Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Jan 1921, p. 1

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Denton, Macdonald & Danton [Monarch Bldg” 26â€"28 Adel- Of’flcos aide Sr" \Vest. TOI‘UIILO. Nuughlun Bluck. Aurora Snlicltm- for : The ann of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhituhurvh The Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora. J. M. \Vulmn. & C-u. Aurora A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept my the ulmve places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. 200 BERESFORD AVE Phone Junctum 72. Hill. 5048 Office huurs â€"â€"8 to 10 um. i to 3 p.m. 6 to 8 p.m. 0mm and I'vsidellcerr)ylga Sll-eet Richmond Hill. Phone No. 24 \Vultur S. J Rm. Phnm- Branches at Thornhill and Willowdale. Barristers. Solictors. 65c} MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. Toaox'ro. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dado" II. A. NICIIOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, hnn\-v_\'ulncex-, EL Insurance and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licnuses. VOL. XLIII The Royal Bank at Canada *ank Dcutmn V. D. OLLIVER, Manager Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2717 JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER CAPITAL AND RESERVES $85,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES Th]; is an imitation to call at the Royal Bank the next time you are In town. If you are' going to_need a' loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager pf the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirements. The Bank follows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. RICH MOND HILL NAUGHTON & JENKINS DR. J. P. WILSON 50 per annum, in advance.] jonkins hut A..\Incdomld 1., W EST TORONTO Hurry Naughton vs. Elgin Milli Phbne 44.4 I Licensed Auctiunem‘s fur anmlln and in)? (.‘ounties uf,Ym-k. Peel nud Siulcue \ Plume 950 Woudhridge. l I‘el. M. 3631 Ordels left, with Mr. Frank Atkinson _ will rent-he prmnpt attention. Alsungr-nt for the Hinumn Stnndnnl Milkru. \ ' Phone Anl'niun 8013. Rvsidence address Victoria Square JOHN R. CAMPBELE A- Paxaerqn..Ma__cNaughton FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing um greatâ€"Nothing too small TERMS REASONABLE. Desires to announce [but he has lished himself in Dmtnl Pmct Richmond Hill. one door south MISS BEATRICE HOWELL ' TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method .Musmal Kmdergarnen LATE or MAPLE DECORATOR,PA PE R- HA I (I GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. ‘R. 1’11. n9 4711 Licensed Auctioneer for the Uunntynf York. Snles attended to on shm IcsL notice, and at reasonable rate-s. Palrmmge solicited Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales in. specialty. Farms bought, and Sold on commission. All sales at- lended to on shortest notice, ‘nnd con- ducted by the- mnst npprnved melhods. Patronage solicited. ' / LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Julia by phone ur utherw’ise promptly responded to Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Richmond Hill VETERINARY SURGEON ’Pllornhill. Stallduld Bunk.” HoursQan. In 5.30 p.11). Open evenings by anppointmt-nt LICENSED AUCTTONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK l’ulx-mmue and influence respectfully snliciu-d ‘TUDIO ?. SANDERSGN VANDORF LICENSED AUC'I'IONEE M ARRIAU 1‘1 LICENSES A. J. HUME . K. MCEWEN & SON . S. SHEPHERD TIIORNIIILL, ONT 415 Bulliul St. Thrall?! Phnne Belmont 1347 NUTAR CONVE RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JAN- 2 J. T. SAIGEOLV Maple II. l’rou (ECO . L. R. BELL â€"HOTJCL RICHMOND, Richmond Hill. . HENDERSON IUI' Unnsen'ulory ulnilmlmus. DENT‘S l‘ Y PL’BLH YANCING “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials that he has (-stnh- nntnl Pl'ncliCP in dgm- snuth ml" the A ‘1’ i) R' P. 0. address Gunnley. [LIL The Uirectnrs .