Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1921, p. 1

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Spvcial attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm stock sales .1 specialty. Farms bought and suld nu commission. All sales at- tended to un slim-Lest nutice. and con- ducted by the must approved methods. Patronage solicited. Branches at Thornhill and LICENSED AUCTIONEER run COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer fur thoUnnnty of York. Sales amended to on shortest nntice. and at rvasunnble rate-s. Patronage snlicited MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarben Residence address Victoria Squm'e DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GOHMLEY R. R. Pupils passed for )unsexvatory Ex- muinutums. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VOL. XLIII. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Map]? Szmd. Gravel and Brick Pompany, Lt'd. hum- nu [mud f1~rsalle. Cement (1min tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 13 and 20 inch (31) inches in length) A'so Cement. Brick. Sand or vael sold by the )1 car lots. Cedar pm's and telz phone "Elnornhill. 5.113 by phone or otherwise promptly responded to Willowdale. V. D. OLLIVER, Manager J. II. Prentice STUDIO «HOTEL RICHMOND, $1.50 per annum, in advance.] The Rayafl Bank of Canada The Bank inflows a liberal policy in extending Credits to Farmers. If you are going to need a loan to buy seed or live- stock, see the Manager of the nearest branch of the Royal Bank early about your requirements. This is an invitation to call at the Royal Bank the next time you are in town. CAPITAL AND RESERVES $85,000,000 TOTAL RESOURCES - $535,000,000 625 BRANCHES VETERINARY SURGEON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER you THE COUNTY or YORK Patronage and influence raspectfnlly solicited 415 Ballit-I Sh. Tm'nnlu. Phone Belmont 1347 . S. SHEPHERD J. T. SAIGEOIV ' Maple pm's and tel: phone poles for LATE 0F MAPLE Phone 47“ T. (‘0 L'SINS. Richmond Hill P. O. addleas Gormley. KR. and M mnger Maple. 10M or 1 FOR THE CUI'N’I‘Y I Nuthng mo grent~Nm TERMS REASONABLE. Orde left with Mr. Frank Atkinan will receiv- pmmpt ultontion. Alsnngvnt for the Hinlmln Slzundmd Milke-r. Phone Alll'm'u 8013. IM‘siH‘S tn announce- tint he has esluh- lislml himwif in Dmtul Practice in Rivhmund Hill. (luv door sunlh nf the Stundmd Bunk. llulIrsQ:l.lln. In 5.30 p.111. Open evenings h‘y nppnintlm-ut. 200 BERESFORD AWL. \VEST TuRox’ro Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-NYE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prumpt, attention. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. 'THORNHILL ANU UNIONVILLE The The The The .M W. HEWISON HOUSE PAlNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Ofiiu: hours ~- 9 In p.111. Office and l'vsidt‘nm‘ Richmond Hill. Pl). {Mmmnzh Bldg" 26-28 Adel Ofiices, laide St" \Vest, 'l‘m-nntu. Naughtun Bluck. Aux-um 1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M the :IleP places Barristers. Sulicmrs. kc; MANNIyu ARCADE. 24_KING ST. WES'I‘. TORONTO, (‘AXADA TELEPHONE Mun: 311 Callie Address: "Dedu" [flank Danton Denton, Macdonald & Benton Tel. M. 3881 A. Cameron MacNaughton Banister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST E. SANDERSON H. A. NICI’IOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC PLUMBING AND TINSM [THING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Mnunissiuner, (.