Chilblains, Frost- Bites and chapped hands use BENGUE for immediate relief try a tube to-day and be convinced BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES A 81.00 a tube THE lEEMlNG MILES CO..UD. MONTREAL Agents for Dr. Jule: Benlub RELIEVES PAIN vul'u‘v‘nl‘u'u-u'u'uM-'\-Wn CORNS Lift Right Off without Pain ma.mnuuflnfll‘u'u'u'iI't/v'v'v'u'hfluungmv. Magic! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instantly that com 'etnps hurting, then shortly you lift it ‘rlght off with ï¬ngers. Doesn‘t hurt a bit. Your drugglst sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses. ___________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"‘ I Mind-reading. A pretty little young lady of seven had memorized several of the stories in her fairy book and was fond of pre- tending to read them. One night she was seated upon the lap of a visitor, affecting to read one of her favorite tales about some wooden dolls. She was proceeding with great en- thusiasm for several moments, when the guest interrupted her by saying: "But, my dear child, I don't see any- thing about dolls on that page.†"I know it," said the small one pcmmptly and sheepishly. “I was reading on the wrong page." Then turning over several pages, she concluded: “It's over here." .â€"â€".â€"â€" The game of billiards is supposed to have been invented in France in the ï¬fteenth century. Minard's Llniment Relieves Distemper =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"_â€"-_â€"â€"_â€"â€" Surnames and Their Origin YATES Variations â€"â€" Byatt, Gaits, Waite, Wayte. Racial Originâ€"English. Source â€" Geographical. also occupa- tional. The family names in this group are interwoven through what is. to our modern training, one of the most in- comprehensible chungcs in language and spellingenamely, the switching about of the letters “Y,†“H,†Ligget, Gates, and "W," which occurred about the time the English language rensserted itself in u new form following the Xtrl'lllilll invasion. ’l‘hc t‘xlllilliiflltlll lies in peculiarities of pronunciation in tliusc days which are not yet thoroughly understood. but ihc fact renmins in the form of \l'l‘llll'll records that those four Uttcrs oftcti \n-ro substituted one for an» otiirr, “into†was the old English form for "grille." Hence the fumin names Gates; and Yates often come from the some original form "utte Yule." or "nttv lintc:" that is to say. "at the gutc." llut tho llilllli‘ (if Gulcs is often met with. in addition to this form, as "lo tints" or “LP. ticyt," and also as "lo \'\'c_‘»‘tc," [how last three form.s beâ€" ing illl old English name for the pub- lic watchman. the policeman, \n-‘d cull him. The lli‘nlt’ lllutt is the modern sur-i vival of “Dy-Yaw." meaning "by the gza’u‘.†.\nd the family nunio of Liggct rcprcunts~ N‘YL‘l'ill stages of shortcu- ini: Irvin the form "ntto Lidcyntc," that is. to say. "at the Lid-gate." Lid- gutc lining the litllllt‘ of u definite lo- iolitj; in England to-duy. . The Unknown Warrior. Buried in Westminster Abbey, ' Within the abbey's ancient walls, ' There lieth one to whom The heart of Britain, sadly proud, Has Built a solemn tomb; Around it lie the royal dead; Crusaders, knight and peer; And every name on every stone Is graven clear. There lie the noble and the good, The lights of every age, The statesman and the patriot, The poet and the sage. How comes it, then, that in this place. Where sleep the great alone, We find this single monument To one unknown? Hast thou forgotten Flanders ï¬elds? This man without a name, A name to every mourner brings And sounds the note of fame. In Flanders ï¬elds the poppies blow, And sunbeams there may shine; But here is love's own monument In Britain's shrine. Winï¬iiiiin HARD ON nuns ONES Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little one oï¬t for an airing. The consequence is that baby is conï¬ned to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes cross and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little one healthy. They are a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ____.._4 Close formations are stated to be due to the presence of dust in the air, the particles of dust acting as centres of condensation for the formation of raindrops. Nova Scotia leads the Canadian Provinces in apple production. Her 1919 crop was over 2,000,000 barrels. The Canadian apple crop in 1919 was worth $24,000,000. MacNAB Variationsâ€"Abbot, Abbotson. Racial Originâ€"Scottish and English. Sourceâ€"Ocupation. The family name of MacNab is simp« ly the Anglicized version of the Gaelic “Mac-an-Aba,†and it means exactly the same thing as Abbotson, “son of abbot." . From this it might be inferred, in view of the celibacy to clergy of both England and Scotland were bound, that there was scandal in- volved in the origin of this group of names. Such, however, cusc. lish names to their various individual came into being here and there at difâ€"i ferent times in different parts of the country. but the Gaelic clan system: permits us to trace the name in Scot-l, land back to a single source. 