‘ Vil'age Directory irllll ii (i i‘illgiilllli* Service“ :>.l_ il “l. in. and? [1. III lloiv ('--I:l.l -l: .wrl ..-ll thl- l~l Sundry 12'. Ill- :ll ll a. In. and on lill'l Sunday». :l.l 8 :1. III. Hullll'ly S"llool and lilllik.’ ‘1.“l.l~s:ltiin't‘lm'k. lits’llylt‘lidll (‘llllU‘ll’ Servo-o: at and if p. Ill. SIlllIlav S-Itlw I’lil)’t'l‘ Merlinbr "lllllsllay Lilli] .. ii :I. lll. A 'Ll. 2J3. -‘\L‘llilll{. luau Catholic (‘hlllrh fidvivill‘slrll Illelnrltr- Sundays .II S.l.'>.: u. :lld MD†a. Ill. :‘il‘llnldist (‘llul'ell zl. Ill. alld 7 p. m. Ill. 23M (it'llt‘l‘Jll Thursday mulling. iipwmtll [d‘ilguPâ€"‘Dit'f‘lS ('\--'l_\' day at 8 p. lll. Village (,‘ollllcilv Mot-ls lsl \V'udlns- day of C‘l'fll lllolllh. ‘ Board of Edlnrat.i(lll~.\l:‘t‘ls lsl \VedIIl-y «lay of each month. File Bligade-31m~ls [st Tilesday of mach lllollth. . It’llblir‘, Library and lltadlnf: Roomw Open Tuesday and Salulday (-\I-- uings. litilhlllond Lodgl'. A. E. & A: M.# Muels 3rd Wednesday ot ('at'l. month. -‘ iliill (Tl'I-sl Lodge. l. O. O. E. End and -lth Tuesd ly of each month {\Victoria ll. 0. L.211liliâ€".\ieetslllb \Vell- rlesday of each monlh. 0. E.â€"I\locts 3rd Thulsday of c'cely lllOllil). HI'I'VI’K'V' :ll ll Sunday 5 ll mi l’lulyl-r Bier-Inn; Flor E2} " 1 Mini goals. rhil'f‘isl l , Schomberg I __ i The local hockey team of this place I has made a good start for a StiCl'eSSllll ‘ season. I . . 4 Last \londny night they deientod :1 'l iloz‘nliiil on Lin: 1 liters Ice by a score ' of (F2. lnal'lri-vions match Scllonllrerg w_on llradl‘or‘ll by the close SCHX‘I,‘ of .r-i the liradiol'd I from in lei exhibition game in rink. in the ï¬rst pI-l iod St‘ll'rllllu‘l'g proved tlngnlselve~ far the l'znler 10211.1. llcll~ ,‘ lit‘l‘ Slrthury. I‘ll-ml, :lnzl rupturing the puck. shot through Bradford ill-lore they l wrel'e aware of It and L‘Ct l't \i llu- iii st go ll. This. was followed by >1 llll‘ (-xr 'A‘I-ptiollrlllv hol playing in \vhil-h DI-l- “Inn of Sl‘illll'llll‘lg \l‘lllt‘ll lWII lll.lllli» l The 13ml pt-lioll w I; (‘llll Ill} a: pomli "til lllgh not quite so fad. llul lllo I'Xl'll- llll‘hi washigh \\'ll|‘ll .\l.'('u!L-ll~l.n Ian lhl'I-llgh and [ï¬ll a hot shot inlo Errol ford gilaL Bradford llll'll ll‘iillisllt'll: \\llll two goals in their i-lelll'. bill Kllyl of H“ll(llllll(‘lg l'I ilillt'li llle punk :llirl‘ i did a high lll\ t' for BI-adl'old's goal, and I .‘ got th ’11-. I The 31d pI-Iiod \va; decidedly ill the. home [(-aIn's 1"l\‘ol'_ .‘s‘l'houllwltz. ll:lv-, illg had but Illo practise sllowml signs of wind, and but for a pll‘l‘l' of I'xl‘elll-lll goal keeping by (‘l-llkt‘ would have‘ lost Ihe gallll'. Final St we I) ~l ill Sf‘llrllilllt‘l‘g's ii|\(ll'. rattling: good \\'l'll‘ a wil lllNSl'tl Both teams played galllo and those who privilegvd to ï¬ve a lval lirr-ly and cll-an game oi 'llot-kry. (\.' Imp Elgin. S. O. S.