‘nm'vynncer, Eu Insunlnce anfl Real Estate- Issurr of Maniuge Licenses. DR_ L. R. BELL Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 A. C. HENDERSON JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Richmond Hill Slllicllol‘ fur: Tuwn nf Aurm'a Township of King Township of \‘th-hlm-h Imperial Bank of Canada, . \Vulmn. & (‘0. Amom NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHMOND HILL DR J. P WILSON VANDORF LICENSED AUCTXONEER M ARRI AG E LICENSES RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. FICB- 24. A. J. HUME TIIORNHILL, ONT NOTARY l’l'BLLt' CONVEYANUI NU Arthur AJIuL-donnld I’liNT‘ST ISSUE]! ‘0? nm‘~YungP Sll'eet Phnnv No. 21 WY 0]“ YORK Nuthiug ton small. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty,- in all things, Charity." u,m. 6108 Am om Sectiunfi). which' pmvidvs for th establishment and muiulenuce of part- lee courses of instruction fur young persons all work. cmst int.“ opolut‘inn «In September lst. 1923. The minister expects that Bum-(ls will he pxepm-ud [n lllukt‘ this section efleclivc on that | date. The Enforcement or The Adolescent School Attendahce Ad Christ's (-hurrh, \Vondhl'iJgP. was lotully dest‘rnyed by fine Sunday morning. The [USP is said to [w $0,000 insurance $3,000. A munumn-nt (‘l'PL‘l- rd to tho memnry uf Hw lulu Hun. N. (I. W'nlluco. which htnnd near thv U. Wulluco. church, was fil 1‘. The Dvpnrlflwnl (If Edm'ulitrn hus 59 (out the following circular: he Adulescenb School Attendance Alzl, hy the proclulnulix-n of the Lieut- enant, Gnvrrunr. made on the lalhrday of Jlllm920, will cmne inlu force and lake (-l'fuct ns fullnws : Se-clinn 3 on September Isl. 1921, nnd Svciinn 9 011 September lst, 1922. The pinpnse of bringing the At into force by stages is u: make it pns- siBle to adjust gradually school no- connnodmions, cnursesuf study, and empluyments in induatlries to the con- dilinns 59!, up Ivy the ruquiwments of the Act. St-ctiun 30ftht- Act. Whirl] cmm-s intn upwrutinn on Septmnbex- 15!, 192i. leVldPN for tho attendance at school ofndolt-scents between fumtm-n and sixteen years nf ngt‘. The Minister announces that in conformin with this soctiun (If the Act. pupils uru ex- pected to remain in full time attend- ance ill school until they air sixteen years of age unless (‘lnplUVPd 0n the :iuthulity of u hume,permit m- an mnplnynu-nt m-rlificute :is provided for by the Act, but that it is nut his 1n- tention to instruct, Attendance Officers to make the Act rotrnzu‘tive hy rndeuvuuring to compel ynung per- sons hetwreu foul-torn and sixteen years uf age who have been engaged in regular employnu-nt to return to schva. School nuthorities. accord- ingly. will. In the beginning. be chargrd with prm‘iding only for the cuntinucd instinctiun (»K--~=thns£r who are at present at Schunl and not? for the numbers whu might be fur-c- ml to return tn'schnul by the strictest interpretationof the Act. At the same limo, the Ministm‘ exâ€" pe-cts that the Act, will b0 made fully PfiC‘CthP m the extent, [hut Attend- ance Oflluprs be appointed according lanw and their deill‘llllellt-S organ- lZ“d[(I ensure, first. that. all young pt’l‘SUIIS between i'uuxtm‘n and sixteen years of age shall lie either at. school ur 21L wm k ; and. second. that all those in gainful employments', shall hold Llu- permits ur cerliiicutcs n-quired by law. ()n the 30th nf Januzuy. 1921, death removed:uleu-r mid and highly I-v- pected residrnt nt' Richmond Hill in lho person -t Mrs. Jacob Eyer in her 7511: year. The sad event. touk place at the lesidvncu of her daughter. Mrs. Jonathan Brillingur. Richmond Hill. The announcement. was received with sinuous regret: by her_ many friends. Deceased whose maiden name was Elizabeth “rise. was horn in the cmlnlyuf York near Richmond Hill, where she was married to Mr. Jacob Hyena farmer on the 2nd («f Markham. After living on the farm fur sums-time. Ihv;7 moved to Richmond Hill. when: Mr. Eyel- was n tinsmith fur u numhm- of yeuls. Mr. Eym- died on Man-h 10th 1920, and fmm then until the time of lwr demisv, [he \viduw resided with her daughtel, Mrs. Jonathan Bril- linger. Mrs. Eyer was noted for her loving disposition. She Was uwuys ready to give u helping hand in sickness or in lilneof need. She was a llll‘llll)8l' of [he Dunkurd uhmcll for .