Mr. Fred Kaolin, of Tux-onto, spvnt the weekend with his parents heru. Mrs. Lynns spent, Sntmdzly wilh friends in the city. Mr. Hmutledge has been on juryduly in the city during the past. two weeks. A south-bound Metropolitan czu- jumped the [rack just north of Schmu- herxz Jct., on Tuesday afternoon ut. No one was injured: them was slight damage done to the car and trucks. 3RD SUNDAY Ix LENTâ€"27th Feb. Evensong and Sermon 7 p. m. Sund‘ly School 8 p. m. Feast of St. Matthins 21th Feb. Wednesdunevening, March 2. 7.30 p. m. Conï¬rma'ion Class at the residence of Mr. Carter. 5. p. m. Thursday evenlng Uho‘ ‘ p1 The M-ruh meeting of the \V. (I. '1‘. U.. will he held :IL the hnme (rf Mrs. D. \Vatmn on Tuesday evening next, March lst ut 8 o‘clock. Emu-y Inemberis rvquusled to help plan for the cunning l'l'fvlf'lldllm campaign. The un-mlwmare also wade to must utlho hnme uf Mrs. McMnhun. tn- nmrrmv (Friday) evening at. 7.45. in urder to :n Innd the organization uxvet- ing of the Referendqu cmmuiltee tn helu‘ld in the. council chamber nt 8 o'clock. Evexy nmnbm- try and be present. Mr. J. A. Greenv. :urcmnpzmiml by Mr. F. Atkins In, calpenter. umboxed tn 'I‘hisllctmvn Saturday. and after ex~ auniuing the large skating rink, pur- ulmsml it. The link is 6(Jxl60 feet ice sul‘fucv, and six feeL uI-ound the sides fur speclntnrs. Alsn dressing: moms. The idea is u- Lnko it, down in sectinns. nnd have it erected in Richmond Hill. It will lm Iukon l)\'8l by the Village Council. or by .1 joint stuck company. Elder H. R. liaise, 0f Gnrmloy, :‘yfwroxlonding his trip tn Smilhrille. Manslivld. and Pavonia, Ohio. among his pmplo. knuwll as “Bwtln-on in 'Uhlist,†in the U. S. has again sufylv l‘l'llll'llf‘d honw. All nrgnnileil liu- Rufen-ndmu 18th of Ap‘ril Council Chumhv 8 o'clock. .‘ll‘. K nub to giw- [luv u 'l‘hv i-A-g'ulnr nweting of thb- Thornhill llux-liculmml Sunlety will hv hrld on Tuesday. March lst. :IL 8 p“ m. in Victoria Hall. Mr. Scott Manil', [)I'eaident uflhe‘Richmund Hill Society. will giro ll ttlk .111 ll)? plantingand ['Ml'd ut' Fruit Trees. Illustrated with lantern SliLil‘S: \‘lsllhl'S are \vt-lumnw. All fl ien t'ndvuwvl' I Inspocl :Itld't‘<‘ of [114' : Ihe so rhurch mum n Mis: Aglllm past \n-vk in 'I‘rc-n'nn wth Miss E'Illil Altmnlmu'. l3. ‘nnd Latin Tvnchel- in the H also in Bulk-ville u gumt, uf Vnspm' an old schuvl vhum MI“. and Mrs. .lnsvph Elliott n Bani" spent lhc wm-k-cnd with MI and Mrs. .luhn Elliwtt. (5 (:ul l‘ull “'0 I“ U)‘ l( Unl Io; Miss Umnl'ie Brown of Turnntn spent uverb‘undwy with Mus. T. F. McMahon. (-ml with l at, Mimia vvunix Mr. j. Reid wln Lhu thldnll “(A week w- ti‘ll davs Ron! I‘LL .19 chnngul hands sin LOH' plan-rly‘ rm and [lu- Uuuk JH'UIN Th0 0po- fm- w 51,: ui:l~ liiuhnmml Hill (:mupnun 4}) culls. mlim M r. \V. H The Book m Psalms} 10 cents and 20 -nuz :It The Libm-ul Stuue. M! Dru Er practice at the residence of Mr Hick, 8. n. m. Friday evening. \T. W. BUCKLEE. Priestâ€"in-Charge. St. Mary’s Church (Anglican lllHnLlll "[l‘l‘. all] md (-1 lul‘. of s nu Au same on :hnnl rn “an ith h ganimlion meeting l'c n-ndmn 10 [10 Luke! Ap'ril will he he OM l'HlL'l M ll) The Mia r he OAK RIDGISS ll] H] to h crly of cmmw Ll ll May] um- (luwn in lo: 5‘ Ann l Mnylv, v lwmo through Illaill. I): :Ilinlt, Public Sclloï¬l ‘ummn, will gave an unlin, shuwim, views Mummy evening in m (If [he Methudist d'yunugzu-e :lskeJ to the (Hat. PI‘ 1' Friday vvvning at t'ttleWr‘“ will he pres- ecvssm-y information. h-Inpumnco should Lthis meeting. mug B. A. Fl‘Pllt in the High Sch“. gumt of Mrs. (ll 1m], Is \‘il‘u MI Ill 1- th pvnt Ill 1]. Duncan inn :1 lrnstu Schuvl Src‘ nlu ' nu Ill. mum-1' cream Hts. Saturday Ilies on I'vlativutu ken on the held in the owning at mic me [In Stu-r1 Easl pr) Miss E. m Baptist look after spout the ht'l‘ sister, A. French s‘nlm-dn yâ€" cvnts; 6 uz. bur cream St-clinu “ding St 11‘ who illnes which Muyh hum l’e'W )ll jn. IIâ€"Maulicc I’nttnn. Tummy Unpe. Clayton Saul, \Valter Kt‘ndall. Ler Grant, Morris Bermwitz, Donald Tennyson. Teddy Bennett. Mlss ANDERSON, Teacher. Ropmt Room 3. In mdL-x- nf mr-rit : ISr. 11.