-â€"I\ler-ls ’_’xld Ill'lli ltil \\'ednesday. â€"‘â€"â€"â€"‘.-â€"â€".“_ Aurora l Tin annual election and installalioll f oï¬ilrels oi East (iwillimhluy Royal. Scarlet (‘llapter was held in the Ora nrro ‘iamleze Room at Alllola on El iday I've-tiring. '_|aIl. H, 192]. and the follow- mg oï¬icels were elected for the ens-in r1. I: year. EN. (7. in (?.â€"â€"(.lnlllp. H. F. Allan '(I’. Gull} C.â€"Colnp. j. Stuart 'Ex. C. in (Lâ€"Tllolnas Allan {Elwinâ€"Rev. Capt. Lawrence 1‘.‘icl-ibeâ€"A. M. Nicol "I'rr-as.â€"\\'or. (.‘onlp. \V. H. Taylor :‘Sil: Kt. H. at. A.â€"â€"-Uolnp. _l. G. S‘s-atoll list A: 2nd Leia-(lolllp’s A. \Villiams, .l Sillllllvrsou is! S; 2Iid (Tolld.â€"â€"Oolllp's S. Chapman. W. ,l. Rose l1nsideH.~Colllp. N. Hal-man ï¬)lll§i(lt‘ ILâ€"(lolnp. C. Hallllall Alldilol-sâ€"Comps. J. Stuart. A. (ililll-l wade. o- SEW'S NOTES Hon. A. 1.. Siflon. Secretary of A Special Price for Good Pastry Flour also Purity. A Good Supply of Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal. Purnia Feed, Crack Corn and other grain [or poultry. l A Car ofNo. 1 Briquets. Also Nut, Stove and Egg Coal 5 AT THE ELEVAVOR -THI,.-lteilltht~ Dominion Cabinet. died ~=lt Ottawa on Friday. | Oil "The Ontario Legislature opener Tuesday. . ONMOOOOWW HDME' '06 : ASSOCIATIth scooots Breeding and Fee Architectural 43W6MOW«“’ V ' Poultry Husbandry Productive Orcliarding esigning l. DIR-AMER ~' WWWMONOOOMOMOMMMWOO UDY A COURSES ST KIN AGRICULTURAL COURSES:â€" Soils and Fertilizers Farm CrOps ding Live Stock- Dairying Tractors aï¬d Farm Machinery ARCHITECTURAL COURSES :â€" . Freehand Drawing Methematics and Reading of Architectural Blue Prints Farm Buildings and their Construction COMMERCE COURSES?! Cost Accounting Banking English, Penmanship Secretarial .5; ‘9 3 3 Heating and Ventilation O r Accountancy “A Bookkeeping Busrness Law, Typewritlng . Advertisrng These are some of the let) wecoouoouwmuo» “new ' Ti'.'. i‘i l Public Speaking, Commercial Illustra AUTOMOBILE CO L‘RSESzi- Automobile Construction and Repair Automobile and Motor Truck Operation Applied Automobile Engineering OTHER COL'RSESzm courses listed. For further information communicate with Dr. G. ELMORE REAMAN Educational Director Toronto Central Y. M. C. A., 40 College St. Phonesâ€"--N. 8400 or N. 3172. Hardwood and Hemlock Slabs l ' Vegetable Gardening Farm Managelng ting, Show Card Writing. All these courses are soldiers on the basis of a '25 per cent. deposit, which is refunded when 7.") per cent. of the work has been taken. RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK OPEN EDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING-S. W m Public Notice! \VI‘ :ll'f‘ DHW ill .