‘l numb,“ of years. and it can he said of her, lhnt she 9xpe~rlcnced to the full the un- speakable- joy and consolation of the vhlistian religion. The (let-eased hm] enjuyed good lumth until the (lenlh of her husband. She was confined in her bed ten weeks hufurc her death. when she suffered a meat deal. She is survived by three dnughiers. Mus. Jonathan Brillinger. Richmond Hill, Mus. Levi Boise. Vic- tnrial Square. Mm. Elswmth Keys. Concord. One brolhm' Michael Heiso, Cunnmore. Alberta, seventeen grand- :hildlun. eleven grout grand chlldreu. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. They die in Josus. alnd ale Inlvst; Hmv calm their slumlwns are? From sufiurings and from woes reâ€" leased and flew! from everv emu-3' GRAND DAUGHTER. Anglican Churth Burnej whidl htl|0d In lmdly d Imnged Obituary Il‘ lht‘ hv the Consult us as to your Bonds and other Securities. Of Special Interest to Farmers If you require any cedar posts or poles see the Jones Lumber Co. for prices before buying. A. E. Osler& Co. 7 Melinda St ., Toronto, Ont. Investment Brokers THE JONES LUMBER AND COAL CO. COR YONfiE AND ARNOLD STS. Toronto Offices â€":Cnntinental I. Bldg. Cur Bay and Richmond gt. 'l‘unmtu. anch Ot‘ficvâ€"Rivlunnnd Ilill every \Vednesdny afternoon at Lilwrul Office. Licensed Auclinneors fur Town!” and the Counties uf York. Peel and Simcne Phone 950 Wuodhridge. \VILsusâ€"At Richmond «lay Feb., 22nd, 1921, U ,I. P. \Vilson a son. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. .\RLIsl.E~ln Richmond Hill, 1 runry, 21. 19.21. Annie Ash. wife \Vm. Garlisle, in her Glst, year. Ierment. in St. John’s cemet‘ Oak Hings, yestcyduy. Purchases Made on all Exchanges. J. K. MCEWEN Investments Government Bonds Bought and Sold. THE STERLING 5AM PERSONAL BANBIING SERV ICE The succcssful farmer to-day is a business man. And as such, he must be familiar with prevail- ing financial conditions. Through our policy of personally interesting ourâ€" selves in each customer, we offer you friendly advice and counsel in all matters of afinancial or investment nature. You will find our Manager glad to discuss mat- ters with you at any time. .3 Money tn Loim. Branches DEATHS BIRTHS unnnd Hill on Tues 1921, to Dr. and MI: Cnntinenlal Lifg Richmnnd Hill. meick. Ln um] Newtpn Blvuk. 1921 cemetel OF CANADA 5:? STANDARD BANK BABRISTEB. Soucrron, NOTARY ETC Tomntn Office. Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. N. C. shaver. RA. Peter Tnvlor. BA. E. W. Rhodes. BA. To]. Aiollid 6974 Richmond Hill 0mm) (‘ Liberal Office). every Thursday fm-mmnn. Maple, Thursday afternoon. VVnudln-Lâ€"lge, Saturday forenuon. Teac 1H nf Piano-Playing at the Tornnt." ()unservntory of Music and St. Mmgarwt'sz Collvg‘P. Richmond Hillâ€"VVeduesdays and Saturdays. Mnney to Luau at (Jul-rent Ran-1 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL THIS bank aims to encourage systematic saving. It also stands for distinct serviceâ€"no matter h0w large or how small your business. Our advice and counsel on financial matters is always at your service. (‘m'umissiunen (an'eyancer. Etc Shaver Taylor 45: Rhodes RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Cgpihl. Surplu and Undlvided Profit. 38.350.537.09. . EARLE N If VVTON J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC J. R. HERRINGTON. NANAGEH [Single copies, 3 cts WILLIAM COOK OF' CANADA Blrrllurs. Solicitors Nourlu. Etc. Service msing PIANIST THE Hamilton Tum; Bid: Rooms 3039-305 Opuosim City Hall 51 Queen St. Wu! Toronto Thm uhill No. 35 Evsniniza Manor Road North Toront u

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