uTo . . BY RICHMOND HILL GARAGE I'F YOU DON‘T TAKE Faceless , CARE OF vouR BATrERv ON’T let your lack of knowledge or your abuse D of your battery disturb your ï¬nances. Get . acquainted with this shop. Our work as well as our helpful information will help you save money. INIIIIIIIII llmmnn '. pmmn II nmrllrm "'" lull Ill 'l II 9 ll I lll .- = = = . 'â€". _ ll __ :‘ :2 â€"= :- Ill [Mum l i Farmers’ Supplies Everything the farmer needs in the way of Repairs lor Implements. FULL LINE OF Ladders \\'hl=elb:.rrnws Scrapers lr-nrr Posts, (r‘mtes Hydrated Lime Root Plllpcls Rubber-Rmflng. always on hand. Pumps \Vil-e Fence. Filler Plaster Cutting Boxes Call and see the samples of Metlllic Roofing and Siding and get our prices before giving your order. Agent for Gray Buggies and Cutlets. Good Cllatham Wagon on hand. W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill -â€"MoreTha.n Mere Phonograph ASE your decision on the quality of the tone and you‘ll B surely choose rightly. Your selection, like that of un- numbered thousands, will be (The Brunswick. Not Because we say so, but because a demonstration on this super instrument will convince you. By the Brunswick Method of Reproduction a trueness, ï¬ne- ness and richness are given to tone that cannot be duplicated in other instruments. These two exclusive features make the Brunswick the domi- nant phonograph: N 1 THE ALL-“’OOD OVAL HORN---built like a violin. Its entire free- - dorn from all metal and its oval l‘lupe comply with the accepted laws of acoustics. 1t ampliï¬es and projects musical tones with a purity. power and sweetness that is wonderful in lifelike ï¬delity. THE ALL-RECORD. ALL-NEEDLE ULTONA plays ALL records - CORRECTLY with the exact weight, correct diaphragm and exact needle. Nothing to take off or put on. A mere twist of the wrist Z .._~â€"_â€"_,â€"â€",_.â€"â€"/ ~â€" ndjusts it instantly to ALL makes of records. Bruns \icks are scarce this Xmas-«place your order now. Get Your Xmas Brunswick at: Richmond Hill Hardware Co. HIGHLAND LAKE FARMS‘ Herd sire. AVONDALIC PONTIAC l-It‘llt) llllliit'l l1.l~l‘l. :I. son of MAY ECHO SYLVIA. the wr‘rld's Inst rel-old row for milk produc- tion and CanadianRecordfor-butter.11Hm. Univ I'll" l lln-r’ «ll»ll-. bllll ’ in Canada. Our herd of one hundred includes llt’.tl ly filly daughters of l :l. 3331-â€) SJ“ of the great KING SEGIS, biotin-r in tin- sill-s uf tllrl-e l world's record cowsâ€"mature 50.65. Sr. 4>\‘l'.»4\lrl~lii..‘l. .lr.~l»}'r--(ll(140.2i2 1 lbs. Junior Ilr‘lll sire. KING SEGIS Pox'rm.‘ l‘_.\_\‘_.\ DA. :1 half brother to AVONDAIJC PONTIAC ECHO. out of :. 3o Ills. Hopis cow. He is for sale. If this combination of breeding minim“ '\‘l.l]‘ “lire fur prices on either lnalcs or females. FARM AT STOP 55. Yoxor: ST. RADIAL .er'illllwll-l illill. 'l‘llurs..] .‘th. (Ziltltllil) BO'l‘ll BY LAWS As u.~nal, the voters of Richmond ' " x - » n i _ rum Md [hm'h‘ehelï¬ Limaâ€? Inn 310‘“, l place of Mr. J. A. UlUllm Mr. “lily b.‘ Cdl'lmg m“ ‘3' “1" ’5 l Frank Sims also made a good run.l substantial lllrljoritics. To carry, l»)’ a vote of nearly 5 to l. :l by- law to provide, for the raising of $Elï¬â€˜lm0 for the construction of a Sysrcnl of waterwlllks, was smrccly looked for by the most. sanguine weleisllcl‘ of the propo~ition. It. was generally supposed it would carry. but not by such a large vote. The result of the ()l.l'cl‘ byâ€"hlw to authorize the granting of certain tixcd assessments and exemptions with regard to greenhouses and other properties, was also satis- factory, carrying as did by a majority considerably over twoâ€" tllil‘ds. No intelligent member ofn (‘ouncil would think of refusing these small concessions to men who were