-â€"â€"Lucy Savage (h). Raymond I Saul, (h), Grace Paris. (h), Fletl Saun- ders. (h), Marlion Kidd. Vol-1L Munis. jumes Lann‘statf. Domtlly Hick. Margaret. Plowman. Dunzl‘d Frishy, Grunt. Inncs. “'ill Keith, Ethel Kun- dull. l Jr. II. aâ€"W'illxelmine Kelnlwr, - (11), “’ill Newport. (1)), Agnes Rubinson, (h), Herbert Sharploss (h). Stanley .Puge. (h), Alicv Innes.(h). )InI-jorie Grainger, (h). Lavernn \Vrixht (b), Rosie \Vondhend (h). Murmur: Dunâ€" can. (ll). Hazel CledWell. Reta! Culllâ€" ,well. Lillian Burns. Lillian Pen-h. Jack Finch, Irene Deudman. Ian Hay. Arlhur Pund, Howuld Mnrlis. Jr. II. ‘nâ€"Bmtrice Culdwdl. Cecil Tuck, Vailes Nicholls, Mary Dun-y, Herbertu Baker. Ralph Muckie, Anna Phipps. Helen Brillinger. Rulth ’ Hunter. Henry Stanford. Violet Reid, lMarjorie \Vallis, Donald Pund, Nor- man Cook, Enoch Batty. Isabel San- . dcrson. Brrl Sanderson. EMILY CLARKE, Teacher. Names in order hf melit. JR. l (A)â€"Jnhn “'ilsr'n, Austin Tuck. Phillip Graham, Mildred Rand. Phyllis \Vllite. Mmlvy Sunndels. Claire Cook. Jack Graham, \Valler Ynunge. Mac ’l‘vnnyson, Elmmm‘ I)1ul~y, George Townsend, Elizabeth Rumble. JR. 1 (Blâ€"Gmlum Ellis. Jimmie Gruingcr. Alfie Stung. Margum'ite Thumpsun. Imlwl McLean, Nelda Duvâ€" is, Rpggie Rand, Kenneth Fl'is‘hy, \Villie Kendall, Jean Hull, Battlelt Smith. Arthur Leech. Domtlly quh, Chm-lie BPl'kOVllZ. \Villie Boyd. Jnhn- uie Blzylchurd. \Vynnie Gillings. bridge. Band. The uiï¬ciuting elm-52y at the public service in the hull wen: Bishop Sweeney. Rev. Provost, Muckiem. Trinity College. Rev. R. B. Patterson, and Rev. Cannon Dixon, and at the graveside in Christ Church cenwtory the funeral rites uf thr‘ Orange order were pelfcrmed by Em. C. A. Guru-1. G. \aniacu. M. H, for stb Yul-k, died of pneumonia in St. Michael’s Hospital Sunday umming. Decoas d was the videst, sun of the late “011.. N. Clarke \anlace, and was born in Ottawa 41 years ugn. He repl-osentl-d \Vest York fut the past 13 vvals. HE Clarke \Vullaco, and was born in Ottawa 41 years ugh. He. reproseutrd \Vest York fur the past 13 )‘cals. He was (-f a genial dispusitiun and was an ardent suppnrter Hf the Conservative party. The late CHPL. Wallace enlisted and did service in the Suuth African war in 1000. and was awarded :1 modal \Vlth lhree burs. ‘mpt‘. \anlum- was also prnmineut in the Orange Order nnd had been \Vnrshipful Muster uf L. 0. L.. No. 28. District Muster Hf Vaughan. and County Musteruf York. The funeral ‘uu Tuesday to Christ’s Church cemetery was In! gely attended. Among the many prmuinont, men who attended were Premier Meighen, Senator Sharpe. Hun. G. H. Fergugul, Hun. I. B. Lucas and hundreds uf others. The funeral curleze from his luhl farm residan mile in length, hw‘ bridge. Band. the yunng luglies and each having COI'PS. Mr. She \Villinms alsn mm! ing the splendid 1'; Bk'flll't' clusing a gramme u hwn ty ' tendered the musi Mr. ’1‘. E. Elliult, gvnuim church Hrumn lhrnnghnui (:hnil', cnnd Bv'ut‘Ly. an '1‘. H. ‘ m in Hun-mun) :m enterl (If the M p.1ny H18 )Cgling‘tpn 110m:- tvt MI A misz of MiSs M' lack 0t hnnmmy :IH'J CXlH'L‘SSiUII lhmnghnui the pmglummu. Thv chnil', conducted by \Vm-. Bl'n. F. H. Bv-ut‘Ly. and the orchestra. by Km. '1‘. H. Scott, wme ably assisted Ivy Miss .I. 1). Graham, vnuulist, and Miss S. McCartney, elucutinnist. each uf the yunng l;1_dies receiving