\ illlsilil'll in look :lllol your IlIl-lls ill (-li-ly lilm Ill~ Illl-Ial wolk. and \\'iil lll‘ plI-asr ll lo sol- _\'I ll ill H‘g‘dlll to Metal Roofing. Metal Siding, Metal Garages. Etc. as well as ‘Eave Trouglling, Furnace and General Repair Work. ('ome ill and see us about your Spling \Vol'l: now. Shop lll’Xl to the Shoe Factor, ill the old Bank Building. TEETZEL BRO GEO. KIDD Boot and Shoe Repairer All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. l‘s‘ 2Dorrs South of Bakery on Yonge St. 06 __._â€"..â€"â€"- Increase Your lilrninlt Power by taking a rolll'w ill illi- ELI-[01?) j. C- ( Jag/7w? / Ms, 'l'l lollto. i Y ‘.‘ll Cilalhu ( Ill ll‘-l [WU S.lltll'lll~‘ lIl .ll'l"i'l p ‘llil‘ll‘w‘ llllll'll‘ ‘l at .I-U in l‘ \\I-Il; and the o'll~l at our Sli II In 1' Inolllh. l’r. llll lion i illni‘liws is lllllill il‘ )‘I ll ll:I\i- l mail I ll:l'l‘.\l!.\'l’lll\’. 'l lll\\‘ l.ll1‘l i: In lwl i-ll high glado llHillillLf and l'ol :I»~}slil.'_: the Silltlt'lll\ lo olllslill l‘llll‘llIIYIHI‘lil. \V‘Iito for ('ollegc ('il‘l lll ll. l‘illll‘l‘ at all\' How. \T. .l. ELLIH'll' l’Iil.l‘ip.ll. .3... l l l l I l I l | I | l l .‘lnnil Ipllilv ot' Vaughan will i‘l' llv'lll ill the 'l‘l'\\'ll liilii, \W'llolo, t'll MONDAY, FEB. at 10 :l. )lr‘l.1~:.\.\'.('ll-Il; I" 4 v Ill. r r. .l. l Notice To Creditors l lN 'l‘llE )l.»\'l"l‘El{ Oi" lllt' [‘15i'lll‘ of \\'ll.l.l;\.\l JAMES S‘ABLER, lain of tho 'l'o\vll~.llip of Vaughan. ill tho (h‘lllllyl-‘l Yol k, (lent ll-lllan. lh‘vl‘rlsril. l’l'liï¬l‘ANT [u the sillllllr‘é: IhaL lit-half. nolitre is hereby given that all parties having cl‘ims aglillst. llil’ Estate of \Villialll Killlllt‘S Sadlt‘r. lan of the Township of Vaughan, who (lll‘tl on the Hill day of October, lUZO. .ll‘l' lL‘tllllr‘t‘ll to send to John l’al' VVilsoll. M. D.. Hit-lllllolld Hill. Exotrlltol- of tho said Eslalo. on or- bliore lln- 10th day of FI-blll'lly noxl, :t start-Illenl. of their claims willl their ham»! and :Ultil'PS‘ll‘ï¬. AND TAKE Fl'llTHER NOTICE that the Executor aftI-r lhe last lllt’nlitllll‘tl date will plocm-d to dis. Ilillllte the assets an-ong the parties ontitled tin-loin. having legald only to such claims as ln- sh-lll then have l‘l (:eived notice. Dated this 7th day jalluary, “"21. William Unak. 33Eirll‘ulolld51.\V.. Toronto. . EU 4 Solicitor for [he Exr-clltol', Notice to All Subscribers of the Horn-- Telephone Co, Ltd. Bethesda and Clo... Lid. Seal horn Toll-phone Co., Ltd. .‘lt. Alllt‘lL Tolephollc Urn. Ltd. lfxbiidge and Scott Telephone Co. Ltd. King Telephone Co. Ltd. Pursuant to the orders of the Ontario Hailan and Municipal Board, Jilly 17th. 1020. and amending f‘lllt’ls there will be Chalged oil and alter Monday.Jallll-ll-y17th, 1921 a toll fol I'()li\'t‘l'\“dilOll between SlillsUl'ilHLI‘S of dill'eIt-lltr'olllpalliI-sof the. York and maximum charge) between other L't‘lll~ l‘;ll5 ot lliï¬'urelll. colllpallies of the union. No charge mole than ll) l‘l‘lll" Apply to your central for lillrlhl-r in- l'ollrlalioll. l“. I). MM'KAY, President. C. \\'. I,).