Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jan 1921, p. 1

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The Town 0! Aurora The Township of Kin The Township of \Vhltchurch The In] el-iul Bank of Canada, J. M.\ ulton. & Cu. Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 30') BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctxon 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. bfl‘icu hours «8 to 10 um. p.m. 6 m 8 p.m. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Branches at. Thornhill and Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M- the above places Offices ZLKIM} ST Office and residenceâ€"anng Street Richmond Hill. Phone No. 21 W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Demon, Macdonald & Denton \Valtex' S. jenkins R96. Phnnu Hill. 5048 VOL. XLIII. H. A. N I ('HOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC MIR 1)‘ Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 Monarch Bldg.. 26-38 Adel- lces aillu Srn West, Toronto. Naughtcn Block. Aurora Snlicntnr for : CAPITAL AND RESERVES 885,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - 3635300000 626 BRANCHES This is an invltntlon to can It. the Royal Bank the next, time you are in town. If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see‘the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirements. The Bank follows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. Insum n Issuer of umni§innex me Royal Bank m Banada $1.50 per annum, in advance.] NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHMOND HILL DR. J. .7?- WILSON Barristers, Snlictors, &c‘, .‘IANNING ARCADE. 'l‘m.EPur._\‘E W EST er, Unm‘eynncel', lit a and Real Eflate Mullinge Licenses. lhur I: Hug:y_N.-n_ngght0n Rvs. Elfin Mini l{('$. Phone 44.4 I‘URONTO. CANADA MAle 311 A.Mu 'Dedt GOZYH f"?! vflég‘zaegv? “if Aurora. Lu 3 Desires tn announce [but he has estab- lished himself in Dental Pmcxicu in Richmond Hill. I-ne dum- south of the Stand:qu B-mk. Hum-59.1.1”. In 5.30 p.m. Opt-u evenings by appointuumt. FOR THE CUL'NTY 0F YORK Nuthng Loo gl-eutâ€"Nulhiug hm small. TERMS REASONABLE. Ol'dezs left with Mr. Frank Atkinson will recehe prmnpt attention. Alsu ngcnt for the Himuzm Stamde Milk! 1'. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Calls by phone or otherwise promptly respnnded to Licensed Auctioneer for lheUr-Imtyt f York. Sule attended to un slnmlest notice, and at rezmnnnble rntos. Patronage sulicited Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarben Residence address Victoria Square 41:") Bulliol Sh. Tort-Mn. Phone Belmunt 1347 LICENSED AUG/PIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Spe’cinl nttmntion given to sales 01 every (‘O'SCI‘IPHOIL Farms and farm stm‘k sales .1 speciulw. Furms bought and Snld nn cmnmissinn. All snlvs nt- tendrd to (m shortest notice. and cun- ducted hy the must approved methods. Patronage snlicited. Licvnsed AucLioneors fur Toronto and the Counties of York. Peel and Slmcne Phan 950 \Voudln'idge. Tel. M LATE 0F MAPLE DECORATORJ’AP ER- H .\ NGER G RAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORM LEY R. R. Pllrne 4741 Pupils passed fur Uunseivnlory ruminations. A. gamerqu “Ma‘gNaughton PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA'l‘ER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS MISS BEATRICE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “'EST STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMON D. Richmond Hill. DR, L. R. BELL Richmond Hill J. K. MCEWEN & SON VETERINARY SURGEON, , Thornhill. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. THE COUNTY on YORK Putruxmqe and influence respectfully solicited ?. SAN DERSQ‘JN VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER . C. HENDERSON MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME . S. SHEPHERD THORNHILL, ONT 3631 RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN- 13. 1921 J. T. S AIGEOIN Maple NOTAF CONVI‘ l 1. l’n-on (£00. Phone Alll‘nil'ru 8013 DENTIST {Y PUBLH CYAN‘CINU 14 1’ () 1V In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things, Charity." P. 0. address Gormley. If. R . HOWELL Fm‘ sovm‘nl ymus past M r. Ed. Divan did nw enjoy good health. Almut :1 your ngo he sum-red pains in his head and wus removed tonne of the TOI'UIItO hospitals for monument. Various treat- ] ments were tried, but. he gradually grew weaker and passed away last Sllllddy. The funeral to the- Richmond Hill cemetery trmk place frmn the ham» 01" his sister. Mrs. J’. Slallilnnss. Arnold 81., Tuesday afternoon, the service being luken by Rev. A. 31c- Neill und va. R. McKee. Besides in Isisu‘rund hrothe-r. deceased leaves it little daughter ulmut ten years of age to mourn the- lass of both parents. her mother having pi'vdecmsed fier hus- band tln 90 m- fmu‘ years ago. Two gun-nwn who had been hiding behind the umnunn‘nt of Sir John Mucdcnnld at tho vutrnnce of Queen's Park. accustvd llun. R. H. Grant. Minister uf E lunatinn Monday night uhuut 915 as he was returning to the l’mliamvnt buildings in 'l‘nrnnto. One of the wnnld-he I-nhlwrs [minted 2t revolver ut the Ministx-r. nun-mnâ€" panied hy thy commnnd "Hands up." Mr. grant prmnptly did sn, but, even mure promptly he slashed down with his walking stick and cut. the gunman