bringing prosperity to our town, thcrcfor'o‘ to vote against them now would seem like breakâ€" in,£,r faith not. only with the ill- dustries but with our Council who promised them fair dealing. But the by-law carried, as it deserted it I to carry. â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" TIIE GLOBE‘S ltI‘IVIICW The general character and make . up or' the 'l‘oronlo Globe of Monday was another indication as to the ï¬rm’s ability and enterprise in editing and rublishing a newspapersecond to none in the Dominion. Business lrlcn ill all parts of Canada look forward to this annual review which gives much useful and re- liable information on many inter- esting subjects. Among the writers who greatly assisted in making this excellent. number what it is, may be mentioned llon. E. C Drury who rightly points out that the farming industry is worthy of encouragement. Other writers are Sir Henry Drayton, Minister of Finance; Mr. E. W. Beatty. President of the C. I’. R; Mr. Tom Moore, President of the Dominion Trades and Labor Congress; Sir Edmond Walker. Pres. Bank of (lonlmercr; Prof. 11. Mitchell of McMaster University, and other gentlemen high up in the business world. On the wllole the business outlook ill Canada is excetdingly hopeful, but statistics tell the story that our imports exceed our exports by nearly $900,000,000. â€"â€" The act respecting dog tax and sheep protection. which comes into force on April lst, next, makes it compulsory for all own- ers of dogs to procure numbered tags, to be supplied by the Coun- cil, and for killing dogs without tags. The minimum penalty for not procuring a tag is $1000. County councils are authorized to pass by-laws requiring all dog tax and license fees collected after 1020 to be paid to the county treasurer, and form a sheep protection fund, all claims to be paid by the county, for which purpose county \‘ltluators are to b appointed. l 1921 COUNCIL 3 l as that Of 1920 with (1110 tXâ€"i same . N. Ball); Mkcs ‘ ceptionA-Mr. tllc ‘ l l and had he bccn clcctcd Wuulll ' have made a useful Councillor. Nol member (1' the (bunch for scl'cral. l \‘t’al‘s past has worked harder, or has done more for our village, .bolll ill and out of the Council than Mr. Urccnc has done, but it was rl ca:c lwhcl'c two good men out of six,i 'had to be dl'oprcd. In f.ch for business and other rcasms .\lr.€ (Jr'cene announced lrontlzs ago that. he could not take the. position for" 1921, and did not coll-rill. lllllil aflcr the nomination. ‘ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MARRIAGE: IIl'GllE‘t‘fellul'TLEDGleAl St John's ('llurl'll. ()ak Iilrlgt'fl. by llw- Ill“. 1’. N. gllulll‘s. VVHllld’Hlln)‘, Ill'l'l'llllll’l 2011). 1920, Margaret. I‘IIIIIIIJ Lucy, younger-dauglllt‘r of Mrs ltolrllr’dgr‘ and the late l’r-lr-r' ltolrtlr'dul‘ of (his Ridges. til john llugllr-y If I’l'll‘l‘, Saskatt l‘lL‘WHn. DEATHS I.EGG.«.â€"Qn(ldvllly, on annrday, January 1. 1921, .IHIIH‘H (Iilln-rl ‘ Lquv, Mgr-d 5i yinrl's. ll llllillll;<. Funeral 'l‘lwsdav l‘r-lrrll lri< lit", I‘T‘SIIIPHCP, Mrullrlt Ilt'llnis, Ln I'lrrx'pr-l'l Uernvtt-r-y. W Doesym watehtellï¬mo inthedark? IPit doesn't. let.“ us show you a watch that does-1 on Radiolfloâ€"che lowest priced Ru- dlofluâ€"ldnl ner- vie- watch for out-door work g;qu {:4 Richmond Hill Hardware Co. i l The Council m- 12:21 will be the l l ‘31 If l- 1 ltll‘lt'l-lei‘h Slirmr is pl't'p-lll'rl ll- ' all kinds of trill-king and c-lrting ill Ili- lllnnlnl ll:ll and \il-lrlily. Patron 'gl‘ Slllltlll‘tl. l'lll'llt‘ Iill'llllltllltl Hilll‘X *1]. if I? (III (IR SAlll‘In ‘Jtlll IlI‘II‘ farm. Irving [Jr,t\ 11\‘ and 29. (km. 2. Vaughan JOHN >r.l.\'l~;\'. .\1 rpm l{.lt. .