1, MncNab is the name of one of the .lnrgcr clans, known as “Chiantiâ€"anâ€" Aha." or "the descendants of the Ab- lbot.“ This particular abbot held of-i which the I is not the1 sources in all cases, of course. as they l riiciul position at Glendochurt in thei lreigii of King David I. lie wus not a ‘pricst, but u layman. The organize-1 ,1lon of the medieval aopeys was not: inlways entirely religions, and laymeni ‘ioftcn had official and administratite'. :tlttlles within them. ‘ l The English name in some raises? iinny have originated as the result of; ,n futhcr of n fumin buying renounced iholy orders, but the other explanation" appears to be predominant. l i The ltulncs Abbot and .-\blnv_gon arel l‘lik‘il by :cpts of the (‘lifll )l:‘.r,\':,b_ lhï¬'fhï¬l is After a ten-day trial of instead of coffee,you're apt to wonder Why you stuck to the coffee habit so long Ingram? Posrum numerous nun HserHi-‘Ui. “Hegel? a: Ransom Fusion h... 'uur..f4-. V \â€"s.. ,.....,L manna“... AUTO REPAIR PARTS for most makes and models of oars. Your old. broken or worn-out parts replaced. Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. We carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used or new parts and automobile equipment. We ship C.O.D. anywhere in Canada. Satis- factory or refund in full our motto. Shaw‘s Auto Salvage Part Supply. 923-931 Donor-in BL, Toronto. Ont. What Is a Boy Scout? A Boy Scout! He enjoys a walk Hydro In Scotland. Scotch interests are planning to ob- tain 42,000 electrical horse-power by harnessing three lakes, and to utilize through the woods more than he does the wateppower mnmg to was“, m the excitement of the city streets. He um watemhed of the T81 learns the facts about the winds, the stars, the trees and all living thingsâ€"- and becomes "master of himself" in the open. A Scout can tie a knot that will hold, Call Again. Pedlarâ€""Is the lady of the house in '1" Mr. Newlywedâ€"J'Yes, but there isn't he can swim, he can patch a tent. he a thing m the wide world we mt... can mend a tear in his trousers, he Podiumâ€"“All right, sir: I'll call can tell you what weeds are poisonous again when the honeymoon is over... and what are not; if living near the ocean, lake or river he can reef a sail or pull an oar. A Scout does not run away when an accident occurs. If a person has been out he uses his first aid knowledge in stopping the flow of blood; if a. person has been burned he knows just wha to do to alleviate the sufferings: and should anyone be drowning, his train- ing helps him to meet the emergency, to swim, with all clothes on if necesâ€" sary, to the person in danger, and to bring him back to safety. And when the drowning person is pulled ashore, he doesn’t stand around waiting for somebody else to do something. He knows how to apply artiï¬cial respira- tion and sets to it at once because he knows that not one moment can be lost. A Scout is kind to everything that lives. He prides himself upon doing a "good turn" every dayâ€"for which he, of course, will not accept a tip. A Scout promises to do his duty to God and his country, to help other people at all times, to obey the Scout law, and at all times undertakes to do his best to keep himself physically strong, mentally- awake and morally straight. Any boy, ‘over, joining a troop that has already been started. In case there is no troop in his neighborhood, or if for other rea- sons it is advisable to form a new troop, this may be done after consul- tation with Scout Headquarters in Toronto. But in any case, the consent of the parent or guardian must be shown on the enrollment blank. The Tsetse Fly. The Director of Agriculture for Southern Rhodesia says that the tsetse fly, so widely fatal to domesth animals, has invaded new districts of South Africa and reoccup'le-d territory that was infected many years ago, but that has been. free since the outbreaks of rindexrpest in 1896. The advance of the fly in some places menace‘s farms and in others prevents the settlement of otherwise desirable land. In areas where big game has been. reduced to a minimum, or where the forest has twelve years of age or .becn leveled, the fly has been greatly reduced in numbers. The bite of the tsttso fly causes what is popularly _ known as the sleeping sickness. f it is not possible to trace the Eng-j .0 “Pape’s Diapepsin†for indi- , gestion. "Pape's Diapepsln" is the quickest, surcst relief for indigestion, Gases, Flutulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer- mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give'ulmost limmedinte stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can cut favorite foods without fear. Lnrge case costs only 60 cents nt drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped nnnunlly. Largest selling stomach corrcctor in \VUl'ld." Adv. o . Waterproof Shoes. The United States lsurcrtu of t'heniW :1 method by. his shoes: untcrpioof unles~ lll('_\' huvc holes iii- has \vorkcd out unybody run nmkc istry \\ lill'll thcm. The chief rcusttn why >ll()(3>‘ ordinari- 1)‘ arc not \\'1iil'll)l'liltf is that thc >L"illl$ "‘shiixv." lint-h lit-lull“. c.