banquets. nndeach [Lu-ins: tovlespnud to 91) cores. Mr. Sheulds and Mr. an 1mm man Affkl‘ alwvek’s illness Capt \Vuliacu, M. I’.. for W Mr. :11] "u hund s furnia H'L‘h 2m] Rithmond Hili Capt. Wallace Dead Idl My M. Mnsunh Orcheslr; :{inman u en’s Uluh. wu-ll mum lH‘S 1rd in A Mus , elucutinnist. each uf ies receiving banquets. ng Lo¢espnud to en Sheulds and Mr. Roy contributed 50103, sl1uw~ id range of their \‘uices. a very chellvnt pru- Ity \‘UU‘Uf Lhunks was nnsiuinnsun umlicn uf ult, seconded bv Rev. MAPLE Ill undr l‘m-sduy to Christ’s us hugely attended. )rnminont men who Premier Meighen, m. G. H. Forgugul, ms and hundrvds uf ul Curlege from his ce was more than :1 ilded by the \Vund- IUD School Report al Treat mu tbt of Toronto, {191- tlw nu Sun-ly the , as lhmc \ Zl( g ()ftlm \V,M lay at the In: Aftel' the In "naming, nfl ‘y Mrs. Ulivm h ling Chaplain. 'SPHI nuld shvxe Thomas m-vn Li w enlisted African 1 modal plum cum hi the the ht \ll |ll l PEN No. 2 PEN No. l.â€" [s Inador up Richmond St. Get More Winter Eggs BOOT AND SHOE REPMRER BOOT & SHOE REPAIRER PROMPT SERVIC E NEAT: WORK By misng Able sh‘uin good fur [5 maï¬a up nf selvclm] yam-ling hemsuf 0. A. (Y. strain. These birds have prnverl themsn-Ivrs lwuvy laym-s. Pm is headed by .‘l. Guild (220 rge: strain) Unckmcl. n specimen bird in H'Pry way. This Jmn -"‘r‘cinlly mated us :1 pullel Intending pen. Price prr <otling nf 13 ng> :10â€. 5'.) eggs $6.00. ls made up from the lmst pallets hred {mm my lust years pen of O. A. U. strnin birds. Pen headed by a Guild (2:20 ogg strain)Cuckerel. All pullr-ts in this pen commencml In lay when 6 to '7 mnnths old. Price per setting of 13 eggs $1.50 50 eggs $5.00. South of Shoe Factorv PCRE-BRED SINGLE COMB WHITE EGHORN COCKERELS FOR SALE. wt. George Bull A. ROLFE Patronage Solicited Prices Right DOMINION HOUSE RICHMOND HILL (side door ,) 4%?‘3V ‘1 WM. GREEN W. BOWMAN Stop 51 1-2 new stock fnmu a of Ball‘Pd Rooks. all purpose Breed c fan 33": a CODS QIDC the V ancc at any time. ‘ .errvva h tarp Richmond Hill when solme I‘l'll- The V011 Will the Ladies and Gents kindly take notice that i, have received my Spring Styles from Paris and am able to; go on with Spring Suits and Coats. It will be to your adâ€" vantage to order early, as Easter is in March, and you will? want your suit. 9 [Save Troughing. Furnace Sh \\'«- :ue nmv in .1 pusiliml (n wok at your needs in mory lino. :rf 1m wmk. and will he picnsed [0500] in xegurd to TEETZEL 8308.? 1‘14 142 \\': 99969 OONOOOOMNNNMWOOO 6Wâ€â€â€â€OOOOOOW~ Metal Roofing, Metal Fiding, Metal Garages, Etc. 'l'ariï¬'and Non Tariff Ratings and all Policies give the pro- tectionxhey are intended for and at the minimum rates. Get our rates before looking elsewhere. The Confederation Life A550- issues a new policy without medical examination for $1000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many good features, Ask for the pamphlet, which explains all. This should appeal to all married‘ men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the wife alsrn and costs nothing. No medical examination for the wife 13 required, . ublio N otio FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY Thanking you for last Season's Patronage. fflï¬ï¬ MERCHANT TAILOR RICHMOND HILL GC'teral Repair Work. xt to flu ARRIVED FROM PARIS ll)( P. G. SAVAGE & SON (113 0H; Imw E. R . FORTNER mice at the Post Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill Agent {or All kinds of lnsuranca nt MC 0 A L and YOU A car of Ebony Cube Cannei the very best cannel on the market and 21 ~ Car of No. 1 Pea Coal. Also a consignment of Firs“! Class Nut and Stove as good as ever came into this Village at a sub: Lantial reduction in price at the éEVMQE? friends