\'.._ " I'lllvlll {kill [Jill‘s HALI'Z I)l"ll'l:I)“" pl'upvl'ly (ll Allurhi HI†Ind 205' ll. x li.'r IL. \‘lllltI llllt’k llllUS". ll lion-Ills, l'Ilt'ctlil' ' Light. wind pardon, I’Vlllll lrm-s. .‘IlSIr Apply on 111(- Rich- lllrrr :Illd llrlrlrouw. prl-rrli-«r-s to His 1“. J. l.)'nl‘ll. IIIl‘lltI lllll. ll'. (IH'1‘7()||Sllllllily,(I-l_iil. lutwel-n lllt’ Mrllrmlrsl tlllllCIl and The Liberal ()Iï¬l'l‘. a pvall l1‘l“l’l‘lll brooch. liruald at lllE l.lll1;lt.\1. (Illilc. if. ' ‘U ItErlTalirick Illl11\f‘l'(‘11 Arnold Sllt'l‘t. up to dle ill \‘rry re- spwt. Apply. hills. 1“, LYNlt'r'r. Arnold Strut-l. 21 If. T‘Olt SAlrICilhwiralrlt-propertyill. stop 51. anrgr- St†8 “nuns, ‘ ‘ nilll lmrrl arnl gnragv. «'ler'tric liglllï¬. phone, just l't'-llll|llt lied and decorated. hard and soft \\'lllt'l‘, {acre land. shade ,ll (1 fruit. lrws. Apply owner, U. M. BICYNUN. Jefferson. lf. B. Fthlllâ€"j..h (inpcntcr, Ite- pairs and Alterations. Furni- trllc repaired. Yorrge 5L, ltirhnrond Hill. nrxt to Post Ofï¬ce. Box 101). 23 3b 0W AND (lAllFâ€"Thv nrrdesigncd has for sale a fresh rrrilch now with calf by Side. \V. F. NICHOLS, Victoria. Square. 27 2 1101! SALEâ€"1 Fresh milk cow. apply It. WrnEMAN. run. 2 Markham. phone Richmond Hill 4512 27 2 RES†BJIIALIII CU“’â€"â€"Fuur yl'rrrS old. with calf by ride. lut30. Corr. 3, Vaughan. PETER .ioxr-ts, Phone Maple, 2:60. If. OR. SALEâ€"Fresh mill-h cow. Holstein, calf by side. Lot. 46. con. 1. Markham, phone 4613. .INO. BRILLINGER. Richmond Hill. 28 1 0R SALEâ€""l acres with brick clad IltlllSP, nmvly decorated. stable and dr I\lllg shed, apples. plums and small fruits, living stream, hard and soft water. on Bathlllst St... near Richmond Hill. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate. Richmond Hill. 28 2 “OH SALEâ€"A farm of 150 acres with good building“. a running stream. water in house and stables, 18 acres fall whl-at, ploughing done. Ill health the I'eilSIVII for- selling. Lot 9. G EorluE JOHNSON. )on. 3. Kinrz. 28 4 King P. 0.. Phone 209. King. ‘OR SALEâ€"New‘hrivk bungalow l'i\e rooms and large pantry, furnace. electric light. water inside. Possession to suit purchases. C. I]. LOVE. Centre Stu-ct. 28 :5 ‘ XPERT Pluto Finishing. develop- ing 5c. roll. printing any size 3o. piece. Postage paid. JACKSON 28 1 ll STUDIO. Cllesley, Ont. ABOLISH FINANCIAL W0 A CANADth GOVERNMENT ANNUlTY WILL DO IT Gives a larger return from any other form of security. Free from Dominion Income Any person resident or domici‘ed in Canada over , the age of 5 may purchase. to begin at once. or at any later date des iftd an Annuity of from $50 to $5,000, to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalments. Any two persons may Emp‘oyers may purchase for their employees. Apply to your postmaster. or Superintendent of Annuities. information required. Ottawa. PROLONG ' YOUR LIFE RRY for life than is obtainable l investment with absolute Tax. purchase jointly. write. postage free. to S. T. Bastcdo. for new booklet and other Mention age last birthday. MCKENZ Dealers in all kinds Coal, Wood and Cement l Flour and Feed R. W. E. Burnaby Jefferson, 0m. ~ WILLOWDALL‘ rrs: BROS. , 3 of Builders Supplies THORNHILL RINK Tire TIIOI‘DIIIII Rink will be opt-u f'rl‘ Skating every Monday Afternoon Flour 2 to 4.30 o’clock. Admission 10 cents. Saturday Evening Fr~nlrl7.30t010 p. m. Admission 25 cents. (illlldlt‘ll. lllldor ll. 15 cents. Band on Saturday Evenings. Come and enjoy this healthful exercise. J. 1'). TEESON. L‘uH‘iakol‘. Annual AMveetin'g The Annual Meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will be held in the High School Wednesday, Jan. 12, l92l at 8p. m. for thc election of officers and other busrness. J. 9. l‘x’IcNair. Mary Trench. Pres. Sec'y.