i ASSOCIATION SCHOOLS “Getlimz Martha’s Goat" is the title (.f the leading story in Rod and Gun in Canada for January. Bunnycastlv Dale tells of Um biggest of big game in North Auwricaâ€"thv numse-A Robyn Page Lincoln. M. U. Bates. F. V. \Villintus and the various other deaI-imenlal odilnrs have um)- lrihuted their usual high clas¢ articles. Rod and Gun in (‘vnnada is published monthly at. Wnodstnck. Ontario. by \V. J. Taylor. Limited. 6 I WW‘WOOWWWOWOWONâ€OMNW Wm. Wells, H. A. Nicholls, President ' Secretary Election of Ofï¬cers, Auditors’ Report and other business that may legally come before the meeting. Saturday, January 15, 1921 Accountancy. stenngmphy. typo- writing. SPCI'PtiU'izll. commercial teachers. and general improvement coursesmnperior instruction in all departments; keen demand for nur graduates. “him for pau-ticulms. Yonge and Charles Sts.. Toronto. WINTER TERM OPENS JAN.3 Richmond Hill Agricultural â€" Society A meeting of the Members of the OTHER COURSES:â€" -Public Speaking, Commercial Illustrating, Show Card Writing. These are some of the 200 courses listed. All these courses are free to returned soldiers on the basis of a 25 per cent. deposit, which is refunded when 75 per cent. of the work has been taken. - For further information communicate with 1 o’clo’ck in the afternoon, on Public Notice Toronto Central Y. M; C. A., 40 College St. Phones---N. 8400 or N. 3172. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princile will be heid in the Council Chamber Richmond Hull LLIOT'T Rod And Gun HOME STUDY COURSES AUTOMOBILE COURSES: Automobile Construction and Repair Automobile and Motor Truck Operation Applied Automobile Engineering Architectural Designing Freehand Drawing Methematics and Reading of Architectural Blue Prints Farm Buildings and their Construction Heating and Ventilation *' COMMERCE COURSES :â€" Accountancy Cost Accounting Bookkeeping Banking Business Law, English, Penmanship Typewriting Secretarial Advertising Soils ’and Fertilizers Breeding and Feeding Live Stock Poultry Husbandry Productive Orcharding Dr. G. ELMORE REAMAN Educational Director ARCHITECTURAL COURSES: AGRICULTURAL COURSES: :rs Farm Crops ding Live Stock Dairying 7y Vegetable Gardening rding Farm Manageing Tractors and Farm Machinery Emma Nukol. Plenty of Good Nut and Stove Coal. Also a car~ of At the Elevator Slabs, Hemlock, and Hardwood. Every man, woman and child can save. Every one should save. Every ambitions person does save. The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. 2:1 OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH I. D. RAMER J. R. HERRINGTON, VANAGEH A Good Supply 01 EARN TO SAVE IN w IProvince of Ontario to yield 118.1] we. I 6.60 or 6.70"per cent. very (Township of Ycrk to yield 33Ve- » 6.60 or 6.70 per cent. t f O . {mgafï¬ty of Winnipeg to 3161!! aid-i 6.40 per cent. TEETZEL BROS. Boot and Shoe Repairer 2D00rs South of Bakery on Yonge St. Come in :1 nd Shop next to the Shoe Factor, in the old Bank Building. “'0 are mm“ in u p your needs in m wmk. u’nd will he in regard to Phone 80 Save Troughing, Furnace and General Repair Work. Metal Roofing. Metal Siding, Metal Garages; Etc. All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired .. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Auditing Economics Shorthand Salesmanship ublic Notice! GEO. KIDD i: 1“ng Sludvnls N0 COMMON COURSES Rl‘i‘fl P. SAUDER sew u; about your Spring \Vork now. us well BONDS (IS Richmond Hill liI i'tm ï¬J. Monkmani- Richmond Hill Councilior January 3, 1921 WILLOWDALE RE-ELECT David. Hill Having serve to the best of my solicit -~ your vote (‘ouncillor for 192 “'3 V RICHMOND HiLL ELECTORS 11 as Councillor for 192 l If re-elccted nterests shall Iolumbia Grafonola 8 VOTE A Merry Christmas and a Happy NeWYear [1 with Columbia Records means a Christmas ï¬lled with merry music and the coming year crowded with joy. Corking good (lance record“, popular song hits, gems of Grand Opera and beautiful symphonies will all combine to give your friends and family many lizippydays and evenings every day of every year. hir J. A. GREENE. ealers in all kinds of Builders Supp]i_es Coal, Wood and Cement Flour and Feed W. A. WRIGHT :rvcd yon mv albilis ‘lll COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA MCKENZIE BROS. Richmond Hill ï¬n 1H ll n the past ‘. I again I‘M WMYour Vote and Influence [CI’CSI nd :11- Happy {IS F. E. Sims {As Councillor for Richmond I Hill for 192] Respectfully Requests Your Vote and Influence As Councillor for l92l Your Vet J. Emma N. Batty ELECTION DAY NEXT MONDAY Vote Requested for the Electing of for ONTARIO