\\"lll.<o.\', Set-relax y. Daily papers, to LIBERAL ’ Subscribers, one year, as fol- lows: » Auditilrr . ‘. . _ 1‘} ‘ .7 v I ' Economms IDallywt lobe i ll) Shorthand ’ . Y ' . ‘. Sulesnmnship , Ddll} Marl and Lm pire 4 .30 _ Daily Star 3 so free to returned l l l «WMfwowomoomuomwommooewmowoowooooooooowmww 0¢OOMO§ Evening Telegram .30 L. WADE ~ 3 SHOEMAKER New Shop, rear of Glass’ Gent’s Furn- ishing store. next door to Jones’ Lum- ber Company. COME AND SEE ME I l l l l g/é’i/‘fl, . . “ï¬n-"M.â€" ...â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€".â€" Vaughan Council The lll'Vl nun-lint: of the (‘ivlllll'il of [be 1021 Sll‘lllil'ville Tt-h'phuntl dated ' Clubbing Rates. ._.â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"-._.‘..__ .- v Notice oiApplicalion for Dillorcc l . u 'l l l l ‘Nll'l'll‘l-l is lll‘ll‘l|}' uiVI-n illnl Jolli‘.|l‘l‘. .\i:|| KI I l.\' it ill“ t‘ity nit TI l'Oll’ l l H". in Ill-- (illlilliV Ii Yolk, alu‘ - - l)l1l\'llil'l‘ of (Hi llil‘, l’il'en .lll. will I‘ll‘ihl' iv llu‘ l‘.llli lllll'lll Ill (Tindda :li tile III \'I Sl-sxil-Il lll‘ um i for a lilll ol' '; Down-o I‘ll Ill lii.‘ “in. l‘dnlll lx'lclix. . oi the lily I l' 'l‘wlwl lo. ill the Count}: ‘ol' Yollt, )1. mid \Voulnt. on the I ground l l'.l.lul' ‘l)’. Dated :‘ll 'i' :l , l‘lovilloe of ,‘Olilalio, Illi: lanai} li'th day vii Novr‘lllllI-l‘. 11120. lll‘GIlES l’x AUAR. 7‘2 Out-I‘ll Sill‘ct, \Vest. Toltllto, Onlalio. Soil. in l\‘ for llll‘ ol‘lllil‘= .l(lli.\' ED\\‘.\I{D KELLY. Notice oiApplicalion for Divorce NOTICE is ln-lll»_v gi\t‘ll lhal |Fl.OllE‘.\(‘lC lilllli, l-l' lllo ('ily of Toronto. ill the (‘Ilulllv of \‘olk. ill llll‘ l’roviluo of (llllalio. o mallied lwomall, will apply In lhe Parliament ‘of Canadl ‘li lhl- lll‘Xl session lllvleol~ for a Hill of llir owe i'I-olll lll‘l’ hllslranll HENRY ll.\\'El.O(‘K (llBli. i'olrllel- l)" of (he fl‘lill ('ily til. 'lol'ollln' Il(-\\‘ ill-licnd to II-sido ilhllll‘ (‘lly (|' Van- f‘(l|l\'“l‘ ill llll‘ I‘lli‘i‘incl- of British (l-Illllrlbi:l. ('lllk. (ll llll- glound ol' illlllllr‘l'y and dusvllioll. DATED at 'l‘olonio ill the Prlninl'u of Olllalio. this illh day of Now-lube l', Ail, 192â€. FLORENCE (HUB, bv her solicitor WILLIAM l’Rtll'l)F()tl'l‘, p. l‘.’ ltichlllolld St. East, Toronto. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"dâ€"lâ€"â€"I Notice of Application for Eivorce NOTICE is hereby given that MAR- (SAHE'I‘ Slipxxs'rox NEVILLE. of llll.‘ ('ily of'l‘orontl . in the County of Yol k. Plllvilli‘ellf Ontario, married woman u'Ill apply lo tho Parliament of Carlarl-I at. the next Session lhelt-of, for a Hill of Diuu-ce from lit'l' husband Edward Neville, of the (3in of Tololllo, ill Illi- (‘ollllly of York, Sheet Metal \Volkel', on the grounds of adultery alld descr- lion. DATED at Toronto. ill the Province of Ontario, the qunty-seventh day of November, A. D. 192.1). (‘l'ltl’tY A: \VALLACE. SOHI'llHIS for the applicant, 26 Queen Street East, 213} 37 Toronto. ._.