~1l:() (locirlml tn ontvr the Field Un-p competition {01' Pulutm-s and Outs. The Executive will "1091'. Saturday. the 5th of February, at 2.30. and the- nexl h-gulm' uvang will he held the 5th ut March. EA)IIL'ruxv~At Bufl‘dlu ( Befme the new officers were electtd President \Vells expressed the nppxcciatiun ('f ('tficers and membms fur faithful and untiring u-[fuxts of the Scurvtury-‘l‘reusulorun lu-hulf ut' the Agricultural Society, when it \vns moved by Mr. McN-ur and seconded by Mr. McLean, [hall Mr. I]. A. Nichulls lu: presented mm a Silver Fluwer Sund, the present- ation [wing made by Mr. J. E. Fuulcis. Mr. Nicholls. who has been Secretary for the lusL twenty years, though taken ulldgcmer by \surprise, thanked the donors for the beautiful gift. and looked forward [0' uhotlu-r succvssfnl year. The, newly elected officers and dilecIm-s ,sne us follows: President, jumes McLean 15L Viceâ€"President, J. E. Francis 2nd Vice-President. R. Thompson. Ull‘ectul'aâ€"J. S. MuNuir. G. DIM). H. Burnett. J. H. Legge. F. Glaheun, F. A. Uhuk, T. Head, T. E. Bnyntun. \V. Wvlls. R. \V. E. Bm-uubv, ~F. lmggv, '1'. I“. McMahon, J. Lumul, ’1‘. H. ’l‘lvnch. 'J'. Allisnu. Hun. Directorsâ€"JV. F. MacLenn. M. R; Capt. \anlau». M. 1’.; Huh. G. 8. Henry. M. P. 1’: Cul. '1‘. ll. lwnunx.AM. P. R; A. J. H. Eckal‘dt. Mx-Nuir, \V. \Vx-Hs McMuhun. Auditn|-s»vj. R. Hall. Deb-guts»; Lu Stepsvwme ulsu taken In clean out, the pund on the Cm-pumlion px-lgpmty on will sheet. - Committees were appointed as fol- luws:â€" ‘ File and waterâ€"The. “'hl la Uuuncll with Mr. Lunau as Uhuil'mun and Mr. Mnnkmzm us Vice-Uhailnmn. Electric llghtâ€"Ununillors Bally and Iiill and Reeve Trench. l’ill'K and buildings â€" Councillors Mnuknnm and Luuuu nml Reeve Trench. Finance nnd l-y-luws -â€"- Councillors Hill, Bully and )lunkman. mu ms and sidewalksâ€"The whole cmmci‘l with supun-isurs us mum;â€" W'ul'd lâ€"-Uounr:illm- HI“. \Vard 2â€"~Uunncillor Ba’lty. \Vard 3â€"-Cuuucill(mMnnkman. \Viu'd iâ€"L‘tumcillm' meu z On motion. the clmk “'iIS instructed [u prepare a hy-luw tn u-gululc the sale. ut milk. A350,. IL w Ft-hunry. The Directms the Field ('11 Pulzttnt-s and 0 \V._ H. ffugsley Tthiliage Cnmu‘il hvld its inaugur- al nuceLing on tho Illih. when lht' ful- luwing members mud»: and subscribed Ihvil‘ declm-utin .s of “flit-,9: T. H. Trench. remo; 1). Hill, ]. Mnnknmn, J. Lunnu, N. Bully. cuunuillurs. At. the adjourned [in-cling (n the 12Lhinst. u CUIIHHUHiCHLil'n {ruin lhv U: N. R. was loud “1th l't'frl'ruce u- water supply, [0 which (he cmrk Was instructed to u-ply. An account for In intingund stationery “as presented and mdéiud to be paid. A urputntlon from [he Huckvy Ululn uddrnsv‘d the Cuuncii with a“ new to Inn ing the improvements made in the rink. Cuuncillur Muuklnun was inâ€" structed tu lieu-e- the improvements in the rink at. nn’eurly dutv. It was decidcd hurt the wage to bu paid for ordinary labor he 351mm hour. Councillor Lunzm was instructed to LiouncumrLuuan was Instructed to have wnrlbcmned on in the Topper propertth Irfervncé up \Vutt‘l' supply, and to use 11:3 discretion as In the carrying on of the work. pifnl, MI 1931. in limnilmn. Funvrul 12 o'clock Cemetery. inst. EstILLâ€" Jan. 16. 11 055 you rs. L‘xecutivu Umm Deb-gum Lu [’wvincial Fuirs 1’: vsident and the Sociolmy. Is decided to hold thenunual air on Saturday, the 12th of l'zll \ Annual Meeting ViHagev Council . S. MuNuir. G. Dihh. J. H. Legge. F. Glaheun, , '1‘. Head, T. E. Bnyntun. R. \V. E. BIIruuhv, F. I“. McMahon. J. LumuL late from MuLday his 73 cmmuunicutivn' hum lhn H‘in wuh l't'frl'ruce Lo , [U which (he cmrk Wus DEATHS “I Mntingund stationery (l (n‘délud [0 he paid. tom the Hockey L‘luh msdav John’s 73rd [fuinn Station at, Richmond Hill duesday, the 19th 1 Mills. Sunday 5 Kerswill. ugu Harrington A. ('1qu Lunau. General Hos- ]anuzu-y 171]]. your. John jun. 19th, at Church. Oak . Liberty ; in all things, Chafity.” Rev, Mr. McNeil, (In (bf her funeral day. An m'ent nf intent-st ’tnnk plnreun Wednesday nftm mum, in St. Andrew‘s chin-uh when Mr. Eldon \Vude \vus married 1‘.