev. S. U. Rohilmnn preached an im- pressive svnuuh suitable [u the accu- sum. WNWWWNW The public Schunl clm nesdny-flwilh :I Ulnidnr Cnncmt. Gifts “we let the pupils. The nI-w houses built MCNuughLI-n and Mr. E thenorth of the Village cnmpletinn and hch :1 peumm-e. Thon‘ was :I Christmas cnt‘elt udisL chm-ch and H-nlizul. \V. Nichols In: Tho dé'hult- all was tn luv ; postpnnm] until Then [he- well. Miss \V with SUIIIP : uncnled. The Saul-l and Inns l't-cl‘ivwl. Misa attendance was nnL lurgu )‘vt plcsent wcxe furnishvd :1 Christmas twat. "Santa's Chri: B-n'gain" was gin-n with 1h! (:f Uhl'iillllfls and frnm the tm tn Snub-L n“ pelfttllllk'd lln-ir Tho, (Thnislmns ghen by [he pu Mi To protect yourself, I presume would be your answer. Then why not protect yourself and family for the same reasons, with this difference. You pay for Fire Insurance knowing if nothing happens in the way of Fire you expect no return which I contend is good'business. While you protect yourself and family it costs only an effort to save a little each year whichis the hope of every person to have more this year than last. This saving deposited in the Confederation Life Association guarantees thereturn of all your money and some additional in a set term (f cars from 10 to 30 as you choose andin addition to this the Con:_ any guarantee t pay in case you die $1000 and up according to the amount investeu. 15 this not better business ‘3 We can quote many good reasons whv one should have protection. Seud a card or call and see us an d youwill be informed with the necessary information. lillk Kindly take notice that before buying either your Suit or Top-coat, it will be to your interest to in- spect the line of goods I carry, both as to price and satisfaction of ï¬t and workmanship. MERCHANT TAILOR RICHMOND H ILL Repairingâ€"Cleaningâ€"Pressingâ€"Neatly Done 7Mâ€, VICTORIA SQl'.\RlS P. G. SAVAGE & SON LADIES AND GENTS THORNHILL INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST FIRE vislnms Tree and the pupils and f \VHS 2|. bl!l.'C(.‘:S «'l Important MAPLE and H10 E. R. FORTNER large (:1 ‘Ainmenl [ho sum 6 built by 311'. R. Mr. E. Furhmu' at Village are neuing lVl: :1 very nice up- Th lllt (-n ma Richmond Hill th': ilnt Ill!“ ciu mvd at the in Illa .‘IPfh- of $120 was )1 In till frisâ€"r all In nt llllllt mil H) Ill SSI taut nds “'vd rlll‘ lpp (S u palt sistm lht line fmns Mix Illd [In in: up A FE W S UGGES TZONS Don’t Forgetâ€"“Music†hath its charms and Brunswick Phonographs. Victor Recorc Skates from $1.25 to $8.00 pr., includ- ing the C .C.M., Automobile and Tubes Hand Sleighs from 40c to $3 .00 Hockey Sticks. Pucks and Ankle Supports. Electric Irons $7.00 to $9. Electric Toasters $7. Electric Toaster Stove Electric Hot Plate Electric Heaters, Heat Ray, at We carry a full stock of upâ€"toâ€"date Hardware. Come in 2 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO ELECTRICAL GOODS SPORTING GOODS VICTROLA AND BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS NORMAN BATTY qu SEOCK 01 upâ€"to-clate Hardware. Come in and inspect our goods. Prices to suit all and satisfaction assured. $7 .00 to $9.00 each $7.50 each we $16.00 $6 .50 eat Ray, at $15.00 bl; 12‘ Made 01 SpeciaiAutomobflé Steels ted com We take this opportunity at the end of the year of thanking all our customers for their valued petronage, which has enabled us to enjoy a very successful business year. The business for 1921 will be more thoroughly organized and we assure each and everyone still better service dur- ing the coming year, and we wish One and All A Happy and Prosperous New Year. The New Hardware Store C. N. COOPER air t trc Richmond Hill Garage :atm: with :harms. We sell the two leadersâ€"Victrola Recordsâ€"Free Demonstration any time. 'adc WISHING ALL MY FRIENDS unb‘ . Baldock, Proprietor A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Eastman Kodaks and Brownies from $3.10 up\. Ifyou want the best, it must be an “Eastman.†Gillette and Auto Strop Safety at $5.00 each. Regular Styles from $1.25 to $5.00 ea. Razor Strops from 75c to $3 .00 AND CUSTOMERS Trench Block EASTMAN KODA KS PHONE 18 RAZORS Richmond Hill