a tenific hluw anrnss the hand and head. In the ensuing scuf- fle. he routed the twu would-be rnh- hers. although as 2| souvenir of the encounter h» obtained an ugly ('nt an the furehead and nose. The bandits, however, received worse treatment. One flvd without his hat and thy nl~n let'r, Mr. Grant. a revolver. which contained three bullets and an empty shell. The death occurred Thursday Jan. 6, of MN. Catharine anper. aged 5!). at her son's home, 91 Blll‘ll awn. after a short. illuvss. llmn in ’l‘hnrnâ€" hill, the daughter of Thomas Iludfnrd. she hurl lived in Turunlu and snrrnnmh ing district. all h~r life. Until the death of her first. husband, Thomas Graingm', who pre-deceasvd her 40 years agu. she lived at, Thm-nhill, and with hvr family She was a pioneer of the district. She lll:ll'llt‘d her set‘und husband. vay I“. “up per. 33 yams agn, and livul at Richmond Hill. Sim-v Mr. Hopper’s death she had resided with her son. She was a l-vgnlar attendant at Yvnge SUN-L Methvdist Uhuuh fur many years. Surviving herarelhree sons and NH) daughtvrs. Six step- children, IL’ grandchildren. and two gloat, grandchildren alsn smvivv. (Nounâ€"Ides] oer- 3:4 '3"th M 00 WOPJI'I pea-doubt. I04 Bldlollfiejâ€"gba watchteilfime inthedark? Wit doesn’t. let: us 311037 ygu a Watch that. «low Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Death of Ed. Dixon l husband. vay ymxs :Igv, and Hill. Sim-v Mr. had resided with a l-vgnlnr any I‘l‘i'L Methodist Cl NEWS NOTES OBITUARY i roside with hur son. rugnlnr attendant zIL Methodist Uhmch fur Surviving her are three ) (luughtm-s. Six step- grundchildien, mu] two family she was ex district. She munivd hand. vay I“. Hup- : :Igv, :md livul alt Sim-(- Mr. Hopper’s SB. Iâ€"Juck Finch, Lillian Fetch. Teddy Bi-mwlt. Tum Hopv, Morris Patton, \antwr Kendall, Lyle (hunt. Donald Tennyson. Lillidu Burns. Sn. IIâ€"Oswuld Can-tor. (h.), Donald Hick. (h.). Allen, anlden, (h.,) \Vinnie Stung, Clm-om-e Pnce, W'innifred Sumdela, Luvy Suv-Age. Grant Innes. Vex-u Mun-is. Mzuiun Kidd. Azuln Dvnlhy. Marguet Plew- man. Ellwl Kendall, Will Krill]. jn. lIâ€"jnmos Langstalf. ('h.‘. Grace Pfll'ifi. (h.). Dm-nthy Hick. erd Snundew. Alice lnnes. Donald Frislw, Stanh-y Pug». {nsie \Vlud- head. \Vilhelmine Rmnhor. l..-uexne \VI-ight, Marjorie Gluinge-r, Marguut Dunexn. Iran», DJuIman, lrm Hay. Hazel Caldwell, Howard Morris. Hexhert. Shru-pluss. Reta C'nldwell, Allhlll' Rand. Acm 3 Robinson. oscxllatxng magneto ignition. ‘1 So let us Show you in detail tlus greater engine value. 9 Our serOxce to you is remarkably ‘complete and we are assisted by a nearby Bosch Service Station. VER 250.000 farmers bought the “2" engine. They know it Is povC'er- ful, dependable and practlcally foolproofâ€"truly a great en- gxne. 3 But now We announce the one addition which Could possibly improve the "Z" per- formance - Bosch hxgh tension, Richmond Hill Garage W. G. BALDOCK Proprietor Richmoth Hill School Report Greater Engine Value Em @wmm B-unchees nu You consult your doctor regarding matters of healthâ€"your lawyer when legal problems puzzle you. r Yet do you consult your Bankerâ€"the logical financial authorityâ€"as often as you ought? You will find the local Manager of the Sterling Bank ever ready to render helpful advice of a financial or investment nature, or obtain, if pos- sible, information along these lines which we do not possess. a PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE ulchmund Hill, Koswick. OF CANADA md Newllm Br0uk. BARRISTER. SOLXCITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofilco. Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oflice (‘ Liberal mace). every Thursday torenoon. Maple. Thunday afternoon. Woodbridze. Saturday foronoon. Money to Lxmn at Current Rates Tel. Ado‘l‘vl 5‘ N. C. Shaver. FLA. Pet-3r lelm', BA. E. W. Rhodes. ILA. I’IANIST o Team ‘01 hf PiuuwPIayihg at the anuntn (‘nnsurvntmgv of Music and Si. MmgM-Pt's ('ullugp. Richmund Hillâ€"\Vednesdnysand Saturdays. We have a lot of plank we took out of the sheds we re- novated that are just as gocd as new for lots of work around farm buildings, and which we are selling at less than half the price of new matt rial. You should secure some of these before they are all gone. You may never have so good an opportunity again. ('nmmissinnel‘. Cnnveyancer. Etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE (‘Hl sale. Tho Maple» Sand. G1 ()umpanv. Lt'd. hiu't't (ImnonL drain “19.3, - (Juh'erL tile 12. 15. l Of Special Interest to Farmers Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick 0R YONGE AND ARNOLD STS: THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL Al Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes (30 innhus in lvngth) ls'n Cement Bl‘ii‘k 1nd or Gran-l said by the :n- lnls. . EARLY: N E WT ON a‘ll‘ WILLIAM COOK . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts. posts meng Barristers. Sollcllor! Notaries. Etc. THORNHILL '1‘. cotsms. . h.‘l\'(' on hand {(-1 nd tvlt-plmne poles f suld by the [0.11 m- Thumb ll “‘8. ill] Hunillon 'I‘Iuae BM: Rooms MILBM Opnom'ro Cflv Hull 57 (Juan St. West Toronto 4. 5. 0' and 18 and 20 aw! :md Brick d Mn na ger, Maple. Evenings Mmmr Road North Toront o No. 29 sale H in. inch

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