- Miss Annip McCluskey. The hl'ide who “ins nnnttvndtld was given away by hI-r cousin. ‘1 r. Telfol'd \Vitln-t~<pnun. The ceI-mnnny was Dn-l'fm-nmd by Ruv. S. C. RuMnSun. and thr- Wkdding lunch was played by Miss Annie \V'illwrspoon. During tlni signing of the l’rgistt'l' Miss Lt’Pllu Kefi'm" sung. “Thin Alone.” The lu-ico was dressed in a blue travelling suit wilh hat [(1 nmU-h. and im- mediately :uflt-r the celvnmny the young ccnple lrft for u shmt trip. Mr. (‘. Rnhesnn’s llfll'SO run away on Saturday lhlmving him out. (If his wagon, and giving him some painful anUI'lt‘s. Following the ilfit‘lllntinn a lIH-lN‘lll t was held in ths- Rustic Inn, thH‘ every“)? thoroughly pnjuyutl 2'. very sumptunus supper. Several spvochn-s were» mmlP, [zivinz ~pevi ll referenre tn the honor Hillel-est anlge had nttuinnd during the) past tmm, by lecoming the Banner Lmlge of Mel rupolitm] District. Much credit is due for thh homu- hy the great :Issistnnco rendeled by Bm. .lzlcksnn, I). l). (l. M.. who not unly transferred his mumherehip tn this lodge, hut alsn his \\'llUlPâ€"lIPHI‘CI-‘d snn~ port and loyalty fur the good of the order. G. M. and Installation tsnm. put on nne nftho finmt inetnllatinm in tho hislm-y nf the lndgw. The following officers were installed for the ensuing On Saturday night the Executive 0f tilw Tux'nntu (.‘uutral District spoke on the difi‘erent departments (1 League wnrk and :L suciPly in connection with tho Methodist church was organized. Mr. Lorne Perkins was elected picsiileht. Hi1|.~.res‘t, Lnfl‘zP. N» 409. I. 0. 0. F. held their annual installatinn on \Vvd- nesdnv evening nf last, week, in the locullodge mum. Brn. Jackson. D. D. G. M. and Installation team. put on nno nftho fimut i11-zLullntinne in tho T119 Villago (Yunncil nppniuu-d the folluwing officels fur 1921': Auditnrqâ€"G. “(Indie A. lletcnlfu Assessorâ€"(7. A. SkPele Fence Viewersâ€"Mesus Sloc‘lo, Ireland and Geo Sheep Valuatorâ€"S. Tyndall Trnant Officerâ€"G. Smith . Hmrfih Oflim‘râ€"G. Rennmn High Schm-l'l‘rustee#.l. P. Glass Public Libraryâ€"Rev. N. ‘Vellwood, Miss M. Trench. il l'. lxssionm-v serm the Methodist the morning 5 Toronto. and N. G â€"â€"-\V. H. Mylks I. (:.â€" .. uluhihp. {HSâ€"E. w. Davis. 7. S.â€"<S. 'I‘vm‘lall. ‘ .rens. -R. S. Cooper Installation and Banquet \Vul. \‘ullipar pzlsxed day evrning at, the daughter in Tnmnlu tonk place hele on Em SmRuNG BANK Officers Appointei Money like farm productsâ€"increases more rapidly under efiicient cultivation. The Sterling Bank#through its policy of personal attention to each clientâ€" offers its customers the friendly advice and expert guidance necessary inboth fin- ancial and investment matters. Consult our manager at any time. as .PERSONAL BAKNlilNC} SERV’ICE mch MAPLE pla 15' Mr. in lh ch ul 1921 Richn' Alune." The Mlle tx-avolling IU-h. and im- (ft‘H'IHOHY the RiLlHIIinI Hill .319 pleat-bed ms Sunday. Quarringtnn evening by Honing by um. i COR YONGE AND ARNOLD 51‘s. lssed n “'3 y OF CANADA homc Th e and Nrwlun Break. Oll- If you require any cedar posts or poles see the Jones Lumber Co. for prices bef01e buying. Of Special Interest to Farmers sale The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick ()nmpanv, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. (hanan (1min tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 ,uml 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch BARRISTEE. Somcrron, NOTARY ETC Toronto Office. Richmond Buildings Richmond Street, \Vest-. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Oflcc). every Thursday furt‘noon. Maple, Thursday after-mum. Woodbx-idqe. Saturday forenoon. N. C. Shaver. FLA. Peter Taylor, BA. E. W. Rhodes. B.A. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Money fr Luau at. Current Rates Tezlc 1er (If Piano-Playing at, the Tnmntn Cunservutury uf Music and St. Margaret’s Cullogv. Richmond Hillâ€"\Vednesdays and Saturdays. Tel. Ade'aizl 59H Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL CO. vs \\'i( (30 inches in lvngth) Also Cement Bria-k. Sand or vael sold by the lo cur luls. Cvdzu' posts and tvlcnhone nnl ‘omm issiunvr. Con veyancex'. Etc Shaver Taylor & Rhodes . EARLE N E WT ON J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC [Single copies, 3 cts WILLIAM COOK posts and tr-h-phonc poles fur Hamsters. Solicitors Notaries. Ew. 1min T. COUSINS. PIANIST It‘s. Ill Hamilton 1‘ch HM: Rooms 303.3% Opnoaite Untv Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto Thm nhill (1 Manage! Maple. Evenings Mano Road North ’ oront u No.30 (bl

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