«pcclally for; >tt>c in “illicit is i: lllik‘llli'c of :wcivo ounccs of inï¬ll-w and four t'llllt‘t'S of“ cod oil. .\.lc‘.tud togwthl' r by niodoxnte lit-hi. rut- stuff should be uppiihl warm ‘ tund iln run. 1» V to thc edge of the vile .:::d ill“ “'I‘ll, \xln :‘c [(vat't‘tll' is llll '-t it- look. .‘-t to mu bc l|v>l \xillt'llll'lvil€_l _" I Unto Monti fr‘r fifto-‘ii ~‘iillm; i 1 containing- '.‘ flit“ : ult’. may become a Boy Scout by’ _â€" Wanted It to Go. "This is. my car," exploded the irate tourist to the garagemen, “and what I say about it, goesâ€"see?†Just then a dirty-faced machinist t crawled out from under the dead ma- chine and said, pleadingly. “say ‘en- glne.’ mister!" Simple Addition. Teacherâ€"“Now, Willie, if I gave you ï¬ve rabbits and then four more, how many would you have?" Willieâ€"“Ten.†Teacherâ€"“How do you make that out?†Willieâ€""Well, I have one at home already." ~â€"â€"4- MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. German prisoners in Great Britain were employed in two waysâ€"about 25,000 on the land, and over 6,000 in and ï¬lling in clearing up camps trenches on the East Coast. MollflER! "California Syrup of Figs†Child’s Best Laxative I Accept “California†Syrup of Figs onlyâ€"look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physio for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say “California.†America’s Pioneer Dog Remedies | Book on DOG DISEASES ‘, and How to Feed l Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. :1. Clay Glover Co., Inc. 118 West Slst Street ’ New York. U.S.A. 7' DANDERlNE Stops Hair Coming Out: . Thickens, Beautiï¬cs. Indiiiit moisture. Thus the hut gm liftillll und the \\i .“d r is linblt- lv) t'.lli'll t-trld. An occu~lounl u-w of «'zistm' (3] on sliic tlmlt‘r» will hllp to ni'ikc tin ill \yute x'prtvof, but two Elillt‘ll should not i be ll‘-’lml lit-2' it intrri‘w‘c with inc 1 :"Danderinc." Af- . .2; you cannot find h Mr (1' any dandruff, besides ‘ " life, vigor, “n'l abundance. -’,~.\.. .- l.-"". l l l l Classiï¬ed Advertisements. ..~ HE TORONTO FREE HOSPI'I‘ near Weston Ontario, in afï¬liatio with Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. New York, offers to young women desiroul or becoming qualiï¬ed nurses 3 thru- ear course of general trainirig; attrac- lvo residence; s ngle rooms. or salary and other information aggly Lady Sup- erintendent. Toronto on Hospiml. Weston. Ontario. AGENTS WANTED. GENTS WANTED: BLISS NATIVE é‘ Herbs is a. remedy for the relief 0! onstlpatlon, Indigestion. Biliounne Rheumatism, Kldneg Troubles. RE well-known. having een extensively - vertised, since it was ï¬rst manufao urea in 1888, b distribution of large (Hanna ties of marines, Cook Books, saith Books. oto.. which are furnished to agents free of charge. The remedies or. sold at a. price that allows it onto to double their money. Write Aonzo 0. Elisa Medical Co.. 12‘ St. Paul St. East. Montreal. Mention this paper. pm St I It Inn-um: root. Io rm. rues M I and Lenin: root. After a hard ay‘o work or a. long train. 116 your feet are completely used up. the them in hot water than rub the ' well with MINARD'S LINIMENT. 1 will relieve you and you will never be without a. bottle. __________._______â€"â€" In Great Britain, duke is the high- est title of nobility. The ï¬rst English duke was Edward, the Black Prince, created Duke of Cornwall in 1337. Mlnard's Llnlment for Dandruff. News is distributed throughout the natives of Central Africa by means of drumasignals. CUTICURA SOOTHES SKIN TROUBLES Bathe with plenty of Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse and puri- fy. Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. Cuti- cura Talcum soothes and cools the skin and overcomes heavy perspi- ration. Delicate,delightful,distingué. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50:. Taken 25:. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman, Limited. 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. WCuï¬cura Soap shaves without mug. ASPIRIN Only “Bayer†is Genuine 'I‘zike no chances with Warning! _ substitutes for genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." Unless you see the name “Bayer†on package or on tablets you are not getting Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are directions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheu- matism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade marl! (registered in Canada), of Bayer Menus facture of Illonoaoeticacldester of Salicyllcacid. illltlil ANOTHER RilElill‘ilTlC TWINGE Get busy and relieve those with that handy bottle 0 Sloan‘s Liniment‘ HAT Sloan's does, it does thor- VS/ oughlyâ€"{wnclralcs without rub- bing to the afflicted part and promptly rc'licvcs most kinds of exter- nal pains and aches. You'll ï¬nd it clean and nonâ€"skin-staininv. Keep it handy for sciatica, lunibngo, neuralgia, over-exerted muscles, 51 l 'oints, back- ache, pains, bruises, strains, sprains, bad weather after-ci'fccts. For 39 ycars Si van's Linirncnt has helped thousands the World over. You aren't likely to be an exception. It cer- tainl ' does reduce results. , "tsâ€"55¢, 70c,$i.‘.0. gains Li lSSUE No. 0â€"'21.