__.._____._._____-â€"-â€"â€" Notice oi Application for Divorce NOTICE is here-by given that )aInos Malont' of the- (‘ity l'f Toronto ill the ('ounly of York and i l Province oi Ontario, [{i‘llll’lu'tl Soldier. will rpply to thr- Parliament of (‘allada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Agatha Velollit-a. (‘allu-rino Malone. of tilt‘ Cin of Halifax in the l’lovnlae of Nova Sootia. ol; the ground of adultery. Dated at Tolonlo ill the Plovrnm- If Ontario, this 7th day of December, lith). PARKER. CLARK AND HART Bank of Hamilton Building. Toronto, 24 38 Solicitors for the Applicant. W Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that GEORGE Ontario llld. Telephone Union of u rents between adjacent ('ellll'als of lilol‘lilJEY. of the City of Toronto, sepalalecolllpallics and 10 cents ILln- ill the County of York, in thr- ‘ Province of Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at. the next session then-of l'l'l' It Bill of l)i\'â€" orue from his wife. l\'\’ SI'HAN Guthr- l.l«1\'. of the city of Toronto. ill the- (‘ollniy of Yolk. Malrird \Vounlu. on llli' ground of adultery. Dated at Toronto. Province of Ollâ€" laiio, this l'olu'lh day of October 1920. lll'tiilES A; AUAR. 7'2. QIlI-t-ll stir-M, West, Toronto, Ontario. Solil-itors for the applicant 2E) (Ll-JORGE oot‘mnv n For Divorce Notice of Applicatio NOTICE is lll'l'l‘lly given lhat DORA l.l'r'\' HILL of lhe City of Toronto. y ill the (‘ollllry of York, ill tho ‘ Province of Ontario. will apply lo' llll‘ Parliament of (."lllillill at the next Session thereof for a hill of divorce ,lilUHI her husband Walker llaldl-ll- ‘ Bell, of 'l‘ololllo, afolt'said, ('olonel His )lajl-sty’s Force». on the . Ill gl'l'lllld of iltllllll‘ly. . Hall‘d at tho ('ily of 'BoI-nlllo’ in the County of Yolk, this 15th. day of L)t’Cl‘ll|llt‘|" lillll. DORA Ll‘CY BELL. I By her-Solicitols. Ut‘lilllllll]. Catlanacll «k )le-l-edilll, l l , not; (‘, P. n. lsnlllringf fl ‘ _ 1 ll 26 TORONTO. llarmers Sun 1 all .____________â€"â€"â€" i __ , Familv Herald .2 “0‘ Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is llt'lt'lly given that ADA FLORENCE KEEXAN. of rho t'ily of Toronto. ill the County «f Yolk and 1)l(l\il]\'<‘ of Olllalio, Maillvd \Vourau. will apply to the l’allianII-nl It Canada at the next Session lhel'tol'. for a Bill i or" Divorce in lll lll‘l’ husband ALBERT ,ElllvAnn lx’Iclchx. t'ol-Illt-rly of [in- [City {vi Tololllo. now of the Town of I Niagara Falls. ill the County of \Vell- and and Province of Ontario, on the glr lllllls of adultery and deserlion. t Dated at Torcnto. this 5th dayof i l lallllaly. 1921. ADA FLORENCE KEENAN BY MURPHY & DONALD 123‘) Bay Stu-rt. Tululltll. her S'aliCittilS herein. :9 43-